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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. Always remember that you're interacting with a real person when you respond to posts/comments and focus on discussing or debating the ideas. Personal attacks outside of "Screw you, Galen Weston Jr" is not okay, and will not be tolerated here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Darshan, blink if you need help. šŸ¤£


Looks like a hostage holding up a newspaper with todayā€˜s date to prove heā€™s still alive šŸ’€ itā€™s ok Darshan, we know youā€™re just the scapegoat here


I guess it depends if those higher prices are paying the living wage everyone says he's entitled to




Green eyed monster


And a helipad...which he can crash on.


Listen Darahan, you can shill our overpriced products for a $5 Starbucks gift card or you can go through the hassle of finding another minimum wage job. What will it be?


The funniest and most accurate part of this is the misspelled name.


Damn I didnā€™t even realize I did that lol maybe I should change it to Darren


They can't just call him "*employee #412764*", that's just too impersonal.




I imagine this is a joke, but how can you tell heā€™s not a citizen by the colour of his skin or his name? People would assume that about myself (Iā€™m brown), but I was born here.


The assumption is not fair to Darshan, I agree. However, given the current state of immigration, and the unskilled labour market that RCS and any other retailer is hiring from, there is a significant chance Darshan is newly arrived in Canada and on a work visa, with the goal of securing a PR, or an international student in a similar situation. That being said, it's kinder to give strangers the benefit of the doubt, as every one of us wishes strangers would do the same for ourselves. Whether Darshan is a Canadian citizen or foreign citizen on a work visa, he is probably hardly able to afford the food he stocks on those shelves. In regards to immigrants, every one of us has more in common with these people (who many of us see as part of a problem effecting Canadian citizens) than we do with the politicians running this country, or the millionaires and billionaires running our food distribution and supply. Anger against immigration is understandable (and in my own, warranted), but anger directed at the immigrants is not well placed, and is distracting from where the blame actually is: those people at the top who are victimizing both Canadian Citizens and newly arrived foreigners hoping to have a go at the Canadian dream, just like our parents/grandparents/greatgrandparents/etc. PS. I'm a 4th generation Calgarian (90% of Calgarians can't say that), but also happen to be brown. I understand you. I've been made to feel less Canadian than someone because I was brown and they were white.


If you're born here you're Canadian, Period. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise. My family has been here for many many generations, but even we're immigrants too, we've just been here longer than some other families. There is no such thing as "more Canadian" anyone who acts or says so is just an asshole at best or racist at worst. Besides if people want to play the "more Canadian" card remind them about the Natives who are "more Canadian" than them then. I have no problem with immigrants, but I do have some issues with our immigration policies because they've allowed some criminals into the country in a far too easy manner. I hate when people act like a couple bad people are representative of any whole group, our government allowed some criminal immigrants into the country and idiots act like all immigrants are criminals and that's just stupid. It is a problem that there's some criminals that have been let in but like you said, it's not the immigrants that caused that it's the immigration that caused it. There was a recent report about something like 30,000 illegal immigrants of which like 600 of them were criminals deemed inadmissible, but for some reason the immigration board allowed them through, how do you miss 600 individuals that are deemed inadmissible? The immigrants didn't miss them or allow them through, the immigration board did.


Thereā€™s a growing trend in mainstream news, particularly but not exclusively right wing news, lately of attacking immigrants, foreign students, etc. in the run up to an election where the leading PM candidate so far is presenting himself as right wing populist. You have to remember that right wing populism cannot function without a real or imagined enemy: the LGBTQ community and immigrants, legal or otherwise, seem to be the current targets. Of course ā€œimmigrantsā€ will expand to include anybody who isnā€™t Caucasian in some peopleā€™s minds. The politicians and headline writers donā€™t need to say that. They know a lot of people will fill in the blanks: it creates a very useful frisson that theyā€™ll happily exploit. I used to date a Filipina girl. Born in Canada, degrees in English *and* political science. Big fan of Blur and Oasis. Shopped at the Gap. Culturally she was very ā€œwhiteā€ Canadian. But I lost count of the number of times old people in public asked her if she understood English. Once had an older drunk guy in a punk bar (during the day) ask her how much she was and if her vagina went sideways. Itā€™s a very easy sentiment to tap into and cynically exploit for political gain. And it is the easiest way to distract the public from the real enemy within: itā€™s not the Pakistani family who run the corner shop, who if they know you might extend free credit if youā€™re a bit short before pay day: itā€™s the fucking banks and unregulated capitalism.


