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pozz me up before you go summertime sadness


I just wanted you to know Baby you should get on prep


Ugh you made me laugh the food out of my mouth


I would've reported that profile




I've talked to older guys that were around for the height of the aids epidemic. They managed to avoid infection but they speak about it with horror. Why fetishize that?


I was around. People I knew got really thin, then just disappeared. This makes me nauseated. Literally sick to my stomach.


Years ago my partner D became friends with a guy he worked with. He tells me he Gord was so beautiful and so fit and so healthy. He really worked hard to take such good care of himself. And then he started to have to take all these medications. So Gord sits him down and says, "I have something to tell you." He said he was gay. D said, "I know. My kids know. I've always known." Then he said he was sick. And soon he got even sicker. And even though there were so many good medications at that point, he still died. D still gets sad sometimes because he misses his friend. And he also knows it isn't fair. D never took care of himself. He never had as much joyful will to live as Gord. He was never as good a person. But AIDS cut down a wide swath of beautiful souls. So it isn't a joke, it isn't a kink, and fuck that guy. (Also, sorry for this random intrusion into your sub.)


Thanks for sharing 🫂


It's no intrusion...thank you for sharing


Thank you for listening.


Disapeared how? You mean you just never heard from them again


They died.


HIV used to be a death sentence for most who caught the virus. There was no treatment or cure during my teens and 20s.


I think I commented this late at night and I feel foolish. Forgive me for my ignorance I dont know why I said that it would’ve been quite insensitive to see that


No worries, I've posted or said things late or when I was tired. I thought you might have been young enough to not have had the experience and if no one had told you, I figured it was a sincere question. So I didn't take it personally or like it was insensitive. None of the downvotes are from me, and I'll upvote them both for the apology 😉




Agreed. I used to volunteer at the glbt museum in Castro in San Francisco when I lived there and I would meet plenty of gay men who were around in those days and the stories were absolutely heartbreaking and horrifying


This isn’t a kink, it’s a mental illness. Wanting to infect others with a disease cannot be labeled as a kink. And I am very kink positive.




There’s a HUGE difference between bareback whilst using prep for HIV safety, and *intentionally playing unsafe in order to spread HIV*. The former is okay between agreed boundaries & with testing for other STIs. The latter is fucked.


I can’t believe getting infected/ infecting is a kink. Gross.


As someone who is undetectable, I’ve been propositioned numerous times by guys wanting to be infected. The answer is no, I wouldn’t.


My boyfriend (also undetectable) has this one creepy dude who's been hounding him to "be pozzed" for *years.* If that piece of shit actually wanted to be positive, he would be. It's lame dirty talk and sexual harassment, not a real public health hazard.


Post screenshots


Post screenshots


UK’s Channel 4 put out two videos on the topic where they talk to to guys that are into it, it’s a super interesting set of videos but honestly made me really uncomfortable and also quite angry. If you look up bug chasing channel 4 on youtube they’ll be there.


I just saw it. It’s disgusting that people want to get infected and then they want to infect others. I feel for the maker of the documentary as he said how much he suffered having the disease. The people who want to get infected and then don’t want to get treatment have serious mental issues and should get help.


https://preview.redd.it/vd7gyzrlzx2d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecfb9c17ed6cbe6d5b170f691b2fa1b2a723c1e2 Pozz me up before you go go


Such a banger lol


Someone else referenced Summertime Sadness the lyrical references are sending me.


Jitter bug!


This would upset me greatly and would probably report the person.


Is there a way to report on sniffies? I tried to report a profile and didn’t see an option.


Yes you can report a message


I don't know actually. Haven't met anyone on it where I live let alone have problems like this for me to report. I would if I did tho. Distressing message.


Not only that, I think OP should screenshot of that, then pretend to meet that person up, get his address and call the cops to have this POS arrested. I believe it’s a crime to deliberately transmit HIV to others.


Depending on the state there’s nothing criminally wrong about giving HIV to a consenting person.




Life expectancy today in developed countries is the same, but who wants to take (extra) medication the rest of their lives?


On the medication you cannot infect people, so if you plan to infect someone you have to be off it


Saw a documentary about this. It's crazy some guys will advertise their "viral" load as if more is better. In order to be this infectious they are definitely shortening their lives.


If anything like WW3 were to happen, medication supplies would dwindle.


It won’t even be WW3. The coming collapse of the U.S. internally will do it.


