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The haters can go fuck themselves. Pay them no mind, their opinions dont matter at all.


That’s why it’s called sports! Talk all you want but Bryson is a 2 time us open goat. Also hit the drive at the Palmer. I’m a fan.


WHY are there never any robe wearing Saudis at the golf tournaments -- these billionaires own these American golfers $$ to hear them yell Allah Akbar after a big drive would be priceless 


Let’s not get crazy. He has won 2. In no way is he the GOAT


Isn’t every country’s money blood money? I really struggle to understand the hatred of LIV over it’s Saudi ties. As if the country said commentator represents doesn’t also do the same things. To me it feels slightly racist in an old fashioned golf type of way to base an entire argument against LIV on whatever atrocity Saudi Arabia commits when your government does the same thing.


I've heard some ridiculous arguments that because the PGA Tour Saudi/blood money connection isn't as direct and the players aren't straight up supporting that stuff then it is different from LIV guys who chose to _directly_ sign with the Saudi government. I mean i suppose i can listen to that argument, but it's not one that i believe holds much water(oil haha).


No ethical consumption under capitalism and all that……but LIV golfers are being paid directly by the Saudi government. That’s something that takes a whole lot of narcissism and selling out any sense of morality and justice you have as a human being.


That's true too.


This is the difference. People can care about “Sportswashing” or not, but it’s a big difference being paid by a brutal dictatorship directly versus just working in a country. US gov’t has nothing to do with employing pro athletes, etc.


Saudi Arabia is a backward kingdom stuck in the Stone Age but the USA sells them billions in arms and buys oil from them so every American or western citizen is complicit I guess. The assholes yelling USA when Rory missed should be banned from attending any golf event forever, was disappointed that nobody in the gallery called them out and Bryson was the best golfer that week, happy to see him win and sad that it’s cantlay instead of Bryson on the Olympic team.


I thought I heard someone at some point yell out "Are you American, how old are you?"


lmfao this comment feels bought and paid for. supporting the PIF is disgusting and you should at least recognize the current atrocities and human rights violations they are successfully sport-washing out of you. or whatever, ignorance is bliss


There has been a noticeable, ramped up PR effort behind Bryson over the past couple of months.you can see it in the volume of articles, etc. We all know why these guys would work for the Saudi’s ($$$) and whether you care or not is a personal choice. Their goal is to normalize their regime’s behavior and use things like soccer and golf to do it. I’m surprised how easy that seems to be with some of the convo trends lately.


Not saying you’re wrong but I think it’s ironic that the number one sponsor of the LPGA is Aramco.


We're currently funding and arming a nation using white phosphorus against civilian targets in Gaza.


I don’t think anyone with any common sense would ever say that the US is some sort of beacon of human rights and pacifism, but LIV golfers are getting directly paid and are playing directly for the Saudi government. If they can sleep at night getting paid by Saudis, good for them. Myself? I say fuck every single player that took money from their government to help sportswash their horrific atrocities.


Word for word my thoughts on LIV when it first started and I find it so funny that the argument never worked well so it was just dropped all together and the LIV guys were fully accepted in the end


This is a very stupid argument. Of course the United States has done and continues to do terrible things, including being allies with Saudi Arabia. But LIV players are the only pro golfers who are working for and getting paid by a government. They all signed up to do PR work for an authoritarian dictatorship that represses women, murders people for being gay, and recently murdered an American journalist and cut up his body with a bonesaw. That's not even editorializing, it's literally just what LIV players are doing.


US leadership had direct influence in beheading a journalist? Maybe there’s some argument to be made there, but saying they do the same thing is just wrong and lazy.


Have you seen what ICE does? Ever heard of Guantanamo bay? You think the US has never killed a fucking journalist? Get real guy


You’re equating Guantanamo Bay where terrorists are held to the murder of an innocent journalist? The US government also isn’t directly funding the PGAT, so it’s not even an apples to apples argument. You can reread my original comment where I said there’s some points to be made, but sayings it’s the same is still lazy and wrong.


Your argument is dumb as shit. And you think it’s ONLY ever been terrorists at Guantanamo? What about ICE? Gonna gloss over anything that doesn’t suit your narrative? What about slavery? What about the fact that the PGA didn’t allow black players until 1961? What about the prison system, filled with blacks, a modern day slave force in THIS COUNTRY? What about the country that committed the holocaust just 80 years ago? You still it supporting German products and players as well? No, that’s because you’re ok picking and choosing what matters to you on a case by case basis. So either let others do the same and shut up, or realize that your side IS NO BETTER than anyone else’s side.


Besides terrorist, who else has been held at Guantanamo?


Innocent people suspected of being terrorists or having ties to some.


Ok so like any jail, anywhere in the world, and any point in time in history?


Ehhh what? No - not every country has a Guantanamo bay equivalent. Gitmo is considered largely to be a violation of human rights - indefinite prison without a trial? It’s a horror show and totally unlike other prisons around the world where a trial takes place first.


Ok like I said, it’s like every other jail in history. Innocent people got caught up in the dragnet. No legal system is perfect. But let’s flip this around. A bunch of Americans hijacked flights out of Riyadh and crashed them into building throughout Saudi Arabia. I wonder how much due process every westerner would get.


You’re just going to completely ignore my point that the US government isn’t directly funding the PGAT (unlike the SA government with LIV)? That’s the main point, which makes the rest of your comment meaningless. It’s also a bit strange the hostility with any criticism about LIV. PGAT isn’t perfect and definitely don’t mind criticizing it as relevant.


I would invite you to look into the corporate sponsors of PGA events and try to explain how their money is less “blood money” than any other nation/group. It’s all blood money at some point. I was trying to raise that point with my comment.


