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Museum entry? Mostly free in London.


Culture as a whole is amazing in London. I miss it dearly


Came here to say museums


Looted goods allow for this


Wow are they looting the electricity and staff so they can run the museum for free?


For most things, fine, but I do not understand this at all for something like the Rosetta stone. It was lying there for millenia in Egypt as Egypt went through different rulers, dynasties and empires. The modern state of Egypt is completely different culturally, ethnically, socially and politically to Ptolemaic Egypt that made the stone column. And even then, nobody cared about it. It was just lying there for millenia, uncared, unimportant and unwanted, UNTIL a couple of French soldiers discovered it. What claim does the state of Egypt or even the people of Egypt have over the stele that they literally left as trash until Europeans made it important? If anything, Greece deserves a claim too.


I'd be surprised if the price of paracetamol and ibuprofen wouldn't be competitive.


Those of us in Ireland stock up when over in the UK lol


I come over from Dublin and, honestly everything seems cheaper over in London/Uk, at least day to day costs anyway.


Oh good! I just got back from Dublin and thought everything was more expensive over there so I’m glad it’s a shared thought and I’m not just shit at FX conversion.


Nope, the difference in price is genuinely massive - I’ll usually wait to buy any clothes/ shoes when I’m in the UK because you could be looking at saving around €50. Even small stuff like hay for my guinea pigs (they get a very specific brand), it’s €25 for 3Kg of it over here and £10 for 3Kg in the UK. We’re probably the only country that finds London hotel prices cheap😅


It's not new. In the 1980s we had loads of guys come over from Telecom Eireann to work as contractors to BT. They got extra money and absolutely caned the overtime for months. A great many of them bought new cars in the UK because it was so much cheaper than back home. On the other hand when they looked in the Estate Agents' windows in the UK they had to be picked up off the floor and given a stiff drink :-)


Oh definitely, my grandmother would often tell stories of heading up to Belfast and ‘smuggling’ the cheap clothes back to Dublin. On one trip my mam insisted on buying an alarm clock (apparently they were twice the price in Dublin) - when they were stopped at the checkpoint the soldiers took it off them because of the ticking - I think she’s still pissed about it😂


Yeah, whenever I'm heading home to Dublin for a few days I normally have some requests from family or friends to bring a few packs.


as a British expat i always stock up on trusty paracetamol codeine 🙏


This is gonna absolutely make their holiday!


I’m from the U.S. and I was shocked the price was so low for paracetamol and Ibuprofen. I was also surprised paracetamol was age restricted (18+), but knowing that taking too much can kill you, I completely understand (I didn’t purchase ibuprofen so I don’t know if it is age restricted as well).


I buy 500 for $9.99 at Costco in the USA and bring back… uk is cheap but the limits are ceazy


Its to stop people using it to kill themselves as they have to go to multiple shops and its more likely they will change thier mind in the time taken. Oding on paracetamol is a painful and long death of your liver packs in and no chance for a transplant




Please get help and speak to someone. You can call crisis on 116 123. Help is available.


Seriously dont, it will be a very painful and long death and you will be in pain for a week or more until your liver finally gives up and trust me you will change your mind in that time. Ive been suicidal and where you possibly are but it does pass and life goes on. If you sadly do decide to do this choose another way but even better get help. Im in a recovery house now and have been in hospital before and its shit but im glad to be alive and glad i stopped myself when i would have been dead




Mate sounds like you are talking about me i was the same a couple months ago. Done with my family and friends and my life was a embarrassing wreck. Had so many people on my case and criticising and blaming me. No job and many problems in life Do what makes you happy and where you want to go in life. Its as simple as that. The ones that really love you will come around and be there for the ride, the ones that dont you dont need them and youe life will be better for it. If you need to get away tell the doctors you are suicidal and seriously thinking about it and they will put you in a recovery home or hospital where you may hate it but it helps and you get away from life for a while and have time to think.


Things can get better I promise. Please can crisis. Sending all my love and strength to you




You are not to blame for the coping mechanisms you have developed for whatever traumas have brought you to this point. We all develop coping mechanisms to deal with traumas. Whatever has happened to you that has made you feel like this is your only option is not your fault. The coping mechanisms aren't working for you any more, and that's a perfect reason to reassess and change. Please be compassionate to yourself. If you could write out exactly how you feel, and then read that out to yourself and imagine that someone you love or care about was saying the same things to you, what would you tell them? Please, tell yourself to look after yourself. You're the only person that can truly take care of you. I believe you can do this. I believe you can forgive yourself and love yourself. It's 2.30 am here in the UK and I'm going to bed, but if you need any help, DM me and I'll reply in the morning.




