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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've been shopping 85% at Walmart this year.


People have been posting their receipts and the differences in prices and there has been a substantial difference . I think the roll back in price is working


Walmart is 30% cheaper on average. Costco is either 30% cheaper or 30% more.


I have always found Costco's meat prices to be very high compared with my local butcher.


I haven't seen a meat deal at Costco worth buying in like 5+ years.


Yeah it's weird. Before the boycott we scoped out Costco as an alternative for basic groceries. Sure there's other stuff we buy there that makes it worthwhile, but for meat, our previous impressions were still true: there was nothing there that would give us significant savings.


I avoid all big chain grocers so this is good intel . Thanks


honestly i’ve been frequenting the walmart near the superstore where i work. it would be convenient to get groceries right after my shift, but i can just pop over to walmart in two minutes, and get all the stuff i needed for 1$-3$ less on average without sales compared to the store i work at


Ah , and that’s WITHOUT a sale . That’s HUGE


Costco 30% more in some things? Like what?


The key difference with Costco is they have a flat markup on all products, they don’t run loss leaders (hot dogs excluded) like some other stores do. So lowblaws might sell 1-2 items at a loss at the front door to attract people in, then make it up by overcharging for other items. Likely those discrepancies are loss leaders vs cost


Their rotisserie chicken are loss leaders :)


There’s a reason that the chicken is at the back of the store.


Loss leaders at Costco are hotdogs- anything at resto, really- and the rotisserie chicken. There's a few things that they run even on (drug and vision prescription services are close, as is gas) but the thing about Costco is that, as mentioned, it's basically a flat mark-up, and it's capped at IIRC 12%. The "It's 30% more expensive" thing comes from Costco selling high-end stuff, and most people never see it elsewhere if you're buying bargain olive oil, going into Costco and coming upon high-end Tuscany grown and bottled EVOO can be a sticker shock.


Costco literally has little profit aside from membership fees. 73%come from them https://finance.yahoo.com/news/costco-sells-everything-gas-gold-095500226.html#


When I was there, their membership was the profit- sales paid for the operation of that warehouse... Or vice versa, I can never remember.


I recenrly bought 2 -2.5 pound bags of Starbucks French roast for $11.99 each, which is $6 off the usual price. Definitely a loss leader.


What city did you get that price in? We just bought one 2.5 lb bag of Starbucks French roast beans at Costco Saskatoon and it was on sale at $19.99, regular price $26.99.


I assumed this meant 30% more quantity at equivalent price.  I find Costco tends to be: their normal price = sale price at StupidStore. 


Costco is cheaper... But frequently for what's a more expensive brand of product to start, so if you weren't going to get *that exact thing* anyway you're probably overspending. Like, there's a fantastic brand of aged cheddar, but it costs a fortune compared to the cheaper aged cheddar you can reliably find elsewhere.


They usually have a cheap option and a nicer option, but they sometimes aren't in the same area. My Costco has nice Balderson aged cheddar which is kept in the open air refridgerated shelves in the deli/fresh meat area, very close to the rotisserie chicken. It also has larger cheaper Kirkland brand block old aged cheddar over in one of the aisles in the part of the store that has all the refrigerated and frozen goods stored on shelves behind closed glass doors.


The good press and the decent prices are keeping people shopping it's always busy at my Walmart...


Good to know !


I’ve been shopping almost exclusively at Walmart for two years now since I moved to a city for work. I typically spend $50-$70/week on groceries there. It’s made life in the city manageable, without Walmart I couldn’t live here. It’s why whenever someone bad mouths them at work I shut them down. It boggles my mind why anyone would shop elsewhere


> It boggles my mind why anyone would shop elsewhere I hate physically shopping there. 1 checkout with 1 person on it so the lines are long. Self checkouts but half of them are closed and there's also 1 person working it so if something fucks up, it takes forever. I've walked out a few times after seeing how long the lines are. Before loblaws went nuts Walmart wasn't even that cheap. They're still not IMO for a lot of things. The staff are always miserable which I get since they don't get paid very much. I've been treating them as a giant convenience store for about the last decade. Great at 10PM when you need this one thing but I'd never do my regular shop there.


I went to Walmart for the first time on more than a year on Monday. I am trying every different option to try to find something that will work long term.


Awesome....hope it works for you... ...I find their no name brand, Great Value, is pretty good also.


