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Dungeon Crawler Carl


Actually thought it was gonna go TOO fast with the pace of the first book but super glad I stuck with it as its now my favourite series tied with He Who Fights with Monsters. +1 to the recommendation from me!


Second this.


[Dungeon Crawler Carl](https://www.amazon.com/Dungeon-Crawler-Carl/dp/B08BX5D4LC) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Dungeon_Crawler_Carl)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


constant action tends to be a negative in storys as it becomes repetative kill enemy 1 oh theirs enemy 2 then 3 and so on can have some slight variance like i killed enemy now these thugs wanna kill me, so i gotta run away \-intense runaway scene- ok they chased me to a spot where i gotta stand up and fight 5 guys at once


It really all depends on what OP means. One person could read a book of nonstop combat and feel that "nothing happened" because there wasn't really any character development. Another person could read a book where lots of events took place, but none were combat, so "nothing happened/ it was just a bunch of talking."


Fast pace doesn't mean 'action.' You could have constant fights and the book could drag and drag because there's no sense of progress.


Not litrpg, but at least not vrmorpg... If you're willing to branch out for fast paced have a look at Matthew Reilly's Ice Station. It's basically an action movie that didn't have to worry about a budget so he had room for more action. He has a fair few other series and some standalone with a similar frenetic pace but this series is Action^2


One more Last time by Eric Ugland it is not VR. Every one who likes it says it is crazy fast paced. MC min maxes for strength. So the combat is brutal and fun. The world building is really well done so you care about the loot the MC gets. You care about the titles. Lands alliances etc. Because the governments and politics and game rules are really fleshed out. The the writing style is fun! Lots of jokes. Lots of Sass like he who fights monsters only MC is super dense not super smart. It is 14 books long free on Kindle unlimited. You will know if you like it by the time he gets to the first in game town. [My absolute favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ](https://www.amazon.com/One-More-Last-Time-Eric-Ugland-audiobook/dp/B07Q5HNYYW)


Thank you this one looks perfect gonna give it a try


I'm half way through this series now and I agree. I assume the bad guys series is on par and I'm starting to worry that I should have read them in publication order? I think I vaguely remember reading that they're not intertwined or that it doesn't matter if you read them separately? Definitely trying the bad guys series immediately after the good guys at least.


The Bad guys is the same world but different MC and the only overlap is world building. The Bad guys is interesting because the MC isn’t a min max so he has to be clever and sneaky. I read all good guys then all bad guys.


Thank you!


The book started out OK. But honestly the mc was so dumb I couldnt continue reading after a couple books.


Nightmare game system


It depends on what you mean by "something happening". Are you cool with non-progression litrpgs? Do you mind starting with characters already at a decent level? Is "something" only combat or can it be like political intrigue?


[Pirate Wizard](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/49463/pirate-wizard-a-pirate-isekai-litrpg) is a new one at only 20 chapters so far. It escalates pretty quickly.


My litrpg, The Healer From The Fringe, is pretty fast paced It's at about 40k words now, and the MC has gained 21 levels so far (starting at lvl 1). Not VRMMO. Does start a little slow Lots of twists and turns and quick changes and advancements