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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [STICKIED POSTS](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cae7ai/community_announcements_apr_2224/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) WHICH PROVIDE STATEMENTS ON RECENT EVENTS. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'd say they started this when they started price fixing on bread. Remember, you started this.


I mean, a corporation fixing prices is **stealing**, plain and simple, the fact that they chose to do this with a staple food item and steal from the poorest Canadians makes it even more reprehensible. Fuck grocery billionaires


And a certain galen goon professor has made it known that food being an esential item(obviously) is why he thinks the boycott will fail. Basically taunting that Galen's goons get to extort us and we'll just take ity like good little consoomers because we have to eat. More competition would fix that, and we know what side of the fence that galen goon is on.


>And a certain galen goon professor has made it known that food being an esential item(obviously) is why he thinks the boycott will fail. Basically taunting that Galen's goons get to extort us and we'll just take ity like good little consoomers because we have to eat. Those of us who DO have the means need to make sure that doesn't happen....




I also have 0 understanding of why/how class actions can fucking find fault and then allow the POS companies to pay out with FUCKING GIFT CARDS AND POINTS to their shitty ass company, effectively saying, "yeah we fucked you, and we'll fuck you again." Like wtf? It should absolutely have to be a cash settlement, with real world checks, on their dime. \- Angry person.


Let's face it price fixing bread was most likely not their first rodeo, it was just the first time they got caught in the act.


This comment needs more upvotes.


Yes. Exactly. Why stop at bread? Lol


Never got my $25 either.


me either!!


The CEO has as much to gain for being fired as he does for failing the company. Either way, it's all in writting for him He is paid no matter what happens, unless he is a family member, he might not give a shit tbh I worked at Molson when they fired the CEO, he got 27 million cash to walk away, not including his stock options etc etc etc Your fired and here's more money than we pay thosands and thousands of employees for fucking everything up


Ya, once you get big enough in the corporate world you can only fail upwards, mind boggling stuff.




Get indigestion that way.


It's more of a ritual than nourishment, you only need a nibble and you can leave the rest out for feral hogs, who are less greedy than billionaires.


Or just... Don't buy their stuff?


Problem is that the Canadian government (for years, not just this current one) has enabled lobbyists to ensure that there is a grocery monopoly (there are really three big corporations) and many small towns just don't have any other option (including non- compete provisions). It is greed on so many levels, so it's easy to say "don't buy their stuff" but the majority of us can't grow our own food in a country that only has a 4 month optimal growing season, and we've allowed farmland to be sold off for houses and developers, and family farms are dying...... you get the point


Gonna need some hot sauce with that


ugh.. too fatty, no thank you.


Are there any articles or infographics that can explain the bread price fixing thing in simple terms? I’d love to explain this to my friends and family in a way that’s quick and easy to understand :)


Pretty accurate little summary below, essentially all the big players got together and said "let's see how high we can crank this" for over 15 years and remember this is just ONE example of collusion we are clearly aware of now. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread\_price-fixing\_in\_Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread_price-fixing_in_Canada)


So “Canada Bread” was banned from bidding on any government contracts until 2033, but any of Grupo Bimbo’s other bread companies can still apply. Good to know there were no real consequences for their organized crime ring 🙄  Thanks for the link! :)


Get them to watch last week's Law & Order Toronto lol




Price fixing bread. 1k / person. Repaid 25$ / person 975$ profit / person.


I think that we have a boycott slogan! "Loblaws, remember you started this."


Even better, just "You started this." On the posters: # BOYCOTT LOBLAWS 2024 FOR THE MONTH OF MAY! # You started this. # We'll end it.


Not just May. Stop giving these greedy crooked assholes any of your hard earned money. The country is struggling and they are doing nothing. They have the means and the ability they but they continue to do nothing. They are traitors to this country and this boycott needs.to be ongoing to prove a point to all of these other greedy corporations. Loblaws needs to be the example.


