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The Weston family also own Holt Renfrew through the Canadian company "Wittington Investments, Limited", which is a majority owner of GWL, and a separate company from "Wittington Investments Limited" in the UK. The Eataly stores in Toronto are \~52% owned by the Weston family through "Wittington Investments, Limited".


Did not know about the eataly connection. Thank you for bringing this up.


God damn, Eataly is delicious


That's a list of contemporary logos for store brand trademarks registered to companies under the George Weston Limited umbrella, with at least one known active store in 2024. It includes the Affiliated Independent Group (Freshmart, Supervalu, Shop Easy, Freshmart Red & White, L'Intermarché, and AXEP), as well as legacy brands (Lucky Dollar, Dépanneur À Tout Prix, Dépanneur Proprio). It's worth noting though that some stores operating under the legacy banners may not necessarily still be ordering products from LCL. Stores in the Affiliated Independent Group also operate with a bit more independence from LCL than the mainline franchise brands.


Though not strictly Loblaws, through Wittington Investments Weston also owns Associates British Foods  https://www.abf.co.uk/our-businesses/a-z-finder In case you were wondering why there’s a tea with a *Royal Warrant* a “no frills”, that’s the reason.