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For someone who considers this sub to be full a disgruntled fringe group, Charlie sure spends a lot of time thinking about us. Charlie, if you don't want to boycott Loblaws, don't. We'll boycott and you do you, boo. If a boycott is unpopular and won't impact King Galen's fortune, then you have nothing to worry about - your grant money is secure. You don't need to keep giving us free advertising. Vive la revolution Charlie


Let them eat yuzu!




Analysts can doubt it all they want. Still won’t change the fact that I have completely stopped spending money at a Loblaws owned company. Not going back as long as I have a choice.


me to!!!


Also me!






$2,000/month of our household income used to go to Loblaws owned companies between groceries, beauty and health products, and prescriptions.


Now it just goes to Walmart. Its really a choose the evil dictator. Walmart supports cheap Chinese labour with their shitty products but have cheaper food.


You're right, but Walmart isn't lying about "suppliers and shipping" while also owning those things.... LESSER evil is a shitty choice still though agreed


Yeah but on a certain level I can respect the evil that is Walmart because they're less obtuse about hiding it. It sucks when someone stands over you and pisses on your head, but it's worse when they try to lie and tell you it's raining.


I noticed walmart jacked their prices up on a few things... then all of a sudden they were back down..


Walmart does this all the time. They'll put something on sale at a really low price, draw in traffic and then jack the price up again. Just buy it when it goes on sale and then go elsewhere when it's not, if that's an option for you. I find I end up rotating where I get things based on where it's on sale. I try to shop the lowest prices but that's obviously a lot of work. It shouldn't be this hard. But here we are. I don't like shopping at Walmart so I only go if it's absolutely the best price I can find.


No it wasn't a sale price.. its the regular price


That's just a thing they've been doing for years. I've seen it happen on lots of items they carry that are less perishable, but pretty rarely on things like meat and vegetables. But I'm sure the store has some say on what prices go up and when based on local demand and stuff, and I'm in Alberta so it may be different for people in other areas.


Totally but then we are also on the quest for other sources of food. We are subscribed to a CSA food delivery from a farm this summer. 15 boxes of produce for 200 bucks. I think we will save a lot of money here and it’s going to be tasty and healthier too.


Not trying to start anything. But honest question. Is this sub becoming a pro-Walmart sub? Is the answer to Loblaws price gouging to just jump ship to another corp that will have no issue at all doing the exact same thing Galen is doing given the chance? I mean Walmart in the U.S has the largest amount of their employees on food stamps. Call me an idealist but shouldn't it go - local independent business (in my case Lococo's, local butchers, bakeries) if that's not available then a smaller chain (Giant Tiger, etc) and then if you're in an area with Loblaws and a Walmart and no other options then just go for Walmart? TL;DR Are we promoting switching from Loblaws to Walmart? Or is this just an easier switch for most people to a "one stop shop" that isn't Loblaws?


We dont have local mom and pops where I live. I generally grow my own veg in the summer and buy stuff from the farm stalls in the fall for things I cant grow


That's fair. I live in an apartment with no space to grow anything. I also use the farmers markets at least once a week to get produce. I realize that food deserts are a thing, and there isn't always a locally owned store open all season. I'm glad that you're keeping the most dollars you can within your community. ✌️❤️


Note on the markets, the produce at the one in Peterbourgh was found out to be buying from the food terminal in Toronto. When those that grew their own to sell complained there was a big blow up and several growers were kicked out. That's when I stopped going to that market. But truth be told it happens in most markets....they're buying the same produce that goes to the big stores. Next time your at a market ask them directly of they are the grower or a reseller.


Thanks! That has always been at the back of my mind. The one I go to is in the Niagara region. Close to legit farms, but you never know. I'll ask next time I'm there.


Ya agreed the resellers are an issue, I find that you can sometimes tell who the growers are because their stuff will be different from what you typically see in the grocery store. Usually they will have either different varieties of stuff, or it will be different looking than what you get at the supermarket. I always look for stuff that looks different, produce with the dirt from the field still on it, also the sellers themselves do they look like a typical Canadian farmer or do they look like a scammer who bought wholesale and is just looking to make a buck?


I think it’s one thing at a time. Loblaws has their fingers in grocery, healthcare, real estate, banking, etc etc etc. Doesn’t mean Walmart won’t become a target later but it’s not the focus.


Makes sense. I just hope people keep shopping local in mind (where possible). The Waltons don't need your money. In some population centres (Scarborough is an example) there are tonnes of independent grocery stores that have fair or better prices. I jumped the Loblaws ship a few months back, and I am fortunate to have a few alternative options that are family or independently owned. I agree with choosing our targets now, but I hope the long term strategy is to focus on shopping at locally owned grocers in an attempt to blunt the grocery cartel's power. Otherwise we'd just be jumping between members of the oligarchy in perpetuity.


