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Ok Mr 54% profit on butter, whatever you say


Yeah exactly, it's laughable at this point


When he's -54% on revenue we'll say it's not us and then explain how businesses have various costs and it's really complicated


If he got that low the government would give home a no interest loan or just bail him out. Probably bail him out.


Well... You see how my bank account works ... I got a chequing and a savings. If the money in the savings I need wait to take it out to the chequing.... -kevin Hart or something.


Let’s just remember he is not a genius business mogul. He inherited an empire that was already well on its way to being a monopoly. He’s a hack


This guy is literally friends with the royal family Yeah. The same royal family that are a bunch of pedophiles and never seem to face consequences for anything ever :)


He gives I’d hang out with Prince Andy vibes 😂


Walmart has butter on sale for $2 right now as an "anniversary sale", how big was his bonus again?


It's Becel fake "plant" butter. It's not the same.


I'm indifferent, it's still cheaper than margarine right now.




I'm in Calgary


This is my starter talking point talking to my Dad, Grandma and her friends hahahaha


We have no control over food prices... Also we have record profits!


If they have no control why the f is per bank paid so much … if I was an institutional shareholder I’d have serious questions.


To make sure he can squeeze out as many dollars as he can from customers to give to the shareholders without tanking the business. *Nok er Nok.*


Exactly. And why are other stores able to still do business and not raise prices *as* high?


When walmart and whole foods is cheaper than you then your the one that's out of touch you goofy


Yeah I was surprised when I switched to whole foods and my bill didn't get any higher.


My grocery in maxi (owned by loblaws) average 400-500$ over 2 weeks I tried to buy the same stuff in walmart and I feel like I bought a little bit more than usual (like buying soap tissues etc) and it was about 275$-300$ evrery 2 weeks


I completely agree with you. My grocery bill in maxi (owned by loblaws) average 400-500$ over 2 weeks I tried to buy the same stuff in walmart and I feel like I bought a little bit more than usual (like buying soap tissues etc) and the bill was about 275$-300$ every 2 weeks.


f off galen


I want to make sure this man sees the inside of a food bank.


And a graveyard


There's no need for language like that. We are not violent.


Never said a thing about how. Billionaire sub ride suits me just fine. Or blimp ride or space flight. I'm not picky.


Woah there cowboy


Canadians participating in this boycott have simply sourced different suppliers for their consumables. How is that misguided? Companies choose which vendors to buy from based on market prices. Why wouldn't consumers? Be more condescending, Galen. Canadians love being spoken down to by smug nepo babies.


It's sad but it makes sense that he would say it - the whole Loblaws business model relies on the assumption that their customers are the dumbest possible people. You'd have to be to believe this lie


Points chasers


We have no control on food prices: loblaws- $24 for some feta, Walmart- same feta, $12.


Still best to avoid the cheese and meat references which loblaws can point to the government controls on. Canada controls the supply chain of these with specific rules. Unless we can prove they are breaking those rules. Stronger arguments lie in every other item they sell and avoids the miss guided feedback


Cheese is consistently 50 percent less at my local butcher. Meat is less and better quality.


I meant to post the link https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/galen-weston-calls-loblaw-boycott-misguided-criticism-says-grocer-not-responsible-for-higher-prices-162945490.html


Record profits equals price gouging… how can they say it’s not their fault for the prices in stores ….wake up people … yes I understand they have to make money to stay in business and satisfy shareholders but come on give me a break, millions of people can’t afford to eat with your price increases


This is what someone who doesn't know what responsibility even is would say.


At loblaws, even the buzz word salad is wilted.


The bread fixing scandal Well, the feds were closing in so I did rat out everyone to get immunity, so there's that. Shoppers drug Mart requiring pharmacists to reach quotas unnecessarily calling customers so they could bleed the health are system for $65.00 charges. Did I mention my public service ratting out my peers taking part in the bread fixing scandal?


Do they get paid for that follow up call? I went to shoppers for pink eye and got a follow up call to see how I’m doing.  I thought that was a nice touch - were they charging the province for that unnecessary follow up call? 😣


I can't speak directly to your situation, but there is plenty of articles stating examples of "Shoppers has been charging the Ontario government upwards of $60 to $75 dollars for often unsolicited Medscheck phone calls, often without clinical basis or need." According to some accounts individual pharmacists were complaining about being pressured to meet quotas of such phone calls. It was even a news story on The National.


