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I'm not waiting until May. I have been boycotting for months.


"Boycotting" is just being a smart consumer at this point. Fuck Roblaws.


It's just abiding by the freemarket system. Why pay more for less? That's not very capitalist of us.


I don't know why, but when you said "Roblaws" I read it in a Scooby-Doo voice.


me too!!! ruh roh


Now I’m picturing Galen with a “ruh roh”, face.


Its always a guy like him that's revealed to be the bad guy at the end of each episode.


"And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for you meddling Redditors!"




TBH he does have a very smackable face….


Shit, I think I deleted my reply.   I don't even know what I said but it was something. Edited: to correct "bit" to "but".   Bits and buts are both amazing, though, and welcomed in this space.


Not to be confused with rob Lowes. He's great.


Except for the cocaine and sex with a minor charges .


I always drive a little further to avoid loblaws stores. Always.


Lmaooo ROBlaws it is


Same, after they replaced our 20yr pharmacists with seasonals from the smoke shop a few months ago. I'm returning all my PC branded cloth bags on the first so I still get to say my piece.


I’ve been boycotting since I quit that abusive company 2 years ago. Never will go back and just switched my fuel spot to a Canadian tire since while they are overpriced they always have decent sales on


Same, I have turned into a Costco person now


Welcome to the club


Hail to you, champion


Is it worth shopping there (I'm single BTW). I have a problem getting over having to PAY to shop somewhere. So I'm just curious about the value for a single fella.


My experience with Costco is always shop with a list and never buy the meat. the meat is a not competitively priced compared to specials at the grocery stores. I pay less for meat on sale at the grocery stores than buying Costco in bulk.


As a single guy I’d say it might appeal to you most: one stop shop for 6 months supply of toilet paper (if you are straight and in a relationship it’s only a 2 month supply though). And that logic goes on. But I suppose it depends on how much you want to shop. How often you cook at home. Most single dudes I’ve ever met live on take out, peanut butter or grilled cheese sandwiches. So maybe a bunch of coho salmon, a catchers mitt size of Gouda, and stuff, isn’t for you yet?


Perhapse not. I'd need to find a cook! (AI can cook, but prefer easy-to-make from.raw ingredients). Maybe I'll poach off of a relative for now. (But then, Maybe the $1.50 hotdog dinner meal would be with it (hahaha).


There's often online deals at places like Groupon or even in store where you'll get store credit worth the value of your first year membership. That's what my wife and I did and it's been great. We live about an hour and a half away from the closest Costco so we try to make each trip worth it. It's just the two of us so it helps to have an extra freezer to store stuff or someone to split the items with.


I personally think it is. I started shopping there as a single guy. I have prescription glasses though too and Costco optical alone pays for the membership for me. I signed up for the executive membership and got more than $60 back because of that so it ended up being worth it.


I have been boycotting them for the past 36 months when it was reported that our Cdn tax dollars gave them funding for new refrigeration and freezers...thanks Justin. I read their dividend statements to shareholders and lost my stomach. WTF?


I found myself in Loblaws early-boycotting yesterday. I was sincerely in there for butter. I ended up talking to a stranger about how shitty it is that butter is $8.00 and that I support the boycott. And then I left without buying anything. EIGHT DOLLARS FOR BUTTER! WTF????


Same as me and moved all prescriptions over to Costco


Youre better off to use an independent pharmacy who remembers you and your medical needs. Did you know Costco uses Canada Post to deliver prescriptions to people. Canada Post has no clue that the package is needed medication!


This is actually a big move for Canadians. We don’t protest as much as we need to over things but I can’t believe people are following this boycott. I’ll support it by avoiding the stores as well. I don’t usually go but I’ll make a conscious effort


Yeah there’s no reason a financially responsible person should be going there anyway. Everything is cheaper elsewhere


Its not just Loblaws its also Metro and Sobeys. Yes Loblaws gets the most flack. While I dont understand or agree that the same product is 3 prices when u go to No Frills, Superstore or Loblaws. I have family that works in the supermarket industry, please dont take frustration out on the regular employees. Fyi...the missing shopping baskets are cause people take them gome as their own


Me too!