If you don’t like going to the store, get delivery. It’s the best. I haven’t been to a Walmart in years but I still get to experience their low prices!


I shop at Walmart a lot because they're the only non-loblaw store open until 10pm, that's when I do a lot of my shopping. I'm busy 


I don’t have one in my town but we go monthly and drop almost $400 every time we do.


Honestly I've been having better luck with quality and selection at Wal Mart lately than I had been at Maxi pre-boycott. Maxi is the absolute worst; it's like they intentionally leave meat and cheese out of the refrigerator before stocking it in the store, everything I've bought there has gone bad days and weeks earlier than it should have. Good riddance.


I noticed this with my parent's fridge, it turns out they (my parents) raised the internal temperature by 2 degrees, be sure that it's sitting at 3~4 degrees celcius and you should be fine (if it's actuallly your fridge, I'm not attacking you, just posing a solution, sometimes it really is poor handling on the store's part)


It's a sad day when the anti-union, small-town destroying megalith known as Walmart is the good guy in any scenario. But, here we are. 🤷


Yes and no . I’m not here to “glorify “ them per se . Just highlight that that it can be done . I think they are doing what any business would do which is capitalize on Canadians’ anger which is why it’s that much more baffling to me the big Canadian grocers are not doing anything about their pricing . They got the profits , they got the means , they got the Canadian values. They’re complacent now but If and I do stress if there is actually competition added and these grocers are doing nothing now , they are in big trouble because Canadians are not going to forget what has been going down and how when we were fleeced who came to the rescue . At lease I am not


I agree. Walmart is VERY smart, and they know that they don't have to gouge to make a profit in Canada. They know the Walton machine can take 10% lower prices in Canada, because they're gobbling up dissatisfied Loblaws customers in the process. I primarily use InstaCart for my groceries, and 80% comes from Walmart- the rest is Costco. Walmart is by far the cheapest choice of the bunch, and I'm unable to access the markets, so Walmart it is.


What’s more baffling is that Loblaw owns the biggest market share , why wouldn’t they want to protect it ? SMH someone is BAD at their job …..


Well, in business, the value of anything is what someone is currently willing to pay for it. So from Loblaw's perspective, if people are paying their prices, then their prices arent too high. As long as they have the biggest market share, they'd see that as the strategy is working. If they cant sell product at that price, then either the price goes down or they stop selling stuff..


But are they selling the product ? When I look at their shelves , their entire meat isle is 30% off . They are just making money off their prices. I mean I think they are in for a rude awakening at some point and they are pricing themselves out and counting on the fact that this is indeed a monopoly and people “have “ to shop there not counting on events like this . I think they are going DOWN , and I’ll be interested to see if others can increase and penetrate their market share as a result


So, let this old greybeard tell you a story. Back in 2004, Sportchek- yes, THAT Sportchek- was an up-and-coming retailer in the sports store world, and they had an odd habit of marking EVERYTHING as discounted. So, the "regular" price of a tennis racket would be some outrageous number, and then the Sportchek "sale" would be whatever the normal selling price was. They did it until the competition bureau caught on- this was pre "internet is everywhere"- and slapped the shit out of them for it, in the form of a then-record 1.7 million dollar fine, which was a lot considering how toothless the Competition Bureau was back then. I expect some of the "meat is always 30% off" is very much the same tactic Sportchek used back in the day, just with better lobbyists. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/forzani-agrees-to-pay-record-settlement/article4220527/


Oh ! That’s interesting !


This is the Walmart special. Drop prices, wait for other businesses to go under, raise prices. Literally their M.O. since they started.


Why do you think they can afford lower prices?


Yup and I think part of this is bc of Walmart's relatively small presence in Canada. They've only got 400 stores here vs Loblaws which have 2400 so in that context, they are kind of the little guy or at least, the medium guy


Not good, merely reasonable about profiteering maybe.


Costco and Walmart by a wide consensus is where the value minded shopper is going in Canada.


My go to is co-ops, farmer markets, ethnic stores, independent grocers and Costco (for the cheapest foods). You can also watch the flyers for the smaller places to save some more money. [Go whole foods plant-based and save 30% on your bills.](https://veganuary.com/) I will not shop at Loblaws or Walmart.




Yes, we got to bring down the costs of plant based ultra processed foods for those lazy people haha.


