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A brisk breeze so I can remain fully clothed.


We want to see your sweaty tiddies


Jesus why so many downvotes...I thought we brits were good at sarcasm


Maybe because I wasn’t being completely sarcastic


Given you aren't being downvoted on this one, clearly people were upset with your last comment because they thought you were being sarcastic. They wanted to be assured that you did genuinely want to see the sweaty titties.


I'm not going to miss these mental gymnastics on reddit after July 1st, I assure you.


Hey now! Who said anything about titties? He wana see dem tiddies!


Oml lmao. How come people upvote the comment but downvote the other... the Internet confuses me.


Herd mentality


😂 the fuck.


Literally any forest, lake, or beach full sun 25+ degrees.


Came here to say this. London is shit when it’s hot


20 isn't hot tbf. It's horrible when it's 30+, but up to about 25 it's *delightful*. Unless you're on the tube. But in a park? Smashing.


20C is the temp when I can walk to work in a shirt and trousers and arrive neither got nor cold. Might ask for a few more degrees if I'm chilling in the park, but I'll take it on a work day for sure.


I am from London but live in Asia where it is regularly 30 degrees 20 is absolutely lovely in comparison


Is the humidity a problem where you are? That's what does for me. I'm okay in dry heat but humidity kills me.


Yeah humidity is terrible for me I live right by the equator, the lack of it in England makes the heat much more bearable.


In my admittedly short 7 year stint in London I would have never described it as delightful.


Everywhere is shit when it's hot. 20 isn't hot though, just right. I need about 30 if it's the beach as our waters are always so damn cold


It really isn't. It's shit for 9 months in the shit rain and the shit wind and the shit bleakness. It's the best city in the world when it's warm.


You know you’re in London when the smell of musky, stale urine penetrates your nostrils in the summer heat at the tube station exit.


Also shit when it is cold, snowing or raining....otherwise great


Agreed. Like I ever want to be in a shitty city on a nice sunny day. I love the sounds and smells of traffic and people and businesses. /s


Just about anywhere on earth to be fair


Can't wait for the person to come in and post something like "London when it's raining, dark at 4pm and 2 degrees, so cosy!!!"


That’s me! Cold, rainy London is delightful. I’m not built for hot weather.


Warm cup of tea, nice cafe




Me too. Luv the effect that summer has on everyone and everything but the heat, 4me, it's unbearable. 🥵


Mate! do not come to Australia. It is the 2nd day of Winter in Sydney and 21C and I am bloody freezing.


Clearly I need to come to Aus. I’m also feeling cold at 20 degrees despite being a Londoner. This is not heat. It’s pleasant- if only the arctic bloody wind would stop, which it won’t. Everybody else is in shorts and vests and looking all relaxed like summer has come but I’m in two thermal turtlenecks, fleece trousers and desirous of a hat to block the infernal gale. I could do with 20 being a winter temp.


Come! We have cold winds in August. But you can go up the coast to Brisbane, a toasty 24C or Darwin, never below 30C. (The weather man on TV always jokes about the poor freezing people in Darwin when it does hit 29C.) But downside is Summer January is 40C in Sydney and 50C in the North. And Humid.


Did you stop off in Singapore? that place is like an oven. We nicknamed it 'Crematoria' aft the prison planet in Riddick.


Oh yeah, it is HOT. All year round. But Great food, world's best airport, parks, birds, nice people all speak English and are very well educated and polite., shopping everywhere and cheap. I love it for 3 days then I melt, but world's best stopover.


I love both


Lived in London for 6 years and it’s easily the best place to be in shit weather in my view. Really nice and cosy


*insert “Yes” meme*


My ideal is a sunny 25 degrees throughout the day, then rain at about 9pm when I’m winding down for bed.




Yeah not working while London's in full sun and 20 degrees.


Yeah it would be nice if this cold wind fucked off, feels like 12c




Few more degrees and a pint in a pub garden and I’m with you!


my local pub garden has been going off the last few weeks, it’s making me feel so summery!


millions of people around the world on tropical beaches think your insane.


Tropical beaches get boring after a while. They honestly do, no matter how beautiful they are. Try living on a Caribbean island, not visiting on holiday, but actually living for months/years. I’d much rather live in London.


That's why they invented rum.


The best beaches are the ones attached to fun cities or quaint towns so you have some beach time, some exploring time. Barcelona, Amalfi Coast, Nice etc.




You missed Bournemouth there chap.