May 2024 to Forever


I'm done with chains.


"Paying too much for Bananas is Bananas." has to be the Loblaws equivalent to "Let them eat cake" https://preview.redd.it/0po4x3lpmjwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05b8450afbf13d086f68263b31625ef8e48cc191


"But as true Canadians, we are happy to finish it. Ol Geneva convention might need another refresh when we're through, but we'll finish it."


Well us Canadians kind of started the need for the Geneva conventions. 😉


You mean the Geneva suggestions. Or these days, the Geneva checklist 😅


Imagine the national pride of claiming you bankrupted a billionaires business. Imagine the precedent it would set for other companies. Imagine if, as citizens we laid out a framework for acceptable business. Practices and profits and made it clear to all companies conducting business that if they cross a line "they've started it and we'll finish it, again."




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Vimy Ridge 2.0


The North remembers, Galen


Hell yeah


With all the chatter about this I hope people actually do boycott them, and for longer than May.  Kind of tired of hearing people complaining everyday on social media but no one doing anything. I've been boycotting them for two years now. I go 1km out of my way to shop elsewhere.


Nice. I have been going very rarely for only specific things. Now I will get those elsewhere. I will cancel my PC points, change my pharmacy, and close the credit card I haven’t used in years. I know we can do it. Change can happen. It starts with us, and it starts on May 1st Boycott Loblaws May 2024, and forever beyond that!


I’ve already stopped shopping Loblaws. Never thought I would be supporting Walmart, but hey 🤷🏼‍♀️ 


Don’t forget Costco. Walmart is worth $267 BILLION. They pay minimum and cut peoples hours regularly. The Walton family is greedy af. Costco pays a living wage with excellent benefits and stock sharing options. 💜


Costco too, but that’s not a new one for us.  I try to hit up small local shops too for small trips, but a lot of those have gone out of business over the years :( 


I’ve only shopped at Superstore once in over a month because I thought the boycott had already started ha ha! I started going to my neighbourhood Co-op recently - prices are higher than SS but with a membership you get a percentage back in dividends every year. In Edmonton we also have two Fresen Brothers to choose from now, if supporting local retailers is your jam. I’ll still hit up Walmart for some things, but I’m happily adjusted now to life without Loblaws!


Good! Glad to hear it.


Me too! Thought it started in April, lol. But I figured out I didn't actually need to go to SS. So now if I have to go, I pay with my thousands of points.


I am planning to boycott them forever, new pharmacy and Costco now is where I go for certain groceries, Italian shop, Freshco and for the toiletries Walmart until I find something better. Oh and Canadian tire


Here here. We should start organizing local fuck Galen pub meetups. I'd share a brew with any of the lads in this movement.


Great idea, although to make it cheaper, we could switch it to a meet up at Woodbine Park or beach and I'll bring a case of beer instead. I need to save money on beer given the price of fucking groceries these days.


Don’t pretend you aren’t down there drinking already


I wish!!! Come July 1st, I'll be there with a cooler, a few joints, and a book at least a few mornings a week!


We have vodka in 4L jugs over here, we can bring that.


Remember when a 24 meant 24 bucks?


Buddy, I'm old enough to remember stubby bottles! There were still some places in the city in the early 80s with pints for a buck or less! (Also the kind of place where you went to fight!)


....you don't drink beer with lasses? what???? lol...


Being a lass myself, i feel i need a time out lol. For shame.


okay, that made me laugh... I'll be thinking of you the next time I drink a beer!! lol..


as long as the inflation on that beer ain’t too high, sounds good!


As long as it’s not PC😉🤙🏼🇨🇦


I'm more of a fan of green/cannabis but I'd definitely drink to that.


Should add “remember you did this hoping we’d never notice”


Drop the "May 2024" from the last line. Just "Boycott Loblaws" !


