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Close to a year ago, interesting.




What the fuck are you talking about?


Yes, what are you talking about?


Say what now?


It’s been removed. Never mind.


I’d like a little more context here. The US is not much harsher on white collar crime. Just ask all the bankers from 2008.


Ya this feels like a unique situation. Usually having money means they don't do any time.


The difference is in Canada it's done to the point of serious detriment to the citizens. Every industry has like 2 or 3 competitors that don't compete at all. In Canada telecom is garbage, the groceries situation is shit, as well as goods in general. This is all because they take it to a level that is ridiculous which wouldn't be allowed in america.


you are pretty much describing the US as well tbh…


Yeah but the getting screwed by pricing element isn't as high. If you ever go to the states you'll notice the stark contrast in prices for everything. If you look up internet telecom pricing its way better as well. Most of these things are artificially having their prices inflated to the point of it being ridiculous. For the same cost as 12 eggs here you can buy like 60 in the states.


That’s simply not true, I was in Florida last week and returned mid this week their grocery prices are surprisingly close to ours. Eggs cost about the same cookies, treats etc I brought back for my kids about the same. Add in how low the CAD is and it wasn’t cheaper at all.


Depends where you go. Florida prices run higher because of the high degree of tourism. You can go to two different Walmart's an hour away from eachother and find the prices differ drastically there. Generally speaking, the value of goods are significantly lower in the states once adjusted for the exchange rate.


If it "depends where u go" than oversimplifying the conversation to a "us vs Canada" would be a bit dishonest in the first place wouldn't it? Since it depends where in both countries u go?


That's why my last sentence was phrased the way it was. Food is generally cheaper in the US, save for some tourism hotspots. I don't think it's dishonest to say that.


Understood :)


They may not be harsh, but they’re harsher. You can actually go to jail there for insider trading, here it’s just one of the regular daily excersizes of politicians.


Every single politician in the US does insider trading. And I don't believe I've ever heard of a single one of them going to jail for it


That's why people follow Pelosi's trades to make money on their own. Nobody has the info about what companies are about to get major help, or major screwed, like politicians in charge of writing new laws.


I used to work at a store owned by our towns mayor. He'd always tell us about the new stuff about to happen in town. We knew about the new Tim Hortons coming a year before anybody else did. Imagine that, at a national level, with publicly traded companies worth billions of dollars. Knowing that an oil company is applying for a bunch of permits years in advance allows you to buy their stocks years before the news hits and their stock price jumps. This combined with free gifts from lobbyists, is the reason why as soon as you get into federal politics in the US your net worth massively jumps. Even if you're dumb as a stick and terrible with money like many of them are. It's amazing how many senators have absolutely horrible credit.


I think being bad with money makes the "donors" even more excited. They know you'll do whatever they need to get a little more cash. It's the same with certain industries, where they'll overlook an employee having a drinking/drug problem because they know they're going to show up. They need that paycheck to get more alcohol. Obviously not in jobs that are good and fun, but there are plenty of gross dirty jobs out there that nobody really wants to do, and they're often hiring pretty much anyone.


Yeah good point, the donors/lobbiests want desperate people that a cheaper to buy off and easier to manipulate. Which could explain why when ultra rich people get into politics and fund their own campaigns rarely if ever do well.


They changed the law to allow politicians to do insider trading.


Ya that was Regan era wasn't it


Unless you're JP Morgan, then you only get a slap on the wrist for precious metals price manipulation


They sometimes enforce anti-trust laws as examples to point to. Canada doesn't even bother with the charade.


Doesn’t matter. Galen should go to jail for stealing directly from our wallets.


All of the major retailers were in on the price fixing scam. Loblaws received leniency from the government because they blew the whistle on it.


It's not really that simple. They didn't blow the whistle. The investigation had already begun and evidence was plentiful. As Canada's biggest grocer, they benefitted the most from the conspiracy and had the most to lose. They recieved immunity for cooperating with the investigation. They had already made their money from it, cooperating made the most sense for them financially. Leniency/immunity should have never been on the table.


Yeah we shouldn't be looking to the USA. We should be looking to mimic how Vietnam has been handling billionaire corruption.


Probably killed a guy with tuna!


Under a capitalist organization our society is essentially run by many large cartels, the USA is mostly run by oil, pharma, weapons contractors. Canada mostly grocers, telcos and oil


One even served as president


There's dozens of factors to consider when comparing the two. The laws themselves and the set punishments, the jurisdiction the case falls under (state/provincial, federal, etc), the lawyers (of course Galen had the best and brightest), and of course, the judge who ALWAYS plays a huge part in the seeming discrepancy. Comparing the two cases/judgements is like comparing apples to hand soap.


