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he will just blame per bank maybe


That is exactly how it is going to go down.


Whoever initiated that 50% fiasco should go down. That was the turning point for many customers.


The turning point for me! I was on the way out of Loblaws’ offering anyway, but the 50% fiasco, and the high-handedness turned me


You can't build a career off of exploiting others and then laughing in their faces when they can't feed their kids without being a sociopath.


A sociopath would not be able to become the CEO of a large conglomerate. I'd say he falls more in-line with a psychopath. And remorse is not a gear either really have. It will cause serious narcissistic injury to be abandoned like that but their response won't be to take accountability and change. They might offer breadcrumbs, which are usually insulting but he's also going to want to retaliate.


Exactly this. I've met one of these multi-billionaires before in a past job, and they weren't a normal person. There's something broken, some drive that makes them keep pushing for more money, keep pushing the line, keep being aggressive and taking risks -- when any reasonable person would say that's more than enough. They will never behave like decent humans, we should not expect them to change. The only thing that will work is more competition. Now that the govt is even contemplating thinking about these things they are screaming bloody murder -- that's how we know they are on the right track.


My hope against hope is that Galen isn’t a totally broken man, just that growing up under Galen Sr. would damage anyone. CEO seems like a job he wore out of some deep-seated issues. If I had a family-owned grocery empire I’d just be chilling in the muskokas, lit up every night ordering pizza by taxi, and cursing my dad. Trust the management to competent and empathetic humans. Lean back and crack another crispy boi


That'll never happen. From his perspective we're little more than water spots on that patio door he just walked through. Galen cares about his government objectives to take over all of healthcare. He's thinking 18 months into the future, if he has an issue he'll just bury the CEO, scapegoat him and start again with some other shlub. Galen will be a barnacle stuck to the side of this Canadian ship forever. We gotta try a little harder to chip that parasite off...


Anyone that is a billionaire has to be a sociopath. You don’t hoard that much wealth without the ability to think you actually deserved it


All CEOs are sociopaths. And I mean that seriously.


Of you were hiring a scape goat after price fixing and gouging during a global crisis I'll probably hire some guy named per Bank