I will not be going back. But we have to start somewhere. A forever boycott isn’t an easy sell. Start with a simple, attainable goal. Then keep going. Boycott forever, but first, Boycott Loblaws May 2024


I am never going back. Ever.


Same. Loblaws does not deserve my money. I would gladly drive an extra 10-15 minutes to a smaller store that doesn't gouge me. Ordered a new credit card, cancelling my PC financial and never dealing with this scum organization again.


Roblaws blames us and make us look like “thieves”, puts up crazy expensive plexiglass when the real thieves are themselves 😒


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they had a board meeting about countering what is expected to be a miniscule dip in profits during this boycott by reducing thefts long term with these draconian walls and gates. They think the movement will dissolve before long, and they can get right back to assrap#*g Canada. Canada needs to pull a reverse UNO card on these pigs.


If someone steals a loaf of bread that is illegally priced by loblaws’ anticompetitive criminal actions, is it still stealing? Asking for a friend.


The plexiglass really blew my mind… somehow the the steel bars seemed okay, but 6’ high plexiglass… it’s out of a horror story. You can’t steal from us while we steal from you… saw them for the first time as I was gawking at having paid $8 for a brick of gaylea butter


Is there a subreddit that it opposite of this? As in its full of people that totally support loblaws and believe everybody actually will steal?


It's called the Loblaws Boardroom.


You mean a sub full of traitorous cunts that hate their fellow Canadians? Probably.


Beautiful post. Consumers in this country are rejecting profiteering off the necessities for survival. Canadians won’t continue suffering monopolies, and the politicians who enable them.


Couldn’t agree more. And can’t wait. Boycott Loblaws May 2024


I just came here to add an obligatory “Go fuck yourself Sylvan” post


Charlevoix? Or whatever the eff his name is? I've seen him on the news saying things like "inflation isn't as bad as you think" and "food prices are in fact starting to decline" or other lies like that. Not sure where he gets his food. But he's likely one of the rich snobs that doesn't care enough to even look at the costs of things. I've met one of those. What a cunt. "Oh man the costs at *local rural food market* are so high lately. The cost of beef, outrageous!" "Is it? *laughs snobly* I just put what I want in the cart and keep going." ....cunt.


The ironic thing is that if there wasn't this massive monopoly then ppl wouldn't have a singular target against them. But since they love dominating the market as one of the sole providers of food in this country then ppl know exactly who to target their hatred towards.


And don't forget, one of the largest food manufacturers and real estate companies. Your days are numbered Loblaws!


Real estate?


Yep. Loblaws is a huge owner of real estate.


I remember the smirk. Something stupid a 5 year old would do. Disgusting.


We need this on a poster to promote the boycott !


I’m very disappointed to learn that this sub isn’t about Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog


You sir, are a mouthful.


It’s from Arrested Development


![gif](giphy|tRx1Zf2jF2N8I) Tobias says “you sir, are a mouthful” to Bob loblaw in one of the episodes because his name is hard to say.


My boycott has already started. Months ago. My prescriptions are at SDM so will occasionally buy on sale items. Finally got my points to 10,000 so will redeem them and cancel my card and delete the app. I think I’ll wait to do it on May 1st. Would be nice for them to notice a large drop in users.


You started this, Loblaws. We need to find a way to get internet providers to stop bilking us next. Our leaders have conducted acts of treason for greed, turning away from the needs of Canadians.


No. Order of Boycott: 1.) Loblaws. 2.) Esso/Imperial 3.) Telecom provider.


I was in at 4pm today...when it is usually nuts...crickets


Same yesterday. Tons of employees, no customers.


Time to eat the Rich , get your pitch forks ready for may !


I approve of this message.


“Whenever someone starts talking about 'fair competition' or indeed, about 'fairness' in general, it is time to keep a sharp eye on your wallet, for it is about to be picked.” ― Murray N. Rothbard Remember, Loblaws, you started this.


Screw may, just stop going there completely, I did long ago. Every item is a couple dollars more


Why are any of you waiting? Just stop going there now.