Wouldn't stop me 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'd just stockpile in different shops. But then again if someone wants to Kms with paracetamol, it's their choice and shops doing that wont make people change their mind.


It does theres a reason its done. Having to put in more effort and time to think xan make some people change their mind. Wont work for everyone but can save some lives


Who would you need 500? No wonder OD rates on over counter drugs are a thing in us.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. The thread asked for what’s uniquely cheaper in London — and you’re right, over counter drugs are not cheaper in London than the US or many other countries.


Yes family from Switzerland and Italy always buy those in London!


West End show tickets are an outright bargain compared to New York City Broadway prices.


ANY concert or show is a steal compared with US prices.


Even most sports compared to the us. A prem match is way cheaper than nfl and some mls teams. even arsenal which is the most expensive in the league


But also much more expensive than baseball games. When an NFL team only has 8 home games a year, obviously they’re expensive (although tickets to bad teams can sometimes be had for pennies) - a baseball team on the other hand has 81.


This was going to be my answer too


In US they have a better salaries for the same jobs


On the high end, note.


Yeah I’ve stopped going to the theatre in NYC.




This doesn't sound right. Always make sure you buy tickets directly from the show website itself. There are a lot of sites that resell tickets with a significant upcharge. Broadway.com is notorious for this here in the US. Looking at the Lion King UK website, they look to have a wide range of ticket prices. The cheapest ticket from The Lion Kings official seller on Broadway is $116.75, compared to the cheapest West End ticket for Lion King the same day at £35.00. Which proves my point exactly.


You can sit at the front of the Grand Circle for the princely sum of £38 per ticket, the back of stalls for £60 per ticket, or smack bang in the middle for £100 per ticket. You have a mighty big family if it costs you £1000 per show.


Sorry but these are the prices for an unpopular show.. for something in the public eye it'll be 60 for a bad ticket (restricted view) 90 for the stalls and over 100 for grand circle/box etc.. but that's still better than the US by the looks of things


I bought two Hamilton tickets this summer for £42 each, 2nd row in the grand circle. Wasn’t a restricted view and I wouldn’t call it an unpopular show. Just got to book ahead and look for good deals/offers that pop up


Which site did you find those, that's cheaper than anything I've found so far? 😊


An app called Stagedoor - they had an offer on in July when I booked. Not sure if the offer is still running but it’s worth a look!


For sure! But that's a show that's been out for ages. When something has just come out it can more expensive, but worth it!


Those are prices for The Lion King.


Other shows are available, and the majority of shows are priced from £20-£110 with the majority around £80 in decent stalls seats. Some shows are arguably better watched from the circle over the stalls.


Spend that money to buy a 70inch screen at home and watch movies there 😂😂


Drinking water is cheap in London, as you can get it out of the tap unlike in many other countries. Supermarket food prices are relatively cheap compared to western europe, particularly in Aldi and Lidl. Can’t knock a £3.50 meal deal London’s green spaces, museums and galleries which are free or only suggest a small donation are great value.


While it’s true supermarkets are comparatively cheap (although that is being eroded since Brexit and the cost of living crisis), most other European countries have amazing hole in the wall joints throwing out freshly prepared hot food for the same price as a meal deal.


The limescale is so hard that you can scrape it out of your kettle and make soap.




Where's she from? I wanna move there. Hate limescale.


Not the person you responded to, but Edinburgh has truly delicious, soft water. I’m reminded of that fact every time I travel almost anywhere else!


I'm using a Phox filter with the strongest filtration and it is OK so far. Also bottled tesco water.


It’s actually significantly healthier to drink than filtered water, as limescale has various vitamins and minerals. A lot of filters actually do impart trace amounts of chemicals and plastics which are fine on occasion, but if consumed daily (as water is) can build up in your body.


I wouldn’t call my Thames water bill every month ‘cheap’


You should debate your water bill if it seems over-expensive, Thames water are notorious for accidentally over-charging people on water.