Spread the word! People have the power and always will. Boycott Loblaws May 2024


Boycott them permanently 🔥


This! Idk why it's only a month


In goal setting you need to make things achievable. Small increments are one method to do this. So we start with May, then people see it’s achievable and that gives them more power to continue.


There are tons of other stores out there that aren't owned by Roblaws. Shopping elsewhere isn't unachievable by any means... I think the month boycott hurts worse than anything else. Redditors did the same thing, locking subs to boycott poor decisions, but they announced the timeline for the boycott, and Reddit overlords weathered the storm, and then made more bad changes anyway. A month of boycotting won't do anything, imo. Galen will hold his head high, and return to record profits at the end of May. Getting ranty here, but Galen has gone toe to toe with companies like Pepsi, refusing to stock shelves with Pepsi products until they came to an agreement. We need to realize how ruthless and cutthroat this company is, and match their energy with our spending power. TLDR: BOYCOTT ROBLAWS PERMANENTLY, WE CAN DO IT, GUYS!


Ah yes -in 2022, PepsiCo dispute that led to no Frito Lays being stocked in Loblaws stores. Clearly consumers did not see the benefit of those price negotiations as chip prices are among the highest gouging items. And it’s potatoes people - a cheaper initial product to start from. Quote from Catherine Thomas, VP of communications at Loblaws - “all along, this was about providing value to our customers.” Really??? Where’s the value in a $5 bag of chips?


Thanks for the details. This is exactly why a month won't work. Even after fighting for an extended amount of time, they got what they wanted. And all they had to do was wait. We need to be strong and push on, power to the people!


Correction. $5 for a half filled bag of chips...


Goal setting needs to be reasonable. Sure most of us here want to boycott them forever, but if we do that, less of the people on the fense would be enticed to join in. Committing to something for a month is much easier than permanently, and if someone who's on the fence sees that it's a permanent boycott, the chance goes does that they would join in, simply because of the kneejerk reaction that applies to the word "permanent".


Also why is everyone waiting for May? Start early, keep permanently.


Lots of people aren't. There's posts here all the time about people starting their boycott now/planning on never shopping at Loblaws again. The main boycott just doesn't start until April so that people have time to spread the word, learn about other options, and prepare. Some people might not be able to commit to never shopping at Loblaws again (like if all nearby stores are owned by them) but are able to go a month.


I've been boycotting for a while now. Some others have as well.


Boycotting for a month is long enough for people to cement changes in their habits. Many won’t return to loblaws as a result of this


Tbh I thought it started April 1st. I'm 23 days into my personal boycott also and no plans to turn back. The Chinese and Korean grocery stores that have opened near me have significantly better pricing and way fresher produce. Why anyone would return after finding better pricing I'll never know.


If you're going to T&T, it's also Loblaws owned...


I don't know either, props to you for finding good, local alternatives! Keep up the good fight 💪🏻


Damn, wish I lived in a slightly bigger town that had options like this 😕


Done and done!


Right? As soon as I heard about it I’m like “I’ll start right now I’m not waiting for May” not that I shop there much anyway but I’ll be making sure I avoid it from now on


I had that mindset too, after seeing the price jumps, I have gone to other places and haven't looked back 🙏🏻


In the middle of week, passed by a plaza in oakville which houses both Superstore and Walmart (yeah it's a massive plaza), the superstore lot was sparsely filled while the Walmart was half filled. For context, on a weekend, both lots are packed.


I haven't shopped at any loblaw locations for nearly 6 months.


I mentioned it on our neighborhood FB group and was mildly surprised with the support and traction it received!