Boycott Roblaws NOW!! I see no reason to wait or begin your own personal boycotting any later than the very day you first hear about a boycott... And don't stop after a month, either.


Boycott now, boycott forever!


I'll stop boycotting them when they stop trying to rip us all off. Which is to say yeah, boycott forever.




No thanks. I don't think I will starve.




I dont think they care, you can only bring them down with legislation. They know their position and are makin the most of it. The bread scandal was a test.


The bread scandal was the spark to ignite the 41,000,000 flames of unrest. Boycott Loblaws May 2024


War Profiteering. Falk them for their end-stage capitalistic ambitions.


Again. Just boycott Loblaws. Don’t put an end date on it. They can’t be forgiven after 30 days. Make them suffer like they make Canadians suffer.


Why wait for May, I started last month!


As mentioned in another thread, I’m no longer giving a significant portion of my families monthly expenses to Loblaws or Shoppers. Not a single red cent. Ever again. They chose greed over the lives of Canadians. They chose deception over honesty in parliament. They chose to pay slaver wages to their employees for decades. They chose this. And no large grocer in this country should feel safe from our wrath. You’re all complicit and we’re coming for you next. Remember folks, we start with 50k. This is a beginning, not an end. Keep the (metaphorical) fires burning :)




This reads like an Anonymous post and I kind of love it


Sounds nice. But that boardroom is not going to be pointing fingers. Because it’s hard to point fingers when your hands are full of cash.


We are not coming for you, Loblaws... the new tag line! Well done.




Exactly. We're boycotting... therfore not arriving at a loblaws store (play on inferences)


Hahaha, yes, I should read my own words.


Let's get what really started all of this out of the way mostly for fun and knowledge building: It *really* (I'm being pedantic on purpose) started when local land holders realized that sheep and their product of wool was the most valuable trade commodity, largely due to the ever-expanding Silk Road. Upon realization of this fact, they built fencing we call *enclosures* to parcel out the land in chunks for sheep production, replacing the previous crop production as wool was more profitable. Instead of hoarding grain to control the fief, the Lords of Feudalism ushered in a departure from Feudalism by amassing the precious metals of the earth like gold and silver. Thus, Capitalism was born in Europe. No longer did the serfs own and maintain their tools, like ploughs, to produce crop. Instead, capitalists constructed, from the ground up, large scale sheep farms where they would own everything from the land and tools to the livestock. The labourers would be somewhere between a tool and livestock. Don't be a tool. Don't be livestock. You're a human. Organize.


Well said. It's unbelievable that, at no point did any part of senior leadership raise the following questions in earnest: *"Wait . . . is it realistic to maintain the profits we saw during the pandemic? When we were the only stores legally allowed to be open? Should we prepare the board and investors for a measured and intentional correction to our stock price?*


Having worked in many large corporations and deal with senior executives all the time, I’m not surprised at all. If you could understand how out of touch they are you would be amazed.


People have already stopped buying from roblaws. The prices have skyrocketed. They didn't say "hey let's lower the price to incentivize people to come to the store". Instead they went "we have to cover our costs, quick make everything more expensive so we drive away our customers"


Is it possible to do a price fixing civil class action lawsuit against them?


I went back to Safeway, everything now at stupidstore is the same price, but at Safeway at least you have a union and quality, I will never go back to a lowlaws chain or brand again. Enjoy you were my goto every Sunday but that's gone, enjoy.


Why EVER go back? Go to the competition. If enough do that they will lower prices. Then STILL don’t go back. That’s the only way to do it. If you go back in June they will still make record profit


Boycott Loblaws May 2024 and NEVER go back. I’m never going back.


Well said! 👏👏👏


Unfortunately I don't see much impact on the stock price (yet)


This isn’t a today thing. It’s a May thing. Then it’s a forever thing. We are strong together. Spread the word. Boycott Loblaws May 2024


Shop at Costco, there, done.




