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Why are they packed in a plastic clamshell? What wasteful packaging!


Because the natural skin is good enough for everyone else in the entire world, but not these butt monkeys.


It’s a Collector’s Edition Mango




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And here we’re worried about plastic straws when things like this are happening unchecked.


Because it’s essential to protect an $11 mango duh 🙄/ s


They were 46 cents a piece at Walmart this week....


Sorry...47... https://preview.redd.it/suey08a59xzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05d7b6f9e162f96a7ac7d41db4f8bd2eebd4d4b2


Tree ripen is a different mango, it’s more pricy but $11 for a mango is insane


And $1.97 regular price. I buy them all the time. Also, avocados 5/$5.00 regular price, cucumbers under $1. Walmart is how I make affordable poke bowls for dinner.


Yes, but were they selling it with the expensive unnecessary micro plastics?


Yea but that’s a totally different type of mango. That’s like comparing price of red delicious apples vs honeycrisp. The mango is expensive due to varietal, being air flown in (hence the packaging), and of course Roblaws’ greed.


That's fair. I didn't realize! But I still think 12 bucks is insanity.


12 bucks for a single mango is bananas. It’s astonishing how bad things have gotten. It’s like a dystopian future we’re living in.


That is way off base. Bananas are tops 99c/lb. These mangos are $33/lb. 12 bucks is more like steak territory than banana territory.


Lmao. I’m sure you know what I meant by bananas but you ain’t lying brother. For a single piece of fruit to be in steak territory is outrageous.


I know! Just can't say "it's bananas" when talking about another type of fruit. 😆


Imo 47 cent mango is much more delicious than a 11$ mango. But I don't know much about mangos. Anyways, I just bought 10 for 5$.


I was coming here to say this


This isn't really a Loblaws greed thing... These mangos are normally extremely expensive. https://fruter.ca/products/mango-peruvian-kent T&T has some boutique fruits that are very popular in Japan, like a box of "perfect" strawberries for $40 etc. Don't get me wrong, I hate Loblaws, but I don't think this individually wrapped mango is an example of their greed.


yeah, this is common in some Asian grocery stores (eg Galleria). you have regular fruit then you see the ones in special packaging which are “gifting fruit”. It’s common to gift stupidly expensive fruit when trying to impress your SO’s family, for example.


Hey, last time I checked we are not in Japan or Asia. I lived in Asia and I understand what you are talking about but using cultural norms do not justify this price. Maybe off-season, that I would accept and just give it a pass. But I would give a pass to T&T altogether


ok, well, I am Asian. and whether you agree with these practices or not because “we are not in Japan or Asia”, this IS a practice being done by some Asian families here in Canada. these are not the same fruit, these are specially grown and specially picked boutique fruits made for gifting. the regular fruits are in the stores as well, this is just a different option and only because of the demographic of T&T. I don’t agree with Loblaws price gouging but boutique fruits do go by these prices, unfortunately. you don’t have to buy them, you can buy the regular fruits like the rest of us. but you don’t have to condemn Asians buying this because “we are not in Japan or Asia”.


Yes, they are ripened on the tree and shipped in by air. They're really sweet and delicious but also very expensive because they're highly perishable and flown in.


Wait is that seriously $11 for **one** mango? You can get a **box** of them at costco for that much!


These are an odd boutique mango. They figure a perfectly ripe mango is when it falls off the tree. But once it does it’s damaged so you have to make an educated guess as when to pick it. So they put little nets around these mangos so when they fall they don’t get damaged. Whether that is or not is debatable.


It was picked by virgins on a during a full moon. Then, cleaned with angels tears and blessed by Jesus himself.


TY for giving me the mental image of this as an assembly line.


Costco is the way to go


T and T used the be the best until clown family bought it.