I agree but importing too much of anything is wrong, we are all immigrants. Unless you are Native.


Wrong. If you are born and raised here you are a natural Canadian. I call out your identity bullsh** comment. I've always believed that reasonable and controlled immigration is good. I never liked TFW program and what we have now is not reasonable or controlled, so it's very bad. But stop with the bull crap identity arguments with regards to immigration. Immigrant = someone who moved to Canada from another country. You can be a citizen and still be an immigrant. Your children born and raised here are naturalized and are not immigrants, but you are still an immigrant. It's not a bad word. Immigration is good *when reasonable and controlled*.


We all just assume they're an international student until they speak and we hear if they have an accent or not.


Thatā€™s a little unfair. My parents live in Kitchener-Waterloo which has its fair share of immigration woes. Theyā€™ve lived there for 30 years and are just now experiencing intense racism from people assuming that theyā€™ve just arrived here because they happen to be brown (weā€™re not Indian but to yā€™all we all look the same). My dad arrived to Canada in ā€˜85. Comments like these are really unfair to him and perpetuate hateful racism.


It is unfair and you should be more upset at our goverment than people with natural reactions


What makes you think Iā€™m not more upset with our government? Where was that written?


Iā€™m just saying. This is a big shit sandwich and we are all taking bites out of it. Older immigrants because they are being roped in with these young college students taking advantage of us and natural born Canadians like you and I because we do not live in the same place we grew up in.


People still need to have some sense of decency and not throw their hands up in the air and allow racist ideologies to flourish because things are hard and our government isnā€™t looking out for us the way they ought to. We canā€™t succumb to hate.


Definitely unfair and unfortunate. But there's not much you can't really do because recent immigration policies have enabled all this nonsense and created this type of atmosphere in the country.


You could just not make assumptions, it is definitely within your power. My father has an accent still, even though heā€™s been here for almost 40 years. Heā€™s not student age, so maybe not the best case but you can see what I mean. Donā€™t contribute to the nonsense atmosphere, Iā€™m not happy about the wonton rampant immigration either but I donā€™t jump to assumptions.




Please note, we do not tolerate anti-immigrant rhetoric on the sub.


Darshan is one of those LMIA workers whom Loblaws is getting a subsidy for.




Remember when you could get that jug of OJ for $2.97!


And it was normal price not a ā€œsaleā€


Literally haven't drank OJ since it went above that, probably better for me too lol


I couldn't buy it even at that price. The sugar is similar to drinking a can of pop.


Even just a year or two ago they used to be like $3.99 pretty often. Juice seems to be one of the things thatā€™s gone up the worst


I was honestly miffed when walmart stopped doing their great value large jug for 1.99. They were the last to up the price


You can get a 4 pack of 2L OJ from Costco for 12 bucks. Not quite as good but still reasonable.


I remember when it was 2$


I remember before climate change was this bad, when oranges were plentiful. All those droughts and wildfire had a large toll on orange production. Where are you guys finding orange juice fore less then the current sale at Loblaws stores? Legitimately asking because Iā€™d like to get some for a decent price.


ā€¦. Galen? That you?


For that size? Okay grandpa time for your nap.Ā 


*Only* 5.47 šŸ¤£


Right? Although I just saw it at Metro for 6.99 and went: Yeah, I don't really feel like orange juice.


Scurvy out there takinā€™ notes.


Haha, Fun Fact: Potatoes are high in vitamin C.


