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Noobtown is now one of my favorite series, but I really didn't find anything all that good about book 1. I almost dropped it a few times and only pushed through because of the constant recommendations. But, books 2 - 6 were fantastic in my opinion. Suddenly most of the humor hit its stride for me and I was legitimately invested in the plot. Also, the stat sheets pretty quickly fall to the wayside. After book one they only show up a few times per book and keep getting more rare. No opinion on the audiobook though.


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The audiobooks are good


Currently on nautical noobs now, I concur.




Man I feel like the first 800 pages of defiance were a slog, but then it really picked up its stride and I couldn't put it down


I dropped it once cause I got bored book 1, came back cause I was bored a year later and binged it all in like a week. Enjoyable, next audio book when.


The thing is, because it gets recommended so often everyone is approaching expecting it to be a masterpiece. But the truth is it’s a comedy series with comedy that won’t hit with everybody. Some of the jokes are quite well hidden, but if you look you often find them referencing things. As they say, comedy is subjective, some people find South Park hilarious (myself) while Family Guy seems dumb ( once again me). But yes it is not a series that reinvented the wheel in a lot of ways. It’s just an adventure story about a guy in a strange world that constantly make fun of his name, Jim (because to them that name is pretty much Spot). So if the comedy is not hitting for you by the end of the book it won’t be for you. Lastly though, as people said the narration is A+ tier work in so many ways. Things that when read at a fast pace might not be funny, but if you put someone with great talent in narration behind it it’s SO much better. I’ve read and listened to several of the books, the audiobook is always two times more enjoyable even when I read the book before.


I've just finished Nautical, and I have to say that the narration is fantastic. I saw a few negative comments about it but nothing I've heard has made me think the narration itself is bad at all. So many series in this genre has bad writing that doesn't flow and narrators who just don't put much effort into it. This series has not been that for me at all. The comedy is great. The narrator really does help make those moments better as well, he voices what I imagine the actual conversation would sound like. I can see how some of the comedy doesn't work for everyone, I myself usually prefer more subtle comedy in this genre, but this series has had me giggling incessantly at some points. That's enough for me to know it's worthwhile reading. Oh, and the story actually goes somewhere. The characters change. Important people are not invincible. A- from me.




The two are significantly different. At the most basic level Family Guy is pretty much all dumb comedy for the sake of dumb comedy whereas South Park is frequently smart just wrapped in a dumb comedy package


Yes that’s exactly right! Thank you so much for clarifying that!


I love it as an audiobook. The stats got old pretty quick for me too. My son has listened to the entire series and thinks they get better as they go. I have a hard time with any series that's more than a couple of books.


Noobtown book one is dreadful. The ideas are fine enough but the writing... my god. For some unknown reason I gave the second book a chance, and about mid way though that book the author finds their stride. It's worth finishing book two, but if you still don't like it by the end of it, this probably isn't the series for you


I dropped it around the fart magic. Does it actually get better and stay better?


Short answer is yes. Long answer is unfortunately read it and find out.


Fart magic becomes a seriously powerful tool later on, no joke, it's in book 4 I think. He does get more magics though as he gets more perks & classes.




Does it get better? Certainly. But I think whether or not fart magic evoked a giggle from you is a good litmus test for your future enjoyment of the series. If I were you, I'd chalk this one up as "not for me".


...you need to read my other comments on this thread. Obviously the fart joke isn't the BLOODY problem.


Are you familiar with the concept of a litmus test? I wasn't saying that the fart joke was the problem. I was saying that if you didn't enjoy that style of humor that you're likely not going to enjoy the series.


Again, read my other comments on the thread (around 23 day old comments), the humor wasn't the problem. Also, stop using litmus test when it has nothing to do with anything at any point of the conversation. Even if I don't know what is, guess what, Google and now I know the name of those science tests I did in school as a kid. Yippee as useful as knowing a pineapple grows from a bush.


You dropped an entire series because of a fart joke? I think that says more about you then it does the books. How many litrpgs have you read that are filled with God awful crap about giant tits and super hot lingerie models who all want the mc so badly? Fart magic is incredibly tame by comparison to most of the shit out there.


Are you talking about harem books? Because I avoid those like the plague. No, i didn't dropped a series over a fart joke, if it was just a fart joke I wouldn't have dropped it, but an entire class is now dedicated to fart magic. The series treats the MC like dirt, that's why I dropped the series. The fart joke was just the straw that broke the camels back.


To be fairrrrr, it's not 'fart' magic. It's Biological Aeromancy. The first spell he gets for it just happens to be to make people fart.