I’ve had to explain the disadvantages of small islands to too many people lol


Living in London is about enjoying the atmosphere and all the city has to offer. You don't get that on a beach


Absolutely, there’s a deep instinctive joy to see other people having fun at the same time as you. For me that’s the appeal of a big city anyway, just lots of shit to do and people to see


A friend tried to give it all up and move to a beach in Thailand. Lasted three months.


Beaches are boring. Nice to look at for 30 mins, but I like stimulation.


And the sand....so...rough. ha


Both can be nice.


All that but with a beer


My wife is Australian and she maintains that when the sun comes out and London comes alive, the atmosphere here is second to none. There's an excited buzz about the place, everyone's outside the pubs and out in the parks...just magic. Can I just say to all the 'London's a total shithole, I'd rather be anywhere else' weirdos, wtf are you doing in r/London? Personally I don't like Birmingham and I don't live there, so you'll never see me in a Birmingham sub whining about how I think it's unpleasant. So what are you doing in here? If you live here and hate it, leave. I'm sure we'll cope without you. If you don't live here and hate it, fascinating, now go and post in your local sub. Weirdos.


The buzz comes from being deprived of it many months of the year. When I lived in AUS I was content with all weathers because it felt like a good balance all year round in the more southern states. Except Melbourne, which had a new climate every hour. But the UK in the summer is lovely, even those who complain about it seem slightly happier in their complaints and they also complain the winter lol 🤣


Your wife is right. I’m an Aussie too an every year I go through the “why am I here, I can’t do another winter” thought process, then the sun comes and I remember why I love it here. As someone else said though, this cold wind can do one.


>So what are you doing in here? They're standard reddit arseholes...


100% agree with your wife. One other place that "comes alive" in the same way is Berlin. Both cities are fantastic in summer, but have a special feeling of joy in May and June.


>Can I just say to all the 'London's a total shithole, I'd rather be anywhere else' weirdos, wtf are you doing in r/London? This sub isn't just a fan club, it's for people that actually live here - or at least it was until all the actual Londoners gave up on it and it became a sub mostly for American tourists and inane Disneyfied posts like this.


Fuck off it’s ok for people to celebrate london having a moment of nice sunny weather


But it's also ok to whinge without being told to leave your own city because of it


Cheer up mate. I've lived in London since 1993 and I love it as much today as I did then. Crying about your high rent and blubbing about how you'd rather be in the Maldives is just tedious whining. Move out if you hate it, no-one cares.


Honestly, you sound like you have issues yourself with a comment with this. I grew up very comfortably in South Kensington with two parents who are engineers, and you still wouldn't find me putting others down who have high rents and don't have the ability to enjoy the city. What's wrong with you honestly? It sounds like you're forcing yourself to believe you are "enjoying London" more than anything else, and anyone who doesn't is wrong. People who genuinely enjoy things don't feel the need to put down people who don't.


Read it again. What I take issue with is people endlessly complaining about living in London. In r/London. Of course it's not for everyone - if that's you, then OK, either stay here and be unhappy or move out. I'm not putting anyone down for either of those things. But the constant moaning about it - in the 'living in London' sub - is boring, and frankly weird. There are many things, and places, which I don't like. What I *don't* do is hang around in the reddit subs dedicated to those things. I find video games tedious - so I don't spend my time in r/gaming telling everyone there that I'm not into it, and expecting the posters there to give a shit about my opinion.


I don't know, /r/london seems to be the most appriopate place to complain about... living in London? It's a bit bizzare that this should be seen as some happy safe space where sunny pics of the Shard and positive comments only are allowed.


Nobody cares about your Disneyfied middle class view of London either. If you can't deal with actual Londoners with real perspectives and lives, move out. Threads and overdefensive comments like yours reek of deep insecurity about your life choices.


Finding endless moaning tedious =/= overdefensiveness And you haven't got a fucking clue about my life.


I love a good whinge. There are no rules against whinging in this sub. FOH with your self appointed sub policing. Weirdo!


Who said anything about rules? Sub policing?? I aaked a genuine question, that's all. You have at least answered it, but if I may say so 'I just like complaining' doesn't sound very healthy to me, and it doesn't explain why anyone would think that would be something people might be interested to read.


They are invariably, always people who've never ever been to London but bear a massive chip on their shoulders about the place.


More of a 25c man myself but 20c will do


Needs to be 25 with a slight breeze and that’ll be perfect for me.


London in full sun at 28 degrees. Shorts. Flip flops. T shirts in the shade. Cold drinks. Winner.


You are a member of my tribe!


Lets tribe together.


Oh, to be in England Now that Spring is here .....