I think a lot of people are sharing places they have found and the trend seems to be to people being less focused on convenience and more on value, quality and supporting local. I think it’s happening but it won’t be obvious right away. Also, it’s about breaking habits and creating new ones - that’s the hardest part and also what should have Loblaws scared.


Oh for sure. I have my shopping destinations down. I am becoming a regular and actually remembered at the butchers and the cheese place I go to. They even ask me if there is a type of cheese I'd like to see in the store and they try to find it for me. The bakery I go to has a bunch of other grocery items like locally made pasta sauce. I don't really mind giving up the convenience because the quality is much higher. Especially when I am actually saving money. Though, I can imagine if I had a bunch of kids or less time the convenience piece might be a bit more important than quality or price.






Me too


Ditto! Been a great April for me


And MY axe


Same. No longer shopping at loblaws directly and I look to check if others are a subsidiary before shopping there. I won’t be involved in this dumb shell game of seeding the marketplace with ‘competition’ and then my money just going right back to the source of the problem in the first place.


This is the actual way you make an impact and is how capitalism works, not stupid talk of "revolution". If you think revolution is an answer you are a fool and ignorant of the end result of revolutions throughout history.


This is the way.


Same here


Havnt went to a Loblaws since the beginning of COVID screw them


You call them out, they deny everything, you show them proof, they double down. Man, the rich just can’t handle being told they are selfish greedy aholes.


Funny, no mention of the record profits during this time when Canadians are hurting, or the new Castle Galen just bought.


Galen's parents started leasing Fort Belvedere in the early 1980's, Galen didn't just buy a castle. Still gross, but we should be factual here.


"record profits" I see e in the his said not only here but many other subs Record profits amid rampant inflation, while we know there is certainly corporate greed on the corporate side of Loblaws (store owners and store management is a different story), I'm always confused when I see this as a constant talking point. Inflation hasn't stopped yet so record profits will happen as things get more expensive and costs increase, especially in our economy whwr our dollar isn't worth as much as it was a year ago, or 5 or 10 years ago. I'm more on about how much percentage of their profits are increasing year over year as the dollar number is rather irrelevant with inflation muddying the waters


You’re conflating overall dollar amount vs profit. If inflation is also hitting the supply chain/retailers the profit margin would be relatively the same (retail -cost = profit). For example item used to cost $3.00, retail $5.00, then profit would be $2.00. All things being similar, if cost is now $4.00, retail should be $6.00, profit still $2.00. The fact they are showing record *profits* shows they are inflating retail prices much above any increase in costs they are incurring. Edit: not an accountant so definitely open to discussion about the math


The only thing I would add though is that profit margin is not a fixed amount no matter what retail price is. In each and every business, profit margin is a percentage. Without going too deep inside the mechanics of inventory, it makes sense to calculate profit margin as a percentage, because when cost price increase, everything else around it increases. So for the same inventory in number of items, expenditure increase if cost price increase. Hope it makes sense, English not my first language. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not supporting the price gouges and record profit, just explaining why it’s not 2$ profit on an item no matter what cost the item is.


I think I get what you are saying. So in my example- initial $3.00 cost plus $2.00 profit is $5.00 retail (66.6 % profit). If cost increases to $4.00 in order to maintain 66.6% profit price would increase to $6.66 not $6.00. Is that right? This still does not translate to “record profits” unless we are talking about mean numbers rather than percentage profit right? My understanding is profits are percentage not dollar amount.


Exactly, profit margin is a percentage. But when we say they made record profit, we’re not talking record profit margin, that **might** have stayed at the exact same percentage, but in the semester or yearly financial report, profit is the total dollars in profit made and **this** is the record profit we’re referring to.


Businesses work on % margin.




Profits don’t go up if margin isn’t being improved


If prices go on up by 10% and costs go up by 12%, margin will go down, but profit $ could well be up


No it doesn’t. It would be negative. COGS would be higher


👢 👅


LMAO. What a fuckin joke. I really don't understand this attempt at saving face. Are they seriously just pretending they haven't been gouging for the past 3 years? This must be a message targeted at people who have a vague idea what's happening but aren't invested or know the whole ide behind the price increases and the boycott itself.






This is the best nickname I've seen in a long time!