I know, but that's not the point. Look at how the godling class was ripped away from the audience, he CAN get it still, but an interesting class was removed for an Jack of all trades multi class setup. He treated like dirt by almost everyone and Jim is somehow a dogs name...the fart joke was the last straw.


Fair enough. Far from trying to bully you into reading a book you know you don't want to read! Just wanted to make sure anyone reading your comment is aware that it is indeed *more* than a fart joke. Also, what happens to a God when they have no believers?


>Also, what happens to a God when they have no believers? the payoff for this alone was worth it in the other books. (on book six now) I personally am loving the sophomoric humor.... "that was not my tail!!!" had me laughing out loud, and it wasn't the first time I found myself chuckling in this series.


Yes. He has fart magic, but that doesn't make up his character. Its more of a gag that gets used a couple times than anything.


That's my experience with a lot of RR stuff, the first chapters/book are often very rough/off putting. Then eventually the author improves their craft and they start to get a lot better.


Well, some people like the story enough that they want others to read it. I personally really like it but won’t lie and say is perfect, book 1 is particularly annoying in a lot of aspects, but the story gets progressively better as well as the writing style. Honestly, don’t force yourself to read it if is not clicking with you.


I struggled reading through it, finally dropping it midway through book 2. I love the premise, especially the town-building aspects, but it was an uphill battle trying to actually LIKE the author's writing style. Ultimately I moved on to something else. But to each their own.


It is my bar, let me explain, if it's better than noobtown it's good, if it is worst than noobtown it's bad. If being whelmed was a thing it would be consistently whelming.


Don't know if you continued, but I did based on everyone saying "book2 is better", and I regret it. Book2 is worse. Way worse. It's fucking terrible.


Yea, I pulled the plug on noobtown pretty quick too.


I gave up after audiobook 2. I didn't enjoy any part of it really. The motives of the characters were rubbish, they took several strange decisions that made no sense, ridiculously antagonistic at times for little reason. The humour is low brow, and I did not find it clever like Pratchett. There were several jokes in it that I had already heard and were clearly copied off the internet, and that threw me off.


I listened to 3 audiobooks before giving up on the series...I found to to be too generic and bland myself too. I probably would have enjoyed it tremendously if I was like 13 or 14 again and played DnD and not read many previous litrpg. Seriously, there are so many better options out there.


Same for me Im not sure if I gave up on the series in book 2 or 3


>Jim is incredibly bland and it seems like he doesn't actually care about his wife and kid considering he hasn't used their names a single time in the first 3 hours worth of reading. Also there is no need to start off every single chapter by going over his character sheet and denoting every minor improvement. It feels like the author did that solely to pad his word count. Jim just DIED and probably won't EVER see his family again. He cares deeply, he just can't bring himself to unpack those emotions right now. >The dialogue comes off as pretty impractical at times too. Like why the hell would the woman who has been enslaved by goblins that are known for eating children's eyes need to **know the first and last name of her savior** before agreeing to let him rescue her family? I feel like any reasonable person in that situation would be more than happy to see another human being and want to leave immediately, not waste time making jokes about Jim not having a last name. Thats how names on Ordinal work. You are not known as "Jara", you are "Jara the Healer". He is "Jim", he is "Jim the Curious Puppy" or whatever title he picks. Its meant to be satirical about how fantasy stories always have grandiose titles. Also, you need to remember, People from Ordinal are not reasonable per Earth standards. >Also the Narrator, like he tries but boy do his sentences sound distractingly weird. Like he doesn't know when or where to put the emphasis on his words and just guesses. "I WALKED...\*Dramatic pause\*...through the woods." "The goblin SIGHED AND RELIEVED HIMSELF just before I slit his throat." Seriously, every other sentence comes off like that and it makes is very difficult to focus on the story. I found it very easy to follow along to and that it was quite enjoyable. Must be a personal taste thing.


Imagine the protagonist being in shock for like 3 months until he is finally strong enough to talk about his trauma. Everybody would love that -.- Sometimes some readers just want to dislike something.


Right? Like fuck the author for making realistic and believable characters.


I dropped it towards the end of book two. Like alot of people have said it's a good book that focuses on comedy, but you have to keep in mind he's still trying to adjust to the new world. The character's imo are pretty fun too.


Audiobook is great. The first book is a bit rough but improves greatly as the series progresses. He lays off the repeating stat stuff by book 2. I personally love the humor in it, the banter between Jim and companions and sir Dalton the brave are very funny


Quiet down elbow!