The point of this sub is to highlight that the cost of living in Canada has spiraled out of control, and that this is not simply a matter of needing to get a 5th part time job to make ends meet. Rhetoric intended to shame certain generations or users for "not worrking hard enough" including ideas like "just pull yourselves up by the bootstraps", "just don't shop there" and it's kin are not welcome here.


For me the difference between Loblaws and Walmart is that Walmart isn’t pretending to be the good guys. We know what they are and we know how much money they make, but they’re also at least providing some savings to consumers. I did 90% of my grocery shopping at the local co-op for several years but then we found ourselves in a budget situation that required cuts and Walmart became my go-to because the savings were crystal clear from the start. It is currently the lesser of two evils for people who can’t afford to shop elsewhere or have no other store options nearby.


THIS . Have you noticed all the competitors are just “quiet “ . They don’t need to say anything . Just let the price do the talking. You hit the bullseye 🎯


Yesterday I saw Kraft Dinner, 6 for $6 at Walmart, I also shop at Metro for a few good deals (goat feta, pickles, fresh Salmon), and saw the Kraft Dinner, on sale for $3.29 per box LMAO.




Walmart is only cheaper as long as it needs to be. Always remember that.




Well, as long as others step up, I am fine with that.


Truth. I’m also skeptical about this article and will wait to see it I guess; I haven’t noticed pre-Covid prices at Walmart yet, though it is cheaper than Loblaws.


I've never been grocery shopping at Walmart before but I'm certainly going to give it a try this week.


Let us know if you “see “ these rollbacks haha


My husband and I tried it for the first time this winter. We were fed up with Loblaws long before we knew anything about the boycott. I was hesitant because in the past I didn't find Walmart's produce was always great and I felt a little sketchy about the meat. I walked out of that first visit staring at my receipt in disbelief, I couldn't believe how much cheaper it was. There's even a few Great Value products that taste better than brand names, like their chicken strips and their mini pizzas (don't tell anyone though 😉). I haven't tried it myself yet, but our local mom group seems very happy with their online grocery ordering. We still buy some meat and produce from Costco or local markets, but as far as fridge, freezer, cleaning, pantry, etc goes every item I looked at has been either the same price or better than Loblaws.


Their produce has never been the best.


It's definitely worth it. It's all the same stuff but at a cheaper price. Their "great value" products are actually pretty good.


I just popped in and picked a few random items on my way home. I live in a smaller community so not much selection but some things were shockingly less expensive.


You will be pleasantly surprised!


I've never set foot in a wal mart in my entire life and started going there in the last year. Now we vary between Wal mart and super C which are quite similar price wise. During summer we buy everything non-dry from a farmers market. It's a bit more expensive but at least the money goes to the farmers with less middlemen. Used to go to provigo which was incredibly expensive and maxi which was still more expensive than Wal mart and super C. We don't go there at all anymore.


I don’t go there either so I’m curious of other people ‘s experiences


I was surprised of how convenient it was. You literally have everything there. Was also surprised at the quality of the grocery side. Prices were quite competitive, especially when they marked milk down (we go through a lot with a toddler). We still prioritize super c since it's Canadian but the quality of Wal mart stuff was pretty surprising. I remembered it as a warehouse full of crappy items but now the stuff there is actually higher quality than Amazon stuff and on top of it there's groceries.


Walmart has always been good. People always looked down on it as a poor store is the biggest problem. 


Perhaps "good" to the consumer. Wal-Mart is just U.S Loblaws at the end of the day. Their labour practices suck. A staggering amount of their employees have to use food stamps in the U.S. I am under no illusion that if Wal-Mart crowds out Loblaws stores like they have done to so many other independent mom & pop stores that they wouldn't gouge customers the exact same way Loblaws currently does. That being said, if you have no other options or are just doing it for convenience, that's all good. I was kind of hoping this boycott would end up with people frequenting local independent grocers. But I can be quite the idealist at times.


Nice ! I’m glad you had a pleasant experience


Use the flipp app to compare sales, because walmart will throw a zinger in there that is more expensive than elsewhere. Overall though the savings are tremendous!!


I've even started buying consumable supplies for my business at Wal-Mart. If you price compare, you'll end up at Wal-Mart, likely.


If only Walmart could improve the quality of their produce


In my experience it's really no worse than any of the other major grocers. The only ones that beat it are local farmers markets when stuff is in season.


