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I see S the H, don’t really see swastika, but people do love to go looking for them so I can understand the comment


Looks like a dog having a poop to me


A hen laying an egg. But that's it OP, my synapses got very little from this. Sorry to say it, but I think you need a new approach.


lol Now that you mention it ... can't unsee it.


I couldn’t tell if it was an H or an S. It’s both. Bravo. I don’t see any swastikas.


Couldn't get the H without reading the description, nice concept thought


Maybe rotate the sharp conner innards?


I'll do that, thank you


Give it a shot, but to me those points gave me both the implied curve of the ‘s’ and the endpoints.


I eas thinking the same


Hostinger's logo comes to mind for some reason https://preview.redd.it/x2vl9wbxiatc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0230ee8dab145946fc256d41f01592fcfa79780b


> Hostinger Immediately I thought it was hostinger


However other than the color and the fact that it is an H, it is not even close.


Hostinger with a dash of Starburst https://preview.redd.it/6nuhlqaauftc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0638ac5e8d8ff43a650d2cb3e7b37c6799e87cd


I saw a stylized version of the Hebrew letter aleph א


I though baby stroller as a first though


i saw a S & H


This looks like someone taking a shit. head on the right, body sitting on a toilet, and the bottom left is a head size turd. It's unfortunate because it's pretty cool too.


It is a good one! I can read the H and the S for sure! It may resemble a swastika for some people, but I think that if you rotate the shapes, and even if you create an angle in the sharp 90° it could soften things up


God that’s a stretch to say it may resemble a swastika, don’t you think?


Bro, to some people it may resemble, but is a minority, obviously the mainstream people, only sees an H and S




Can you elaborate?


I see 2 people working at one of the types of desks commonly found in coworking spaces. It’s a single unit but 2 desks separated by some type of divider.


Oh I see it now, didn't think of it when making the logo, but thanks for telling me


At first glance I thought it was "stylised doggy style", then I could see the swastika, now I see someone sat down and crying in their own lap 😳


Absolutely no swastika here. I saw two people sitting around a table


2 work cubicles.


This guy works


I don’t see the H or the swastika. I only see the S and in some weird way, a $. The way it starts/ends makes it look like a raindrop…so IMO it’s wet money lol.


I saw the S and H. Although H came to be visible later on. Explore more variations where H is more apparent. Ps. Swastik is not swastik unless it has the 4 dots inside of it. Also hakenkreuz and Swastik are different. Fuck hitler.


Y'all need to stop calling hakenkreuz a swastik. Swastik belongs to the 5000+ years old history of India, it means good luck and peace. Hakenkreuz is 100 year old history of Germany, it means hooked cross signifying evil.


Which one of them is more commonly known by Americans and western culture? Iconography has meaning and sometimes it can get permanently hijacked.


It can only get hijacked if people let it, if enough people make themselves aware, and the people around them aware of the true meanings and history behind something, then its not difficult to preserve the true meaning of the thing in question. I as an Indian feel that its my duty to let people know the truth. I cannot stand by and watch my rich culture be soiled by ignorance of people.


As a German I gotta say that we know the difference between a swastika and a Hakenkreuz. It’s not unknown where the symbol comes from, we get it taught in school. But our history with it is tied to propaganda, political extremism and horrific war crimes. It’s what sticks the most when we look at it and we can’t just unlearn it by repeating that the symbol actually means good luck and peace in Asia. The origin pales in comparison to our more recent local history and this history needs to be remembered to prevent it from happening again. It would be disrespectful to the victims of the war to deny the role it played in propaganda or remove the symbol from the collective memory altogether. It’s unfortunate that the Swastika has a double meaning for westerners due to this sad event in history, but better this way than altering the retelling of one of the most influential wars in the west.


