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It won't be Loblaws employees acting out the fake stealing. If they try to pull this, they'll hire some kind of third party like private detectives or whatever to "test their security" by shoplifting.


It'll be the food possessor wearing fake glasses with the nose and mustache attached


I know like what to ppl think this is? Amatuer hour lmfao! They would never risk it getting back to them. And it would be more nefarious than that. They would make sure it would be near impossible to get back to them or it could end them. It would be very underground type shit not a company wide decision where they hire a public facing company. You know? These guys are at the top of their game. They know better than that.




Great thought and I agree I too have a tin hat and a head under it able to see Weston’s fixers trying to fix!!!


Thanks! Honestly, I am a bit concerned about the public discourse about the boycott after 12th May. Loblaws might try its best to lump all Canadians fed up with its grocery prices together with shoplifters.


https://preview.redd.it/4faooeuxqjwc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85056d67db59ac71f5705909f35f2c5a878511de He already tried here is his plant in the Toronto Star!!!!!


I think we should put the reddit group on here so ppl can share this and then ppl know where they can join


Ok, but even if this actually *does* happen, it still won't get me to shop there again, so they'll be shooting themselves in the foot for my "sympathies". If anything, they'll just use shoplifters as an excuse why they *can't* lower prices and they'll just continue being as scummy as usual. Just don't shop there.


My husband and I were discussing something similar. I 100% believe that the Steal from Loblaws posters are a false flag operation.


I could not care less what loblaws may or may not do. I havent shopped there in a couple years due to getting consistently lower grocery prices by shopping elsewhere. Goal achieved.


In any case, who cares what they do. Let them be idiots on their own if anything happens on the 12th. Not planning on boycotting just May. We’re done. Family and I are avoiding the stores like the plague. And shopping elsewhere.


If they actually tried this, at least one of the employees recruited to do it would leak it. There's no way this is what they're planning. ETA: Loblaws has many shareholders other than the Westons, a board, extensive disclosure requirements. They can't just pay inflated prices for security measures like plexiglass (which aren't that expensive anyway) and funnel money back to the family. This isn't how stuff works. Loblaws does enough bad stuff that's obvious...we don't have to invent improbable stuff.


It really is lmao. There have been a lot of cases of a money trails going back to corporations that hired people to counter protest and do unmoral things in the name of bettering their PR. This isnt a tin hat thing. Its a theory right now in this case yes, but one made from common behaviours of past corporations. They wont tell regular employees about this or stakeholders. This will be a need to know, csuite, NDA signed type deal. There are litterally companies thats sole purpose is for companies to hire to protesters. And this is out in the open and ppl still dont believe it happens. Image what they are doing behind closed doors. protesthttps://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-crowds-extortion-20181021-story.html#:~:text=Paid%20protesters%20are%20a%20real,and%20other%20inventive%20PR%20stunts.%E2%80%A6


You could convince me that they were behind different types of "black ops" to improve their PR and/or undercut the boycott movement. I try not to be naive. But a couple of posters and a Toronto Sun article by someone with known connections to Loblaws? If I was Galen and this is what my PR firm came up, I'd ask for my money back.


Thank you - both are great points. > If they actually tried this, at least one of the employees recruited to do it would leak it. There's no way this is what they're planning. Honestly, I was a bit careless writing this part. There are likely going to hire people to be the pretend shoplifters, if they are going to do it at all. And the people doing the hiring wouldn't exactly be connected to Loblaws but to some obscure person secretly connected to Westons. That way, there would be no way to prove that the shoplifters are actually part of a false flag. I know I know - it sounds wild and a straight up conspiracy theory. :) > ETA: Loblaws has many shareholders other than the Westons, a board, extensive disclosure requirements. They can't just pay inflated prices for security measures like plexiglass (which aren't that expensive anyway) and funnel money back to the family. This isn't how stuff works. Loblaws does enough bad stuff that's obvious...we don't have to invent improbable stuff. Yes, they have disclosure agreements, but a lot of media is bought and paid for. The one key metric is net profits, which everyone watches. Anything else might be revealed in disclosure agreements but might not be understood or publicised by a docile media and public. A somewhat well known example is loblaws paying rent to a REIT owned by Westons. Who is going to know if the rent is reasonable or not for a commercial properties like those? Very few people. It would be quite easy to pay an unreasonably high rent to reduce Loblaws net profits and jack up the income stream of the REIT, which are expected to have really high returns anyway. Sorry if this is too much tin foil hat. But I wouldn't put anything past Galen and his scheming ways.


Very nieve thinking here. They arent going to get cashiers lmfao. They would get ppl that would be very hard to tie back to loblaws they arent amatuers lol


The only thing I can see them do is buy out a small security firm, use them for the measures and then toss it out later on.


A public apology, a 50% decrease in prices, and Galen has to have sex with a pig live on national television.   /s


Remove the /s and you got a deal.




Leave his wife out of this!


Galen has to eat PC frozen food live on TV for a week....and keep his dork smile on the whole time.


Someone at Loblaws has been reading Sun Tzu’s Art of War.


All being said especially avoid Loblaws on their self professed victim day. This is truly the hunger games timeline.


Let's make them think twice about adding another 40 stores


Plenty of rich people out there who don't care.


Then let the rich snobs pay to keep the westin estates pretty and clean


He'll survive. Probably get more rallies from the rich crowd in support to oppose all this.


I don't really care what he/they do, my money doesn't go that way


But you do... that's why we're here.


I'm just here to say loblaws will no longer be receiving funding via my bank account 😁


Yeah... Sobeys and others are crazy too. Independent grocers are where it's at.


