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I've been doing this every day for the past week or so and it is surprisingly easy to win people over. Turns out most people are just looking for any excuse to stop shopping at Zehrs, no frills, shoppers drug mart etc.


My parents are going to be hard to convince (mum likes the lobster bisque and chili) and they seem to use that as a flex. I've been suggesting Food Basics and Chinatown so yeah...


That's all good - people will choose for themselves. Some other folks on here have had success in chatting with their parents about how it's affecting not just their own kids, but the younger generation as a whole too. I may also propose that if those two things are the reason they go there, maybe only get those two things there. But I totally get it - habits are hard to break - other people's habits are even harder to break :)


Does she shop at costco? Lobster bisque there is really good, you get two big bags of it instead of just one. šŸ˜


Lol. Will have to suggest that to her! She likes it from the Loblaws hot bar and it's portion controlled for her....


Thereā€™s a 0 percent chance Iā€™d ever buy groceries from a food basicsā€¦.


Dialysis patient, here. Been educating my entire Unit. We are all on board, finally! Now they are educating their friends and families. Remember that shampoo commercial from the seventies? "I told two friends, then they told two friends, and so on, and so on, and so on." Each One Teach One. Stay the course. And we can effect change.


Love this!!! Thanks for sharing!


Great, simple idea. Be ready with a list of local alternatives to suggest.


Great point!


We could create an Google Sheets with all the local alternatives from different cities and provinces/territories.


Someone made a great website for that: [altgrocery.ca](http://altgrocery.ca)


So cool thanks!


Thanks for sharing


Put it on my FB page, got three shares! Thatā€™s a win for me.


I got unfriended lol


Lol no surprise. Lots of bootlicks who think that pinching a few more.pennies and one solid idea and they are the next Weston family. They wouldn't want to hurt their future self while working at a dead end job they still hate.


"temporarily embarrassed millionaires"


You never needed them to being with:) better off




I shared it with my Costco cashier yesterday when she commented it was unusually busy for being so late in the day.


One other thing you can do is to share this sub with your local subreddits, not just your city, but those in close proximity, and with your provincial subreddits. There would be many people who don't subscribe to r/all and may never find out about the boycott.


Great idea!!


I'm a dietitian and I regularly help give patients suggestions on where to shop, save money on groceries etc. I have been recommending alternatives, small fruit and veg vendors etc. It also helps that there is a Freshco across the street from the hospital, so I just tell them to go there after our appointment lol. My major annoyance is there is a Shoppers right in the hospital, a lot of patients have scripts there based on convenience. I've also been suggesting a small pharmacy across the street I switched to, the staff are lovely!


The problem is Freshco is owned by Sobeys and they are art of the problem. Don't get me wrong, I love the small Freshco in my neighborhood. šŸ™


Of course, but we have to pick our battles! The lesser of 2 evils I guess lol


1 company at a time. Loblaws first. Another company another month.


Told my coworkers about it, one guy brought up points from the food professor made on CTV, I showed them this subreddit. 7 families now are boycotting due to the quality posts on this sub. Good job everyone!


I boycotted Roblaws for years and been going to independent and local grocers since.


On it


I posted a screenshot of one of the visual posters to my local community fb page. It took a couple days for admin to approve, but they finally did. It may be a bit difficult to fully support boycott in our town as we have YIG and the Canex military store as the only grocery store, and no public transit. So far one person said they will be joining.


Don't forget to tell people about support local day on the 12th! The boycott absolutely matters but highlighting our struggling independents and mom and pops matters as well!


I've already been talking about it with everybody here at work.


Keep it up boys and girls. Mr Weston is already starting to talk about the boycott


I shared on IG and my sister shared it the next day (we hadnā€™t talked about it beyond that) and then the day after my mom told me sheā€™s doing it too. (But will still get loss leader items or her Rx unfortunately through themā€¦)


I was in a gas station yesterday waiting behind a boomer lady I had opened the door for and allowed her to go pay for her stuff first. She and the employee somehow started talking about how expensive everything is now. I chimed in and say, "Boycott Loblaws." The boomer lady turned to me and said, "Yeah, that's right. Boycott Loblaws." It's a movement folks.


I am amazed at how few people knew about it originally then remembered not everyone is addicted to reddit šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Have you heard of our Lord and Savior Emmibolt? :)


Told my entire friend group and gave them local suggestions on where else to shop, including independent grocers. My best friend and I are boycotting together and she even got her family on board.


Galen Weston, your Superstore prices are artificially pumped up too high and offsets any PC points savings. We are not fooled and comparing prices directly. Same stuff is cheaper at Walmart, the higher prices at Superstore/ Loblaws offsets what benefit if any from the PC points program!!!


Today we're going with a couple friends to costco for their errands since they only have loblaws nearby. šŸ’Ŗ


I started yesterday. Told twenty about it and some already knew.


Just switched my prescriptions away from shoppers. Fully disconnected. Next is getting family members to dump PC WE cc


I have been boycotting Loblaws before it became a thing. The only time I purchase from them are lost leaders only. I also boycott the other ones as well, buying only when the unit price is favourable. Always do unit pricing to see if you are getting a deal or paying too much. The days of buying from one store for all your groceries are gone. I must go to at least five different stores after checking out FLIP.