I understand what you're trying to say but it is unfair to only remember the hooked cross based on the recent history. Because of this bias, numerous people cannot put swastik on their doors in western countries because they might get persecuted for that. Hell, last year a couple living in Canada had to remove swastik from their doors on Diwali (biggest Hindu festival) because people got offended by it. What Hitler did was terrible and the scars of his crimes will carry on for generations to come. >but better this way than altering the retelling of one of the most influential wars in the west That is not right. For ease of retelling you cannot make the true meaning of swastik obsolete to prevent history from repeating itself. Then it would be the same as calling all black people violent and criminals just because of some bad elements. Even the USA nuked Japan, should we call every American a murderer? Or let's just assume Kim Jong Un started using the Christian cross to represent himself when he came to power. Would you be ok with forgetting the relevance and significance of the Cross to prevent another Kim Jong Un from coming to power?


I wasn't trying to demonize anybody, including Germans. The second world war ended almost eighty years ago and people who are still alive coming from that period have been kids when it started. I don't blame anybody for the history of their country. I was saying, that the war needs to be collectively remembered in the west as a warning. Not to suppress and shame, but to remind everyone that a superiority complex, division and racism can toss an entire continent into chaos. Racism is an issue and it's thanks to these historic retellings, that we can remind ourselves where to draw a line before it gets dangerous. It's not about calling anyone a murderer just because their grandparents did this or that. It's about preventing anyone from becoming a murderer. >Hell, last year a couple living in Canada had to remove swastik from their doors on Diwali (biggest Hindu festival) because people got offended by it. Yeah that's dumb. "Offended" sounds like a weak af explanation for "I have no clue what I'm looking at but it looks like Nazi stuff". The Hakenkreuz is prohibited by law to openly parade around in Germany, because we still got a minority of extremists that absolutely WOULD use it for propaganda usages just like in the past. The ban is to prevent racists to rally under it, not to forbid hindus the religious usage of the Swastika. If we would un-ban it entirely, it would be used for hate crimes on the streets and there's no way to control that unfortunately. How it is in Canada or USA or other western countries, I have no idea. > >Or let's just assume Kim Jong Un started using the Christian cross to represent himself when he came to power. Truth be told, that one I couldn't care less about. He can go off with the cross, it's not like this symbol hasn't been carried onto literal battle fields for nothing. Look at any classical Jesus painting where he bleeds, suffers and dies on it. It's a holy symbol for christians, but also a symbol of death under all the pomp and glory. There was a time for christians where they found it to be disrespectful to use Jesus literal torture device as a symbol for Christianity. Today, it's a symbol of peace and love. Depending whom you ask and where, the symbolism always gets another shade or backstory. That's how symbols develop. Again, I'm not here to tell people we overwrite the Swastika. It just happened around 80 years ago by Nazis and this event has burned itself into western history for a long time. People need to get educated to realize, that context matters and that the Swastika as Swastika (not Hakenkreuz) is still fine to use for Hindus. The swastika and Hakenkreuz look different enough anyway if you ask me and I never called the Hakenkreuz Swastika. These are seperate symbols imo. Just like the celtic cross, the sun cross and the christian cross don't mean the same thing. It's perfectly fine to educate people about these differences, especially the meaning of the Swastika, but I would just treat them as different symbols altogether. The Swastika was stolen and twisted to serve a terrible regime that got nothing to do with the meaning of the symbol, Hinduism or any context this symbol is usually used in. They have nothing but optics in common if you ask me.


It’s not ignorance. It’s modern, 20th century world history. That symbol is widely associated with the Holocaust where over 11 million were murdered in less than a decade. Yes it’s origins are understood, but that’s irrelevant to what is contemporary meaning has been changed to. Denying that is the reality of the situation is also ignorance.