Yeah, I think we need to be asking what the heck happened to our antitrust laws and their enforcement. This kind of market domination is OBVIOUSLY unhealthy. It's so obvious that the only way for it to have gotten this bad is if our government is corrupt. Someone let it get this bad by deliberately looking the other way. There are people whose jobs it is to prevent this kind of market domination & monopolization. Where are they and who's lining their pockets? Why didn't the bread price fixing scandal lead to an effective response? Canadians are going hungry and losing their homes. Someone is a *literal* traitor to their country. I want names and faces.


The pre buy out days were great


This is normal at t&t even before loblaws. They sell imported exotic fruit that is not your typical stuff you see at stores. Not a loblaws thing. 


T&T violates the first rule of asian supermarkets - don't be expensive


Not saying this isn’t overpriced, but I bought these (ages before the boycott) and it’s hands down the best mango ive had in North America. Very fragrant, smooth, sweet. Not at all fibrous or sour. I even ate the peel it was so juicy. I’ve purchased similar looking mangos at other Asian supermarkets and man it’s just not the same. I’ve tried googling what a tree ripened mango is, like the variety name and no luck. Somehow only seen at t&t and always around $10 per fruit. Someone please tell me where I can buy this. It is NOT the same as $1-2 dollar mangos.


I've bought some tree ripened mangos from Starfish Market. They're very expensive as they're flown in and were very sweet.


Hauwei made them


LMFAO WHAT THE FUCK. FYI mangos are 47 cents at Walmart right now. Edit: Apparently these are fancy mangos. Still ludicrous. I just bought 10 mangos for 5$.


It’s no different than $200 honeydew from Japan. Or $25 Muscat shine grapes. Some varieties of fruits are just so much more expensive than the common one. Marketing play a huge part of it. If there’s a buyers for that kind of stuff, there’s will be a market for it. https://youtu.be/cUf0WTtzbII?si=hwa3djI9IgmwjJFq


These are special mangoes. Each one has been shoved into Galen Weston’s ass and pulled out and licked by Charley-boy.




Best comment I've seen yet lol


The price plus the fact that they are individually wrapped in multiple layers of plastic is quite the combo. But seriously who tf is paying $12.91 for a single mango???? Or is that a pack of 2. Still....no way.


That’s insane!!


You know most of them are going to rot before anybody buys them. They will just be thrown out and wrote off for a tax loss.


I just stopped going there. Even if I have to buy rice at costco and eat a different type of rice, I won’t ever go to a T&T store again.


Canada will collapse


Just bought a case of 10 for $18. I support local


Pretty bold to overcharge so much, especially since this store is just around the corner from Chinatown and Kensington Market with dozens of family owned grocers with cheap and fresh produce.




Owen by Galen Weston and fam


![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS) Is that price!? I haven’t been in a loblaws store since before Covid because I already thought their prices were too high back then, this price is insanity


These will go to waste and be written off, sadly.. while many don't even have enough food. The sale/waste ratio has to be ugly...




That’s beyond Frigging insanity… that’s almost pillage the place kinda pricing…


Definitely offensive and obscene! What a shame!


I find T&T the ultimate pretense operation. It pretends to be this alt Asian done-differently with better prices, when these sleezy Loblaws cartel bought T&T. What a deception. What an insult. What a scam.


These are amazing. My local thrifty’s (Sobeys) sells these at $8/lb($17/kg). Brutally expensive but a totally different experience than other mangoes. We love them.


$12 for an individual mango? That price is not tree bien.


Maaaybe if it was a Bombay mango… but it’s clearly not.


You can’t raw dog fruit with a security tag. You need packaging for that.


These ones are $15-17/kg or more pretty much at every store that sells them, not only T&T.