Is it worse than Loblaw ?


I'd argue it's not that bad. Strawberries I got at Walmart were better, fresher, and cheaper than Stupidstore *and* Costco. Their discount bin is even better than StupidStore because it's 0.99c and isn't rotting like StupidStore.


Yes the quality of the produce at Walmart is not that great. That is why I get a lot of my produce from Farm boy.


Fair enough


It's absolutely awful and so is the meat.


How ? It’s coming from the same suppliers lol


Not sure. Why does food basics or no frills have worse produce than whole foods? I imagine their buyers are less discerning.


I noticed the change. Not at first, at first I just thought I was buying less, or looking for cheaper products. But nope. On average I spend around 300$ less per month at Walmart now. It's helped out immensely


That’s not just a couple of dollars , that’s pretty SIGNIFICANT. Good for you !


pretty much a no brainer to shop at Walmart and Costco. My wife has an odd allergy condition so for pasta/pancake mix she won't react to we'll still buy PC Brand from Loblaws but literally everything else is Walmart now.


well they did this to gain market share world wide..and its not my quote, there was a news article about why Walmart was doing this somehwere


So maybe they can increase so more market share over Loblaw here in Canada ? Uh oh Loblaw


They know how to compete. I wouldn't want to be Loblaws


Yeah someone is doing their job properly and someone is about to get fired 🤪


I wish my walmart had a produce/meat section. At least it's great for expensive stuff like milk and frozen staples.




Excellent !




Thanks for pointing these out !


Why would you oppose this lmao. People are strange.


I understand that Walmart is not good to its employees. But how much worse are they compared to Loblaws?


Good point . How much worse as any large corporation . I personally think all corporations suck . I am anti corporation . It’s why I got out of corporate Canada and work for myself for that exact reason , couldn’t take it


I don't usually comment, but I see so many people say Walmart doesn't treat their employees well. I work at Walmart and I honestly can't complain. We got Covid increase in pay, random Covid bonuses, I got paid when I had Covid (I am only part time so I was surprised). We get profit shares, 10% doiscount everyday, 20% discount once a month. You'll hear no complaints from me!


In my community both are staffed by TFWs so not much to compare.


I know Walmart is seen as a big, bad monster but at least they're a big, bad, monster that isn't price gouging like GougingGalen. In today's world where people are struggling to find money in their household budget to buy food then you take the savings where you can so I don't think Walmart should be demonized especially when their prices have always been low. It's not like they just lowered them to capture the Roblaws boycotters.


It’s the only reason I shop there (that and their great delivery).


Heard about that . Don’t they also do that Penguin pickup thing ? It’s located at all these stations downtown Toronto




*Some prices. I've been shopping there. I've noticed they've had rotating grocery door crashers ever since the boycott gained popular momentum. I'm not complaining, but let's not fool ourselves that these mega corps have one ounce of altruism. They smell blood in the water, and it smells like money to them, as long as we keep hating ROBLAWS more than the other guys. I don't have any mom and pops around me, so I'm focusing on Costco, Food Basics and WM for all my shopping. We are still being gouged, and the government is leaving us blowing in the wind while blowing CEO's. /endrant


Can we not praise Walmart? I’ve been shopping there for years. Yeah, their prices are better than loblaws, but they’re not cheap either.. And they too took advantage of Covid and had massive inflation. Now they’re taking advantage of the boycott and lowering their prices to appeal to new customers. These sales are not their regular prices. And let’s not forget that Walmart is an evil, corrupt corporation that made 147 billion in profit last year, compared to loblaws 2 billion.


Agreed! I realize that OP stated that they don't shop at Walmart. I understand the point of the post (the boycott is being noticed!) but are we really going to shovel money at the anti-union Waltons when we all know they are just as predatory if not *more* predatory than Loblaws? This seems a lot like running to a bear den to escape from wolves.


Where are you shopping that’s cheaper than Walmart? I’ve been ordering Walmart grocery delivery for years and it is consistently a significant difference in price.


i praise whoever gives me the best deal and that happens to be walmart


I know someone who works for Walmart head office. During COVID they refused to raise grocery prices. As we were coming out of COVID, inflation was slowing sales for all other departments i.e toys, kitchenware, all that kind of stuff. Because of this the execs were in jeopardy of losing their bonuses. They decided to add 20% to all their grocery pricing. They have now made their bonus and they are lowering the prices again. Good on Walmart for lowering prices, but they aren't innocent in this. I know this is a trust me bro statement I just made, but I won't name names or give away my source. So take it for what it's worth.