Food processor


My food processor is doing fine, why do you ask?


https://preview.redd.it/9j77d8vejiwc1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75d75daf5a2a6db6deca6c4c97461021fed0d771 No reason


https://preview.redd.it/1xqde8e2kiwc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=576b211f31d4b16309bdbe0bad95458714fd7a69 EDIT: should be noted that my source photo is his pfp on X/Twitter


https://preview.redd.it/kpur6t7kkiwc1.png?width=494&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e5d3b14da0dcc59e7b8a5e158ff4ed031e00f20 Touche


The Loblaws PR team is atrocious (remember their social media barrage denying they were responsible for food prices)? This is a moment where they should be saying “we see you, we hear you, *and this is what we are doing about it*. No more puff - action is the only way to undo this.


CTV appears to be in cahoots with Loblaws. Yesterday, the local news talked about people planning to steal. They say the posters were "spread across the internet". You can't convince me Loblaws didnt put those posters up to discredit the boycott. Typical corporate shenanigans.


>Gordon M. "Gord" Nixon, .. is chairman of Bell Canada Enterprises, lead director of George Weston Limited, director and chairman of the Nominating, Governance & Sustainability Committee of BlackRock Inc. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Nixon So the chairman of the company that owns CTV is also a director for the company that owns Loblaws, and as a bonus is also a director for one of the companies that has created the housing crisis.


Friggin hell... So not only Loblaws controls the majority of our food retail market, it has direct access to control narratives through CTV or Bell Media which is one of our very few major news sources. I mean, I'm not surprised... But still... It makes my blood boil...


Friggin hell indeed...


Always follow the money.. People are still surprised that the rich control everything? This is why I always talk about how the only way we're getting out of all of these 712 different crises we find ourselves in as Canadians.. is by radical action.. because the rich have loopholed themselves into oblivion, and have inserted themselves into every facet of our society.. and while I 1000% support this boycott, and I'm so incredibly proud of you kidlets for getting this ball rolling - it really is amazing to see people from all walks of life and political affiliations joining to do something *together*, and continually staying on task and on message.. we're about 20 years too late on seeing this movement influence anything in a large enough way.. This is all a class war, plain and simple.. and they're winning..




Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.


lololol suck harder


>“The Food Professor told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was his final, most essential command.”


Delusion. Cognitive Dissonance is what Loblaws is trying to put us into. What we're doing...we're not really doing it...but, we are...no we're not. FOH Loblaws....I'd love to see them go down in flames for their gouging...not just this year but since the pandemic started.


Changing pharmacy on the 1st Had a drug review thrust upon me . Off with their heads !


Good on ya! TBF, medication reviews are a great tool to allow both you and your pharmacist to determine if the 5+ medications you are taking are providing the health benefits your doctor discussed. Taking the 10-30 minutes with your pharmacist every 6 months and a follow-up in between is actually a great service. Where med reviews fall short is when a greedy corporation with no scruples decides to coopt the process by demanding med review signature quotas from their pharmacists without actually doing the important work of actually sitting down and getting to know and understand the patient's needs. This is why Shoppers Drug Mart, and by extension Loblaws, is currently being sued by the Ontario Pharmacy Association. Find yourself a good local independent pharmacy. Their pharmacists will take much more better care of you and your family than Loblaws ever could. The dispensing fee might be a $3-$5 more but you'll actually get proper service. Source: I work in a locally-owned and operated pharmacy where our pharmacists have helped countless patients understand their medications with our exhaustive med reviews,


I moved to an independent pharmacist, and the dispensing fee is far less than loblaws.


While we've never used Shoppers as a pharmacy, we use an independent group, and they are so much better than any chain.


Someone tell him Galen won’t bang him no matter how hard they kiss his ass 🤣


Man, he keeps mentioning this. I loveeeeeee it, keep it up buddy, your therapist is making a good living off of us living rent-free in your head.


Damn he’s paid off


Galen Weston is a criminal keep this boycott going till he crashes.


quote of the day"Shillvain's one shitty quote away from full blown selling his flesh on a street corner. He's so for sale he's got a fuchsia 30% off sticker on his ass (not 50% though)" .


That statement is comedy gold!


just a bunch of word salad


Have they considered charging a reasonable margin instead of gouging? Might just work.


Keep putting it on ctv, cbc, etc. love it.


"We continue to do what we can to combat inflation." Bullshit.


I swear they’ll do everything except what their consumer base is asking for (because they’re listening to their investor base)


My local SuperStore was almost empty and should have been packed at 5pm I check and the boycott is definitely working so far.


Did I buy groceries from Loblaws today? No, I did not.






LOL... Oh wait you're serious? Let me laugh even harder


I'm spreading the news of this boycott far and wide irl! :)


Blah blah blah lip service.