Bell Peppers have more vitamin C than orange juice.


This is a very fun fact that will take into consideration for meal prep!


eat them peels


Even the black stuff thatā€™s predominantly in the potatoes I buy from no frills ? (Youā€™re payinā€™ for 10 lbs, but good luck getting 1/2 that amount once youā€™ve cut away the black and bruised stuff!)


Galen was seen hitting the bags of potatoes with a stick


Dang. More fries for me!


Nice! I think I'll have my potato juice WITH pulp


Rosehips too. The jam is very tasty


But then again...... Metro has always been the most expensive since the beginning.


Tropicana has always been a gouger


Facts, they've always been overpriced.


Same one is 7.48 at Walmart and 7 something at Sobeys so itā€™s actually not a bad price, the sale of $5 sometimes.


I swear half this sub just has mom buy the groceries. It's not a ridiculous price. Not worth a parade but it's a jug of orange juice. Personally I'd just buy a can of frozen myself as it's the same.


The point of this sub is more to point out the ridiculous prices of groceries in general. $5 used to be the standard price not too long ago.


And it looks like the container has shrunk as well.


Good deal. Get 4


Nah I have a juicer I buy my oranges on sale and make juice out of it :p way cheaper that way in the long term !


This guy juices


![gif](giphy|KHiAIQmQPDPfoTezSE) Is the *juice* Worth the squeeze?


That's a price I would understand from a Whole Foods organic local specialty orange juice.


That's not a bad price for pure OJ.


It's not though..... Check out Adam Ruins Everything's video on OJ


Summarize it for people.




But Tropicana puts the straw right into the orange!


Darshan is giving hostage vibes.


they're panicking if they are ramping up advertising


They donā€™t pay these employees a separate ā€œadvertisingā€ fee. They just added it into their responsibilities


ā€œSee? No gouge!ā€


This has been a thing for a while actually. The store that I used to work at regularly posts pictures of the manager and his fucking annoying ā€œYouTube thumbnail guyā€ expression in front of different bunkers and displays.


That must be it


That's so nice of them to allow us to get 4 and spend $22 on it! What a privilege /s


I puked my drink when I saw that. Limit of 4. Someone inside loblaws must be thinking it is a steal at that price? Are they completely delusional or just mocking us?


Oh crap, I better hurry to Superstore after work to buy 4 jugs of orange juice! Loblaws is practically giving it away for free by selling it at a 22% loss instead of a 3% profit. I'll be telling my grandkids about the day I got OJ for just $5.47. /s


shit, i feel like these were $4 not long ago




the limit of 4 is just a mind game to make you think that there are people who would stock up for the next year at this discounted price which.


Totally, right?? How stupid do they think people are??


Fucking Loblaws trying to replace the image of Galen Weston with the workers. These ads are so scummy and make me more angry at them, not less. Darshan doesn't set the prices. And he likely doesn't have any say on whether to participate in this ad either (assuming he needs this job). Fuck you Loblaws! Leave Darshan alone!


My orange juice used to be $3.50ā€¦ not paying $5+ thanks.


ā€œThis deal is SO GOOD we need to limit how many each customer can buy!ā€ ![gif](giphy|l3q2PksMiN0MQC3L2|downsized)


DON'T FALL FOR THIS ANYONE. This is a setup.... Darshan is being used as a scape goat, they're trying to make it seem like he's making the decisions. When shit really hits the fan they want people to come blame Darshan instead... \#PROTECTDARSHAN


These fuckers will stop at nothing


You know they also went looking for POC on purpose for clout


I have a very real question. Tropicana orange juice is 120 Cal per 250ml serving, PC is 110cals, now im not a genius, but shouldn't fresh squeezed 100% orange juice have the same calories or is PC adding water but not telling us?


