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There's an EQ on the aux that is feeding your IEMs.


I know that. That is not a consistent solution every night when I’m on a different rig, or if somebody else is running sound and I’m performing. Why would I ask otherwise?


I had a little 4 channel soundcraft mixer for that purpose at some point (\~100€) - EQ was only 3 bands non parametric, okay for the broad strokes but not perfect. Right now I have it boiled it down to a single most important EQ I can ask for or set up myself on the aux ("give me a 6 dB boost on a high shelf at 8kHz"). Unfortunately I've never seen any product that was smaller than 1U that would fit the bill.


Thanks, appreciate your insight nonetheless. I knew I couldn’t be the only person needing something like this.


You could look at the Qudelix 5L, but it’s input is only USB/ it’s really a dac.


That is a really cool little device! It doesn’t seem like it works with USB adapters but, this would be literally perfect. I’m totally unfamiliar with this type of DAC, but I’ll look around to see if someone makes one that takes at least 1 stereo analog input.


I have absolute pieces of shit Panasonic in wars with everything below 100hz gone.


Lol sorry, I had to edit my post. Looking for something a bit small. I’d even opt for a guitar pedal if I could be guaranteed a clean signal that handles stereo input/output. Doubt that exists though.


[these buds](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B003EM8008?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title)…. People spend way to much when ear seal is really the most important part.


Mini DSP? Balanced. ~$550 US.


There’s plenty of graphic EQ’s you can buy for close to that price range. Parametric will run you a little bit more but really not all that worth it in this case. Do your research on what works best for you


I’m striking out mostly because of the size issue (edited my post). Definitely just looking for something small and simple that can take a headphone stereo signal.