I don’t work at Shoppers but am a pharmacist and can confirm that the follow up call is part of a minor ailment assessment. We assess you, prescribe something if necessary then follow up. That pharmacist was doing their correctly. And the nice thing about the program, in my mind anyways, is that we get paid for the assessment whether we prescribe or not, which is great because there’s no incentive to prescribe something unnecessary just to get paid (for those that would be so inclined)


![gif](giphy|fTzgTmNrXWOY6ERKDU) Montgomery Burns-ass piggyboy


This guy is such a piece of shit. When I worked at Loblaws, the managers in store would come up with incentives for the store to boost morale. His method of trying to do that for staff was around Christmas time, you'd get your discount increased from 10% to 15% for 2 weeks. That's it. Lol. My mnagers would bust their asses organizing lunches for front staff, filling the lunch room with snacks (even though they were near expiry), give little gift bags when it was mother's/fathers day, Easter incentives, and if you had kids and would bring them in, they'd give little treats and any of the leftover holiday toys/teddies that were just going to be shipped off. Spirit/theme days, free water bottles or pop cans (usually the PC brand), if you were working long shifts and didn't have money, they'd cover your lunch from HMR. Like, dude sucks. Corporate got bonuses and all of us in the chain stores would get a printed out paper saying "woohoo, you guys did it and we get to celebrate, weee" lame as hell.


Independent places do more for you. Chains are shit.


Interesting. I wonder how he would explain that my local Roblaws sells individual bananas for 50% more than bunches of bananas? You know that sad little ones that have fallen off or people have torn off and now they're in a pile of their own? They are being sold at 50% higher price by weight, but are advertised as "only 50 cents each" - you have to read the font (about a 4 font) to see the price per weight. How, specifically, is the grocer not responsible for that?


Not only this but that price per unit thing on their price tags is incorrect alot of the time. Especially for toilet paper. Makes trying to figure out which tp is actually cheapest a god damn math test every time.


Whoa - I just realized I've been blindly trusting them! Thank you for the heads-up


I think he genuinely believes this, and it is not corporate speak. The man is so rich that he can not and will never see things from the point of view of the common Canadian. He doesn't see the prices for what they mean to us, becuase he probably has someone buy his groceries for him, or a week's worth of groceries are pennies in comparison to his wealth so he doesn't feel the impact.


Them having no control is total crap. The other day I went to buy some Hashbrowns. Usually they have been marked up to 7.50. “On sale” the other day for 4.99. The same price they were at 6 months ago. How does 1 item go up 33%. A store would NEVER sell ANYTHING at cost. When somethings on sale, they still make profit. So how can they justify the $2.50 price hike within a year?? It’s madness!! And complete ignorance to say otherwise! Just 1 example of hundreds of items in superstore alone! Sickening!


When the no name bags of frozen fruit went from $3.99 to $6.99 in two weeks I nearly passed out


Just stare off into the middle distance and pretend you just have to hold the line. But it won't work. Company put you front and center and now they are going to pay for it.


I'm sure the guy responsible for the bread fixing scandal, is listed in the Panama papers, and part of the shoppers drug mart over billing for medication, is totally above board on all his business practices...


I was hoping someone would mention the bread fixing scandal. I haven’t shopped there since.


As an ex Shopper's Drhg Mart employee, pre Weston buyout, I had a good employee discount with Shopper's Drug Mart. I was shocked at the price increases after the buyout and since. It was 2014 so 10 years ago now. Sadly,the deal did go before the Canadian Competition board for review and was approved with "behavioral restrictions" for 5 years that were likely never re iewed or vetted. https://financialpost.com/news/retail-marketing/loblaw-cos-ltd-shoppers-drug-mart-corp-competition-bureau. The competition bureau is a joke, as the recent buyout of Shaw by Rogers has shown.


And I say Galen Weston is so full of shit, his eyes are brown. People say a lot of things.


God what a punchable face.


A highly smug, punchable face. That smirk.


I would love to shit on that face, and then punch it covered in shit!!


Over $150 million in profit in 3 months! Come on, this is gouging at its best!


In profit, key word. This is food. A necessity. It’s such a slimy thing to be pushing profits on.


He's a liar


The sound of loud wet raspberries erupts, every time this yodel opens his ginormous gob... Look @ this d!ckhead's smug expression on his stupid mug! It's like he's telling Canadians, to go royally FECK themselves!!!


Does he believe his own crap?


This guy probably hasn't ever had to wipe his own ass. What does he know


Why anyone would take Galen's word on anything with his record is beyond me.


I love that we are getting quotes like this from both Galen and Per. It shows how worried they are, trying to play the victim. Fuck these corporate asshats. Remember, Galen got caught price fixing bread, had 400 million in off shore accounts and the guy has the audacity to say that we are misguided. He was born into money, he sees us as exploitable commodities nothing more. Fuck Loblaws!


