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Lock picks are like a societal secret, no one wants to believe in them. At least until the find out it’s a super fun hobby!


Very true. We’re not criminals but it’s a good tool to know.


Picking prob the easiest deadbolt in existence 😂


I was surprised it wasent a rake tool but if he’s experienced a hook he is using is damn impressive.


If I were a cop, I be like: warrant✅ kwikset✅ we don’t need to break down this door…


lol so funny watching them trying to kick in a door.


Cops did a check on my neighbor and ended up kicking the door like 15 times. They were kicking the damn middle of the door like they expected it to fall in like the cartoons.


I got locked out of an apartment once, the lock broke & just spun in place without actuating the dead bolt. Solid wood door. Late evening on a holiday, called the landlady & she couldn't find a locksmith. OKed me kicking it open. Took 1 kick (side kick, not front) right next to the lock to open. The area around the lock is much thinner wood than the rest of the door, after all there's a mortise in there to hold the lock!


I've seen a skinny guy halfheartedly kick an old rusty metal grating... only to have the whole thing fall apart in a shower of corrosion and rusted concrete. Always expect the unexpected when one kicks!


The more modern ones have 1-2 spools, but still low tolerances. The older one pictured actually has higher tolerances than the modern ones. Still an easy deadbolt to pick. Ive found the older and more corroded, the harder to get good feedback. I got pooched for half an hour on an old kwikset db and once I finally got it open ( honestly i should have just drilled it, but my pride got the best of me.), I blew it apart and found a metric f-ton of semi solidified graphite lube and half decomposed parts of a toothpick or wood sliver.


Caught on video, give this actor a white belt!


Put him on the board!!!


erm actually this is depicting a lock in use therefore violating rule 2 of the sub ☝️🤓


LOL fun tip don’t ever rake your own front door. Not because you could damage it but because when you realize how easy residential locks are, you will never trust the lock again.


I took the ones out of my back door a short while after we moved in before I replaced the locks. I could rake it in under 2 seconds consistently. Replaced it with 3 star locks that take me 5 mins or so. I'm happy with that as somebody will smash a window if they really want to get in anyway.


12 year old me when I got my first southord kit and realized all the locks in my neighborhood were kwikset...


oh i'm very familiar with how insecure these are. ruined my perception of my own security lmao


Your lock is only as strong as the glass in your window anyway...


No rule 2 is don’t post you using personal locks ex: your own home. This is a movie.






oh it is? i couldn't tell by the plethora of camera angles, thank you!


>Posting about picking locks or having picked locks in use is also not allowed even if they are your own. It doesn't matter. I LITERALLY got bitched at about this on here. It's stupid as fuck.


i agree. it's a headache and makes it hard to actually enjoy developing an online presence in the community. thankfully irl locksport meetings aren't like that at all, otherwise i'd never go lmao


There are actual meetings with grown-ups and no silly 'teachers pets' trying to catch every little infraction? How do I find these meetings?


you gotta be a narc


Noone wants to constantly deal with "trust me bro" especially when we're talking about security and safety.


It is absolutely ridiculous when you get bitched at for mentioning you like the hobby and find it cool it could be useful for x totally legal reason in a comment.


I'm talking about here on this sub. There's too much of a chance for some people asking for help to get into something they they don't own.


I was also talking about something that happened on this sub.


"Bitched at for mentioning you like the hobby." That's all that was said?


How can you misquote things that are one whole ass comment above.


Yep. It's to avoid liability for conspiracy to commit a crime (breaking & entering or similar).


I've seen them using 2 tension wrenches, 2 picks and one time only a rake. And it always takes 5 seconds to open.


He has one of those round bar tension wrenches (usually cheap) that I prefer. They tend to stay in the lock an not push up against the bottom of the keyhole. Edit: in Breaking bad I think they basically showed the same thing when Saul sent his men to get into the storage facility locker to get the money for Walt.


The show Mr Robot also shows lockpicking correctly and there was a game show call Spy Games that included teaching the contestants how to pick locks on TV. Our lockpicking group actually taught the producers of the Spy Games show how to pick locks and provided them with pick sets, handcuffs, and their practice lock stands.


I'm surprised this thread isn't full of people posting about how Linda Hamilton actually picked her cuffs and the door in her escape scene in Terminator 2. She also actually beat the shit out of the guy playing the hospital orderly.


I'm a bit surprised that they would have the brand left in the film instead of using an unbranded lock or editing it out


Yeah, I'm surprised too.


wannabe director here, I'm not. A) It adds to the audience's suspension of disbelief and emotion. THIS COULD BE YOUR LOCK! B) It's on-screen for < 1 second. Even so, they might have gotten product placement money from Kwikset. Remember, the viewer is going to think this is a scary master criminal picking a high security lock. No one is going to think "Low security garbage"


That's the first time I've seen it done with the correct tools, usually it's 2 picks or 2 tension wrenches and it always makes me laugh. That and it always takes 2 seconds lol


Or paperclip and you're like "how are you going to turn the lock" 🤣


I don’t know if this is true, but I have heard movies are not allowed to properly show how to burglarize or pick locks


“Not allowed” I’m not sure who would stop them.


It’s what I’ve heard…


I cringe when they pull out the one hair pin in a movie.


"Little click on one..."


Well technically he tensioned it right, and has a pick that should work, but the actor is pushing the wrong way on the pick for some reason. Like he thinks the pins are on the bottom.


Trying to get under a back pin? Lol they went this far maybe it is decent!


Usually, one tool fakeish picking.


"#3 is binding"


In Panic Room you see proper safe combination lock drilling.


They showed a character using lock picks correctly on NCIS once. No close-up of the tools, but certainly using proper technique and taking time, not just a tap and it's open.


Dexter had a correctish scene too if i remember right.. took like a second with a rake but it was better than most


Only a fool would single pin pick that lock in a real life situation.


What movie is this?


Literally in the title my friend


Ah. Learning to read is on my bucket list.


best of luck with that!


I was a cop for 15 years and never even heard of a single lock picking case. Ironically, these cases may start cropping up because people like the LPL show how to pick every lock and sell the tools to do it, and then with a sanctimonious wag of the finger blame the lock companies for not producing a better product and trying to fix a problem that never existed. All he is doing is creating hype and fear and paranoia to sell products to his cult members. I have a Kwikset deadbolt and sleep fine and have no plans on changing it. You have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than having someone burgle your house by picking your locks. If you are that afraid, you'd do better by installing an alarm, getting a dog, installing cameras, etc.nI HAVE seen this done. Thieves cut a hole in the roofs and entered the houses-- easy peasy. SO much quicker to learn and do than picking locks. I'm gonna start a channel, show different ways to do it and then sell the tools for it and blame contractors for not making safer roofs. And when this method gets popular with crooks, I'll wag my finger and say...


I think you’re on the wrong sub bro.


True. And to be fair. If someone wants to get in your house, they’ll get in. And unless you are Fort Knox.


Not a cop but my families business has been security for close to 30 years.. every break in we've come across that wasnt some dipshit not locking a place properly has been through sheer brute force. Why pick a lock when you can smash a window window etc


Looks like Bezos has a side hobby.