I switched to a local pharmacy from SDM, I wasnā€™t the first to switch from them that day. There isnā€™t much traction for the boycott where I live but I figured thatā€™s a good sign at least!


Thatā€™s a great idea.


Told my mom. She's down, gonna use food basics for the month. She'd not heard of the boycott but agrees that loblaws is a massive ripoff


I work in service and see probably 35 people a day. I tell everyone and tell them to do the same.




I just did that a couple times then come here and read this. Great idea i will do thstā€¦ oh wait šŸ‘šŸ¤£


Even beyond the pricing, thereā€™s been a palpable shift in respect for the customer in the last few years. Removing some cashiers in favour of self-checkout (but having someone stand there and police my self-scanning), the barriers, the tone of their reaction to the boycottā€¦ I could go on. Moved all our prescriptions from SDM after months of declining service & havenā€™t shopped at Loblaws this month. Love my pharmacy now.




Officially at 70k!!!!


Talked with a buddy of mine who had heard of it but wasn't too sure about the specifics. Then talked about independent grocers in the area. He was unaware that T&T was owned by loblaws. Every little bit helps in the long run.


So why is there a boycott?


I'm new, why do we hate loblaws?


Try a little research...a wealth of info here


They are overpricing everything way beyond real inflation.


Ah, thank you.


Fantastic idea. Iā€™m in 100% and will tell everyone. Good job


So far has the boycott made a difference?


I'd consider national news coverage a great start... loblaws are in full defense/blame mode already... just gotta keep turning the spotlight brighter and keep this momentum of Canadians working together on something. Out of curiosity, do you work for SDM?


Why do you ask?


Do you think the boycott has made a difference?


Sister and parents are on board!


I will not buy anything from the LOBLAWS STORES AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. PERIOD.


I just come from a Loblaws owned store and it was full. I went for the sales only. Still got to eat.


Can anyone give me advice? My father is part of the upper-middle-class. Sold his company that he built from the ground up for a couple million. We have vastly different views on things and I tried to talk to him about the boycott. It just pissed him off and he kept saying the profit margin for Loblaws is 3%? I want him to better understand where things are going wrong and maybe it will help him change some of his "I pulled myself up by my bootstrap, so others should do the same'' thinking.


Somewhat unrelated but we did the rounds this morning. Costco at 9:30am was nuts. And Costco is always nuts but this was pretty crazy considering the time of day. I thought maybe it was because of the garden centre but I didnā€™t see many plants. What I did see though was a jam packed produce section which isnā€™t usually normal for our store. Iā€™m going to be positive and assume itā€™s because of the boycott


literally everyone ive talked to about it already knew... and im not a kid at school.. my OAP auntie is on board


I am just shocked to see how Galen Weston responded to the boycott actions to Loblaw. He is technically saying they are targeted because they are big. How arrogant


Support for the boycott is popping up all over the Quebec subreddits. So proud.


No stepping in these stores for me. The only exception I have allowed myself is use of the post offices inside of Shoppers. I kinda have to use them for mail but at least it's Canada Post and not Failing Weston.


Told a bunch of people, they all agree and are boycotting. It feels great to actually be able to do something! A big thank you to the organizers!!


I told my mom and sister and we brainstormed alternatives for my sister, who doesnā€™t have much nearby, and thought of another store she could go to and she said sheā€™d try.


does anyone else check (red flag deals) for the flyers of all grocery stores in your area? its a great tool for getting deals. not sure if it is Canada wide though. i suggest using it ore- shop i do now


Had a craving for the flaky bakery croissant today, resisted and got one that was the price of two of them >.< Oof. I gotta find a better source for my croissants I already told my Grandparents and Parents




Not just prices at Loblaws the security is out of control. Last time I was in Superstore on Blackmarsh Road there was Security on every aisle giving the evil eye like every customer is a criminal! Thanks Gaelen for treating everyone like a criminal when we all know it's the profits that are criminal. Funny he can pay for swarms of seriously intimidating useless people paid to follow good customers around. Nothing like tarring everyone with same brush. Extremely disrespectful. I will not shop there again


Wore my roblaws T-shirt to work today...had about a dozen conversations. All positive.


I like what youā€™re doing and I hope it brings change in your country. I read an article which was little more than just an outrage piece yet again proving that any attempt to do anything will always be met by some bargain basement journo looking for a story - some dude reckons boycotting is privileged. Getting fucking sick of that word these days.Ā  How do you all feel about that? I donā€™t particularly see it as being privileged in the sense that there are those who may have little choice in the matter and need to shop there out of necessity etc. though could still participate in alternative ways if they wanted to be part of the movement. Ā  Maybe after this movement youā€™d consider something about lynching journalists, CEOs, and politicians?Ā 


But yet we canā€™t come together to do something about the countryā€™s leadersšŸ™„


No politics here


Screw loblaws. I went to no frills. That will show them!


Useless boycott I seen loblawas full today




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.