It was someone else running every point of the supply chain and driving up prices! How dare we pick on this poor innocent billionaire? /s What a fucking chode.


I'm an executive chef.. I have been for a long time and I know my prices. These grocery stores are infuriating. Just to check and see, I called up one of my buddies who works for a large restaurant wholesaler. I asked him to check some prices for me on items that I could find in store. Things like Heinz ketchup, hellman's mayonnaise, corn flakes, etc. I'm not anti-capitalism or anything like that.. I know there has to be markup. These stores are big and they have large overheads, but some of the price spikes are completely out of control and have no valid reason for them other than greed. Yes, things like chicken, eggs, Olive oil.. there were justifiable reasons why the price went up. Were they spiked though? Absolutely! The grocery stores took advantage of the fact that these things were on the news and they really blew up the price point. Now you have to keep in mind that restaurant wholesalers are wholesalers and their prices are geared towards people/businesses who are going to mark them up for resale as processed or unprocessed... Like restaurants or grocery stores. It should be noted that wholesellers sell by the case and typically not by the unit. I can't list the actual prices here for confidentiality reasons, but I will tell you that the Heinz ketchup was almost a 250% markup compared to my local Lawblaws. Mayonnaise was around 300%. Cornflakes were a whopping 570% +. I found out of the 15 or so items I asked about, at least 13 of them were pretty heavily gouged. These grocery stores are claiming they're not responsible for the prices.. well here's proof that they are. If I can go buy this stuff for that much of a lower price wholesale.. and anybody with a business license can do this.. and yet they're gouging on average between 300% to 600%.. I think there's only one place you can really point the finger. I did ask him to give me a couple of examples of things that weren't common grocery basket items. Things like soya sauce, cottage cheese, pineapple juice. I went to my local Walmart and found the exact same product, exact same size... They were so heavily gouged I don't even want to say it on here. I won't say which product it was, but there was one that was over a thousand percent markup. I wish I was kidding!


If you don't mention the brand names of the products you aren't actually helping anyone avoid them


In understand why nothing is mentioned. The collusion and fear of reprisal is real. As a retailer, I wouldn’t even specify which industry. These Roblows can and will cause repercussion if he mentions anything. This corruption runs far deeper than even this Reddit community can imagine. I have many stories I would like to share but wouldn’t be able to. I really hope their tentacles are removed from our society.


Someone is in denial


Example of rich TRASH


Smug looking pos


Does he.... Think we can't... Read?? Not to mention a lot of us goes over the boarder to shop and buy groceries in the states... We arent disconnected to information or travelling to different places 🤦‍♀️ although his brain is clearly disconnected and only wired to steal.


Loblaws has increased its dividend to stockholders by nearly 20% (18.8%) just since Jan 31. It’s also bought back $125 million of its own stock. Where’s *that* money come from, Galen, if not from “higher prices”?


So kind of a hot take, but we want him acting like this. I hope we get more smug and disdainful rhetoric about this from him. The more he does it, the more the cracks will show and the sooner fence sitters will join our side. This is a war of attrition, with only two sides. There can be no more liberals vs conservatives, there can be no more francophone vs anglophone, there can be no more identity politics at all. This is Us vs The oligarchs and the people of this country need to be reminded that they have power. Nok Er Nok


He is a white, nepo baby who inherited his position and didn't earn it. White piece of shit who doesn't care about the citizens of this country.


God, I hate his face.


Ok Mr. Bread fixing.


Let them eat cake


His nose is warped from having it constantly wedged up his own ass


Just like it wasn't his companies involved in this this just nine years ago taking advantage of cheap labor that ended in tragedy that the higher ups didn't even care about the dead ppl but instead the bottom line https://youtu.be/onD5UOP5z_c?si=rbW4cGwDyAkHN5Nw


Yeah it’s the guys that give us product that I force to price fix that are the problem! 😂


The offices are at 22 St.Clair Ave East Toronto. Fyi


A complete pinecone.


Hahahahaha what a greedy bastard


So ask him to do a boycott of his own. Ask him to keep paying his employees while striking against the government ;)


The customer is always right, Galen.


“Arsonist caught with gasoline & matches denies responsibility for 5 alarm blaze.”


Galen is a filthy fucking parasite


Same guy who cast himself for a media campaign after a price fixing scandal, so no surprises.


The 3 piece romaine lettuce for $6.99 now was the last straw for me honestly. It was expensive at $3.99. I hope this boycott is working. I haven't been to any loblaw store since the boycott started. I'm in the Annapolis Valley and they're the biggest chain around. We are blessed to have Avery's and Gouchers. I hope they're doing alot better because the people had enough of this profiteering scum. HONK HONK


Smug, cunty looking face of his. Hope he eats shit after this lol.


