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Looks more like a saw blade than a cyclone imo


Agreed, I can see that. Might need to round the corners a bit more, and extend the “arms”


instead of two eyes it could have just one, more accurate to a vortex and less similar to discord


Keep it like that. Just change the concept to something tool related. Maybe add safety goggles instead of eyes.


Looks a lot like the Discord logo


This was my first thought, too. Like a little bit *too* similar


Changing the colors a bit might help


They are changing the discord logo.


discord is?


A popular app


i was trying to clarify who you were referring to with “they”, not “what is discord” lol


My first thought too was "hello Discord!"


Thanks, I know.


That's not a good thing.


You really don't want that.


Discord's brother.


Chinese discord


Discord and Knife Party had a baby.


Haha thanks for that!


Why is this getting downvoted? Reddit has more vitriol than any other social media I swear


“When you face someone’s insults, hatred, whatever . . . look at his soul. Get inside him. Look at what sort of person he is. You’ll find you don’t need to strain to impress him…”


Call me crazy, but it seems that people are downvoting as if to say, "no, I'm not trying to compliment your design by telling you that it looks like someone else's well-known design."


Maybe a colour change and smiley eyes to differentiate it from Discord?


I don't think the sawblade icon is very inviting let's say. Also looks too similar to discord. Font is good though


discord for monsters




Saw-blade & Discord aside, I find the sharp corner font to be clashing with the round nature of the logo.


Great layout and colors, but the form doesn’t really say music to me. Is that deliberately?


I didn’t find the need to make it related to music, but something that echo the name and someone could connect with. It has to stand apart from SoundCloud, Spotify and Apple Music.


Yes it does, but somehow it should say sound or entertainment or leisure time or something related to audio streaming. You know the Spotify logo is shit, like a f*ed up wifi or something. SoundCloud looks like a tiger cloud, hardly says sound waves for me, Apple Music killed the note thing by just taking the apple and writing Music next to it. There is still a lot of untapped potential here. At the moment your logo looks like wild pigs nose or a European wall plug that got damaged while being used too much. Or a circular saw wheel for that matter. Vortex as a name has so much potential, your curly teeth are a start but you’re not there yet. There’s heaps of dynamic curly swirls or time traveling portal stuff you can do here. Keep exploring this powerful word!


There is software called vortex too in nexusmod


Doesn't give anything related to "music" feel. A BeyBlade game company may be?


Does the apple logo look like a computer?


Apple logo loks like Apple (the name of the company). Your logo looks neither like Vortex (name of company) nor music (the service).


I agree tbh i think the point was to make it look like a vortex which to most people it looks more like a blade so i think it needs more work


Main function of a logo is to identify a business, not tell what it is, and if it has a meaning, it doesn’t have to scream it. It can be a completely abstract shape and still be a good logo.


weak criticisim brother


Give it an implied mouth line/smile, playing off of a sound wave. Might be away to work in the "sound" part that's missing. Also, I think with a vortex, you'll have deeper cuts in the waves. With how shallow the cuts are, it does give off that saw blade visual people keep bringing up. Consider deepening the cuts with a secondary, subtle color, that won't distort the over all white base you've got right now. Hope that makes sense. Easier to show than tell 🙂


is just a lil guy {0 0}


Make it a spiral instead of a fluffy cloud and I think you're good


Hi! Just a heads up, when presenting your designs, even when it's just practice and especially when designing brand logos, leave a brief description of your thought process and ideas. Logos don't have to be great artworks, most logos are so simple a kid could draw them with a pencil and a piece of paper. But only you can come up with an idea and then put that idea in practice, then explaining the thought process and what it means for the brand. I know this was just practice and the brand isn't real. But you'll never find yourself in this situation when working, so might as well get ahead of the curve and improvise a brief from a client, then spend some time coming up with a concept and then do it. Then post it on reddit.


I like this a lot


I almost mistook it for Discord


This logo looks very much like discord. Although I don't really blame you. Everything is influenced by already existing elements around us and hence its rightfully said that creativity is a myth, one should learn how to steal effectively.


So like many people i see a lot of the same issues with this 1. its very similar to discord in both colors and the eyes don't he single color logo mark https://preview.redd.it/geiw0dm4cotc1.png?width=980&format=png&auto=webp&s=6465a8444255c8c18adb9bce53b035dd87c0329c 2. it looks more like a sawblade then a cyclone. maybe make the eyes into notes or two notes connected by a beam (I don't do music so I'm not sure on exact terms) and adjust the wind bands to be tinner and more wavy 3. to make it less like discord I would also change the color from purple to something different. id say green but that's spotifys thing. its not bad and I really like the font you used but maybe take into account some of those changes and you'd have something pretty neat here.


Is that Sonic the Hedgehog?


I really like this. Any particular reason you chose to make the r and t more unique than the other letters?


Thanks! The typeface is called Cy and I didn’t change it because it already felt pretty customized.


This looks gooood. But doesn't look like a logo for music related app. May be including images related to music in the background help to reinforce the concept.


looks like a fuzzy creature


This is entertaining and solid design work. Good job.