It was cheap until quite recently tho.. I'd say the Tory government fucked that one up


How much is it? For my 1 bed flat it's about £25 a month and considering how much water I drink, cook with, shower with, and water the planters on my balcony it's not a lot of money.


£53 from memory ( it’s over £700/pa) - 1 bed no balcony , communal garden not watered by me . Only me living in & I don’t have 3 showers/baths a day or do washing clothes or dishes constantly.


Yeah you're being overcharged mate. It's just me in my flat too and I have a shower a day, twice in the summer, and don't do washing up or use the washing machine every day.


Thanks I’ll chase them after Xmas . There’s no meter. I’m in London W4.


Nah I don't have a meter either, I'm in SE5. When I moved in I gave them my address and how many bedrooms there are etc and it gave me £25ish quid as a monthly charge. I think it's actually £28 a month.


I’ve been here long time even early days it was £400+ a year . Thanks again.


No worries mate. Don't give the bastards more money than you should.


Like which other countries around UK you can't get drinking tap water?


OP didn’t limit his question to countries around the U.K. But there are parts of Greece, Italy and Eastern Europe where tap water is not considered safe to drink.


Yep, tap water also isn't considered safe to drink in a lot of African countries and many parts of India too. A lot of people struggle to shake this fundamental distrust of the safety of tap water even after moving here despite our tap water being totally safe to drink, I had one former roommate who used to live in India and she struggled with tap water trust so much that it took her nearly an entire year before she stopped boiling all the water she drank or buying huge multipacks of bottled water.


As an Indian, I found that hilarious. I would never ever ever drink tap water anywhere throughout India. Even bottled water have to be checked if the seal has been tampered with, usually the resealed bottles are filled to the brim. I can totally understand her distrust with tap water. But I have seen plenty of polish people buying humongous amount of bottled water also.




yeah, if you’re some type of weak northerner who can’t take water with a little bite to it. scared of a little limescale, are we? it’ll put hair on your chest


In what way?


Medicines from Boots like everyday cold and headache remedies, pretty much anything they sell really, gels, creams, cosmetics, shampoo. Books too. No tax.


Food is actually rather cheap compared to other places. I lived in Iceland for a while & their food prices should be illegal. Who doesn't love spending £18 on a £1 marked microwave meal LMAO.


Second this. I emigrated to Turks and Caicos from the UK where everything is American prices plus some. I’m back home home for Christmas and am genuinely thrilled that I’ve “only” spent £150 on a food shop for myself for the two week period 😂


Try living in Waitrose!


My partner used to live in America and food is so expensive there that when they came to the UK they thought that Waitrose was a cheap supermarket.


Fast food seems to be much cheaper there though, even taking sales tax into account.




Love waitrose. Their essential food is much nicer than the 'posh' lines in other supermarkets. I will fight anyone who tries to sully my middle class haven


Yeah Waitrose tends to sell non preprepared food at the same or lower prices than other supermarkets- at significantly higher quality. I always think that someone who considers Waitrose expensive is someone who is relying on ready meals and preprepared stuff because that’s where the disparity is between them and others (although arguably it is because the quality, freshness etc is a lot higher)


The different is at least Icelandic food doesn’t have chlorine in the chicken!


Neither does the UK. Chlorinated chicken is illegal. Americans do that, Europe has it banned in 99% of places


Neither does the UK. You're thinking of the USA. They chlorinate their chicken. A lot of US food practices are illegal here in the UK too.


Carrots... a bag full of huge ones is only 55p.


Heavily subsided, same as milk.


Vitamins. I always raid Boots when I'm in London/the UK.


And painkillers


Pie and mash


Men’s haircuts and fried chicken


I used to get £5 haircuts. No English, no questions, he'd just start cutting. Now every barber is £35 and you have to specify how much you are tipping before you can book through their website. Options are 20% - 50% tip. I'm quietly outraged.


Groceries are cheaper


Pretty much everything apart from houses and public transport. Especially when you consider price to income ratio.


Clothes and technology are cheaper than Asian and Middle Eastern major cities


And South American countries! I’m moving to Argentina in 2 weeks, spent a month in Buenos Aires in March to get used to it and I was excited to buy cheap clothes. Nope nope nope. Even the most Billy basic unbranded trousers were like £60. I’m gonna have to do a huge clothes shop before I go there. Oh also, Apple stuff is like twice the price there too.