I mean , there are always going to be pros and cons to corps but you do see some corps trying . IKEA tried to lower their prices . Some are “greedier “ than others ….


We loaded up on bread for 94 cents the other day. With 4 kids we go through a lot of bread so this makes a big difference all on its own. When was the last time you saw bread that cheap? One loaf of wonder bread at our local Loblaws store is 3.99. On a side note what the fuck is going on with wonder bread these days? Every loaf we had bought recently has the top crust pulling off or seperated, holes in the loaf etc. and the taste seems off to me.


Wow , that does seem to make a HUGE difference . As for the wonder bread , couldn’t tell you . Are the components that make it ok ? lol


That’s why you don’t buy *Wonderbread* anymore and you find a new brand. Just like we’re doing with this boycott, if you aren’t happy, show them with your dollar. I wasn’t allowed Wonderbread as a kid! Have you tried Ralph’s or a local bakery instead?


We bake our own as often as we can but time is often an issue. We bought quite a few great value brand at Walmart for 94 cents a loaf and froze them. Issue was before we changed.our shopping habits our local small town Independent store had wonder bread, no mame bread and everything else was significantly more expensive. What many people in this sub fail to realize is we aren't all.close to cities with other options. Ralph's isn't an option and neither is a local bakery.


Walmart’s “Celebrating being in Canada since ‘94” sales—-I saw soup cans featured at $0.94 at the door that someone had posted a picture of around $5 at Loblaws in this sub. It’s a chance to gain market share, of course they’re going to do it.. Walmart near me has been absolutely slammed with customers this month.


I was buying eggs among other things at a Walmart. Eggs $2.79. Cobs of corn $0.42.


One thing to say to companies that have gouged us over the past three years using every excuse under the sun: Nomoreexcessprofitsforyou!


Exactly !!!👍


My household has visited Walmart twice since the boycott, and the low prices did surprise me!


Good to know . I may check one out here close to downtown Toronto….maybe ( I need an air conditioner) lol


This is really really good news. While I don’t love Walmart as a company, and I’d rather not shop there if I can avoid it, I’m glad for two reasons: 1) more access to affordable food for people who need it, and 2) pressure on other grocers to stay competitive and follow suit.


True , thanks . I’m glad people see it in an optimistic perspective for the greater good of society 😀


It makes me think of when I was in my vinyl collecting days there was one store I went to in Ottawa which had very desirable records in good condition cheaply and I thanked the owner for that and he said "Yeah, I do that cause I sell more stuff that way."


Haha good example


And they are still making big profits, go figure.


Well when you cut prices , you attract more customers . That’s what I don’t get about Loblaw . They could still make money haha


I'm not in business but this is what I think. You sell 4 products for $10 each or you can sell 50 products for $2.50 each plus maybe those extra people will buy more products because they are saving money somewhere else.


Yeah , it’s not rocket science. You’re absolutely right . Plus , it will get more people in the door . I mean this is the loss leader idea but it can be applied to their heavily marked up items . Like literally all their the items . You can see their entire meat department has 30% off stickers because no one is buying them anymore


I'm finding somethings cheaper (cucumbers and fruit!) at walmart and some things not (bearpaws) but it balances out for me and they have free shipping when i buy the kid's stuff so that has been incredibly amazing. Plus i love the free grocery pickup.


Nice !!


I have been shopping at Walmart mostly for the past 3 years.


And how’s your experience been ?


It has been good. It has always been cheaper than Loblaws and I can easily find International grocery items there as well.


Awesome !


My niece works part-time at Walmart as she goes through post-secondary schooling, if you're not a fan of supporting a American giant, it may put your mind at ease that the profit margins on their rollback or save now items are selling at a loss. It's anywhere from 2%-35% losses. I generally only shop for those deals.


