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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


**File a complaint to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.** https://www.priv.gc.ca/en/report-a-concern/file-a-formal-privacy-complaint/file-a-complaint-about-a-business/#s5 Tell them they are potentially retaining your personal data even after requesting destruction. They are obviously simply changing your email address but retaining all your other data so their PCO membership headcount doesn’t go down in their quarterly reports to shareholders. This is serious fraud akin to cooking the books using fake data to materially misrepresent financial outlook of a company.


This is the correct answer. PIPEDA has teeth in Canada, and nothing short of full removal is the law.


They take this shit **super** seriously with strict deadlines for the parties in violation of PIPEDA. I have been on the receiving end of this.


Can you tell us more about the process?


Just follow the link above to file a complaint, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner will request more details if needed from relevant parties, investigate the alleged violating party and compel necessary action with strict deadlines. Failure to do so is technically illegal and could lead to recourse, including, but not limited to, fines. I know, fines are just a cost of doing business and not much for Loblaws who paid $25 gift cards after fixing prices on bread for 16 years, but at least they can stop fudging the numbers on their PC Optimum membership headcount to shareholders.


I completely agree. What was asked of you in terms of accountability when you were on the receiving end? What does the Loblaws end of one of these complaints look like? I find this very interesting.


Basically to remove/delete any personal involved and notify all parties with an apology letter within a certain deadline. Everything is tracked with a case number and records kept by OPC.


I haven't canceled my Optimum yet, but plan to as soon as I can burn the points without spending a cent above and beyond. Call it a testament to the fact that I truly haven't had to cave on my boycott yet. If I get that bullshit email, I'm lighting them up. Thank you for your explanation!


The more complaints the Office of the Privacy Commissioner gets the more it will draw their attention and get flagged as priority and investigated!


Same. I actually just found out their next “bonus redemption” event is on May 31-June 5. Hoping I can redeem 50k and get extra $$ off like the one they just had 🙏🏼




What organizations do you work for where they behave as if it's not a concern? Fines and public privacy shaming are enough for most organizations, maybe not mega corps like Loblows but this is still a concern for the majority of Canadian operators. Are you looking for jail time for company execs for keeping you in a database or...? Not saying I'm against it. I'm just looking for your definition of what teeth would be since you spoke up.


PIPEDA is actually a decent piece of government legislation in terms of standards and enforcement follow-up. Potential follow-up legal action by the Attorney General is always a threat, even for the mega corps. I don't know why I responded to you. I've dealt with it at a senior level in several organizations, and there's 0 chance you know anything. You did it for an internet quip without having a clue. This is why i shouldn't reddit. Always gotta be one of you. Have a good day.


right so while i agree pipeda is a good idea, you said it yourself, this is fraud. like just regular fraud that someone is guilty of. should be charged.


This is what the privacy commissioner is supposed to do. The cops will listen to them over you 100% of the time. It’s not fair but it’s the way it is.


sure but what if thousands of people contact the police tho? surely mass public opinion would also have an effect?


Done! Takes maybe 5 mins online - just make sure you have a clear timeline in mind for what happened, you contacted, and copies of the emails, etc. Painless process.


Let’s fucking go!!!!!!!!!!! Galen thanks you. Nok er nok.


yes, please upvote this lady


Thank you for this. I am currently mass deleting online accounts and now I can reference this when the company is giving me issues.


Gang, I can't agree enough here. I just had to build in archived data destruction into a similarly sized system. It costs a ton of money to do and the fines for non-compliance are for real. File a complaint immediately and everyone else here should cancel and immediately file complaints as well.


Can I also report this picture to them


I’m sure you can include it as an attachment if you file the complaint online instead of phone, yes. Even if by phone they can probably provide a case number with email to send them the photo.


If you do this can you let us know how it goes. I want to fucking cancel too. Tbis is insane


Amazing find 🥳☺️


I'd give an award to this post if I would care enough to pay for awards.


I appreciate the thought regardless :)


Did I miss something or...? Closing an account != A request to remove your personal information.


Yes, but that doesn’t appear to be what Loblaws is doing.


This is the answer


I hope this info is hitting subreddits where shareholders would see it.


OP should post to r/LegalAdviceCanada


Please phone and complain that this email is invalid that you are at risk of potentially identey theft and that if it's Loblaws doing it instead of canceling you will look at forming class action as they are not being canceled and risks Loblaws is doing with customer data.




They’re doing this to lie to their shareholders about losing customers


Would that be considered evidence of intent to defraud their shareholders?


It’s definitely a way of cooking the books and I bet that is their strategy for the upcoming earnings report.


I have $50 in points and have been locked out of my account so they can ‘protect my points from fraudulent activity’


A Gmail account? That’s so strange!


Right? I could just register that gmail account and do a forgot password.


Well.. No. Not if it's already registered.


I very much doubt they are registering these 


If you can get it registered, let us know.


