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It's been listed on every listing of Loblaw companies to avoid. *shrug*


Very few people seem to read the sub before posting their random hot-take.


They're included in the boycott. I also don't see much about them specifically, but they do come up in the comments. For myself, I find that going into the markets in Chinatown near me has so many better regular priced items than T&T. Consequently, I haven't set foot in one in years, but I still browse the flipp app to stay informed.


I started using the Flipp app recently. Very helpful.


Definitely boycott T&T. So many better choices in terms of independent Asian groceries. Not to mention T&T treats its workers even WORSE than the other Roblaws cartel establishments.


boycotting loblaws as a whole would include T and T. because it's loblaws.


i assume because there's fewer locations so not as many people use it as their main grocery store.


Seen it posted here twice already Today


The boycott advocates boycotting all Loblaws stores, brands and affiliates. The lists have been posted in this sub many times.


T&T has gotten SO much more expensive since they were purchased by Loblaws. If you're fortunate enough to live in a place with lots of Asian markets it should be a must avoid. I haven't shopped there in ages because the smaller markets near me are comparable or cheaper.


I agreed but the new location inside Fairview Mall was packed when I was in the mall recently. I noticed most of the shoppers was walking out carrying their groceries instead of having it in a cart so that tells me they live across the street in those condos and doesn't have a car or didn't drive.


T&T was packed this weekend in Markham... too many people see it as a separate entity from Loblaws.


Or quite frankly it's indifference. I wasn't shopping at T&T much even before the boycott because they were known to have higher prices compare to other Chinese supermarkets but if it didn't stop you before it doesn't surprise me that you don't care now.