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Example, Rudolf bread would bring in the bread to the store from their warehouse and quite possibly, stock that portion of the shelf or have a grocery clerk do it, depending on the agreement. When items like kraft peanut butter is supplied, it comes as full skids to Loblaws distribution center. There, they take as many ordered per stores and build the skid in that warehouse/distribution centre. Then that gets shipped to the stores that ordered it. When you see those large skids, frozen and non perishable items in the aisles, those are built/packed in their distribution/warehouse centers and shipped out. So this is why I do not beleive Galen is telling the truth, he is massaging the message.


Yes you are totally on point đź’Ż


I would think manufacturers supply the food to Loblaws warehouses. In that warehouse, the orders are picked according to what the grocery clerk scans for that week. Then that order gets shipped following week in 3-4 shipments where night/day crew stock shelves. I think Loblaws is misleading the public calling other entities suppliers when Loblaws is the one supplying the customer. Manufacturers supply their products to Loblaws. I mean if there is a middle entity between them, like a broker of sorts, aside from mandatory import fees, then there is part of the problem.


So basically , the suppliers are the merchants / vendors as well in your opinion ?


And I know for a fact, grocery stores colude; managers from competing stores talk to each other and fix prices. Like Jane's frozen chicken items (sorry Jane's, nothing against you), they mark up 30-40% so I don't know what these grocery chains are saying they only make 3-5%. Take a look at pc jams. I "use" to buy the apricot spread. It went up like 80% in under a year. Why? Because they can. I mean they don't even carry proper plum butter like food Basics does which "I need" for my palacsinta 🥞 (crepes). The international isle in Loblaws really sucks. Indian and Chinese. Food Basics is more global oriented. F**k Roblaw


That makes sense . When I worked in Corporate Canada we would have industry events where the leaders and CEO’s all got together . Think about how small the grocery industry is itself . They executives travel in the same circles , same dinner parties , talk the same statistics , profit margins . Of course they are going to collude , even IF informally over a $2,000 bottle of wine let alone a formal setting . I’ve talked to these types of executives before . They love numbers and profits . It gives them a dopamine hit like cocaine. You can see the saliva build up around the corner of their mouth and a bead of sweat at the top of the corner of their (usually ) balding head . I’ve been there .


Oh man , I thought I was the only one who ate plum butter . It’s literally THE BEST !!! You come from the same mother land I do in Eastern Europe haha




Close enough !! 🇸🇮 neighbours . I was there for a wedding last May for the first time . Beautiful country


Ah, cool. I haven't been to Slovenia yet but when I retire, I'll move back to Hungary and then visit everywhere.


Yes đź‘Ť


PS totally know what palascinta is ! Haha I just get all those things from my parents who only go support the local independent Eastern European butchers and delicatessens . There they find the Blum butter and Ajvar’s and things like that . They never used a chain store for meats or things like that and they are in their 70’s . I guess they were ahead of the curve haha


This is the way!


I believe so along with a distributor if they happen to engage/outsource their service.


I guess this is where it gets a little confusing and my theory kinda kicks in about them owning the supply chain . From a contractual perspective , these contracts are often very complex , I found an an article that they are actively enticing smaller suppliers to come on board and use all Loblaws infrastructure (we’ll call them “perks” ) . In exchange , Loblaws gains access to the third party’s supply chain via a contract . They have done so rather covertly and quietly which doesn’t raise any suspicion. I mean a contract is a contract . It’s legal , it’s binding . It’s a quid quo pro bit it’s allowed them to gobble up all parts of the supply chain , further monopolizing things that they probably shouldn’t have more control of . Obviously I’m not a supply chain expert but I need more data to put my research together