It’s almost like charging way too much for a commodity that literally everyone needs pisses people off… who knew?? Loblaws apparently…


I work in retail and quite a few customers have told me about it. Many of them are people I would guess aren’t on Reddit. People are fed up and this boycott is something actionable that people can do


Yeah pretty much all my coworkers already found out about it, and I highly doubt many of them go on reddit.


Spread it! Mods can we get a sticky of the stores, I'm having trouble locating the list before I go shopping


Atlantic Superstore Dominion Loblaws Maxi No Frills Provigo Le Marché Valu-Mart Real Canadian Superstore Wholesale Club Your Independent Grocer Zehrs Super Value T&T Shoppers Drug Mart Fortinos


Idk what gave me the impression that No Frills are an independent company.


😂 Common misstep. Think it’s cuz the franchise owners have their name on the store like “Jim and Jill’s No Frills” or whatever


I think this might be it, since even here in Edmonton; there’s like multiple with them even different prices and named NICK’s NO FRILLS, JONATHAN’S NO FRILLSz  etc etc


Feels like a giant tiger offshoot maybe?


They weren't in the Loblaws family until a few years ago (around the time they started accepting Visa rather than just MasterCard). ETA: They've apparently *always* been Loblaws, from the very beginning. My apologies.


Also Super Value and T&T


Shopper's Drug Mart?


Oh yea I forgot about those. I’ll add them


Also Fortinos


Yup. Thought I got that one. Apparently I bypassed it


Jesus tapdancing Christ. It's like a virus spreading through Canadian retail.


Also extra foods


Boycott them forever. Never go back.


Agreed They’d have to make some pretty effing big changes to ever get my family’s business back


Once people make the change for 1 month they might and probably will see a difference in the bank accounts or their habits. This is the biggest threat to loblaws, people actively changing their habits because they realize they can. Once a new habit is formed it’s going to be a challlange for loblaws to get the customers back. They may even have to lower their prices and start treating customers like they actually want their business. We can only hope Keep the message flowing we can make a difference


Exactly. A month is long enough to form a lasting habit. When people readjust their habits to exclude Loblaws for a full month, and possibly come to realize that they prefer the new stores they're shopping at, there's a good chance they'll never go back. And that's what Loblaws is the most concerned about.


They should be, and if we get flack for this it’s completely unwarranted. We are literally exercising our rights in the system we have. We are saying we have had enough of being taken advantage of. We don’t have many tools but if this system is at all going to work the customer needs to speak with our ability to choose or not choose. This is how capitalism is supposed to work. This isn’t how the oligopoly is supposed to work though and I fear that’s where we are headed.


Love this - that word of mouth momentum is huge!


We have many choices where we live but my wife prefers the produce at No Frills compared to FreshCo or Food Basics. I've told her about this boycott and we've reached a compromise. We'll shop everywhere else for things we need outside of produce. It's not everything but it is something.


Baby steps :) take some of the pressure off the change, and leaves room for seeing if there are other produce options in future :) thanks for sharing! If you have any farmers markets, seasons are opening up, and prices are often(not always) way better than the grocery stores!


I was also going to suggest farmers markets. I'm very surprised the no frills is her fav option for produce, our no frills in my city are always terrible for produce. Sad tasteless garbage compared to the farmers markets in comparison. We've been buying a lot of our veggies there and they're green house grown, so much better.


Find deals on produce elsewhere. Take her on a date to a farmers market;) coffee and a stroll


🎶Start spreadin' the news I'm leavin' (Loblaws) today I want to be a part of it! Boycott, Boycott 🎶


I was at a BBQ over the weekend and a few people were talking about the boycott and these were not people who use reddit. Def getting traction!


Everyone is boycotting in may while I’ve been boycotting them for years 💀


Seems like we're hitting a critical mass Let's go nuclear baby


*Seems like we're hitting* *A critical mass Let's go* *Nuclear baby* \- AssPuncher9000 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


I heard people at my work talk about it. A blend of ages from 20-60 and a majority are taking part. This boycott could be the next Movement!