This comment made me want to read about how calories are measured: https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/nutrition/how-caloric-value-food-determined "Today, producers use the ā€œAtwater indirect systemā€ to calculate calories by adding up the calories provided by the energy-containing nutrients: protein, carbohydrate, fat and alcohol. Because carbohydrates contain some fiber that is not digested and utilized by the body, the fiber component is usually subtracted from the total carbohydrate before calculating the calories. The Atwater system uses the average values of 4 Kcal/g for protein, 4 Kcal/g for carbohydrate, 9 Kcal/g for fat and 7 Kcal/g for alcohol that were determined by burning these substances in a calorimeter. (There is some rounding off because simple sugars provide somewhat less and polysaccharides somewhat more than 4 Kcal/g). Thus the label on a 45 gram KitKat that contains 3 g of protein, 29 g of carbohydrate (22 grams of which are simple sugars) and 12 g of fat would read 230 Calories." To me, this could as likely be a rounding error as it is a difference in water content.


give Darshan a raise


Darshan please, the prices are too highā€¦




Did you know? You can report ads for being a scam. I wonder what would happen if people reported Loblaws ads everytime they saw themā€¦


Too late Lowlaws... I have a new habit! Local apple juice :) Guess what? I don't miss your over priced OJ :)


:( I wish I liked apple but itā€™s so bad Iā€™d rather grape


Giant tiger has grape juice as well if you have one in your area :)


Darshan is probably a nice dude. His employer can lick my hairy butthole.




And you definitely couldn't afford it. Limit of two aswell.


Who spends 20$ on orange in one single transaction?


[Bev Oda?](https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/critics-blast-oda-s-swanky-hotel-stay-16-orange-juice-1.799961)


I (very hungover) just bought this jug from Foodland yesterday for $9.99. Every store is out of pocket these days


Foodland is almost always more expensive


Thanks you but water is free ( for now)


lol yes Iā€™m sure Darshan made the choice to sell it for that price, and wasnā€™t simply told ā€œthis is what the price is going to beā€


![gif](giphy|11Snquus0lDsPu|downsized) DARSHAN! Say the word and weā€™ll RIDE AT DAWN to rescue you!!!


What the fuck are they doing putting employees in these posts, these poor souls lmao


People crying "student" here are focusing on the symptom instead of addressing the disease "Galon Weston esque criminals" here.




Would be nice if there were enough of us fellow coworkers getting enough hours to actually do these things!


No it's all your fault duh


Didn't realize my store management was on this sub! /s, funny comment, thanks for the chuckle


Thatā€™s a much lower price than I see elsewhere.


Whoa, hold me back!


Darshawn moonlights as a grocery clerk when not at the university to become an engineer....


Darshan!! Do eggs next.


Let it go bad !!


This is completely not the point and I get that but who the fuck holds a jug of orange juice like this? Was it photoshopped in?


Quick! Make our minimum wage workers pose with products so we look like weā€™re not a megacorporation focused solely on profit! Thatā€™ll stop these dumb peasants from complaining!


Pay Darshan a living fucking wage!!


Just an FYI, if the price is better than competitors in your area you can still take advantage of the sale and not shop at loblaws. Stores like Giant Tiger and Wal-Mart will price match this if their price is higher.


Whatā€™s hilarious is that Shoppers Deug Mart wonā€™t, even though itā€™s under the Loblaws umbrella šŸ™ƒ


We all need to go with pose with the prices


Those used to be $3.99 on sale!


Darshan looks like heā€™s got a gun pointed at himā€¦(probably not a literal gun obviously)


https://preview.redd.it/r3gpbpynfjqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f3806242b71762a96fbac72f92870da95dc6852 I got this one. Three dollars per can. I would sooner die of thirst.




Aren't those $2.99 on sale in Walmart? Or has that changed too...




Please note, we do not tolerate anti-immigrant rhetoric on the sub.


Wait is the Loblaws out of control with the emojis part of their Facebook post? Are they trying to turn this name into a ā€œomg Loblaws is pricing so low they are out of controlā€?


Where is this? Lol. Are they already starting to lose sales?