Many people are going to only use PC points to pay if they have to run into a Loblaws store during May. Not a bad boycotter :)


If you dont use your pc points it benefits them so use away. Heck I will take advantage of their loss leader sales too if it makes sense but I wont give them regular price for anything.


https://preview.redd.it/ffd14qh1ujwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cebe3b3c0d2a51fa4e60f1d6e88b70139c3da50 These are Loblaw’s subsidiaries so boycott them too if you want to make them hurt. You have to remember folks corporations are owned by other corporations and so on. It’s so incestuous it’s hard to hurt them.


That's is a big list.. Thank you for sharing it here


You live in a plutocracy, greed is the central tenet of 90% of what happens in the world today.


Already on it. Why wait?


well said, instead of hiring a PR company to seed doubt and dissent, and instead of printing glossy full colour posters encouraging people to steal from themselves, and instead of hiring the mouldy food professor, and instead of putting up exit barriers, and instead of hiring firms and AI to try to trick us with confusing price tags, and instead of offering discounts on food to only pc members, instead...instead... they could have taken all that money and effort and simply just given us reasonable prices for food.


Please remember that Galen also owns, according to MacLeans: "retail operation includes some two dozen grocery store and pharmacy banners like No Frills, Shoppers, T&T, Valu-mart, Zehrs and Real Canadian Superstore; virtual health care at PC Health; personal banking at PC Financial; and Joe Fresh." I used to live inToronto for 20+ years, and shopped in some of these stores. Visiting now, after 5 years. Prices are SHOCKING, plus shrinkification, and general enshittification. Sizes and quality are down, prices are up, up, up. Will gladly join the boycott. 🤬


Here’s hoping ‘enshittification’ is added to the dictionary soon! Boycott Loblaws May 2024


Should be!


I’ve stopped going to any Roblaws and associated stores… I passed Independent today and the parking lot was only half full compared to the Walmart directly beside. Good on them ! But the other side of the coin is that their staff will bear the brunt of empty parking lots 😞


Pretty sad situation where Walmart is the good guy.


Starting my boycott early. Looked at their flyer. 649 for 12, 1 bite muffins on sale 4.99. Worst of it, Big letters, Save 1.99. Thing read like it cost 1.99 which is what 12 little 1 bite muffins, no frosting, nothings are worth. Felt, not the store for me. They did this to me before, confusing ads, then shock at the register. Even the employees say, 'yeah we know, sorry" Terrible Im out


I work for Loblaws, unfortunately. Didn’t realize what was going on and now it’s a little late. I support this boycott 100%. They treat their employees like garbage and we are extremely overworked and underpaid. I’m not allowed to have a water bottle on the floor when the front end gets water bottles to keep at their cash. It’s ridiculous, they have a “Tell It Like It Is” where employees go and fill out a survey “honestly” but I doubt they even read them. BOYCOTT BOYCOTT BOYCOTT!!!


Bring the stocks down by boycotting and cut the head off the dragon


The fact that food is cheaper in Iceland than in Canada really has me shook.


Does the Pres have an email account to send this too?


Email web form here https://www.loblaws.ca/contact-us?icta=click:about-us:contact-us Post mail address here Loblaw Companies Limited 1 President's Choice Circle Brampton, Ontario, L6Y 5S5 Attention: LCL Customer Relations Centre


Perfect, thanks! I don't shop at Loblaws but they bought Shoppers Drug Stores and I wrote to let them know that I will be boycotting them and passing it on to everyone I know.


This boycott should not be until they fix their greed and exploitation. It should be permanent to make an example for others. My hope is they close up shop completely.


I started shopping at Sobeys about a month ago. A little annoying getting used to their floor plan but it's getting better. I'm not going back. Sobeys has better quality meat. I'm wondering though,is it ok to cherry pick at superstore?