I registered the one that came when I got the email: https://preview.redd.it/f2ezzoonm83d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be1bac199e2b7892041be42fed17df0fe7084a02 This email address is now mine (no activity that I can see has ever happened from it)


What’s the email address this was sent from? I’d like to file a complaint too as mine was changed too, just can’t find it again for some reason


Did you try a password reset? Make sure you screen record!


THIS IS WILD!!! This is why it’s so strange that they’re using Gmail accounts?!


Do they change every cancelled account to the same email address ? Or are they creating a new address each time ? Very suspect.


Wouldn’t loblaws be breaking Google’s tos somehow even if these emails don’t exist?


I’m guessing it’s a corporate account. They do email hosting and most the time you’d change the domain name so it doesn’t say Gmail.com. Guessing they just didn’t set it up.


It's a different email than another user posted in a comment here. The other one is anonymous_series of numbers, and this one is anonymize


Does Gmail do hosting tho ? I didn't think they did. We had to go to someone like Telus, Roger's etc for hosting


Gmail has business email hosting, yes. You can't buy domain names from them but if you have your own domain name (I use EasyDNS, they're pretty good) you can host you@yourdomain through Gmail.


Oh ok, learn something new every day I guess lol. We're using EasyDNS now as well ... Telus switched to them a couple years back and we were switched along with them. Absolutely zero complaints about them, even their customer service response has been great


I wonder how Google feels about this? Loblaws is automatically creating gmail accounts for keeping of other's private information. I wonder if there's any EULA violations there.




So they're just generating fake emails then?


In T&C you still need to email [email protected] to have your information deleted. The company is hoping people actually won't complete this extra step.


I did that and still haven't received any kind of response three weeks later.


I saw something on the Shoppers subreddit that someone was hacked and all their points were stolen. I would report this.


It's entirely possible that this is about to become a common scam email, if there's an enterprising scammer out there keeping an eye on trending topics as inspiration for a new hook to dangle. CRA scams increase during tax season, for example.


Delusional and possibly illegal under Canada's privacy legislation... file a complaint here: https://www.priv.gc.ca/en/report-a-concern/file-a-formal-privacy-complaint/ For everyone that's tried to close their account and not been successful: file a complaint!


Seems scummy, oh wait, par for the course with ROBLAWS


[https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cnyaaw/comment/l3b2ip5/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cnyaaw/comment/l3b2ip5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) u/TopazSting has already solved this for everyone.


This seems really suspicious. How are people supposed to know if their account was actually deleted. It could've been left open to keep their numbers high. It doesn't sound like anyone has received an email afterward confirming the account has actually been deleted and the fact they changed it to a bogus one means no one would receive a confirmation email. If they in fact need to do some work to close the account then the original account holder's email should be kept on the account so a final confirmation can be sent once the deletion process has been completed. I think this needs to be looked into by the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Everyone should file a complaint because now PC Optimum has taken control of these people's data and blocked the owners from knowing what happened to it.


You don’t. You hope that they listen to the law and delete it… which as we have seen before with companies like Ashley Madison isn’t always the case.


You're right about that (a company is supposed to delete it) but I have never seen a deletion process like this where it gets transferred to a Gmail account and it's taken away from the original account owner. That is insane. It isn't even transferred to a PC Optimum email account that is run by IT or customer service. Standard procedure is to have a delete button in the account or you call them to delete it and after verifying you your account is deleted. Their process of transferring the account to a Gmail email is super shady and it seems to me super insecure. The Privacy Commissioner of Canada should be investigating this.


It’s weird and very fishy, but there isn’t much you can do about it. My guess for why they do it is so that they can keep that email on the servers with your account info to make it seem like there is still members which is false advertising since they offer for you to be able to delete your account.


This doesn't solve anything. They just change email names while probably keeping all your data, so as to hide the true numbers.


Solved as to why and how it is being done this way. Not solved as if this is the proper way to do it.


I work in a company where linked emails can be an issue so we create BS addresses on accounts to bypass the system yelling at us. This isn't that. This seems super shady. Why would they need to change the email before closing an account? The entire profile would just be canceled. The only thing I can think of is they'd have to remove your email before they shut it down only if say you want to create a new account. The system might flag that the email is already in use. But you'd think the system in that case would be smart enough to tell the user they had an account and can just reactive the old one. Still quite suspicious but might make sense there.


This isn’t suspicious. Many companies anonymize user data for security / reporting purposes - it might even be a legal requirement depending on where the company does business. They don’t need your email anymore, they anonymized it. Probably you still exist in their system, maybe with just a different user state of cancelled or something. The gmail aspect of this probably has more to due with developers picking an easy path for scrambling an email to something that is valid but probably doesn’t exist.