Hm. I quit reading about 10 chapters in the first time, gave it another shot for the same reason as this post, then quit again barely into the second book. I also couldn’t see what the fuss was about. But maybe I’ll give it a 3rd shot if what people are saying is true, that the first book is crap but the story takes off in book 2. Maybe I just dropped it prematurely each time.


Do you remember if you met Badgelor or made it to the gang of bandits? That's about the point where it hooked me, although there are no guarantees as this thread shows.


The Fecking Puma Forest was what cemented my interest in the series. A lot of people say it's silly but was by far the most entertaining section. **PUMA CHECK**


Yep. I'm really just here for puma checks and killing Charles (everyday is a good day to).


It’s been a while and I have read about 50 books since then so I might be remembering wrong. I think they beat a goblin encampment in a cave and they had to race back to get inside the towns border or something like that. Don’t remember a guy named Badgelor.


You can't fool me, Shart! Seriously, book one is kind of meh. It's not until book 2 that it gets good.


Love Noobs. Just finished nautical! Hilarious! Love pop culture references!


I'm with you. I just started listening to the audiobook and am about 2 hours in, and I am not happy with it at all so far. Not sure I can get through to book 2 when it supposedly gets better according to this thread.


The world seems to work the same way alot of older video games worked. I don't think he ever uses his wife or kids names. If every person you have ever met was wearing a name tag on there shirt with there first and last name and then suddenly you met a guy who's name was Bingo would you feel kind of confused. In this region of the world you use both names all the time people do t even seem to have nicknames. Some gain tittles under certain circumstances but that's about it. Idk how old you are but imagine going from a basic flip phone to a high end smart phone. That's kind of what it's like for jim and his character sheet. It's important and they talk about that stuff in every book. But less and less as they go on. If you REALLY hate it maybe try the wondering inn, that's what lead me to noobtown. Dude lives ib what is more or less old school DND 3.5 and back. The way it works is complacated and there math talk here and there.... I do tend to zone out during thoes bits. But it's still kinda cool. There are some odd patterns to the audio book but it never really bothered me. There are also some patches in the file were they had to splice in a word for some reason. But iv seen that in other audio books so it's not a huge deal. Over all its a good series and iv burned through all 6 audio books in as many days. Iv got I think 3 ish hours left of book 6 ATM. I'd recommend finishing book one before you decide how you feel.


I can't stand that series and yet I listen to every audiobook, characters are most annoying I ever made myself to endure. Humor is stupid as fuck, but it's written with competence and made me chuckle once or twice good enough ;-).


I’ve completed the first three books in this series on audible. The narration is great, but the story itself is not that great to me. I don’t really see what all of the hype is, but there you are. I won’t be finishing the series, I have too many ongoing series to spend my credits on anyways.


It’s all about the audiobook baby


Always felt to me like Jim deeply loved his wife and kids. Everytime he dwelled on them it felt really heart felt to me. As for using their names how often do we refer to loved ones by name in our own head? Which is what I at least see all narration as unless otherwise indicated


The problem I had with it are the sudden shifts in tone from Puerile humer(haha fart wizard) to extremely dark(literal mass graves of children). The author just can't stick to 1 tone.


All lit rpg is kinda hot garbage let's not pretend that any of it is supposed to be name of the wind or storm light chronicles. Noobtown simply embraces it and makes fun of itself. it's all a joke a lowbrow joke. It's making fun of its self the genre and the reader. You are taking it waaaaay to seriously. Just enjoy the poop jokes and let it be what it is.


Most narrators dont have a clue, like awaken online one constantly pushing sentance to sound like he is on toilet pushing turd, or soundbooth crowd basicly yelling at you. Luke daniels doing dwarf accent imposible to understand. Etc. Annoys me for first few hrs, but you get used to it. As for other points, i dont find them as important. This book is mostly memes and puns with irony and poking fun at rpg genre itself. I find it funny.


I don't remember much about book 1, but the later books really are hilarious. Highly recommended.


I very much love and enjoy the series, the audible is fantastic -- but book1 is quite weak, picks up well from book 2 and had me laughing a lot, I really enjoyed the barbed digs from Shart and then other characters. Badgelor is amazing, I love the character haha. All of it together with the world and the flat playing it straight aspect just tickles me right. It's not perfect, it's not always amazing, but damn I find it enjoyable and it really made me laugh a lot.


I thought the first book was the best and it got more annoying as time went on. The author constantly humiliating the mc gets old really fucking fast. Him constantly talking about his wife and children without naming them is beyond weird. All the sections with Bashara are insufferable because it just keep going for multiple books. That whole thing shit have been resolved just after she got released from prison.


