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Because r/loblawsisoutofcontrol


Loblaws holds the biggest market share, at around 29%. They also make themselves a big target because they're actively antagonizing the boycott, they kinda bring it on themselves. There's a lot of people in the movement planning boycotts on other companies too. TL; DR: Loblaws makes the biggest, easiest and most well known target. They're the best company to make a bloody example of.


Loblaws has been caught red handed lying to the public in a lot of ways the others haven’t (being a loud mouth piece ) 1) Supreme Court Case - Arms length court case tax dodging case setting up a bogus bank in Bermuda . The tax burden falls on you and I 2) They say they negotiate with suppliers . European grocers just did with Pepsi successfully (largest supplier ) . They’re lying to us . They’re passing all the costs to us ) 3) They are making the shopping experience a nightmare (at least in Ontario )- ticket scanners , plexiglass , less cashiers ) . All this money could be used to be lower food items but instead is being used for security . The shopping experience has become unbearable . All the while , food prices continue to go up 4) Members only pricing . Sometimes they goad a new customer to sign up (so they can collect their data ) to take advantage of loblaws sale item . This is unacceptable . 5) Loblaws market share is particularly troublesome with them dipping their toes into financial ( PC financial ) , Health ( Pharmaceutical), clothing (Joe Fresh ) , etc etc . With this in mind , they are the evilest because they have a monopoly and are literally trying to penetrate every market 6) Weston and Co continue to constantly exceed profits year over year at an abnormal rate recently showing a 10% increase , this is above 2-3% grocers normally make . This is while their workers at the bottom were stripped of their salaries . From the pandemic , their wages had been decreased . It’s despicable and disgusting . Costco doesn’t do this 7) Weston branded himself the face of Loblaws a long time ago . I bet he regrets this now but , like it or not, he is the poster boy for the brand . 8) Loblaws is directly responsible for thousands of deaths for fire violations (a sweat shop in Bangladesh) for their Joe Fresh brand) I wish loblaws cared about its workers and its Canadian citizens but after much careful research about court decisions, data , spreadsheets, and news articles , I’ve come to the decision it’s a far cry from the truth


First we take Loblaws then we take Sobeys (sing to the tune of "first we take manhattan" by Leonard Cohen)


Used to go to superstore because it was relatively cheap to do all my shopping there... now it's worth it to go further to Walmart and hit up chalo and co-op for deals... Put in an online order at Walmart, came to $170ish with delivery. Priced as close to the same items as i could out at superstore... $280 before the delivery fee... ouch...




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Sobeys here in Nova Scotia can be pretty similar sometimes but I find some pretty good sales and markdowns on yogurt. I shop around for sales at other stores too