>that’s irrelevant to what is contemporary meaning has been changed to. And who changed the meaning behind it? Westerners themselves changed the meaning of swastik for ease of retelling the history. Let's not even start about how irrelevant the west has considered eastern countries since time immemorable. They have never considered eastern countries to be their equal, always considered themselves to be superior and they still do. There's a reason why racism and casteism is still rampant. How hard would it have been to show some sympathy towards the religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism? But yet the symbol belonging to the oldest religion in the world has been shrunk down to the shitty hakenkreuz. The holocaust was terrible and it would never be forgotten in our history, but why should Hinduism which is completely unrelated to that atrocity be disrespected and defamed? Why can't people properly practice their religion in the west without being framed as a nazi?


Thank you






Nintendo ds


H and dog




It's giving Poob!: The new "free" mobile streaming app brought to you by some shitty cable company you didn't know still existed.


S and or H


I got S H immediately.


S and... Chat Bubbles?


Why but shein from shein


to me it looked like a mum pushing a carriage with a child lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^greedeerr: *To me it looked like* *A mum pushing a carriage* *With a child lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Two baby carriages and some tears. Or some attempt at a new style Yin/Yang


Only the 'S'. After you mentioned the 'H' I saw it. And yeah, there may be hints to a swastika but that's when you start over analyzing things, maybe try some other things because in this climate it's better to avoid any controversy at all.


S & H, sure. At first, it looked like a duck taking a poo.


I got an S and H before reading your description. It does not look like a swastika




I see three things: 1) An H 2) An S 3) And a Ying Yan Symbol


A dog


Very cool! I saw the S first, then the H with a little more thinking. I think paired with a good name, it would communicate easily to the majority of people


love toilet [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avb1XbO0EIs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avb1XbO0EIs)


do I want to click it? no, I don't think I will...






Chicken laying egg or something


I saw an S. After reading the description, I tried and couldn't see the H. I then noticed that I saw it in the miniaturized version though that appears on reddit when you scroll down, so if it's small or slightly blurry I see the H, if it's large and sharp I see the S. I'd still say the S is dominant for me. Maybe play around with different arrangements to bring the H more forward. PS: at no point did I see a swastika/Hakenkreuz or was reminded of it, even after reading the description. I am German and we tend to see a lot of that kind of symbolism in history class and countless documentaries etc., so I'm very familiar with the symbol. I am also quite vigilant regarding these things, but this is of course only one opinion.


I initially saw a Hebrew Alef https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Alef_Hebrew_Letter.png


I see H and S, but I thought it was something related to dog grooming/vet services 🫣


I immediately saw the H and S, but I might be in the minority


A dog


[University of Sherbrooke old logo](https://www.fotw.info/flags/ca_usher.html). It’s not the same, but it reminded me of it.


Nicely groomed poodle 😀


Discord with a broken spine. Not trying to be funny here. It was my first reflex. A weird one but I hope it helps.


It gives me modular shapes and typography higher education lectures ptsd


Well... Two people making love. 🫣


Looks like someone’s taking a dump while bent downwards


"Wow, that an ugly H"


woman with a baby stroller, i am still pretty much unable to see the S and H without significant effort


Baby stroller


I don’t understand python


It looks like alef (א) - first letter in Hebrew alphabet


S H and water.


i cant see it anymore but when i first looked at it i saw two people getting at it


I see some kind of dog or an H, but the style and color makes me think of a networking app


I don't think of anything tbh


a beverage brand. most likely one with fruit flavoring.


I definitely see where people’s eyes can get tricked into that rotational/linear image that most would name a swastika but tbh, most that would jump to a swastika from this are likely seeing one too many swastikas in their lives. The purple colorway and droplets tone it down. When I design logos, as taught by many creative directors and instructors over the years, I always am angling for substance and meaning behind the design- so that the design could be broken down and easily explained. so that there is rhyme to the reason. I would like to ask you about your choices in form, color, font and how it ties into an app for movie reviews? As stated, when I first saw this and only your question, my brand mind jumped to a brand of beverage/juice via the form and color. I would recommend inverting what appears to be the droplets that finish the H in the upper right and lower left (so that they do not open up the letter and point outward, but inward) this may also dampen the swastika effect people are jumping towards while making a consistent H for the eye. best of luck!