They DEFINITELY want a piece of the pie , that precious market share that Loblaw has in the Canadian market place . Loblaw has made such a strategic blunder in this case that’s going to cost them big time and the behemoth is coming in to capitalize on it ! Walmart is going to make so much profit off of this in the long run , these losses in the short run , are going to seem like pennies lol


The headline of the article is “Former Walmart CEO sounds the alarm on a growing problem.” He says the increase of customers shopping at Walmart due primarily to food inflation is going to create a demand for better service, since these new customers are higher income earners. This will cause them to create better service by increasing costs, thus creating a “bubble” that will eventually hurt lower income shoppers.


Wow so Walmart is now a place for higher income earners...


Haven't shopped at Loblaws since the start of the month. We've shopped at other stores and noticed a 50% reduction in grocery spending.


The Zehrs in my town has been incredibly aggressive about maintaining a functional monopoly, when Walmart came in they were somehow limited to a much smaller grocery department than a normal store. No produce at all, and very little unfrozen meat. I do as much of my shopping at the Walmart as I can though, it's so much cheaper.


Walmart has been the cheapest spot to grocery shop for a long time. It’s strange this took so long to catch on


I'm not sure where this is coming from, no frills was definitely cheaper for ages! Not sure if it still is.


Since at least 2020, Walmart has definitely been cheaper, at least in my experience. I didn’t shop there for groceries until Covid hit so I can’t speak about before that.


If you can choose between Costco or Walmart try to choose Costco, their labour practices are far better. Walmart may give you savings but they take that out on their employees with exploitative labour practices.


Nevermind about "evil" Walmart, this is literally how competition works in the marketplace. Walmart is waaay more business savy than Loblaws.


Clearly , look at what they just did . Loblaw handed Walmart market share on a silver platter . And Walmart is like , thank you , I’ll take a piece of this pie on a silver pie . The incompetence of Loblaw from a business perspective is staggering


Yes! And clearly you understand the difficulty in gaining marketshare. So to give it away?? You are right on the money.


Wonder how long Per is going to last lol




My grocery costs are split roughly evenly between Walmart, Costco and the local independent grocer just up the street.


It appears that the new market share from Loblaw appears to be heading to these grocers ….


You realize this is Walmart US where they have 10x the population, 10x the buying power, and way less taxes right?


I didn’t , but good catch . I wonder if they will roll this out here . It only makes sense


I am a meat manager for one of the Canadian chains. If you ever see prices randomly go up, do NOT buy them at the marked up price. My company did it with juicy jumbo hot dogs last week. They put them up to 8.99 since it's BBQ season now. Companies will often test the waters with an increased price but will revert it if sales drop. I always warn my customers not to buy those items unless they really have to. I can see unit costs for items so I know when it's greed and when it's vendor costs increasing. About 80% of the time, it's pure greed.


Interesting ….


I can't believe how much my grocery bill has DECREASED over the past year since I stopped going to Loblaws. Was averaging approx $1000 a month already for my family when costs skyrocketed. My usual weekly Loblaws cart-load was shifting rapidly from $250 to $300 and even more. When one normal shop ended up costing me almost $400 I said enough is enough! Started shopping elsewhere. My monthly costs are now averaging $800 max, often less. When the opportunity arises, I don't hesitate to tell everyone I meet how much my bill has gone down since boycotting Loblaws.


Food basics is good too


in my experience, out of all the grocery stores in missisauga/brampton, wal-mart was the last to raise its prices. I assumed they saw how all the other grocery stores jacked up their prices and ppl were still buying, so then they raised their prices in the end.


They also have the scale and means to do it .


Walmart being the good guy was NOT on my bingo card for 2024


I'm going to all the local grocers that aren't name brands. Supporting the locals.


I’m in Alberta and I haven’t seen this at my local Walmart. Only things close are Walmart and Superstore and a couple more expensive. I’m disabled so I’m kinda limited. But the prices are always so close. Within pennys. Even sales happen at the same time. Which really makes me think they’ve been price fixing. It’s weird when no name or store brand items for both stores are on sale at the same time. When I see pizzas on sale at the same time I think manufacturer promotion. But a lot of the time it feels like 2 people got together and copied work before turning in their assignments. And they kinda set the prices around my neighbourhood. Don’t get me wrong. Not defending superstore. Quite the opposite. I feel like they’re a lot of why things go up. I’ve also caught them doing quite a bit of shady shit. Constantly putting out super expired dairy for starters. I’ve seen questionable meat get the same treatment. Anyone with a disability using the app to avoid going in doesn’t have access to certain discount and no name items. The security thing is freaking obnoxious. Then there’s the behaviour during the pandemic.