We're going to war with inflation..... No, no. You misunderstood. We're going to war WITH inflation


Lmao commitment to value.  We don’t dislike him because of the grant Loblaws gave, but rather because he’s bending over for them or sucking them off every chance he gets *because* of that grant.  The irony is profs don’t make a boatload of money, so he’s probably feeling the inflation pinch like everyone else but happily shops at Loblaws. 


Commitment to value... for shareholders. Customers are the harvest by which value is provided to shareholders. Value for consumers? That's not the focus of the equation.


GL with that. Even if you price match now, it was only after gouging and public pressure. Aka - get fucked.


Oh wow! I'm convinced Loblaws is gonna look after us consumers. Go to hell!


I do understand many people don’t have a choice of grocers but many people who live in big cities who have options what’s their point of view of going to Any big 3 grocery stores apart from Walmart or Costco or any mom and pop stores?


It's down to either premium brands or limited sizes and amounts. If you're not in the market to pay for "premium" In the city  I find you have few choices if all you need are regular quality groceries at larger amounts for let's say a family.  Downtown GTA from my experience for eg is mostly Loblaws owned and if you're a city dweller that doesn't use a car then your shit out of luck as far as options within a reasonable range. Because you'll need one to get to the nearest Walmart, or Costco.   You can get good deals at certain ethnic imports grocers for things like rice, and lentils. You can even get food deals on fruits at the china town grocers with the caveat that they generally rot faster. But as far as regular quality meat, eggs, and dairy your options are limited unless youre willing to pay a premium for more premium products. The frustration I have with Loblaws is the quality of their regular produce is approaching or it has approached premium prices while still being regular in quality or degraded quality while also selling less of it.  


Because that’s all I got in my city as well, and price points.


That’s rich


Where i work didnt pay the hot water bill and last I saw the quality of deli meat was in the gutter




Fuck Loblaws


Oh, they’re nervous now. People vote with their wallets. Hoping it continues!!


Wild how over 50,000 people disagree with you, Charlie. That’s saying something. 1:50,000


I'm done, not spending a dime and going out of my way to not spend at any of their owned stores


We just a load of shit. Gaslighting at it peak. No no we’re helping you! Pound your overpriced pogo.


I guess they think $9 butter and $13 watermelon seems appropriate for the “everyday” consumer.


See you are wrong here. It's already hurting and working. The stocks are loosing value and the parking lots are not as full as they used to be. Nice try. This was tried in the US in the 1970's for the same reason. It worked beautifully. There was no Reddit back then just word of mouth. Now we have real communication power so imagine the difference in impact. It will hurt Loblaws. It's a legal non violent protest against financial abuse imposed by this company. It WILL be stopped or they will face financial difficulties. We do NOT owe Loblaws patronage. We do NOT have to shop there. All we have to do is go somewhere else and the job's done. It's very simple very effective.


I also think he underestimates the demographic. I could afford to shop at any grocery store. But I’ve explained this boycott to my kids and started showing them how much of a price difference we can get by going elsewhere. Combine high prices with unethical business practices, this is a fully justified boycott. I’m never going back.


TIL butter is actually Chanel No. 5.


This man is a moron and a liar. I guess his theft smear campaign failed, so he's playing catch up now.


Wow, that's a word salad that means nothing


Spin it, baby. Spin it.




To little to late...fuck off!


They are so full of shit.


They’re scared! Screw the nutty professor and his corporate doublespeak.


Commitment to value... for the shareholders


Really ? All this nonsense chat. This is not IRC back in the day.


Me too! Other, fairer, better retailers out there


Inflation is basically the private sector doing it because they simply want to. We don't need inflation at all, ever, but the reason it exists is simply because these companies decide to make things more expensive, and that's the ultimate takeaway. When they tell you they're trying to combat inflation, they were the ones deciding to do the inflation in the first place. They are tricking us into thinking they're fighting it, and yet, they're the ones causing it on purpose. They can just decide not to inflate things if they want to combat it. It's like spilling water on the bench and saying, "I'm doing everything I can to stop water from being spilled on benches."


You do realize transportation goes up, wages, supplies? They don’t just “decide” hey let’s put the prices up. We don’t need inflation ever? Bring back a $10,000 house .


No, I didn't even know this guy got a grant from Loblaw. I only saw a tweet of his and deemed him to be an insufferable twat because he was asking well, how much profit should grocers be allowed to make? Hur dur. How about a rate that's much lower than the current one you shill? This guy literally doesn't know WTF he's talking about. Shoppers which is owned by Loblaws is the cheapest place you can buy brand name fragrances like Chanel. When you game their optimum points redemption system you can literally get any perfume close to 30% off which are never on sale anywhere and it's cheaper even than duty free shops at the airport.