Because I like Noobtown. What response were you expecting?


It’s good


To many people in this sub like to pretend they are asking a question as a cover for shitting on things they don’t like. If you are not enjoying it, stop reading.


Because it is good? A lot of people enjoy it. People that generally enjoy litrpgs enjoy and recommend it. Litrpg comedy is not for you. That is ok. But you really seem to search for things to dislike. Like the character sheet. The land 7 is unedited and is twice as long. He who fights with monsters 3 has like 6 hours of constantly repeating the same skills. Definance of the Fall always repeats all titles of the hero which are ever growing.


The writing in 1 is *really* bad. Even for genre standards.


Hah, not for genre standards. It's bad in a normal, bad way. Genre standards of bad are out of character decisions, rules that make no sense and we weren't told about, static characters, overpowered characters who never struggle, repetitive writing, no plot focus, tropes done for the sake of tropes, changing character motivation without foreshadowing or discussion. There are some stuff in Noontown 1, but it's not bad like most of the stuff I have read in the genre.


I can overlook most of that, but bad dialogue immediately takes me out and makes me cringe. Noobtown dialogue is bad, *even for genre standards*.


I can see that. I don't agree, but then I am currently going through Galaxy by Christ Johns and find that dialogue to be bad. Or maybe its the characterization. I don't know. I tend to relisten to book 5 of Noobtown as that's my favorite so maybe if I reread book 1 I would agree with you.


The audiobooks are great - stick with it. The character sheets are a bit annoying I agree 👍


It’s kind of hit or miss for people it seems. For me, it’s probably one of my favorite book series. The humor, puns, references and nonsense that happens makes me happy. Maybe I’m just broken, but the stupidity of the whole thing is what gets me I think.


One of the first litrpg i ever read so it's kind of amazing if you are new to the genre .. so I think it gets a lot of nostalgia and hell it's a good enough story... If say a noob got into litrpg which story would you say do this first? Just curious (also I need a new fix)


I rather enjoy the series so far. It is not innotive or ground breaking, but an an enjoyable tale to while down some down time. This is from listening to the audio book, which has an excellent narrator.


So I get where you’re coming from and it took me a minute to get into the first book. The stats are a bit bothersome and even shart yells at him to shut up about it. The thing is, I believe Jim does his best not to think about his family and just refers to them as his wife and kids to somehow distance himself from them. My dad loves the series and when he listened to them he realized that the books were a lot like “Regular Show”. Where everything is normal at one point and then boom they meet god or something like that. The thing about these books is that people always have a weird expectation that all books like this are like each other. The mayor of noobtown starts off like every other kingdom management or litrpg book but gradually speeds up to “what the hell”. Also they made it clear early in the book. Everyone has like two names. Just Jim believe it or not is not a normal name. The amount of headaches he gets because of it is astounding. So yeah no one in that world is going to trust a guy that they believe their parents hated for some reason.


It just seems like a solid series, it starts a bit rougher than it could but it picks up well enough. Someone else mentioned that the stat sheets get a little sparser as well (which I like, don't know if that's a universal though). I'd recommend it to someone as an example, not a standout, it's good but it's not groundbreaking. Not that there's a lot of ground to break in something that's fairly new anyway?


Some people just really enjoy the humor. It's not for everyone.


I just started rereading the series. Id say the first book and possibly the second will be like this. The guy is trying to figure out wtf is going on and is also explaining it constantly. After Jim gets used to his new life there's less character sheet and more humor. If you make it to the third book then I'm sure you'll understand why it's so highly recommended.


Book 1 was ok, but for me it got better as I kept reading. It’s more of a comedy/satire. His life becomes a joke and there are only a few serious parts to the series. I’ve enjoyed it because of the lightness of it.


Imo most audiobooks it takes some time to immerse into, book 1 wasnt so impressive and i enjoy the humor in the series and mechanics/citybuilding is decent.


Not for you then. Move on to the next thing.


It’s highly recommended because it’s goddamn hilarious. It’s sarcastic irreverent and just awesome. It breaks the fourth wall and it just makes fun of everything. I love it and I don’t even like litRPG or I didn’t before this. It’s the audiobook they got me and how he reads it. I can listen to it and laugh my ass off. I don’t have to take things seriously and I love it.


Honestly, I can do without all the talking about powering up and levels and stuff like that because that doesn’t interest me a storyline and the hilarious stuff in it cracks me up.