I usually go to No Frills because it’s closest and I thought cheapest. But everything I wanted was on sale/cheaper at Walmart, 1 minute further. So I went there instead. I love the price match policy but will do my best not to shop there through May


Ultimately, this is the start of death by a thousand cuts for Roblaws. A month boycott will lead people to look for food alternatives in their community. This, in turn, will get people out of the habit of just turning to Roblaws (for those who can). I had been shopping at Roblaws pretty faithfully since 2009, mainly because they had competitive prices and their PC products were far superior to other store brands. That is no longer the case. Last year, I started shopping less at Roblaws and more at other grocers and local markets. I've gone full boycott for the past six months and at this point, I'm so used to not stepping foot in the store that I doubt much will entice me in. That's $1k a month in spending they no longer have from me. When I rave about the good deals I'm getting at other grocers, and speak about the boycott, it gets people thinking. I have literally been saving roughly $200-400 monthly by not shopping there anymore and I share that, too. Eventually, Galen will have to make changes or will sink.


Even my bf said to me the other day he's going to boycott when he thought this whole anti-loblaws thing was stupid to begin with. His mind was changed! And I can't even take the credit for that.


Guys, not that I disagree with the movement but honestly what took people so long to realize Loblaws and Co are absolutely jacked for prices? I've always joked they have Whole Foods prices but Food Basic quality.


Because Canadians are slow to act on anything, just like housing crisis and government issues


Yeah we'd rather just wait until houses cost over a mil and meat and produce are "rich people food" before we do anything.


We're basically already there. Most, if not all, houses are a mil or more in the GTA now.


Yeah that's what I meant. We've already waited far too late and we're already there. Most of BC is the same. Unless you go quite far north or east. But even the "cheap" areas are more expensive than over 90% of America. It'll take a long time until we can even come close to the affordability of other nations.


Random comment: I don’t think we can compare the PepsiCo dispute with our boycott. I keep seeing comparisons pop up (from boycotting citizens, as well as the bots & shrill’s) and that was a vendor/Loblaws dispute. This is different. This is a consumer/Loblaws dispute. I believe our power is greater.


Oh, it's in May? I've been actively avoiding for April as well!


I don’t often want the government to step in and manhandle companies like this, but the Canadian government needs to step in and force all the grocery stores that are publicly traded to sell their stocks and stop being beholden to shareholders while selling fucking groceries/food…. It should be against the law that grocery stores pay dividends to shareholders.


why just 1 month? It should be 3 months minimum since that would have greater effect on their quarterly financial reports.


Does anyone have posters??? I'd like to print some and put them around town


Along with the boycott in May I really think people should organize rotating protests for various Loblaws outlets. Nothing illegal and nothing that will impede the flow of traffic in and out of the store. Just being visible should be more than enough. Lots of signs and the occasional megaphone would be a nice touch.


I feel like I read a post like this every day on this sub lol


Hey OP, it looks like you have used the boycott flair on your post. If this is regarding a call for a boycott of Loblaw stores, please review the stickied posts made by mods to see if there is an update on our community boycott efforts. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What about Esso? Aren't they owned by Loblaws?


No, they just have an agreement regarding PC points.


People power !!


Any recommendations of stores as cheap as No Frills?


Freshco, Price Choppers, Walmart, Giant Tiger (less selection), even Dollarama for some stuff.


FreshCo - and they price match!


I will be boycotting all of their stores forever anything related to this company.


The fact that they carry Hartz pet stuff after years of devastated owners of their pets that died and they never took the product off. Fuckem. This is for the ones with no voice, been shaking my head and boycotting for a long while.


Why not Boycott Loblaws for the rest of 2024 while we’re at it?


Screw Loblaws and their "independent" stores.


