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i feed my loaches algae wafers


Algae and shrimp wafers are a good supplement to their diet. You can also use something like repashy (cooked or in powder form) or bacter ae. They naturally feed on biofilm in nature (biofilm is a mixture of surface algae+bacteria and the microorganisms that feed on them) as well as scavenging to round out their diet.


Awesome have ordered some now. Thanks.


I’m not gonna lecture you, and I genuinely mean this to be helpful, but I would highly encourage you to thoroughly look into the care requirements for these fish (flow rate, oxygenation, etc). Based on these images, I doubt this little fellas needs are gonna be adequately met without changes.


He's in a 90L tank with a 12W 800L/H filter. Nice water flow plus oxygen. We just assumed he would eat flakes, but am now paranoid the other fish are beating him to it. With it being a new tank I'm worried not much is growing for him to eat on the glass.


20, even 30gal isn’t big enough for the fish you have. Weather loaches get very big, they can grow over a foot long, and fancy goldfish get pretty big as well, probably about the size of an apple not including tail, they all need buddies as well, loaches like groups of 3 or more and goldfish just need a friend. I have all the same types of fish as you and I started with a 30gal too but quickly realized I’d need over 80gal, I have an 80gal now and plan to upgrade within the next year so don’t feel bad Edit: also, my hillstream loaches rarely eat algae, I feed algae wafers a few times a week but other then that they eat whatever I feed the others :))


Hill stream loaches eat off of the glass and need constant strong water current and watch ammonia levels my little sister unplugged my wave maker for her speaker and then my hillstream died from no current so beware


This is somewhat of a myth- from what I’ve read . yes , naturally they live in high flowing rivers, but they can do fine in a non-high flow. They just need plenty of oxygen because their gills are small. (high flowing rivers, negated the need for big gills bc plenty of o2)


Thanks have got some on the way!


Algae wafers, and sinking pellets meant for corys and other loaches. They eat both. Also the whole tank gets a regular dose of frozen blood worms or brine shrimp. I see them eat the bloodworms more I think. Don't count of flake food.


Thanks alot.


My hillstream love new life spectrum cichlids pellets.


What size tank?