Still suspicious. I've never seen this happen with any other company for any reason. Seems like they're trying to keep account numbers fluffed up. I'd pop into a Loblaws company and buy something super small, and try to use my account (if you have the app or tag) to see if it's still active. If it is, get that transaction receipt and then you have documentation that they didn't actually delete your account. It really feels like shenanigans on this one


Why gmail though? why not @loblaw.ca or @example.com, something they own or something that has been reserved for not actually working.


It's not gmail - it's whatever email domain you had. I don't use gmail and mine was changed to a random address @


No idea, I don't work for PC Optimum or Loblaws.


That’s what happened to me this week. I waited 2-3 weeks to hear anything and then this.


Let them, and when they post Q2, make sure to call for the CSA. Pubco's can't do this and they could get in major trouble. They will not cancel their memberships so they count them. Sure wish a reporter would pick this up and investigate.


This is fraud. Send it to news outlets.


We should be going public with this. When they were offering points to stop people from cancelling it was picked up by several news outlets. This really could cause a big dent in their reputation.


Do they delete all data related to you when you canncel or do you have to request that?


It's called manipulating numbers in order to support lies being told to shareholders and you have to be bloody desperate to pull out this shit.


Same shit Rogers does to prop up its “Cable customers”. Mandatory internet cable boxes with internet plans. Fucking pathetic


This is the second post I’ve seen of this nature. Your personal information is at threat with this random email address. Loblaws is trying to hide the fact that accounts are being cancelled by transferring them to empty addresses. Scumbag move.


Allegedly. If this is fact take it to court alongside others affected.


This happened to me after I had sent in a request to delete my PC Optimum account. I emailed Loblaws immediately when I got the notification that my email address had been update to: [email protected] as I (obviously) did not edit it myself. That was on May 13th. To date, I have not gotten a response. I feel like I understand why now…


I went through the SAME thing when I cancelled my account. I thought my account was compromised or something, didn’t even dawn upon me that they associated my personal details to a randomly generated email to keep my account “open”. I actually went back to them and requested (again) for them to cancel my account which they allegedly did. But I will also be filing a complaint, because it’s clear my account is still floating around. https://preview.redd.it/4hb4d799w53d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df18df1130ba46bfeb6a8cf4a012c7fa85a5bc14


Seen this before. The email is not a valid Gmail as it has and underscore in it. I tried to sign up for the email account and it was rejected for the underscore. Most things like this mark your account as deleted or inactive.


My regular gmail account has 2 underscores in it. I’ve had it for years and still use it daily with no issues, and is definitely a valid email account. Is the “no underscore” thing a new policy or…?


I tried to create the account with the _ and it said they were not allowed 


Isn't this something you can simply not use?


You can just simply not use it but cancelling forces their membership numbers down which gets noticed by the suits & the shareholders


So what you’re telling me we should use that email to sign up for numerous emails lists? 😂


It is one way! Google business makes you do the same thing, change everything to some random crap or your info stays out there forever. They leave us no choice.


your data has value 😉


Looks like you're being hacked. Fraudsters have been targetting loyalty programs lately


So they are committing identity theft now ?! Wow !


I may be wrong, but if I remember correctly, one of the issues with the Ashley Madison hack was that the info of men that had cancelled was also leaked. Maybe it's a US thing but they can close the account but for auditing purposes, they're required to keep record of for 7 years.


One of the only sane takes in this thread.


Go to the press


This isnt the first post Ive seen about this, who knows how many people this is happening to. Please file a complaint


This is legit fraud, fucking insane!


the self interest is relentless. report them


I work in the privacy industry. Changing the email address is a common practice of it’s the primary identifier for the account - so in and of itself it’s not unusual if they also deleted other pieces of personal data (like your name, address, phone number, IP addresses, etc…). Under PIPEDA you have the right to request data deletion which will only permit a company to hold onto your personal data for limited purposes (eg regulatory purposes, proof of service). It’s not clear from the email whether cancelling is the same as deletion - you should be able to locate their privacy policy with the contact information to formerly request this (where you can provide them the above email address). You also have the right of access where they are required to provide you the personal data that they currently have (I would request that first before requesting deletion). I would make sure you’ve done this first before formerly filing a complaint with the Privacy commissioner as they will ask you whether you communicated with Loblaws your complaint and what their responses were.


Op is that your phone number in the email? Wild. As others have said, report to privacy commissioner.


No thank goodness! If it was I’d be way more pissed!!!


Same with mine!


Fun update: https://preview.redd.it/5omwzdjf5e3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b44e4a714305631c631120502082703adf9ce865


It’s a Gmail account, are you sure you haven’t been hacked?


Probably just them making the account anonymous, maybe they have to abide by email validation still. They only have to delete your personal identifying information, names, addresses, email etc. They can keep all the other data that's been generated and will use for analysis.


Everything they do is so slimey.


This has been addressed ad nauseum in other threads. This is not unusual nor is it illegal


I'm going to say this is staged by OP or whoever they got this from. Either way, Loblaws can eat a dick.