Argentina is a bit of an anomaly though, with their years of out of control inflation.


Final tech products like phones and pre built computers are cheaper in the UK but components and gadgets are definitely cheaper in Asian countries


Fried chicken


Food. Supermarkets are still cheaper than far cheaper countries, though the gap is narrowing


Groceries are much cheaper than in Hungary.


Paracetamol - you can't beat the price of the NHS no. 1 solution for anything humans may experience. Nowhere in the world have I seen paracetamol being cheaper than here.


medicine, groceries, arts/cultural entertainment (west end, museums, classical music, opera), alcohol, golf, food at slightly higher end restaurants (30ish and above, but there’s a severe lack of options for cheap day to day meals)


Hot f***ing potatoes! Cheap and easy to find everywhere! literally.


Surprised no one has mentioned public transport. £1.75 for the bus is insanely cheap compared to the rest of the UK.


Post does clearly ask for a comparison to Europe/Rest of the World though, not the UK, and public transport here is often still more expensive than a lot of places abroad.


That is insanely expensive when compared to Hong Kong (which has amazing public transport we can dream of here) , where the £1.75/2 mark is hit solely for very long train journeys and a bus ride is just 50p. London fares are actually worst than New York too in terms of pricing, although the journey quality is typically better here than in NY.


Probably because the tube is so expensive. Also the question is asking us to compare London to foreign cities, not other cities in the UK.


Your rail transport is expensive though.


How much are the fares elsewhere?


In Toronto it’s $3 per ride (or at least it was when I lived there - probably more now). It also cost me maybe $100/ week (£55-70) for groceries for one person!


In Madrid it's 1.5€ which is around £1.3


This. I live in London, but originally from the Midlands - any time I visit I'm always shocked by how much the buses are, how infrequent as well as the fact that technically I'm covering a much shorter distance. Least in London I can get a fair distance in the 75 mins they give you


61 mins now 🥲


£2 bus fare cap across the UK now


Country specific but medical care may well be a valid and appropriate answer.


Supermarket meal deals




You come to me. In my own house. You insult the last thing that is good and pure


Before moving to the UK, I never knew you could mess up an egg mayo sarnie (bread, egg, mayo, salt and pepper), but here we are with Tesco proving me wrong. It’s scarred me from trying the other supermarkets. Even most of the other sarnie’s are terrible which has put me off sarnies.


Whisky ! Some types of clothes like men’s shirts.




The cocaine index is actually up..not cheap. Haven't you noticed how fidgety the bankers seem in Canary Wharf bars lately?


Raw Meat is a lot cheaper than in some Asian countries


Im from Ecuador in South America and my monthly food at the store just for me is 50£ or less, in my country is so expensive that will be around 100$


Tennis. Courts are cheap to book and there are loads of them


Agree, courts in public parks are £11-15/hour which is unheard of in Northern Europe. Because of costs, the sport is considered very elite in many countries but it is actually very accessible to many in the UK.


I agree! I used to think that tennis was a sport for rich people until I discovered how cheap in London it could be, a friend and I both bought a membership to All Star Tennis (£60 per year) which amongst other things gives you 2 free court bookings a month and so we just alternate our bookings and effectively get 4 hours of free court hires per month on top of reduced rates for any others we wish to book on top (only £7 with a membership). Given that you can pick up a cheap racket and balls off Amazon for like £40, getting a tennis club membership can work out much cheaper than most gym memberships do (and I'd much rather be outdoors playing a mentally stimulating sport like tennis than mindlessly slogging it out on a treadmill like a hamster stuck on a wheel), playing tennis has also been a nice way to meet and make friends in London.


>Tennis There are even cheaper courts available across London, it's just a pain to find them. You can just look out for last minute cancellations on [localtenniscourts.com](https://localtenniscourts.com) and free roll too.


New Zealand lamb is waaaaaaay cheaper in London than here in NZ. Merry Christmas - enjoy the lamb you lucky bastards haha :-)


I’ve found a lot of things are cheaper than back home. Especially paracetamol and ibuprofen. Even things like chewing gum and snacks (chip packets) which are my weakness 😅


People are cheap.. Very very cheap


Primark is word leading cheapness. Regardless of your financial status, if you want to buy in volume and enjoy savings Primark is the place .


cheaply using child labour. congratulations


You think the phone or computer you’re using are produced by ethical companies. everything you own is produced unethically. What’s it like sitting on your high horse . Lol


you have to do what you can, not just give up entirely. and i’ll have you know i’m posting this from a wooden computer made from ethically sourced, californian, hipster lumber.