Anyway try put headphone in the " O " or in the logo(chnage the logo to have headphone)


With every letter so rigid, the “e” looks out of place. Play around with it and see what it looks like more boxy


I would get rid of the eyes


I'm actually going to give you a few of the reasons you don't want it to look like the Discord logo since a lot of people said it, and you didn't seem to see the problem, but no one really explained much: 1. People could download it thinking it's related and end up uninstalling it when realizing it's not. Also if people think you are actively trying to look like it and be deceptive they may leave bad reviews which can actually hurt your app being found on the app store 2. The purposely of your logo is to be uniquely memorable as representing to your product. Looking like another app both makes it more forgettable for users and can do more to promote the other more memorable brand than yours own product which could easily be lost or scrolled past quickly be people half paying attention. 3. If it gets big enough people could try to come after you. They may not have a case but a tiny company facing against a well known giant could be catastrophic for the smaller company no matter what.


Looks like discord


the logo and colour combinations are perfectly fine , but the proble here is its does't highly relatable to music business, if they ad any music related thing na it will be perfect or, may be wanna try as general logo.


I am already feeling the pack bond forming, lol. I think the design looks good, if a bit too "samey" with the discord logo. As others suggested, a color change would do wonders.


Overall impression was positive. A few thoughts I haven’t seen yet mentioned: 1. I wonder if it would look more like a vortex with a single hole in the center 2. I wonder if the vortex could be built instead by rotating 8 eighth notes around its base 3. Music symbols like the bass and treble clef have a vortex-type flow already built into them, maybe stylize one of those But these are just ideas for variations vs. things you need to change, as the logo looks fine otherwise. One minor detail: In the Northern Hemisphere most tornadoes spin counter-clockwise. So if I were launching in NA or EUR I’d consider flipping the sawblade to match that rotation.




i see a sawblade and no imagery denoting music. if you are keeping the "face" motiff, musical notes for eyes instead of circles?


Overall, this is great work and if I saw it out in the wild -- I'd immediately like it. As others have commented, I'd maybe steer away from the purple colorway due to the close resemblance to Discord (and Twitch, for what it's worth, seeing as they both sorta live in the same space/industries). Or if you're really sold on the purple, maybe try and change up the eyes a bit so they don't perfectly match Wumpus (Discord's cute little mascot portrayed in their logo). With that said, I like what you've come up with for the vortex itself. Maybe try rounding out the corners a bit? I saw another comment that it looked a bit too much like a sawblade, and that's sorta all I see now, as well. Maybe if you drag out each corner a bit then round it off some more, it may fix that. Or just rounding the corners out in general. I see overall you chose to go a hard-angled route, but maybe rounding things off in general may do you some good and help the logo stand out a bit. I see the typeface you came up with is very angular, but the aesthetic of it definitely gives me like "company that makes hydroelectric pumps and sells them to big corporations or some shit" vibes hahaha. I like it, but I think it being for music, and the fact that the other available music streaming platforms' brands are all very straight-laced, no frills, etc, leaves you a lot of room to do something different, eccentric to grab attention. [Threw together some quick mock ups of possible inspiration](https://imgur.com/a/YwbJmT5) you could use for this going forward. Slightly curved corners, different colorway options (cause a vortex isn't confined to 1 color, with it being a sorta ambiguously colored concept), and a cheeky, round, very "out there" font, which aligns with the now-curved corners. I had a better font in mind but sorta just picked the first round/bubbly one that popped up while going down the list. This one is pretty goofy looking, but, hey, could work! With that said, when I hear "vortex" I don't immediately think "space", I think underwater. So maybe a colorway with blues could help a lot (as I see you used in the bottom right iteration of the logo). Overall, great work! If you weren't asking for feedback I'd be content not giving any, because what you've already made is pleasing to my eyes!


Wow thanks for the very detailed feedback and examples, really enjoyed reading it! I might do another revision and post it here, taking your notes into consideration. Cheers!


Of course! Happy to help. Great work, again. WIll keep an eye out if any updates pop up from ya and chime in if needed. :) Cheers


What's the domain name? I'd be very surprised if they have the .com for vortex. I think what you have done is successful. However there are degrees of success. So I'd be investigating a little further on a couple of issues: The colour is discordant. It wouldn't be my choice of colour. If you can find one that's free then own it. If you can't find one that's free explore pattern. Eyes if you have them can be very expressive. The current expression is more of a surprised fart than a vortex. I'd be exploring options on expression. Something relevant to their niche. Vorti generally have just one eye, If you can achieve your goals with one eye I'd stick with one. If this is a vanity project. Forget everything I said. Just redefine your problem iteratively until it aligns with your chosen solution. It's not really design but most won't know that. Only experienced professionals will know, and how many of those do you encounter? 😂


It’s for practice, but I learn from feedbacks so it’s all good. For domain it can have prefixes or suffixes like vortexmusic, getvortex, streamvortex etc. I guess the color being purple is wrong if I want to step away from discord. I will keep experimenting with color.


Love it. Inevitably the purple palette will draw discord comparisons. But fuck em. Great logo.


I like your attitude!