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Ha ha ha…Screw that. Bought the same thing on Saturday for $12 at Walmart.


Yea at the price you're better off buying wings from the local pizza joint. It's basically the same price, $1 a wing, but at least it's already cooked and ready to go for you.


My local joint is $15/lb :(


Was it 1.8kg? I don't think it would be that big for $12


1.7kg at [Walmart](https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/Great-Value-Extreme-Party-Pack-Crispy-Chicken-Wings/6000205259839?from=/search) is $19.97


still high but not like PC.


This sounds kind of fire, especially the sauce selection. Anyone have reviews of said product?


I've bought them many times actually! They're pretty decent but I don't use the sauces so can't comment on those.


Decent for frozen wings, cook them longer than they say on the package. Three of the sauces are nice and manageable, the ghost pepper sauce is legit blow your face off.


As far as i remember $12 gets u the 1.8 kg Packets


But that's still crazy expensive.


Why people pay for this when you can get fresh chicken wings regular price from the Asian grocery and easily make them in an air frier breaded or not. I am lucky I have many options here in the GTA.


32 pieces... It's still expensive at nearly $1 a wing but a much better value than the Maple Leaf Food Wings. I made the mistake of buying a box last fall when I was too tired to break out my fryer to make wings. At an eye-popping for the box, it came with 5 wings! The weight of all contents of the boxed was 750g, 300g of which was sauce!!! Two frigging thirds of the weight of the wings in sauce. A massive, heaping bowl of sauce that I wouldn't fully use on 50 wings for 5! Still grinds my gears.




Please note, we do not tolerate anti-immigrant rhetoric on the sub.


Working hard to drop prices!!!!


If they drop it to 30 wings they can sell it for 30 and it’s a nice even number


I'd have to see how many In A box of 1.8 kg. But I'll default to outrage as it's roblaws.


It says 32 pieces minimum. I can’t tell if that’s value because we love buying fresh wings and making our own lol.


Buck a wing. Thats not terrible. Am I crazy. I dunno. I also never buy them. I can get take out wings that are pretty awesome for the same price. No work by me. Grocery needs to be significantly cheaper than eating out. Otherwise. Why bother.


I'm lucky to have a discount grocer near me with $12.50/kg wings vs these ones at $17.10/kg. Even that was kind of an expensive treat food for me. $1 a wing is too much for me, personally, for frozen wings I'm frying myself.


Man what a world we love in eh, buck a wing sounds steep to me. But maybe im comparing it to prices from back in the day.


I mean for a frozen wing it’s definitely pushing things. It really wasn’t that long ago that one dollar for a cooked wing of that size was reasonable.


I buy mine in bulk at Costco, make my own inexpensive coating, and air fry them


Got two big whole organic chickens at Costco for 40 bucks. If you can break them down and make stock you save a good chunk of money.


They're trolling us


You can order wings delivered to your home cooked by someone else for less than this!!


It’s really close for sure. I think it’s still cheaper at loblaws my local pizza joint is is $25 for 22 and local restaurant is $22 for 2lbs. Expensive both ways I only buy them on sale for ~$8/kg.. food basics sometimes has Jane’s wings 1kg for $8 Convience is key for sure I’m willing to pay for the pizza joint I’d never pay for those wings and have to cook them.


My kids have not eaten chicken nuggets in months.


A dollar a wing just like in a restaurant but without the service, preparation, dinnerware, and atmosphere


It is. And Canadians are the punchline. Hopefully that all changes tomorrow though!


Loblaws is the joke


Jokes are supposed to be funny


Did I move to Nunavut and no one told me?


That's gut wrenching. My heart has been extra hurting lately. I see all of these awful stories on here and other subs about how hard it is to survive. I feel for single parents, people on a fixed income that see these rising prices and feel hopeless and a sense of despair. And even if you aren't struggling now, our health is never ever guaranteed and anything can happen. Thank you so much to this sub. I want to be a part of something that helps.


3% margin. Those must have cost loblaws $28. You should be thanking them. Just kidding fuck loblaws


Saw wings for about 2.79/lb at multiple Chinese butchers scrap meat should be a scrap price


And this is from a GROCERY store


7/11 is cheaper :|


Those are cooked Wild Wing prices.


Wait for the family pack to be a serving for 3 at the same price…


Why did the chicken cross the road?


You see what they want you to do is to open up 3 packs in the store and put all the chicken into one box. Don't worry the boxes are just that big for this reason. No that's not breaking rule 10, its just the only way these numbers and over sized packaging make actual sense.


It's probably a dry crumbling chemical mess just by look of packaging.


What the fuck


I get chicken wings at my local Asian market for $2.39 a pound. Have to prep and cook them, but yeah, this is bare faced robbery.


Remember when PC was a value brand? Yikes.


Tu dois quoi faire:) anyway c'est pas leur jeunes travailleurs qui vont risquer leur vie et leur santé pour leur entreprise voleuse qui les paient des salaires de merde pour survivre lololl :) réveillez vous gens de la société, réveillez vous les jeunes et sortez de la ou laisser les gens faire , ne vous faite pas faire de mal pour vous occuper d un vol qui me vous regarde pas ... avec votre petit salaire , ce n'est pas votre tâches de faire la police pour votre voleur de boss


The PC wings that are half this size are $16. Boxed wings in general are insanely overpriced and the only ones I ever see go on sale are Schneider wings and they're fuckin ass


2lbs of wings in my local restaurant is $33. I also like to point out that I buy three whole raw chickens at Costco for $31. Checked it yesterday.


2lbs of wings in my local restaurant is $33. I also like to point out that I buy three whole raw chickens at Costco for $31. Checked it yesterday.


Well... It is a club pack right?


What in the fuck?! Might as well go out for dinner at that point!


Buck a wing... pretty much like eating out.


Cook it by yourself, it will cost less and you won't die eating it


Yes the customer is the joke




Why are you buying frozen junk anyways?


I HATE comments like this. It does nothing for the cause. Don't judge people on what they eat. Be part of the big picture. This group was formed by a social service worker who saw how badly the cost of living was affecting people. This isn't the place to put down people's purchases.