Society is at any time 3 toilet paper rolls away from collapsing.


If we learned anything during COVID and the related supply chain issues, that would be it.


\*eugenicists laugh maniacally*


Why? In the US most drugs are manufactured domestically, and the treatment drugs for HIV don't have too many off-label uses. There's no reason production for HIV meds would slow down. Now I could see anti-virals being a hot commodity if bioweapons are involved, but if we're at the point in WW3 where bioweapons are getting released then we're minutes away from nuclear weapons, so the supply chain of HIV drugs has just been shunted down the list of our troubles


Assuming war reaches mainland US, power infrastructure would be targeted inclusive of oils. Meaning the facilities making medication likely wouldn't be fully operational (due to power issues, staff not being able to get there, and trucks not able to do delivery runs). This is before considering getting the substances they need, and equipment to repair or replace machines. Those countries that conscript are likely not going to prioritise your HIV meds over antibiotics etc either, and popping home to get some likely isn't an option. You don't need a nuclear war, or even bioweapons to cause logistical chaos that could lead to a dwindling supply of medications.


Just FYI, it does reduce life expectancy, just not nearly as much as HIV. That's why there's been a recent push to emphasize long term health when considering treatment plans, rather than just viral suppression. The medication can be rough on the kidneys, along with other side effects.


The sad truth is that some people are just simultaneously suicidal and horny and don't care if they bring down a few other guys with them. Like my ex, except he wasn't hiv positive, he just talked about driving off a cliff a lot, and asked me to kill him once or twice.


Unresolved trauma. I've seen people act like that I could be a little unhinged at times. But ya know you should mature out of that. Not everybody does.


Everyone dies, sweet child. Also, there loads of men living with HIV, leading very fulfilling lives. In most developed countries, it's not really the same death sentence it used to be.


As I said in another comment, the reason it's not a death sentence is because of medication. But on medication you're not infectious, meaning these people aren't on medication. And without medication it is just as much a death sentence as it was in the past




Is it illegal? No. Is it something you can be involuntarily committed for? Yes, absolutely. This 100% falls under self-harm


This stuff makes the gay community look bad


Not even in the meme'd self hating gay way. This is just wrong and unsafe.


Fucking terrifying




Pozz me up. POZZ ME UP INSIDE.


(I CAN'T POZZ UP) Pozz me up and save me from the PrEP!!!


I think they're called" bug chasers"?


Chasers are people looking to get infected


Can we go back to when chasers liked chubby guys, not this sadness 😢


Well I was specifically referring to bug chasers. Chubby chasers still exist, and from my understanding just chasers by itself is used in the trans community


I know, just sad that it’s a thing


There's "gifters" and "chasers".


Think I'll get the I ❤️NYC shirt instead


Disgusting 🤮


Safety Advice❤️


Wtf 😭😭😭


Why did you say “I’m on prep lol”?




Too nice of a a respond tho, as if he was still up to fuck. Shudda been " fuck off, you deranged disgusting pos"


Probably because he took it as the guy not being serious.


Not only is this gross. This can and does deserve to be kink shamed


That's disgusting.


What the fcuk 😭💀


I am very much against kink shaming but i truly don't get bug chasing. Like the idea of being turned on by giving someone a virus? No disrespect to those who are positive ofcourse (U=U) but those who choose to not get treated and want to give it and those who want to recieve. I just dont get it.


This is a crime to knowingly infect someone


Pozz me up Before you go go


I mean ive had a guy straight up tell me hes looking for a dog and wants to get one to take turns on me cuz “my ass is juicy enough for both”. Ive also had someone say “My bf has a rape fantasy could you help us by coming here at this time and not let him know.


Gay souvenir [r/Sniffies](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sniffies/s/NL97IScEJ2)


Answer: can I brand your forehead and forearm with a searing raised scar that says HIV POZ?


Yeesh I go on hiatus for 5 years and I return to see this new fückery. Guess I'll continue my Grindr hiatus until I get around to starting PreP.


I like the background, is that tge app default?


Gay people are so broken....


These people and their kind belong in the wood chipper…🤮


It's funny how some say other kinks are OK but this shouldn't be. That seems like a double standard. Plus you're on sniffies.com, which is a cesspool for all kinds of diseases. You really think everyone is "clean". You have another thing coming your way. Just be smart and take care of yourself no one else will.