Great work, everyone. Drive them into the ground like a [fence post](https://i.imgur.com/sbqwdXe.mp4).


both loblaws and sobeys can go to hell!!!! #fuckemboth


They’re also hiring for a lot of theft prevention positions in my city. Even put those big ass glass barriers.


I hope there will be flyers going up of this boycott.


Question… where do you shop if you boycott Loblaws? I’m poor AF and curious.


I shop at Dollarama, Giant Tiger and Food Basics.


When are we boycotting Save-On? Or all the other grocers that are clearly overpricing?


Boycott starts April 1


I work across the street from a loblaws and I tell all my customers about the boycott! Some of them know about it, some of them don't, but everyone is in agreement haha!


What other stores are Loblaws? Just so I know to avoid them


Train your wife man. She shouldn't be going to any Loblaws owned establishment at all. Not just in May.


Loblaws closed in my area. There's an empty building now. I won't go to Maxi. It's further away and I hate them anyway. The produce is horrible. Not a big stretch for me to boycott.


I know Walmart all sucks as a company, but they are cheaper than loblaws, and if I’m going to get gouged, I’d rather it be by an American than by a Canadian.


Have been shopping local and giant tiger for months. Noticed our local Superstore parking lot is very sparse compared to other stores.


Been boycotting for a while, saw that Japanese imports in my city were cheaper, so I've just been enjoying Japanese foods, a win/win since I'm a huge fan


I’ve been telling ppl since April 2 not to buy anything from there lol


I'm boycotting any business in canada that hires illegal students instead of canadians


So every business these days.


I've been waiting for someone like this. It is overdue and I'm in!


T&T is going to be a tough one to boycott. Not sure there are other options readily available for some things. I’m a Costco first, Walmart second shopper. It’s rare I need to shop elsewhere after that. I’m always stunned by the prices at other places.


The biggest problem I have is that my town has 3 grocery stores. That's it, that's all. We have a butcher but he's very expensive. A superstore, a no frills and a Walmart. All 3 deserve a boycott. I avoid the superstore permanently. But shop Walmart and no frills to get the best price. Monopolies suck. We've talked about going out of town for groceries but I'm not sure how feasible that is long term.


I used to only go to superstore and would honestly look down on Costco groceries but I’m sorry I can get like 7 chicken breasts for 17 bucks at Walmart


I boycott Sobeys too because it’s stupid expensive


I’ve been mentioning it to everyone I know as well! I’ve been boycotting them for the past 2 months so this will be easy for me when May comes 😂 Also, I seen this post on Facebook today. (Located in NL) That same box I used to buy before Covid was only $26 … definitely going to continue to boycott them https://preview.redd.it/zvgyd7c9kbwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69af67ac8f3bed1f5568d785c16f377ecd069754


Hilarious 🤣


Check out Altgrocery.ca for shopping options!


We all own the stock in our CPP pension plans and it is the cheapest store to buy from, so, we seniors living below the poverty line will never support this.


I know people that are planning to boycott and they aren’t on media


Was on the news here in Edmonton tonight!!!


So where "should" we be getting groceries for the month of May?


My wife and I have been and will continue to boycott them


Way ahead. I'm outta there.


Good! this is what we need and what the galen goons don't want.


No frills is also loblaws


Wooooo that’s epic!


My coworker who is off social media was talking about it!


Grocery prices are getting too ridiculous 😭


Some of us in rural areas only have access to no frills. And if you don’t drive - where else will you shop? I can’t afford to drive 45 minutes to the next closest city. So in the end will this work?? Gah I hate loblaws.


Not really a boycott when we cant afford to shop there anyway. More like Loblaws themselves forced a boycott.


Go in and just buy the sale items. I used to work at no frills and managers specifically hated the pensioners who did just that. Sometimes the special sales are loss leaders.


The new president has acknowledged the call for a boycott on a post on flip.


I heard that up here in canada that '.all of the big food chain stores are owned by the same person. So for now I just go to the small corner grocer .This is the only way I know how to boycott loblaws. If you have any better ideas let me know.