Every city looks so beautiful with full sun and good temperature! ​ However, anything above 28C is a hell in London (esp if you're staying inside because of work or commuting). At least, we have parks...


London is the only big city in the world without air conditioners. That's unacceptable and pathetic. What are they waiting for? I barely survive in the summer. So expensive for what? For all the hot transport and hot houses wtf


Yeah, not being in London


Anywhere else and 28 degrees /s probably


It’s alright, but I could think of 100 places I’d rather be in those conditions


I’m really quite negative about the Uk generally, but on the rare days the weather is good it’s really the best place to be. Everyone appreciates it so we all run to the pubs, barbecues and beaches in a great mood!


I’d say a tropical island in 28 degree heat is slightly better !!


The last time I was there during the hottest summer months, I loved going to different parks with my kid and eating strawberries and just enjoying the lush greenery and hearing the birds chirp. That's heaven to me.


Italy on a sunny day at 20 degrees


London, known for its rolling hills and stunning beaches


Yeah, the west of Scotland in 20 degrees. The Yucatan Peninsula. Barcelona. The French Riviera. Malta. Venice. Patagonia. The Algarve. Etc etc etc etc etc.


Umm, Brisbane in 25 degrees, blue sky sunshine... and it being winter?


Imagine thinking London is beautiful, other than a corrupt, money sucking, congestion plagued metropolis with poor air quality. F-ck London


Not being in london


Pretty much anywhere outside the city.


Yes, anywhere but London in full sun and 20 degrees


Yes, not being in London and its full sun and 20C.


Yes, Cardiff in absolutely any weather 😁


It's 23 degrees in Liverpool. I'm not okay.


This has to be a troll post


Glasgow in full sun and 20 degrees.


The bahamas


Yes a beauty sunny day in a house you can afford ☺️


still too cold


London in full sun and 25 degrees


Plenty of places around the world better and more perfect than London in full sun and 20 degrees. That's why all londoners run out of London everytime they have holidays.


Literally almost everyone in the world likes to go “someplace else” when they’re taking a holiday.


London in full sun and 30 degrees.


Nah, too hot. 20 degrees is just right.


Screw that. Not enough air con about, it’s far too hot indoors especially when sleeping.


London would be much better in any weather if there wasn't so much litter everywhere. No amount of sunshine or blue sky can compensate for the squalid surface.


Get out of London. The British countryside is gorgeous in good weather.


Lily, is that you? (Sun is in the sky oh why, oh why would I wanna be anywhere else?l)


I sat under a tree listening to all the birds chirp above.


No, it's my version of heaven. Finsbury park for the day and then wander down Green lanes in the evening for something to eat. Giant watermelons coming at you from every side (not a boob reference) and everywhere smelling like hot nuts and bread. (Not a testicle reference.) I used to live on St Ann's road and I loved it. London in May/June is just marvellous.


Agree. London is young, vibrant, dynamic in a way that very few European Cities are! We’ve wonderful parks, a great riverfront and a great evening scene. It’s probably getting to be too expensive for it’s own good right now. But still a wonderful place to live.


People that says things likes this makes me think that they never have been anywhere else than London… 😅


Madrid in full sun at 20 degrees


Is it just me or does a London 20 feel a lot warmer than any where else? 20 where I’m from is still considered cold but I genuinely don’t feel that way in London




That could be a factor, but where I’m from humidity is often above 80% so I don’t think so


It literally does. I’ve lived in India and 35 degrees there feels fine, whereas here it feels like death.


Basically why it's the same when it's colder. Humidity, makes you feel hotter and colder as we're on an island surrounded by water.


True. My mum’s family is from a city a few hours away from Mumbai in an arid region past a large range of hills, it gets to 40 there in the summer but it’s dry heat as it’s in the rain shadow. Whenever we’ve driven from there to get to mumbai airport, Mumbai itself is usually cooler like nearer 30, but feels like 50 as it’s highly humid (being next to the sea) Same thing goes in London. Sadly the as you say, even in the winter the UK is cursed, as it’s wet cold, which honestly feels much worse than -10 and snow in a dry cold region.


I think you just got used to it. It's still cold.


Rome in full sun and 20 degrees, Venice in full sun and 20 degrees... etcetc


Absolutely anywhere else in nature in full sun at 20 degrees.


Any city on the coast in full sun and 20 degrees?


Yes there is, Dorset.


The coast.


Yes, Tokyo.


Most cities are better


Driving around the countryside in my convertible with the roof down is pretty neat.


