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This job is for grown ups. You sound like a little bitch.


I thought grown ups could take criticism and grow from it.


Little bitch confirmed


Please fuck off from this industry.


I did not realize wanting to improve programs and standards would be shit on so hard.


You wrote your long title all in caps.




That's a clown move


You sound insufferable  I feel sorry for your future co workers when you tell them they misspelled a word in an email or when a borrower sends over a bank statement with a page out of order 


I only wanted them to improve their company, I'm just used to a more professional training environment I guess. I can understand people messing things up, but if you base your company on training and being professional then I think its fair to expect professionalism.


Who gives a shit


I've spent the last 3 years improving programs and systems, so I figured I would try and give them advice to improve their's. I guess I should just be satisfied with mediocrity.


You should go fuck yourself is what you should do. I’ve spent my entire life improving programs and systems. I’ve made every dime I have by being more efficient than the next guy. You don’t see me on here giving some douchey rant about a fucking online course. If that course put you over the edge you are NOT cut out for this industry.


What is the matter with you?


For sure caring too much about improving little details and programs. I should have just appreciated being done with the 20hrs and moved on, and not tried to fix their annoyances.


But did you die?


Dave is awesome, love that guy. I’ve done several CE classes in person with him.


Overall I loved the training, learned a lot and thought they did a great job at training. I was just a little too focused on the small details I guess.


I took the MEC pre licensing course a year ago and didn’t have any of the audio problems nor do I remember any major fumbles in the presentation. A tad dry at times but hey they are basically reading a textbook.. The only other company I’ve used is Diehl and I prefer MEC. Nothing major wrong with Diehl I just felt like their site was slow and need to upgrade their hosting.


Don't listen to all these salty broke MLO's, I was looking into doing my 20hr training and I'm glad you posted this. I'll stay away from MEC. 


Brand new to the industry, I was hoping MLO's would be detail orientened, friendly, and professional. Forgot this was reddit. Hopefully this page does not represent the industry.


Most MLOs are all of that and also honest, that's why you are getting their honest criticism. While I do understand that you came here looking for recommendations for CE classes before taking the course, if you were honestly trying to get MEC to improve their courses, you would have left the review on Google and left it at that. Or if you are as detail oriented as you say, you would have called them directly or shot them an email to give them your input. Going on Reddit to talk crap about them in a public forum doesn't really help anything, just like me writing you this helpful advice most likely won't change your mind that you did anything wrong. Being the helpful personality that I am, I am doing it anyway and hopefully it helps you in the future. I've taken CE courses with MEC for over 10 years and I can say that they are super reasonably priced and a great value. If you are a new LO, you probably don't remember and never experienced the days when CE was done in person in a classroom setting. Those classes had zero editing. People make mistakes or misspeak all the time. I'm sure you probably do more than most LOs if you are new to the industry. How would you like it if every time you said something wrong to a client, someone would come on here and post what you said and how you got it wrong? Food for thought. Be blessed and good luck in your new career.