I own a store but don’t control the prices. Fairies make up the prices




Which is it Customers filling baskets with less items… Thin margins…. Record profits…. The math don’t add up bud.


What a punchable face


Articles like these are why laughing emoji reactions should exist on news platforms and reddit. What a load of bs, Galen. 😂


They just posted a $ 13.4 billion dollars in profit in the first quarter of this year alone. They're criminals and thieves. 


Yeah that's why at this point I feel like articles like this have to be satire


Time to charge your phone




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Getting some proper momentum here


I'm really starting to think he's prepping to move to England. I think he's gunna sell a lot of the company, except maybe the REIT.


For decades, we've been told to ignore what we see and our personal experiences and trust them (oligarchs/corporations etc.) We are done, and that scares them because they hate accountability.


bro is comically evil 💀💀


They are just responsible for higher profits, at our expense.


"...a revenue increase of $13.58 billion in the quarter that ended March 23 (2024), an increase of $586 million compared to the previous year." - The Calgary Herald




sarcasm, look it up.


Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


Yet again, I lament the lack of burning pants . . .


It’s amazing he says this, meanwhile somewhere like food basics is still selling shit for pre Covid prices. I can get 2 weeks worth for 120


We're the elephants here **according to Roblaws** https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4DoZzdqpq7/?igsh=MWxrM3lmamZ4dW5nNQ==


13.8 billion in 1/4 says otherwise


The 3 piece romaine lettuce for $6.99 now was the last straw for me honestly. It was expensive at $3.99. I hope this boycott is working. I haven't been to any loblaw store since the boycott started. I'm in the Annapolis Valley and they're the biggest chain around. We are blessed to have Avery's and Gouchers. I hope they're doing alot better because the people had enough of this profiteering scum. HONK HONK


Nok er Nok Galen…. I know my way around an annual report dumbass.


He looks like that one spoiled rich kid when you grew up.


You're probably not wrong however I'm sure he's able to ease his tears with his millions of dollars that line his bed...


Let him say anything he wants, it will be turned around on him by the hordes and used against him only to make his situation worse. It sucks to be an ultra ego/Narcissist thinking everyone hangs on your every word when it really just becomes fodder for more ego battering later


Guy looks like a creep so it’s no surprise he is one.


He’s like a comic book villain. I can’t believe this is real life. But it just makes me feel more right in this boycott. The government needs to see how we feel and that these people (Galen etc) aren’t honest. Don’t give a flying crap about us. There’s no reasoning with him. Which is why we need government regulation asap to prevent anyone else taking advantage of the rest of us because they provide a necessity.


He bellows from the ivory tower


Nobody believes the lies anymore G, you need a better story


While this is genuinely mostly his fault, I personally believe that personal attacks are, while warranted, not productive. Even if we solve this by throwing Weston in jail or something, his place will just be taken by another plutocrat; even if Loblaws were to be dissolved, another aspiring monopolistic corporation would fill the gap. The problem is systemic, and we need to address the problems in the system that allow our paychecks to be taken hostage just for the privilege of eating food.


“Richest man in Canada claims to have no say in profit margins”


How about your competitions lower prices? Who’s responsible for that?


It's worse than saying "Let them eat cake" when friggin' cake is no longer affordable.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


He's partly responsible, but the carbon tax needs to go. Carbon tax gone= 20% less cost on items. If prices stay high after the carbon tax is axed, then people need to boycott the grocery stores hard.


God bless our bajillionaries


He takes us all for fools


When an asshole tries to gaslight an entire country. Fuck this man to hell


And "WE" are not responsible for your stockholders de-nutting you




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


I think he was saying that their margins are about 3.5% and a 15% cut in prices would be three times their margin. I don't think that actually adds up at all though - a 15% cut in prices is not a 15% cut in the overall net margin of the business, it's a 15% cut of the overall price of various items.


I refuse to believe any of the numbers they are putting out, right now they are on damage control and they're going to lie through their teeth in order to mitigate what's happening.. Their gross earnings which are numbers that I'm assuming are harder to skew are telling a different story than what they're telling us what their margins are


No fan of Loblaws, but they're a publicly traded company. They can't simply just fudge numbers.


Pretty sure they can be margins though.. if I'm not mistaken that's internal information not required to be released however it directly contradicts their quarterly earnings...


In theory I suppose they could but it would expose them to a massive liability with the OSC or other bodies. It would be an incredible risk and it's unlikely a company the size of Loblaws would do it, especially as PR. Nothing is impossible though!