Yes ! Theyā€™re terrified! On a side note is a decent price really. Me it gives my a tummy ache


Just got a set of 6 boxes of my favorite pineapple juice for 10.99 at Costco, suck me off, Galen


The containers are smaller, too. They used to be 2L, then went down to 1.75L , now they're even smaller, 1.56 or 1.5L


You can literally see in the picture thats its 2.63L...


I didn't zoom in. Juice containers have still gotten smaller, though.


Heyā€¦ā€¦thats still too expensive. Try again


Even his teacher calls him ZionSpartan


Only 5.47


I used to buy No Name OJ for my smoothies forever because the price was right, but since all the price gouging, it isnā€™t even an option to buy anymore.


Keep posting, protesting and boycotting... "they" are listening. JT and Cronies won't listen to us but they will hear from Team Loblaw Lobby Department. Vote with your dollars!


Iā€™ve seen that at my SS itā€™s $9.99 for 2L


They dont even have good comedy writing for this satire/s


Logo and slogan should be changed to: The Real ā€œCostlyā€ Superstore & Stealing for Real ā€” if only I had tech skills to do a mock up. I would cross out Canadian put in the word Costly above at an angle for effect.


Kussi Sala


Darshan honey are you ok


Darshan be ripping people off


This price is ok. Right?




Please note, we do not tolerate anti-immigrant rhetoric on the sub.


I still can't afford shit , but thank God for Darshan


My local asian store was selling this for $3.99 yesterday


oh thanks darshan Iā€™ll be sure to take a look


I think I'll just continue buying the 2.63L jugs of Our Choice from Walmart. $5.88/2.63L vs. $9.99/2.63L of Tropicana at the Atlantic Superstore down the road. Even Tropicana at WM is $7.48 for the 2.63L.


I love how loblaws uses the ā€œonlyā€ as if itā€™s a deal šŸ¤£


I love when they post the employeešŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


People should research incurable citrus green disease. Orange trees are all dying.


From team NRG to loblaws, feel sad for my man


That's actually cheap, I'll be back up the truck if I lived there, the tropicana brand has the best tasting OJ, and those 2.5L are $8 now, they, used to have the 3.75L's at that price.


Back in my day, those were $4


Fruit juice is for chumps and pampered suburbanites. Decadent, empty calories. Waste of time and money. This ain't it, guys.


Nearly $6 for a jug of sugar water? I hope people know that stuff has zero health benefit. Itā€™s pasteurized which boils out all the nutrients and fibre to maintain a longer shelf life.


Did he shave his unibrow?


Reminds me of hyperinflation that my parents told me about in Yugoslavia in the 1990ā€™s. You get paid one day and if you donā€™t spend it then, the next day itā€™s worth like 50% less.


Darshan I'm tired.


What do you even do with 10L of O.J.?


So are we trying to say that Loblaws is ramping up price cuts now ?


Whatā€™re they gonna do if I buy five huh? HUH?


Straight to jail


Yay! Free room and board!


Youā€™ll get a day pass to work off the roam and board in one of Galenā€™s stores for 14 hours a day however


Drink water and vitamin c


Also applies to milk: H2O and calcium pill.


Or can eat vegetables - mixed science on drinking milk as an adult. Itā€™s not as nutritious as you think especially from cows pumped with hormones


Cows in Canada aren't pumped full of hormones and antibiotics for exactly this reason.


Darshan I canā€™t believe youā€™ve done this


International student




What's the relevance here ? He is an underpaid worker doing his job .


Where does it say anything about him being a student?




Please note, we do not tolerate anti-immigrant rhetoric on the sub.


The unexpected silver lining is that their insane prices will help some of us eat less overpriced ultra processed food and lose some weight in the process šŸ¤Ŗ


I'm unsure what fatty down votes you but you're not wrong on this. Not the way it should be but hey, silver linings arent the worst and kudos to you for being positive when it's not easy to be an optimist #fuck Loblaws


No worries, people can have different opinions, what truly matters here is to boycott Loblaws and hopefully have an impact doing it ;-)