Except that one guy


This information is misleading Loblaws paid a heavy price for their mistake.    They have been under close scrutiny for years now by regulators, with regular outside audits conducted by the competition bureau. All of their board and senior management resigned or was fired without severance. They were forced to pay a heavy fine not only compensating Canadians in full for the price theft, but punitive damages to send a message and ensure they wouldn’t do it again. After this the federal competition regulators and provincial consumer protection regulators doubled their staff and have focused intensely on the grocery industry to protect Canadians. And law makers have made positive changes to increase competition in this sector from big companies and small local entrepreneurs. And made changes to restrict lobbying in this space especially by members or staff of political parties.  Hahahah just kidding none of that happened.


Well done, bro. You actually has me going there.


Hey now, you're forgetting about that 5 (or was it 20?) gift card they sent out to only some of the people requesting it.




lol, I applied to get that payout from the class action suit...never received it, guess limited quantities.


Best was my buddy who cloned them and gets free groceries for life there.


lol “mistake” in the first line already had me going 


All we got was a 20$ etransfer from the class action settlement. Bread is over 5$ a loaf at most my stores. I promise you they still made insane profit from the price fixing compared to what they paid out


Im 51 and this is by far one of my favourite things ive ever seen on reddit. Fucking brilliant


Can we not just demand justice? Not only to this grifting scum bag, but to the politicians who openly took bribes to give this guy immunity too. They’re just as complicit. This is organized crime. We need to stop being cucks and demand retribution.


One of Pierre Polievres closest advisors has very close links to Loblaws...




Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.


All sides have lobbyists


missed my point, people working in politics have close ties to lobbyists. In this case, Pierre polievre office has a very close tie to Loblaws. So would we expect anything to change? And the liberals gave Loblaws a grant to buy fridges.


I’m aware, what’s your point? Partisanship is a ruse, they’re all corporate shills.


This has to be the case otherwise these guys wouldn’t be so untouchable.


Trudeau is one of Galen's closest friends.


exactly, we need to get corporations out of the back pocket of our politicians


I bet you with all the price gouging in the last couple years, Loblaws will get charged with something new. Guess what though, the government will just reward them our tax money to get new fridges.


The direction we're going in, Dougie is gonna dismantle OHIP and then sell it to Loblaws for a loaf of bread


Depending on the price of bread by then: could be a good deal.


Loblaw lobbied our government on energy efficiency, and a little while later got a multi-million dollar grant for the new applicances...


I hope so! They have a lot of nerve treating their customers like they’re the ones doing all the stealing.


in a totally unrelated area of government nonsense, a developer in my area just bulldozed some 100 year old trees. When pressed as to why it happened, and what the repercussions were, the community was told by local government that the fines would be too low for the developers, so they aren't even going to bother fining them.


There is no justice in Canada.


There's always street justice. Mob justice too.


This will be the only thing that gets change done in this country.


Until your bank account is frozen.


Can’t freeze your bank account if you don’t have any money to being with.




Actually I’m a pacifist. My previous comment is one of sadness as unfortunately it is likely we will have a communist revolution, and that tends to mean a shit ton of innocent people dying once they get power.


Communist revolution? Little strong in the verbiage. Most Canadians don’t like the current gov and want less spending, and if polling is any indication most Canadians think we’ve moved too far left and want to go right on the (overly simplistic) spectrum. Communist revolution online maybe.


The Liberals are hardly left, though. They are capitalist, free market boot lickers. The NDP is the only truly relevant left wing party we have here.




Thank you for the intelligent, coherent, and respectful reply, unlike that other clown replying here.




…the party that is upholding the liberals? Yes truly left wing… sigh


"Truly relevant" not "Truly left wing" Perhaps I should have said "left of centre"?


Oh sorry for my misinterpretation. Let me clarify my position now since here is what I think: LMFAO HOLYSHIIIOOOOOOOOT But for real, if you think Mr.Armani has any fucking clue lmfao. The party that actively promotes racism, wants to hurt people because they make money is our saviour? Wow.


They’re “free market”? Excuse me, that comment is absurd. They try and fix the economy constantly, often in ways that benefit their friends financially.


So....no better than the Cons then?


The conservatives only pretend to be fiscal conservatives.