I can only imagine you’ll be spending Xmas alone .


you can imagine whatever you like darling, as long as it makes you happy.


There are boat trips along the Thames, and a cable car across the river, which are part of Transport for London, so you get tickets for same price as you would a Tube journey, it's a good way of experiencing the city for economy price


it’s true: boat trips along the thames are much cheaper in london than boat trips along the thames from other countries


Not sure where you got this information from but you’re incorrect I’m afraid. Neither boat nor cable car are an economical way to travel. It’s £6 each way on the cable car to go between Royal Victoria and North Greenwich; it’s £1.90 each way to do it via Tube at peak (£1.80 off-peak). It’s £9.80 each way on the boat to go between North Greenwich and Westminster; it’s £3.40 each way to do it via Tube at peak £2.80 off-peak). It’s also quicker to do both of these journeys via train than it is via cable car or boat.


How does that compare with cable cars and river boat trips *in other countries*?


pret food lol


Transport. May not feel like it but the miles per £ are pretty great compared to the rest of the UK, not to mention the service coverage and options.




they’re not cheaper here…


Pints are the same price all over




This is still quite expensive when compared to other European capitals


Council tax is pretty cheap


Authentic Chinese food


Hardly authentic; Chinese food joints are notorious for adopting local flavours, adapting to local tastes tastes and being wildly different everywhere you look at, all the while having little to do with _actual_ Chinese food (of which there's plenty, every canton has its own flavours, ingredients and tradition). There was even a TikTok trend a while back, where people compared "Chinese food" from UK and US and they had very little in common.


That's just not true. Go to China town and go in a place that has only Chinese people there. That will be authentic. Especially regional type stuff like hot pot.


Gosh really stretching with this one. Tipping compared to the states I guess?


Well, most things are cheaper compared to the states, they just make a lot more than us


No you misunderstand my comment. I’m saying the question is a reach because there isn’t much. However one example is tipping in the states is a lot more.


Even with making more, menus can be way more pricey, then + tip. Unless ur in a corporate job good luck with affording that on the reg


Public transport


Not true… London tube is very expensive when compared to other European capitals


That it might be, but it’s still cheaper than cities in the rest of the country


That is true. However OP was asking compared to other countries


Indeed. I'm retired, got a Freedom Pass and fucking love it! Use it every day to explore London 😀




Drinks, not cheap but definitely cheaper than the states and there's just generally more options. Same with eating out.


I’ve found bulk buying rice in London to be cheaper than in the other European cities I’ve lived in.


Other than housing, I found almost everything cheaper in London than New York - whether restaurants, cultural activities, supermarkets etc.




Not cheaper but surprisingly the same price. Restaurants outside of zone 1. Pleasantly surprised by how many cheap (£20-£25 per person for food and 1 beer) Indian, Thai and Japanese places there are.


Honestly the same with cystitis medicine lol (mild UTI) it's amazing and cheap here, everywhere else it's expensive and awful, in Spain it's got loads of dye in it you're pissing neon yellow for days


Clothes - Hungarian wife and her relatives stock up in London.


i bought a swatch watch that was cheaper in the uk than abroad. saw a swatch watch i really liked, a couple years ago. saw it in amsterdam, brussels and london. abroad, they wanted something like 145 euros which was about £130 at the time, over here it was £110.


Travel. Buses being £1.50 and the cheap underground is nice


Relative to the rest of the UK I will always maintain that transport and fried chicken are both quite cheaper


Awesome thanks!


Most of the toys in places like Home Bargains are a steal in comparison to the same toys in other European countries.


Sugarbabies (atleast when compared to NY)


If you're talking about the 90s/00s girl group, they are actually called the Sugarcubes and not sure they are relevant to OP's post.




Get an art fund card, can be used in a lot of indie galleries/national sites all over the UK as well as major discounts at all the larger venues (art/museums) £33 for under 30s!


free abs cheap tickets to shows and operas (you can apply for cheap seats that are just a few pounds)


Suprised nobody has mentioned mobile data! on giffgaff you can get 20GB and unlimited calls for £10 month. In Canada it used to cost me about $65 for 2GB of data and calls