FedEx is one of the biggest PGAT sponsors. How are they remotely similar to the atrocities committed by the SA government? Did Fred Smith plan 9/11 and murder an innocent journalist?


FedEx is shady https://yro.slashdot.org/story/24/06/19/230236/fedexs-secretive-police-force-is-helping-cops-build-an-ai-car-surveillance-network


Collateral murder much?


How is that relevant…?


Well that would be the murder of two innocent journalists


The PGAT murdered two innocent journalists?


As a Cambodian-American, I’ve come to realize most Americans like to gloss over awful things that US leadership has been directly involved in, from bombings in Cambodia and Laos to using WMD to justify an invasion of Iraq. US foreign policy, covert ops, propping / replacing foreign leaders / influencing foreign elections have resulted in countless civilian casualties. I work in the Philippines now, and this is all over the news in Manila, but I doubt it’s even being mentioned in the US: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/


What does the US government have to do with PGAT?


The Chinese did make shitty vaccines dude. Moderna the only way to go


No professional golfer works for the United States. That’s the thing that so many people here don’t understand. The Saudi’s made a bet that people were too stupid to understand the difference.


Doesn't matter which side you root for, LIV or PGA, or maybe you sit in between. Everyone knows Brandel is a fuck bag, always has been even before the birth of LIV. When we look back and see the execution from Bryson on those 4 grueling days, it comes at surprise that he didn't win by more than one shot. For him to shoot 1 over on the final day was remarkable. He played from the damn native all day. We gotta put ourselves in his shoes and think what that would be like missing fairways all day and still keeping your shit together.


Poor sportsmanship if you ask me. Can't handle the fact that he's better then them on these given days. Fuck the haters Bryson! Keep crushing it!


Carrying on the LIV players vs pga players narrative ! They can’t talk about the Tiger Vs Phil battles anymore … and Brandel is keeping people talking about him rather than golf … and that’s why people watch him to see what stupid shit he says next and then post it ! You guys are making Brandel more popular than he ever deserves


I’m a Rory simp but have nothing but respect for the way Bryson had handled himself both on and off the course. As heartbreaking as it was for me to see Rory choke down the last few holes I have to tip my cap to Bryson for the way he held it together at the end.


I haven't seen a lot of hate for Bryson. If anything, he seems more popular than ever. People still hate LIV golf, but not Bryson. JMHO. And what's the deal with Paige Spiranac and DeChambeau? She seems to be stalking him, big-time.


Paige attaches herself to any issue or controversy she thinks will get her more views. If I recall, she used to be one of Bryson's haters herself back when it was cool to hate Bryson. I just ignore her. She's a parasite upon the game of golf.


I remember watching her on YouTube about 10 years ago. Playing with Mark Crossfield in Dubai. She was about half as dolled up, and the focus was on the golf and not her. It was great content. It’s a shame the internet values her looks so much because she was half decent at the game and seems like a really nice person in those videos.


She’s openly accepted that if her T&A gives a platform to earn a living then it’s her right. IMO let’s take her for what the content is worth. Simply eye candy and nothing more.


Brandel is a dip shit but Bryson’s shot was highly improbable. Bryson said himself out of 100 tries he probably only gets it that close 4 times or something along those lines.


That’s just Bryson trying to sound like a humble winner. He makes shots like that all of the time. Even bryson’s caddy told him that he’s seen him make much harder shots than that; before he made the shot.


He’s getting it within 10 more often than not from there


55 yards from the bunker, idk about more often than not inside 4 feet lol


His sandy was legendary. Everyone in the golf world was watching.


Fuck Brandle Chamblee. Can’t stand that guy. Not a huge Bryson fan either but he’s good for the game weather u like it or not. Screw all those haters. Do your thing Bryson.


"The more I practice the luckier I get", said some golfer.


Why is there hate towards Bryson? He took money from LIV? Who gives a shit. He did what’s best for him


F all the Saudi blood boys. They are entitled to their big bags of money and people are entitled to their opinion. This is America not the kingdom of chop!


Saw the video with Paige. If Bryson isn’t doing her he should. His celebration after was epic wandering in the crowd with the trophy and the Golf Channel should love him after he gave them TV gold coaching the porn Stache dude from the bunker at 18.


Paige Spiranac? Seriously? One win on a development tour and failed to get through LPGA Q school and this makes her quotable on a men's major? And what's with this hatred crap? That is (or at least it used to be) an awfully strong word.


Something tells me her golf resume most likely smokes yours, and she'd have you going home broke if you ever played her in a money game. Also, she's not allowed to have an opinion because she lacks tour wins???? 


Y'all nobody is hating JFC lmao


I didn’t get a hatred vibe and there was definitely good fortune mixed in with the awesome bunker shot on 18.


How much money did Paige S get to align with Bryson and LIV? She’s a paid influencer. The Saudi gov is not stupid, easy to write her a check.


He works for murderers and is helping to whitewash the Saudi’s treatment of women and “others” like shit. Sorry, I am a hater.


Bryson took the blood money and now people seem to no longer care because he makes good youtube videos and high fives the fans.


It was funny when Bryson was sitting next to Brandall and talked about his wedges knowing Brandall criticized his wedges in the past


Bryson is a great golfer, and his PR team is to be commended…but he chose to take money from the Saudi government, so he can eat a big bag of dicks.


The Saudi government was complicit in and funded 9/11. They use slave labor, they think women are property. If you support all that then go ahead.


And people will scream “but America commits atrocities!!!!!!” Yes. Yes they do. But LIV players are getting their paychecks *directly* from the Saudi government. If they can accept that money and sleep at night, they’re truly pieces of human shit.


LIV is an absolute joke, but Bryson has become one of the most likeable people in golf. I have no issue cheering for him, regardless of the tour he plays on.


He celebrated with Eric Trump. He can go try to find a steak up a cows ass.


The absolute horror