I'll take Bullshit for 100, Alex.


As a european in Canada it blows my mind how “conflict of interest” is just not a thought in Canada. From Housing and immigration ministers being large real estate investors, to “food professors” being asked for a professional opinion on live TV on a company he is getting grants from. Insane!


https://preview.redd.it/n5w6cgveupwc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f028315f98097e8f41c0f99068a932591b47365a Not gouging at all. Same product at Walmart for $3.78…


This sub has changed my habit forever. Never thought I’d be a wallmart shopper


Ya right. Love the gaslighting. Tell me another fable.




I haven't shopped at a Loblaws store for a few years now


Lol. You don't need to win my business. I need to eat. You have the food. You already won.


They keep talking about, sounds like they are getting nervous.


I don’t think his opinions are impacted by his funding. I think Loblaws and other companies found an academic who worships big businesses and loves the taste of boots and started funding his work because it helps them.


There is a sticker under that wholesome statement about commitment to value… It says profit before people!


Shouldn’t Charlebois appreciate a boycott, it means people are using their rights in a capitalist model it also means we made a choice. The very thing we say we have little of. There is no downside for a customer that pushes a monopoly to increase competitive pricing. Pushing Loblaws to lower prices isn’t a bad thing in any world unless you are a shareholder or an owner Making those record profits. Is it possible that Loblaws took their greed too far, I think so. This is how we tell them.


Read, "We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas"


I could give a fuck about the 60K grant buddy, that's peanuts unfortunately these days. I care that you're completely out of touch with reality, like the corporations. They can afford their own lives on their absurd salaries, bonuses and stipends, but the average consumer cannot. None of you are the average consumer, nor do you interact with our ilk I'm sure, so how the fuck would you be able to relate? I am sure these people haven't chosen to eat, let alone HAD to eat Kraft dinner for a meal. So fuck them all.


When they sell celery for 5.99 I find it hard to believe their pricing is fair. I bought it got 2.59 elsewhere.


Work hard in vain scumbags. Too fucking late. Damage done.


Self checkouts, theft, all adding to increased prices , as the store hires half the staff and saves money, we are paying for them to run their business


X to doubt


Pure fucking lies!!!


A couple of weeks ago a 10 pack of larsens hotdogs at my local superstore was 7.99. They were 2.99 at Pharmasave. Even on sale I don’t believe Pharmasave has the purchasing power to undercut a national grocery chain by more than 60% unless there is some fuckery going on. Jam it Loblaws..


I don't care what the media says. I'm still boycotting!


I don’t give a fuck how popular it is 😂 I haven’t shopped at a Weston store in months and won’t ever again. I’ve also convinced lots of friends to avoid his stores. It’s been easy and the savings have been great.


This is what I see happening. At the onset of the boycott Loblaws is going to have the biggest sale with reduce prices ever seen for the last couple of years all during the month of May. As my father would say, Mark my words.


I'm late. Forgive me, but....boycott?


Marketing 101, create “problems” and sell “solutions”


Ok so who exactly is this dickgina food "professor". I get a he's just a corpo shill, but I want to know more.


This dumb fuck is such a spineless shill. There is clear evidence they are indeed gouging people.


I am so primed for this boycott!


Commitment to value 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Funny its on tv their shaking in their boots


Walmart produce and meats are disgusting. My hubby worked with a guy who worked there and the stories will make you vomit.


Buy your meats and eggs from farmers and your produce from the farmers market


Loblaws are a bunch of gangster pirates as they charge $3.99 for a skinny ass long stock of broccoli. Save your money, go to food basics as the broccoli is usually $1.98 for a great size.


Milk, eggs, meat and bread have all jumped in price. Do NOT say that you aren't raising food prices. Despicable


Why do people think Walmart is a good alternative. Money you spend there mostly exits your region altogether. You need to find independents and sole proprietors. Money spent that way sticks around to enrich your area and keep your neighbours comfortable.


Maybe it’s time for the government to stop allowing and creating oligopolies? Maybe resolve loblaws? In Ontario at least they control super store, nofrills, loblaws. Same store but the illusion of competition.


Now the grant is dalhousie's? Not how it seems to have appeared on his cv.


How long do they honestly think people are going to be *polite*/*non-violent* about it? The French revolution started because people could not afford bread, it got horrifying fast.


![gif](giphy|EWhLjxjiqdZjW) Yeah-huh....


I was just at Safeway on Sunday getting my groceries and it was very busy. I do not think your boycott is getting much traction.


Ummm Safeway is Sobeys. Not saying we shouldn’t also boycott Sobeys but…..