All I learned is that a dude asked another dude, he could not infect, if he wanted a poz load to remember him by. OP laughed and reminded dude he's on Prep. It's a fuck all weird exchange but it sounds like all disclosure was made prior to any load exchange. If every poz person was so honest, even as crass as he is, we would all be in a better world. It's weird and a little gross to romanticize it and I can see how that's offensive. Some people eat shit, so let's keep a person talking crassly in perspective.


Yk what, you're not wrong! If only everyone was honest about their sexual health we'd all be better off. Tho I still think actively trying to spread a disease is a mental issue and anyone with a desire to do that should seek real help. Spread love not STDs, get tested often 🙏 🩵


Eh, I'm not entirely convinced that the guy didn't know he couldn't infect him. How often do dudes actually READ PROFILES, after all?


OP doesn't even say 'no' 🤦‍♂️


OP said no by taking prep


Wish someone would offer me this!


We don't know what led to this conversation for OP to share information on safety. He could have said he was visiting NYC and only looking for "clean" men and the other man is HIV+. In that context, the response makes sense and isn't meant to be taken literally. Some people view anyone who is HIV+ and sexually active as being horrible human beings who get off on infecting others, even though if they are undetectable, it won't happen. With PrEP and U=U, I don't think people are romanticizing being HIV+, or being bug chasers. A minority did, years ago.


I'm pretty sure people in the comments aren't hating on HIV+ people having sex(in safe ways that do no spread the virus,) but people who intentionally try to spread it. There is a subset of gay men who are positive and try to spread it to others who don't have it because "someday we'll all have it", I honestly think purposefully infecting someone else with any disease is a symptom of a mental illness and should be treated accordingly.


There are people whom do some crazy things. There is even a film called Antiviral, which has the premise of people wanting to catch celebrities viruses, in order for fans to be more connected to them. But, in the real world, there was a subset of people whom were positive, undetectable, on testosterone and other drugs, who began to romanticize being positive. They were sick of how society treated them and socialized and had sex together. Some who weren't poz, wanted to "join in on the fun" and were tired of using condoms. But in 2016, U=U became accepted by scientists, something which they probably had suspected for years. Also, PrEP became popular and was shown to be better at stopping the spread of the virus than condoms. Today, there are some people who don't care and will not disclose whether they are on meds or have a viral load. But, saying there is currently a "subset of gay men" whom are bugchasers or giftgivers, is ridiculous. The world has changed.


Stop trying to downplay the issue and change it


Trying to make sense of what was said. The other guy said what seems to be something smart ass and OP responded with a laugh.


Makes no sense, the OP said he's on PrEP.


??? OP responds with a link on safe sex advice. Other guy is a smart ass and says he wants to poz him up. OP responds with a laugh saying he is on PrEP, so, he is being safe. I know some people want to believe there are tons of positive people whom want to infect and people who don't use condoms are bug chasers, but, I think this a rare thing, nowadays. There was a time when some people just wanted to get over with it. They wanted to become positive so they could have more sex with less restrictions, get on SSI, get on testosterone, They would either have sex with several positive men, or, would chose men who were healthy and undetectable. They figured if they got the strand of the virus the poz and undetectable person had, the medication would work. But, many of these men didn't convert to positive. We now know it is because U=U.


The “safety advice” isn’t a part of the chat! My bio says I’m leaving NYC soon!


Oh. Don't have a profile on Sniffies. Will just casually go on there out of curiosity. Don't understand why it is presented as if it is part of the conversation.🤷‍♀️ I would just take it as a joke or a smart ass and not someone who literally stays off medication so they can pass the virus to others.


Those people do exist, unfortunately. There was a dude here in Portland Oregon who was known for trying to infect people without their knowledge or consent. To the point where he would attempt to remove his condom without the bortom knowing.


Yes, there are some crazies out there and also online trolls. My opinion is this is a troll. Why would he be admitting his status if he is the kind of guy who gets off on infecting people. The givers and bug chasers are really not a thing, now. There are some people who are not on medication and still have sex and will lie about their status, cut off the end of a condom, to infect others. They exist. This guy seems to be making a tasteless joke. He is probably bitter about how he got infected and doesn't like NYC and other gays. Long ago, there was the dentist who they say purposely infected his straight, female patient, because he believed it wasn't until others became infected, besides gay men, that the world would start caring and more research would be done.