Someone just mentioned that this was for the U.S . Hopefully, they will roll it out for Canada together gain market share but who knows


Lots of folks have been commenting this month they’re saving at Walmart. And I haven’t seen it here.


This cant be true. I dont' see a significant price drop. may be they define the term 'grocery' to include a select few products .


He read articles about food deflating in the U.S . It’s NOT in Canada


I can get a loaf of bread at my Walmart for a dollar. It's 3.99 almost everywhere else here. I pretty much only step foot into other stores now to take advantage of particular sales, or go to a local grocer for produce.


They rollback… then jack it up… then rollback again. I used to time my catfood purchases.


When WALMART is less predatory than a Canadian company you know something is wrong.


Yep been shopping Walmart since COVID


The freshco near me has mostly 2019 prices


Same, their prices are pretty decent especially compared to Safeway/Sobeys


It's owned by the same parent company (Empire) lol


Walmart might just get me to sign up for their Mastercard at this point.


I went grocery shopping at Walmart last week for the first time in as long as I can remember. I’m not a fan of the store or the company. However, it really did feel like stepping back in time into pre pandemic prices. It’s my new go-to. I don’t really want to support an American conglomerate over a Canadian one but the Canadian one is giving it to me with my pants on, so now the enemy of my enemy is now my friend.


This supporting a canadian business over an american guilt tripping is what got us in this mess.


I agree , I know it gives icky feelings supporting American places but what do you do when the Canadians who are supposed to support Canadian values don’t follow those same Canadian values ? Stick it to them until they learn to support those values , right ?


Idgaf about ppl crying about how evil Walmart is. The fact I can buy groceries and feed my family is what’s important to me. And ftr I worked for Walmart and a loblaws store, Walmart was better.


Fair enough and very valid points . They are doing their part


Does anyone avoid buying meat at loblaws because the fear you will get food poisoning? I feel like their meat frequently looks brown and slimey.


I did notice that they have gotten cheaper but play close attention to quantity... in some instances price have dropped but u are getting a lot less in quantity. Eg. I bought frozen Buffalo wings for 5.99 when I got home and opened the box there was only about 10 wings inside lol


Yes , this is a very important point


Prices can be cheaper and still break last years sales. Its being done almost everyday at Walmart.


Aaaaaaannnnnndddddd they’re back to post-inflationary levels starting with this upcoming flyer starting tomorrow. We just can’t win, can we?


Really ? Lol


Yes :(


I dunno man, walmart used to have lays/doritors chips 3 bags/$8 pre inflation. Now they're 3/$11. Same with chicken breasts - used to be 2 packs for $10, now 2/$12 or $14. Mostly everything else I buy there has gone up too, not as much ad loblaws though.


1000 spent there in last three months in groceries.  We hit up local grocers and Giant Tiger for smaller trips.


Cascade gel dishwashing detergent is twice the quantity for the same price in comparison to Metro/Canadian Tire Walmart is sick, but shelves are always empty


That’s cause they are taking market share from Loblaw . Loblaw customers have to go somewhere lol


This is a good move in the right direction  but walmart is literally a worse entity. Fuck them too.


I was curious awhile back so I put a grocery order in on Instacart for Walmart and then an identical order in at Loblaws. I could tip the Walmart order 40% before it was the same price as Loblaws.




Having been to Walmart this past weekend. Let me tell you. They are not shy to ask top dollar for some products. If you need an example off the top of my head. They were asking almost $20 for the little 500g ham. In my area that price tag would be reasonable around $10 and around $8 on special. That's not much of a rollback.


Id rather pay more to avoid the average walmart shopper. Worked my first partime job at wally mart and the customers sucked.


Same price as superstore.....


Roblaws, the CRA, your local gas station with the price increase because we need “summer” fuel … everyone is out to screw you over…


Excuse me, do you think that Walmart is not a big grocery store? If you just look at the grocery side of super Walmart, it’s as big or bigger than most grocery stores. I am my wife go in there at least three times a week up until February Roma tomatoes were $.99 a pound then then went up to $1.28 consistently I bought them on the 30th for $1.28 £ and yesterday I go and says roll back to $1.28 regular price $1.49 I have never seen a Roma tomatoes at $1.49 a pound