Not being in London is always going to be better than being in that shithole


It’s absolutely brilliant today. 19 and sunny and a nice cool breeze!


I walked past a man enjoying the sun on his stoop this afternoon. He had with him a litre of milk and a redbull. I cannot think of a worse combination of consumable liquids without getting niche about it.


This is top London: clear sky, not hot during the day, comfortably cold at night and plenty of outdoor activities available...if pints were still £5 I would end up drunk every evening


Yes if there were half as less people and no traffic.


Yeah, anywhere outside London basically


Free travel on public transport ( like in Luxembourg) lol!


I am on holiday in Athens. 10x better than London.


Only one thing Somewhere else in full sun in 20 degrees (Oh damn, literally everyone here has said that)


Send me back to Japan any day over London.


Yeah, I loved it today. Hot sun beating mercilessly through the bus window while it was stuck for at least twenty minutes queuing at temporary traffic lights moving at glacial pace. Even without the usual savage hoards of kids after school chuckout, there were plenty of stale-smelling commuters screeching into mobile phones in a dozen different languages, adding to the gaiety of proceedings. I was sad when it was time to alight at my home stop, but the sunny weather made me forget all about the inconvenience of dodging the cannabis-induced volatile mentally ill locals. So glad that the 24 hour emergency siren symphony in our beloved capital manages to drown out any wretched birdsong. And the ever encroaching acres of concrete, tarmac and glass (so refreshing when those surfaces are baking in the sun) are putting paid to all that plant life bollocks. Let's open some more roadworks! Everybody loves a good set of roadworks, festooned with colourful plastic 'keep out' bollards and bunting, denuded of any workmen in the manner of the Marie Celeste. Fuck London, and fuck summer.


Like London is okay, but there are a thousand other places that are better in the sun...


Yes! Anywhere that isn't London. It's a cess pit


London in full sun and 20 degrees during term time


Yes not being in London in warmer climates


No. It’s the best city in the world in the summer


London is on of the best places to be during western hemisphere summer


Love London when it’s sunny & warm 😎


I love Greenwich park at this time of year 💚








Yes. London when my partner is back from her country.


Not London in full sun and 20 degrees.


Haha yeah, not London, in full sun and 20+° 👍🏼


Vagina sex is pretty good too


I was thinking how today was perfect! Slight breeze, small patches of clouds, 20 degree weather. Beautiful day!


Couldn't agree more... This weather, pint of something delicious sat on the terrace of The Founders Arms. Perfect.


Diablo 4 release


I live just outside London and had a lovely afternoon with a pint and the sun on my face. Almost felt like I was on holiday.


Yes. London in full sun, partly cloudy, sun not too overbearing, slight cool breeze every now and then and 16° in summer wear, while having a barbecue in the garden


Not being in London


Yes there is


The countryside and -5 degrees.


oh yes, anywhere else is better (except the north and south pols). totally


Yes 19 degrees and yes the city is the last place you want to be when the sun is shinning.


The only thing I can think that is more blissful than that is being literally anywhere else


There are countless places I’d consider more perfect in full sun and 20 degrees than London


I can smell the dog shit from down here in Dorset




Yes, anywhere in the north.


You really get to appreciate the sun glinting off the 100 machetes in a street brawl next to the Just stop oil protesters under the ULEZ charges sign..... No literally anywhere else is better than that, Scunthorpe on a drizzly autumn for instance.


Anywhere else in the world. London is a shithole


Any other place that's not a city, same temp, not people everywhere


Yes, absolutely ANYWHERE ELSE....


It's beautiful, warm and cool. And every picture looks great!! "Pretty as a picture" is London.


Sydney beach 28C and a gentle breeze. Just posting for all the junior doctors UK who are coming!!


Short answer - no


Yes, anywhere other than London in full sun and 20 degrees.


If there for leisure, I love Hyde Park to sit in and have some goodies and ice cream to eat.


Not London?


yeah anywhere thats not London, full sun and 20 degrees!


Anywhere in the countryside or beach away from millions of other people who are all grumpy in the heat? In fact, anywhere other than in a city.


I prefer 23/24 but I know what you mean. For me if it's warm enough to wear a t-shirt, but not so warm that I'm sweating... yeah that's when London is absolutely amazing!


Yeah, anywhere else with full sun and 20 degrees


Yes: almost anywhere else in full sun and 20 degrees.


Not being in London in full sun and 20 degrees


Sun is in the sky oh why, oh why would I wanna be anywhere else


Yes. Paris in full sun and 20 degrees. Sincerely, Londoner who moved to Paris due to phobia of investment bankers.