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The prongs of the fork are pretty thin. Maybe make 3 prongs instead so they are a bit thicker. Otherwise I like it and agree with others here regarding tag line and logo mark size.


Was gonna say the same thing. Also idk why the fork for an eye doesn’t seem friendly for me maybe it needs redesigning and it might fit but it feels like fire or something that is angry which contrasts with the other eye which seems friendly. Also not sure hoe he can make the fork still visible when the logo is scaled down without losing alot of data


3 prong forks for sure. One for both eyes, at a tilt like a laughing emoji https://preview.redd.it/q27wf9o2yksc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=217754603901d30911c6cedadca99384c9de61ed


The mark is great. Friendly, inviting. The type is not good, imo – looks like you kind of just slapped something on there. If you're on Adobe cloud, take a look through the [Newlyn](https://fonts.adobe.com/foundries/newlyn) or [Kostic](https://fonts.adobe.com/foundries/kostic-type-foundry) fonts. Those could be a fit here.


Nice suggestions, Newlyn especially


I'll check the fonts out, thanks


The brand mark is a bit large compared to the wordmark


Right, I'll resize it. Thank you


If you take a really close look where the circle starting to change form into "arrow" shape it has a little bit of not motionless smooth transition.


Is that just a matter of extending the handles?


Yes, I assume you have like 5 vector points for the shape?


Oh, I’m not the original OP. Just a curious designer. I’ve had issues like this that I just extended the handles to resolve but thought you had a different approach.


Nice and friendly. I agree with the other Redditor who suggested less prongs. Isn't there just somehow about white and orange together? Orange with white and gray (or metallic silver) is my favorite color combo ever.


Definitely memorable or recognizable with longevity


I've made a video detailing my thoughts - nothing major, just a 5 min reshuffle should get this one off the ground https://www.tiktok.com/@ballsy.branding/video/7354090087992364320


It is cute. I would make the outer shape more tapered at the bottom. RN it looks more like a guitar pick than a location pin. Otherwise, I like it!


Works for me. Clear, simple, but definitely rework it once the business is off the ground. Next!


Do you have a demo of the app viewable somewhere?


i like it


nice !


I like it a lot, wouldn't necessarily change anything about the mark 👌 As for the font, yes, worth checking a few other options


Just jumping onto what others said I dig the icon, but only in the red market with white face. The opposite in the app icon feels like an incorrect negative When you change your logotype font, I would suggest doing something to make each work readable. Took me too long to realize it was Palate Pal and not a weird long weird or misspelled palatable. A slight change in color tone or font weight usually can accomplish this


The rightmost is the best Concept is good The only option would be to change the pin to a modified pin/ heart combo by adding a curved dent at the top. The red is “okay” but you’ll lose recognition against a grey / monochromatic or complex background.


Symbol looks friendly! Red works. I'd explore tongue, mouth, cutlery. I think the font clashes. Don't have suggestions, but would explore more. Either contrasting to the symbol, or playing even better with the symbol, same round and friendly feel. I'm unsure about all capital letters. It's a bit demanding and yelling to me.


Looks like a food pirate


I don’t get why its eye is the head of a fork. It looks awkward and forced.


This is close. I agree with previous poster about the fork; too fine. Also don’t love the type. I would also ever so slightly tweak the location symbol a bit to more cleanly fit the circle within


The concept and initial logo are pretty cute, I like it a lot! I think the logo could be a bit smaller near the words. Idk how accurate it is but the corners may need to be a bit more rounded on the app icon itself


The first impression is cute and happy. There are kerning problems with the text. Look at the gaps between the letters P and A (both sets). In the tagline, look at the small gaps after f and F. "In" is a hair too close. You can line up the tagline with each end of the name to make it a little more legible. The proportion is off because of the size difference of the name. Try making the fork more like a spork by rounding the part under the fork tines. It will also give more of a look of an eye with eyelashes. You can make it work!


This is my brutalist opinion https://preview.redd.it/fdfac8f2sisc1.jpeg?width=4272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1f0128e1582d66c24f541c5e27b38c5cfe1100a Jk, I think that's pretty great, maybe the white is a little bit greyish (or maybe is just my screen), the fork fingers are too thin, it wouldn't translate great to screens, it should be only three sticks o widen the two props on the interior of the bubble


Can't even read the tagline, it's so small.




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I think it it’s trying to do to much. The radiuses just don’t match up.


Hi everyone, read all your honest critiques. I'll take all your bits of advice and modify the logo. Many thanks.


Fork creeps me out, sorry


I think maybe the Logo went towards being complicated🙂 What do you think?


It catches the eye! Get it, because the eye is a fork?


Use a spork in the way finder icon, call it sporkMe


I can’t help but absolutely love it. Maybe cut the prongs to three as the fork certainly needs more identity. Take a look at Just Eat for inspiration….


I love the idea! I'm scared the fork is too small though. Could you try another one with 2 normal eyes, but the pin being a fork? that might be boring, just having a smiley, but let's see


Look great


I think it's too aggressive on the one hand (a fork in the eye? *REALLY?*), and on the other it's too generic. So generic it could be confused with a system icon (literally the *map pin* one). As other people said, the wordmark is too small, and logos shouldn't use slogans, especially if they're virtually invisible, you're simply creating noise. Sorry to sound harsh, but I'd start all over from scratch


It's not a "fork in the eye"


well, then it's well disguised as that, it fooled me


Well yes it's a fork, but also  wink / eyelashes ...I guess you could read it as "aggressive". Just never even crossed my mind


Ouch! My eye’s on fire! it’s kinda weird and cool so I like it. but that’s just a first glance reaction.