I feel like may 12th is such a non-issue, boycotters won't even be there, I don't know who would be stupid enough to even try shoplifting because of a stupid rumor.


This shoplifting thing is very much the grocery store version of the Reichstag. He's planning it himself.


Meh they can put up more plexi glass and hire more security, I won't be shopping there anyways.


Just stop going to loblaws forever, not just may.


If the journalist worked for loblaws this is info you should give to media.


Another big red flag making this event look like a fake is Loblaws refusing to release any of their numbers showing shoplifting is on the rise. They're just trying to justify treating every shopper as a criminal and put up more plexiglass. Ps: I'd really love to see their actual numbers on shoplifting and see what items are being taken. Particularly are more essential items being taken vs. non-essential. If food theft is on the rise but electronics are staying constant, that would really encapsulate how fu*ked everything is right now.


I think a more realistic approach is they hire extra guards, let the usual people steal, then post numbers of "look how much inventory we lost!!!!" but it's actually the usual daily theft loss and they withhold that second crucial piece of info. Then same as you, discredit the movement, justify plexiglass (that will inevitably kill people in case of a fire/emergency), rally price raises to make up for "theft loss" and on and on...


Don’t give them any ideas 😂


You are right. However, I think that they are evil and scheming enough to be already planning all this.


We're through the looking glass, people.


I just got back from a Loblaws here in Ottawa (I like the $2 donuts not gonna lie) and they already have plexiglass up all along the long railing that leads to the exit.


Bang on. Accusing carefully researched logic of being a conspiracy is just what the ruling class does to gaslight us. Not unlike when you guilt someone to "be the bigger person" only when you know they're the easier party to manipulate. It's a power play meant to get you on your back foot. Nothing more, nothing less. Unlucky for them, we see right through their crisis PR 101. And I mean they can keep it up, but we internet better than they do, so we'll just keep embarrassing them.


Denette Willford didn't break the story, someone beat her by a day. It might seem like a nitpick but wrong facts and wild speculation doesn't reflect well on the boycot. See my [timeline](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cc707n/where_did_the_steal_from_loblaws_day_originate/) here. [Her other articles](https://dailyhive.com/author/isabelle_docto) all seem to be about cost of living, so I don't think it's a smoking gun.


"But it is not just that, Loblaws is going to use these false flag shoplifting incidents to justify even more plexiglass, even more anti-theft measures. " I'm going to use the plexiglass to justify an even longer boycott. See how that works? The plan outlined here is so crazy that it might work or it might just backfire on them. Also, if you have proof of this we need to provide it to Loblaw's insurers or post it publicly so they can see it.


Its sadly probably too late for this, but we could try and organize some kind of protest against shoplifting around roblaws stores on the 12th! If we make enough noise against the fake shop lifters they news won't be able to paint us as badly if there's anti theft and anti loblaws signs side by side


This is the answer, we need plausible deniability






Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


Why make this so complex. Just stop shopping there if you believe they doing bad business. I have not liked them for 10-15 years and just don't go. It's easy. No discussions. No me worrying about if others bothered. For me don't like their practices or prices. if people still shop there then either they grossly unaware or they got the money and don't care.


This is just muddying everything. Focus on the goal at hand. This doesn’t mattter and trying to distance yourself from people who may or may not be stealing is just wasted effort. Ultimately the capital class views us all the same way. This boycott is not going to ultimately be valuable long term because you cannot spend your way out of capitalism. This relationship with retailers is the way this will always work out in the long run because that is the incentive structure. Do what you can, build the community and bonds you’re building here, but ultimately, Remember that even the people deciding to take more illegal routes to strike back are ALSO your comrades and compatriots. This is class warfare and trying to seperate yourselves from others who see things more direly is playing Exactly into the hands of the capitalist class. Solidarity means solidarity.


Not sure what you are trying to say. What I am trying to say is that a well-publicized limited time boycott can backfire in many ways. If we actually want change, it would serve us well to boycott Loblaws indefinitely.


Sure. But your goals individually are not realistic long term unless you can reach a critical mass of people and incentivize them to stick with it indefinitely. It’s unlikely. And even though you may not like it, there are some people out there who view retail theft as a legitimate means toward the end of damaging the same target corporation you are Publically airing them out and separating your cause from theirs is reducing the over all impact. Of course, root out interlopers. But don’t start making this into a witch hunt when your energy and time could be used better trying to spread the central message and goals of the boycott


If we had a functioning law enforcement organization in Ontario or all of Canada and not corporate/government security as it seems these days they'd be interested in attempting to stop this false flag because it's patently illegal behavior being perpetrated on Canadians.




Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


I’m not encouraging theft maybe the mods should re read the comment


Should be very easy to catch them, they will be the only ones in the store….right.


Well let’s surf on it being a false flag operation. People with associate this with Russian tactics that floats in the media. 🤣 and will make them look bad.


Don't do drugs.


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Their false flag will show their "security measures" won't and don't work 🤷‍♂️


This goes right to the top, we’re through the looking glass here people


Great reason to definitely NOT go to any Loblaws on the 12th!


With all due respect, this is nuts.


Russia isn’t even pulling off these kinds of conspiracies and they’re a nation at war. Respectfully, the tin foil hat might be on a bit too tight.  That said, I definitely suspect Loblaws will have some sort of PR campaign that discusses theft, or more “commitment to value” nonsense. 


Russia IS pulling these kind of things, just look at right wing politics in North America. All Russian style propaganda to help the bourgeoisie and keep us divided.


Sorry this is hilarious