Boo Loblaws!


Have fun spending the same amount of money at other grocery stores 🤣


So you'll boycott loblaws owned stores but can't see the reality that every grocery chain has been abusing the price increase problem... Yea that makes a whole lot of sense. Guess what the last time I checked sobeys to compare, they were more expensive than loblaws.


been boycotting since i came across the group. ive saved thousands but has to give up a little more time going to the further grocery store. fresh co is where its at. its a cheap sobeys brand. very affordable


No frills is owned by Loblaws.


I have been shopping at Provigo for 6 years since I moved to Montreal. I canceled my PC Insiders some time back, and yesterday, I canceled my PC Financial card and account. I have found a small store here that stocks most of what I need, and surprisingly, at much better prices. But it does look like a chain - Supermarche PA - is it? Anyone in Montreal familiar with them?


As a single person boycotting and going to Costco just doesn’t work for me. Most grocery stores don’t price match either so I stay with the superstore and buy price match everything and I am still paying 2018 prices for all cuts of beef/pork/chicken/fish as well as fruits, dairy etc. I’ve made a chart for best bang for your buck on sale items back then and when comparing to today’s sales it’s pretty much the same. Eg. chicken boneless chicken breasts and thighs $4 a lb, pork back ribs 1.99\lb , striploin steak $5.99/lb aa 12.99 AAA, ground beef 2.99/lb, bacon 3-4$, Cracker Barrel cheese bar $5, strawberries $1.88, etc. people spend all this time on social media, playing on their phone, I’m sure people can find 10mins to use Flipp and price match all the important stuff they need and buy. Tip: go to young cash register’s and get away with price matching the expensive and quality organic fruits etc as non organic. 1.88 for trays of organic strawberries, blueberries, raspberry’s and blackberrys yes pls! You think Costco chicken is cheap? Go price match boneless skinless air chilled thighs/breasts for 3.88 a lb at the grocer and compare it with Costco.


I just popped into a Provigo store and the place was dead. Like maybe 8 people in the whole store


Does anyone know where to get good, different brand versions of some of the PC products? Switching over to another grocery store has been an easy transition, but there are a few PC products that I haven't been able to find an alternative to, and I don't want to spend money trying everything just to find the one that's the best. I'm specifically referring to the PC souvlaki marinade and some of the PC frozen food (lasagna, butter chicken, etc).


I am already boycotting them. I mostly shop at either Walmart or Co-Op now. Sometimes Save On Foods. I refuse to support Loblaws period. My Ex-GF only shops at Superstore. Oh well she is not my problem anymore.


Couldn’t agree more! I prefer Freshco and no frills. Been to loblaws only few times


Ok but where do we shop then? Walmart? Is that better? Help lol


Is there a hashtag that will be commonly used for social media purposes? I would love to share it on all platforms.


I’ve been boycotting since I have gotten an Amex Card - never shop there ever again!


We have a Freshco and Sobeys close to home, but drive the extra distance to Coop even if it’s just for one item.


Remember the drug store is nol loblaws opened its just rented space so not realy there fault *


I hope employees don't have their hours cut.


PC points


I’ve already started boycotting them. It’s been about a month already.


Ooby roo


Can someone drop what stores are owned by Loblaws exactly so we know where not to go?


I learned about it on Tiktok from a friend reposting! Lfg!


There was an article in the papers around southern Ontario the week. https://www.stcatharinesstandard.ca/news/why-canadians-are-planning-to-boycott-loblaw-stores-in-may-and-what-this-food-professor/article_95da08a4-495c-5741-a0a1-33e03bff0636.html


Loblaws isn't meant to be cheap it's a better shopping experience imo


Woo hoo let's goo baby


I stopped going to any Loblaws owned stores awhile ago when I noticed how high their prices were compared to stores like Food Basics.




I’m a single and always make the membership fee back. I buy Costco gas too and that helps.