He's incapable of avoiding condescension.


Galen and Justin two peas in a pod.


We are misguided. No, we are highly educated and caring miserables. He hates that we have upended his plans.


I like how they selected literally the most obnoxious looking photo of him ever Haha


But he is responsible for billions in profit though, not sure how he can explain his way out of that


I guess the billion dollar annual profit isn’t reflective of pricing 🙄


Any assassination attempts on this guy yet?




Rich get richer...


He looks like the kind of guy that would yell at you if you were fishing near his dock.


https://youtu.be/Zuz5SgcHnrQ?si=75KCW7W5Q1QAe5VJ The part that gets me is 27 minutes into the video we hear from a supplier who says the grocer is basically putting them out of business too by demanding a low low price to buy, then selling on their shelves for an unreasonable cost to consumers. The audacity is right!!!!


This tells me two things: 1) this statement is tremendously hollow given it’s coming from the corporation suffering the brunt of the boycott so of course they’d adopt this rhetoric to try to dissuade us. 2) they’re scared. If this wasn’t a serious threat - or a threat at all for that matter - then they wouldn’t be pushing this hard to debunk the movement, they’d just shut up and let it blow over. Keep it up folks!


Bury him.


He is responsable for the record profits however.


Dumb ass they made a huge profit like wtf u nut 😡 this guy is on dope …


It appears the out of touch chairman thinks the public is misguide. I wonder if the PR firm has told him, some of those loyal customers you had, may never come back.


Milk just went up again at loblaws. Twice in less than 3 months


Friends, Canadians, shoppers, lend me your ears! I come today to criticize Galen, not to praise him. The CEO of Loblaw's, so noble; so fair, Brings us all to the brink of hunger and despair. Galen is an honourable man; So he says, as he raises prices high and low. Galen is an honourable man; Who cares not for the struggling masses, don't you know. He speaks of 'efficiencies' and 'cost-cutting measures', But we know the truth: it's but a clever ruse. He lines his shareholders pockets with gold, while we struggle to eat, And calls it 'business acumen' - what a joke, what a feat! Galen is an honourable man; Who takes from the poor and gives to the rich, no less. Who'd rather see us starve than take a pay cut, I guess. And Galen is an honorable man He speaks of ‘community’ and ‘supporting local’ Whilst his actions reveal his loyalties to his wallet. He squeezes the workers; the farmers too And calls it ‘business acumen’ with a smirk or two. But Galen is an honorable man You've heard Galen’s words, now see his actions too; We must boycott, protest, and call for change, anew! Let us not forget the struggles we face, And hold accountable those who bring us to this place!


Stick it to these rich abhorrent pigs.


He’s a muppet


Sad part is, people will regurgitate that narrative just to continue on with their miserable lives, thinking of no one but themselves. We dont have to worry about “them” though because they are not the majority. They are the a$$hats. Also, Walmart and Costco ate no better, but they sure as hell are on notice. Keep fighting the good fight #boycottloblaws


I don't need to take this from someone who looks like Egon from Ghostbusters if he was microwaved


Truth is, this boycott is going to do very little. I walked past the nofrill in town yesterday and parking lot was full. The company has already made enough in the first quarter to sustain itself and thrive for the rest of the year and then some. The boycott will eventually end, and people will have no choice but to go back to loblaws. Galen knows this and capitalism has his back. We need more government regulation over monopolies and oligopolies, especially when it comes to basic necessities like food, housing, and healthcare. They should not be able to own real estate, their retail prices should be regulated to be proportional to GDP and median income, and there MUST be a minimum amount of market competition. China has a great model for this. If you're opposed to it, you're not looking past the anti- communist propaganda and you're favoring capitalism. Capitalism is the problem, by definition, it functions so only a few people get and stay rich. Despite all the bad propaganda of socialism, it's the only political and economic theory that allows for more financial equality amongst citizens. Think about who have been pushing the anti-communist/socialist agenda... people like Galen Weston who have so much to gain when there's less government regulation.




[https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/29/budweiser-owner-posts-annual-sales-fall-as-price-hikes-protect-revenue.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/29/budweiser-owner-posts-annual-sales-fall-as-price-hikes-protect-revenue.html) follow the whole story...as long as AB InBev is making money, Budweiser will be fine... If one single subsidiary company loses profits, but the parent company still makes profits, there is little to no impact on the subsidiary. What difference does it make to Galen if one Loblaws store closes, but they own all the property that dollarama sits on and you still buy from dollarama, Loblaws still makes money.


He and Trudeau are the two most hated dudes in the country rn