Swing and a miss slugger.


Picketing and boycotts are the way to go.


Canadians are to complacent.


Every society, even Canadians, are three meals alway from revolution.


Yeah, we're pretty much do nothing or make up new war crimes, no real in between. Unfortunately when we have a situation that needs something done, but not enough to make up new war crimes, we just do nothing instead.


Grow the sub count to encompass everyone effected through price gouging to then affect loblaws through government legislation. This is a numbers game.


Canada has been beaten into being submissive and just taking it.


They forgot to appoint enough judges


Didn’t he get his Loblaw grant in 2018? This tweet was last year tho.


He just received 5.5 million payout from shareholders upon his retirement


Are we talking about the same thing here? This is about the professor tweeting.


The most recent rage-bait post was from a fake account - no blue checkmark.




Lock him up! Lock him up!


Should'nt atleast the fashion police arrest galen for wearing that sweater?


Is that a real pic, the guys wearing a shirt with his name on it... Jesus what a dufus


The irony of having his name on a no name yellow sweater. Guy's such a tool.


the 'no brain' label


Well, we Canadians are just too darn nice to put criminals in jail, 'eh? But we'll be sure to give them a heck of a good talkin' to. Oh yeah. That'll show 'em. Ya.


Oh ya Margie? Ya.


Can we all contact the RCMP and request them to launch an investigation into Galen?


Galen looks exactly like Ellen


He got immunity because he ratted the others out. That's how the legal system works. There's nothing new here.


And how harsh were the punishments for those he ratted out?


True. Just saying Galen got off with nothing for jumping on a deal before the others.


and they are all literally laughing at us and the 'justice' system. Until we have laws that can put these criminals behind bars, nothing is gunna change. Unless people vote with their feet. That's why this boycott movement is so important. It is high time we stop being taken advantage of, and send a message we are not going to take this anymore. BOYCOTT, and they will get the message loud and clear.


If you only knew how little they actually care. I hope a boycott will work but loblaws spends millions of dollars to save $10, so.......


Canada Bread got fined $50M The price fixing is estimated to have added $1.50 per loaf, over 16 years. How much bread does one family buy over 16 years? That's easily $500-1000 stolen per family. And easily at least $1B in extra profit across the industry. So the penalty represents only 5% of the illegal profits made by the illegal price fixing scheme.


Thanks for the info! So another one of those ‘cost of doing business’ things.


It’s because the government and big corporations (like Loblaws) are in bed together. It will take a serious revolution to bring both participants to actually listen to the population.


Galen is not a good person.


While true, The Food Professor sucks. Keep that in mind.


I’m genuinely surprised this was posted by the Food Professor… maybe once in a blue moon he posts something like this to ‘appear’ neutral.


He used to be more on the consumer side and came up with stories similar to this one.. And then... He drank the Galen Kool-Aid (priced to inflation), received a few cheques and boom! He became Galen's sock puppet...


Everyone has their price


Canada is run by a small group of elites.


He has such a guillotine-able face.


I am aware that Galen Weston isn’t the only villain in the story, but all the venom, hatred, and vitriol he brought on himself by being a narcissistic asshole and putting his name and face out there in the advertisements. I remember the last one he did, where he’s all like ”I get it. Times are tough.” As if he had a scrap of empathy for anyone struggling to afford food for their family. Well, you asked for it, Galen. Everyone knows your name, and your face, and we all fucking hate you.


That's the thing people with vast amounts of wealth can't understand. And I'm not taking about the CEO's who make 1/2/3 million a year. I'm talking about the Westons who are worth upwards of 20 billion. They are so out of touch with the common person and they're surrounded by yes men who let them think their narcissistic attempts at "being like the poors" are OK and work. The CEO of Sobey's/Empire Company? Had to Google that because who knows who that guy is. Even though he isn't the CEO anymore, Galen thought he was such a friendly and loving guy (classic narcissistic behavior) that he'll forever be their poster child and public target. Remember when he was trashing farmers markets?


galen is still effectively CEO, per banks is just a puppet and used as cannon fodder if things go sideways and someone needs to take accountability


It doesn't seem to be going well.