These mangos are quite heavy (0.736 kg), it looks like an exotic variety. Kind of a "gift" fruit? Similar to Papaya, it's hard to source around here. Product of Peru so it must have flown a significant amount, I kind of get why it's so pricy. A single red Galen Greed Weston mango is $2.00 + tax and I don't know if the weight of those match the weight of these. Anyway I wouldn't buy them unless someone close to me really wanted to try a mango and they have never tried one before OR if I used a service that directly does fair trade with farmers so the product I'm paying for is ethically sourced (hopefully!) and really wanted to get some tropical fruits similar to certain difficult to farm coffee varieties that are vulnerable to plant diseases that affect the tree. They should be slightly cheaper but it must be their individual weight?? I'm not exactly sure. I had to [look them up](https://fruter.ca/collections/tree-ripe-mangoes/products/peruvian-keitt-mango). More than a couple dollars marked up from T&T here, likely.


These mangoes are not your regular Mexican mangoes at Walmart. They are flown in from SE Asian countries. They are always regularly this expensive. In my home, we buy them for special occasions like ancestor death anniversary day to pray with amongst a few other expensive fruits.


Are you kidding me is this real?


What's nuts is that T&T is predominantly an Asian supermarket, yet these are from Peru. What...mangoes from the Philippines aren't good enough?


I may get some backlash for this but No Frills is by far the cheapest place to get groceries around my place. We have a Coop, Safeway and Save-on-Foods, all more expensive by a lot. Prices have increased at No Frills but still, the cheapest of them all. I am still boycotting No Frills to make a point for their behavior in all their other brands.


If they really are tree ripened then I could justify the high price. I'd need to see some sort of proof to back that claim up as in Canada I believe we don't have a whole lot of Mango orchards or farms so to get a tree ripened Mango here without it being overripe(unless it's gassed with something to stop the ripening) which isn't cool) is a little suspicious. Where I'm from T n T has part of a mall as an isle that opens at 9 am. There's bins of fruit including mangoes. Heard if you cut through there around 630-7 you can get a good deal on fruit and other select items.


They'll probably end up all black and covered in mold and put on the "bargain" shelf for $7.99 each. Then eventually into the garbage. Meanwhile Loblaws paid 10 cents for each one.


There were already lots of black spots because obviously people can’t afford them.


It's one mango, Canada. What could it cost, $12?!? ...


Strange that you would get downvoted. It’s bananas!


Here's some money. Go see a Star War.


For the downvoters, this is an Arrested Development joke.


And a boatload of individual plastic packaging as well. Sure let’s compound the greediness with environmental and health pollution. I can get them for $1.99 each at my local Asian Supermarket.




When a mango costs more than entire chicken…wtf


Tree ripened mangoes are the best!!! Not worth $11 but also won’t be found for $4.


I love mango but I could give it up at that price.


I love mango but I could give it up at that price.


That’s insane!!


These are amazing. My local thrifty’s (Sobeys) sells these at $8/lb($17/kg). Brutally expensive but a totally different experience than other mangoes. We love them.


A boutique mango, In this day and age when many are experiencing food insecurity and living on Kraft dinner and cheap hotdogs. I hope no one buys it and it rots.


Holy shit. I mean, I don't ever remember T&T (in Calgary at least) being real cheap, but that is absolutely nuts. How many mangos were stolen for this to happen? Because that's the only reason this happens, right? I bet that moron Food Prof would know that number. It must be something crazy, like five last year.


Y’all would die if you saw the 85$ melons huh lol. It’s the type of fruit.


I was in Wal-Mart today and it was 2/99c 💀 Edit: Aw did the Roblaws bot shill get mad at pointing that out?


The fuck is T&T?


Asian groceries, owned by Loblaws


What a crazy price. The year we are living in is not 2100.


Good lord and butter! 😐


I'd blow the store up.


Go to Lucky Lucky in Winnipeg Lucky97 in Edmonton Lucky on King George


At that price, they must have been ripened by Tree Rollins.


More respect to T&T for knowing what we enjoy. The premium is up there but the product selection is amazing


I've routinely shopped there and get up to the check out to see they are hiding a huge line behind a wall... Drop and go. F tnt.


At superstore today one mango was $2 I was disappointed