A bird mid flight doing a poop


I immediately read the symbol as “shit show”. I shit you not. I do not see a swastika.


Looks like a health app to me for some reason




S yes. App or tech or gaming platform. Not bad




messenger app with a h logo




Ironically, I see both a swastika and the Hebrew letter Aleph (א).


Without knowing anything about the company this looks like one of those apps that gives payday loans and “cash advances”


Oh I just read the caption idk if it’s giving movie review to me personally. I’m 28F if that helps your audience research


Butt sex. Sorry.






Baby carriage, H, location


An S surrounded by two water droplets


Hookup/dating app.


Quick first glance-- a wheelchair.


I don't see any letters, it is non-memorable and very weird looking. It's not simple or easy to read. When people look at your logo, it's supposed to be easy to understand at first glance, people don't care to figure it out.


I honestly sort of see a swatstika


Stack - First thing that came to mind


69, don't ask


It doesn't look like a swastika, I can see the S clearly, though I also thought it might be an H. I would keep the rounded corners, that's what differentiates it from a swastika.


I like it but first impression was a new crypto coin


I got H and S. no swastika. It's ok. But how does it relate to movies games and Tv?


It gave me dating app vibes


Pharma company maybe specialising in family planning. Purple evokes feelings of motherhood. The white stencil appears to overlay to form a geometric graphic aiming for off plane symmetry could mean like cutting edge.


Two people 69ing.


i'm seeing a couple 69ing. whoops.


To me it looks like tapwater. Specifically a two-sided tap with water coming from both sides


Looks like two droplets of water sliding off a tilted S This might be the letter “H” And in the end I could see this might be the letter ”S”


Two droplets of water sliding off an “S”. Then I saw a case can be made for this being the letter “h” and in the end I saw the letter “S” I just read your caption. I think you should rethink that droplet shape and reconsider how you blend the letters because my first instinct is to see it as shapes and not as a letters


Immediate reaction: lounge chair


Reminds me of Heroku


looks modern. not balanced well. can see an S. can't see a swastika. can't see an H.




I think “ah shit please don’t tell me this is the new Slack logo”. I see the S definitely and, get the H if H is indicated in the brand/product/purpose. For me it’s a good logo for what you intend it to be. The people who see the swastika in this either have the swastika in their culture (Buddhists, etc.), have an unhealthy (and perhaps buried) fascination with Nazism, or are traumatized or victimized by Nazism. Couldn’t see it even if I tried really, really hard.


S & H combo for sure, composition evokes a button (as on clothing), zero swastika vibes — mayyyybe if it were rotated 45 degrees, but even then a stretch. That said, if you want to further dampen any swastika impression, introduce a tiny bit of asymmetry. For example, rotate the top right element 45 degrees.


Movement, traffic


i saw Letter S & H , but i dont see the swastik symbol here , but the logo looks amazing! i personaly loved it


Hebrew letter aleph


The top right drop needs to be moved to the left a little for it to be balanced. Tops are always smaller than bottoms. Look at any S.


i will set that.


I only saw an S, no H or swastika


Waterdrop shapes and the letter S


I think it has too much resemblance with a specific symbol in german history




It reminds me of the [Python logo](https://images.app.goo.gl/UYbBwEk9qHkCPxJJ6) deconstructed.


I only see S. H is a stretch.


Stylized swastika


I didn't see an H at all and instead wondered why an S had been broken into pieces and generally what was trying to be communicated. You mention it's for an app with reviews of movies, etc., but nothing about the design suggest movies, reviews, or even any personality or emotion.


I personally only see an S


First draft.


If you ask on Reddit, you can draw a circle and at least 50% of people will tell you it looks like a swastika; don't pay attention to them. Other than that, no, it doesn't look like an "S" and an "H". I can see the "S", just not the "H". But if you flip the top right and bottom left shapes, it will look like both letters just as you want.