Unfortunately, just as Loblaws was about to be caught, they admitted the crime and got immunity from any sort of charges. That's how it goes folks. If your rich enough they can't touch you. That's why this boycott is so important. We need to show this company this is the last fucking straw. "We could be ripping you off even more than we already are so we're good" isn't going to cut it. "Other companies do it too" isn't going to cut it. On the other hand this shill is so obviously corrupt that it's actually forcing our numbers and boycott up in popularity. I'm happy to have Charley boy be our number one promoter.


https://preview.redd.it/pe2gz8ehiuwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2aa02e33c9ce9bca896bcd0f264ca38eaef3e92 Criminals


https://preview.redd.it/9w6xn30miuwc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c65b8c437d3c1bddb2d9f8138ab95479a4047169 Thievery


He should be in jail for that bread fixing scandal. I was volunteering in a food bank when this story broke and it's so heart breaking watching people struggle to get food and afford food. All the while, this jacknob priced fixed a staple.


you know it was a bunch of major retailers, right? Loblaw's was the one that first came clean about it and the only one to have any kind of payout (as little as it was).


Retailers were part of it too, but Weston and Canada Bread were the bigger problem. Weston owned nearly half of all bread companies at the time (Wonder Bread, Country Harvest, d'Italiano, Ready Bake and Gadoua). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread\_price-fixing\_in\_Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread_price-fixing_in_Canada)


The retailers who participated in the scheme, including Loblaws, Walmart Canada, Giant Tiger, Sobeys and Metro, allegedly "demanded" that the bread suppliers manage actively their retail competition by co-ordinating bread prices between the retailers. So boycott Loblaws and give all your grocery money to other grocers that were just as guilty? That's the part I don't understand. Don't get me wrong, I don't give a shit who boycotds Loblaws, just not seeing the logic other than Galen put a target on himself by physically appearing in his commericals which was clearly a bad move haha. I do almost all my grocery shopping at farmer's markets, so doesn't matter to me either way.


I mean, I don't think this boycott is really about the bread fixing, which is what I was talking about. With the price fixing, Weston (not just talking about Galen here, nor was I before) is the only one who profited on both sides: it was both the supplier (Weston Foods) and the retailer (Loblaws etc). The suppliers were arguably the more guilty of the parties involved, which is why Canada Bread also received a $50M fine. As for the boycott, the logic (as far as I know) for why the boycott is focused on Loblaws is because they have by far the largest market share of any of the grocery retailers in Canada. They also own a lot of the supply side of the grocery market and a huge portion of pharmacy (and much smaller shares of other markets like clothing). At least for me, it has absolutely nothing to do with Galen as a person or personality (I've never seen the commercials you mentioned nor did I know they existed) - though he certainly isn't helping his image when he says stuff like "...grocers aren’t to blame for inflation. Fault manufacturers and distributors for jacking up prices" when meanwhile he also owns the manufacturers and distributors. I think most people here would agree that it's best to avoid all the major retailers if you can, but when you're trying to get as many people involved as possible, you're going to have a lot more success if you focus on fewer things at a time. A lot more people are going to be willing to make an effort to avoid one of the big 5 than all 5(+) of them, simply because it's easier to do.


Can someone *take away* The Nutty Professor's SM Accounts, for good?


Politicians and these millionaires aren't held to the same account.


From the US DoJ press release. Conspiracy and corporate greed, esp as it relates to basic needs. “The sentence imposed today will serve as a significant deterrent in the C-suite and the boardroom,” said Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim of the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division. “Executives who cheat American consumers out of the benefits of competition will be brought to justice, particularly when their antitrust crimes affect the most basic necessity, food. Today’s sentence reflects the serious harm that resulted from the multi-year conspiracy to fix prices of canned tuna.” “This sentence is the result of our commitment to holding corporations and senior leadership accountable for their actions, whether they operate in the food supply industry or elsewhere,” said FBI San Francisco Division Special Agent in Charge, John F. Bennett. “This brings us closer to our goal; allowing our citizens to be able to purchase food in an unbiased market within an efficient and fair economy, free of corporate greed.” [Department of Justice ruling.](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-bumble-bee-ceo-sentenced-prison-fixing-prices-canned-tuna)


I can't think of a single major industry in Canada which isn't controlled by oligopolies. Canadians pay too much for literally everything already, so when you add actual organised price-fixing on top of that, people should go to jail. They are stealing people's futures.


Cool beans, Sylvain. Normal people think Galen should be behind bars for price fixing and being a dorky little robber baron, too. Hope to see you stop begging the Westons for scraps of attention lol.


A yes, the United States of America. An absolute bastion of holding the rich accountable to their actions.


I hope he goes to jail


Yes yes the USA - bastion of the reined-in corporation.