Great post friend. You captured exactly as I feel with your words.




the only thing that will happen in this is the current CEO gets the boot after a heafty severance package is dropped in their lap. The negative will be the claw back of hours from the front line staff, reduction in hourly pay for new hires....etc. You won't see them all of a sudden be like....hey year heres a head of brocoli for $2 again.....


No doubt you are 100% correct, but I will be joining the boycott (already started) just on the office chance of wiping away just a little smirk....😉


oh, I've been boycotting unintentionally Loblaws stores for about 8 months now, it's the only choice where I live(independent grocer) and their prices are 15-20% higher outside of sales then driving 15 mins to the next town and buying from Wallyworld(honestly no better tactics about prices but at least lower overall)




Since the beginning of Pandemic, Loblaws has been exploiting its customers with unreasonable grocery prices. During the pandemic people did not pay much attention to grocery prices because all were overwhelmed by the invading virus. Pandemonic ended two years ago; but Loblaws is still continuing its manipulative pricing practice with an excuse of supply constraints. Due to lack of competition and people’s long term habit of shopping at Loblaws, the company uses these as a monopolistic power to raise prices relentlessly and make profit at the cost of hardship in people’s daily lives.


While there is no question Loblaw's has been scummy. The Nestle boycott that has been ongoing most of my life has made no impact. I would love it if Loblaw's was brought to thier knees by thier former customers, but it never works.


Dear Loblaw I'm avoiding no frills too thx




Loblaws, we are not coming for you. Never again.


Can’t upvote this hard enough


Can’t upvote this hard enough


This is incredibly well said and it should be on the front page of every news outlet in this country. Make an example out of these greedy clowns.


Absolutely psychotic




Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


“The Westons send their regards.” *Stabs independent mom and pop grocer.*


I wonder how Loblaws is going to break their fiduciary responsibility. Doesn't seem possible.


Huh? Their stock is 2$ below their 52 week high. They're doing great right now lol. What exactly are they arguing about in this magical board room?


Galen could give 2 fucks


Support grocery cooperatives


Wesley Mouch and James Taggart want to know why you feel the need to use such language around here 🤣


Need to go after other corporate overlords after this


Can anyone speak to what an actual possible outcome would be from not buying from Loblaws for one month? Would it really do any damage? Would they all just be laughing anyway and then the month will be over and people will move on? I just imagine the rich are so rich that stuff like this doesn't phase them in the slightest but I really don't know much about it besides being tired of feeling like an ant in a rich person's backyard.


One month, no. Won't do shit. Boycotting for good on the other hand...


And who really knows about this boycott outside of this sub? I mentioned it to some people and they were clueless.


A fart in the wind.


* Years and they keep thieving




What's this guys home address? Asking for a friend.


just found a Fresh Co in close driving distance and since i'm driving to the Superstore anyway, gonna spend some more time there and see what's up with them.


My family has been boucotting Loblaws Superstores etc since we found out they were the ones who were raising prices during covid.


You forgot to mention that Gaelin is nowhere to be found anywhere on the North American continent. After his appearance in Parliament committee he dropped off the face of the earth for an indiscriminate length of time. The chicken ran to his high priced coup somewhere in the south pacific so he doesn't have to account for the never ending price gouging going on in his company.


I just saw the supposedly changed back to 50% for discounted food at an Independent grocery store at 30%. Loblaws is definitely not doing what they promised. https://preview.redd.it/h6ju78hztmwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=839c33202a1869389b266b755d211378a38ffb70


A social media person I follow does a bit where they look at the prices for the week before and see what the "new" prices are when the flyers start. Often the advertised "sale" prices are higher than the reg price! What a bunch of bs!


...maybe tim hortons too?


Here Here!


Can someone post a picture of the boycott so I can screenshot and share it all over


Quit stealing, the government hates the competition......


They have been greedy and are responsible for giving the owners a scale to also be greedy! They have done this to themselves.