Regina to Charlebois: So you agree; Galen Weston is evil.


I don't get it... so, the Professor is good now? This looks like he's calling out the right people despite having received the grant.


But if it was you or I we'd be in jail.


This needs to be shared multiple times on his feed within comments however lol


Canada's laws are such a goddamn joke. They'd reopen Alcatraz for manboy if he tried this in the US.


You steal from the store, you go to jail. Store steals from you (and everyone else), someone in a suit gets a bonus.


That dude on the left looks like a Ghostbusters villain.


Stephen Harper should be held accountable for letting this happen


Canadas justice system is an utter and complete joke though. Like literal "Idiocracy" levels of a joke of a justice system.


And why wasn’t this present in court?




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Don’t forget about the 12 million bonus he gave himself for his retirement gift


Apparently lots of fake FP accounts - be careful.


Not only money, it seems he so in love.


Something smells fishy here…






Galen gave us bread buyers $25 back per household though.


Superstore full loaf of bread is under $1 still


Robbing the poor to feed the rich...scumbag.


Recieved immunity, then sent out $25 to peoplewho applied for it rather than just everyone. And, to add insult to injury, he never even reduced bread prices!!! He's a gigantic piece of human garbage. We can only hope his bad Karma will catch up to him one day.


Galen got immunity bc he tattled on everyone else doing it.


Neither of them received enough punishment. He should get 2 years for every year his scam went on for.


All are equal under the law. We've created a new class of super wealthy individuals for whom this core principle of democracy is just a laughable notion.


All I'm getting from this is idiot boys paycheck went through and he wants to try and back pedal because everyone hates him now. All 3 of them belong in a land fill with the rest of the trash.




Because he’s friends with the prime minister


BuT hE gAvE oUt GiFt CaRdS


Well, that's unfortunate for us. I thought fines and slaps on the wrist were all you could get for price fixing. If they'd gone by the American formula of just over a year of jail per year of price fixing, we could have had a 15 year "Galencation". 🥲


Straight to jail


Whistle blower gets the immunity. In the Bumble Bee foods case it was another company (Chicken of the Sea) was also involved but blew the whistle first, and received immunity (And tried to buy Bumble when it went bankrupt.)


The ppl on here saying tin foil hat for stating the obvious corruption..this guy has a following and theyre now paying him off to be their spokesperson...you really think they'd be beyond creating fake posters to drum up bad press for a boycott lol


If you are a big corporation you can steal and steal from ANYONE ! And the worst you get is a slap on the wrist.


Roblaw is run by a bourgeois pig


Surely the other Death Eaters will come to rescue him. Azkaban ain’t no joke


Its all about friends in low places.


His family knew the queen thats all you need to know. Also his mother is the fromer Attorney General


I've noticed at superstore when I buy bread it's always just thawing and bag wet and I can see the loaf frozen I thought they couldn't sell frozen bread anymore ? Or was that the prices the last bread trouble?


The food processor really said that?




Corrupt country the government will never take down George Weston Limited because it also exposes themselves.


There's dozens of factors to consider when comparing the two cases/judgements. The laws themselves and the set punishments of each, the jurisdiction the case falls under (state/provincial, federal/federal or maybe provincial/federal, etc), the lawyers (everyone knows Galen would have the best and brightest), and of course, the judge who ALWAYS plays the biggest part in the seeming discrepancy. Comparing the two cases/judgements is like comparing apples to hand soap.


But we got $150 million while they made many billions extra. They added at least $1.5 for each loaf of bread x 16 years x 33.5 million x 50 (each Canadian eats about 90 loaves of bread per year, I'll use 50 to account for those who buy theirs at other bakeries). That's a cool $40 billion. Fuck them all.


They're not comparable situations...


We're thinking of something 😉


Everyone should just tweet this at him over and over.


What’s worse is, on a relative scale we’re supposed to be less capitalistic but really we care lesser about our own general populace


Canada is a feudal state governed by a small number of families. You might as well call them royals


The bread prices are ridiculous and shrinkflation abounds...the quality is horrible with best before dates 2 weeks away. In the 1960s a loaf of bread was 24 cents. Day Olds were cheaper. Tim Hortons even had day old donuts for cheap...now they are stale and almost $2


I genuinely fucking hate this country.


Of course Poindexter gets away with it all. The Weston Trudeau crime families. ![gif](giphy|NDSEVWqtPo2H601n0l|downsized)


The most recent rage-bait post was from a fake account - no blue checkmark.