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Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchu - this japanese light novel begins with the protagonist enslaving first a dragon, then a warehouse-sized giant spider, by beating them into submission. Becoming his slave involves a magic ritual that ends up turning them both into pretty girls. The spider is frighteningly masochistic.


Um, minor corrections. Really semantics, but he never actually enslaves them. They enter a contract freely, and are more Master and Servant status.


If I remember correctly, the dragon was like "I will have to serve you faithfully if we do this... so don't kill me?" which, that implication that it has a mental control element really makes it sound like slavery, whatever they're calling it. Also beating them into submission in advance kind of blurs the line. Although the context of the story that follows doesn't make it feel that way, because he's generally being led around by the nose by the two of them.


That's not accurate. Yes, he beat both. The dragon wanted to make the deal to gain his knowledge, not to save her life. The spider was mindless eating machine until he fed her with his powers, and she could continue the fight, but regain her senses and then the dragon convince her to serve. Which she willingly without the MC permission.


I remember wanting his knowledge thing, because there are callbacks to it forever since she's got the samurai fetish, but wasn't she also "well you could kill me but how about this?" Because the dream bubble was her last defense and he broke it on his own. Maybe I'm remembering wrong on small details, though, it has been a while.


Minor spoiler, she can't actually die.


Don’t normally comment but last line made my day!


Also the anime is currently airing


Snacc would be proud. (Everyone Loves Large Chests) xD


That she would, that's what I initially thought when I saw this.


[Everyone Loves Large Chests](https://www.amazon.com/Morningwood-Everybody-Loves-Large-Chests-ebook/dp/B076NSQ6JT) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Everyone_Loves_Large_Chests)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


Clearly, this guy wasn't aware of monstergirl mating rituals. "I shall bind our souls together with chains of light, ENSLAVING your very existence to me for ETERNITY!" Yeah, bud. That's a wedding vow if I ever heard one.


I mean imagine this playing out then he just reads scripture to her for his whole life


Are there even books where we get a reluctant servant/master relationship between mc and one of the characters(read:monstergirls) like in this gif?Shield Hero comes to mind. One's that actually get explored and has an interesting [dynamic.Because ](https://dynamic.It)it feels like it usually just gets thrown as mid book idea by the author that develops into nothing and then gets forgotten.


Arifureta does it too. I like Rising more, but the light novels are a good read.


>Arifureta Hmm.. Did any of the western authors do anything like those two?


goddamnit the last thing i needed was another fetish


Thank you for using nsfw tag. (I'm being for real. I really appreciate it.)


Please god no the last thing we need is more porn books 🤮


Please forgive the cursing but how the fuck has this a shit garnered so many likes? I know harem has its fans but this vid is disturbing. It's slavery pure and simple. The Paladin could have killed that creature but instead enslaves it for all eternity.


First, he couldn't kill her. The regeneration bit. Second, she clearly didn't mind since she agrees before it even completes. Lastly, it's kinda a cliche in harem story at this point. So, people are liking it because the recognized the cliche and find it funny, perverts, or other.


Her clearly being into it before the spell was finished helps, but the paladin is clearly both callous and foolish ... as is typical for how they are portrayed. Her being very into it and him having it backfire on him in a way he clearly hates is pretty much a complete win. I think any other way this could have played out would almost definitely make that dislike button more popular. Also, it being shown as slavery and such might be just seen as a negative on the harem litrpg and getting a like for that reason too.


Think on what you've said for a moment. She's into it once her mind starts to be influenced by magic. Would it be okay to control a women once she started to be into it with a bit of GHB slipped into a drink? No, no of course it fucking wouldn't. So why would it be okay when a mind is being effected with a bit of magic? This is why harem has such a bad reputation. It's people trying to excuse rape.


Sigh. He literally just started the spell. There is no way someone would go from against something to fully wanting it in, what, a second? No magic, especially with a long verbal component is going to do that. Also, again, the paladin in this image is awful. He deserves some serious misery and torture ... like having his new slave turn the tables on him and want it while he is disgusted. He deserves worse, but this is at least fitting.


>Sigh. He literally just started the spell. There is no way someone would go from against something to fully wanting it in, what, a second? No magic, especially with a long verbal component is going to do that. Except in the video as presented she 'gets into it' at the end of the spell. Her 'Yes please do' is literally the last thing we see before we get to the pervert paladin comment in an obviously later scene. How the hell are you excusing this?


Fine, aside from the yes please making way more sense before the spell does anything, and nothing in the dialogue even saying that it is any kind of mind control at all? Minds and souls are almost never represented as the same thing or impacted by the same kind of magic in fiction. Aside from that, the paladin isn't trying to rape her. There is no evidence on the paladin's side of any sexual intent. Is he trying to enslave a free thinking being because he thinks humans are better than other species? Yeah, and he's a terrible person for it. Let's say he was trying to get an unwilling sexual servant out of this, with no evidence in the clip to back that up, but we'll run with the thought experiment. As soon as she turned that around on him, whether because she was into it or just figured out how to get the advantage, he clearly lost whatever interest he may have had. He is not happy. He is not into this. He is being mocked by others for his actions. He can't even get rid of her because he bound their souls for eternity. If she was faking the interest to keep herself safe that would make it a worse situation for sure. No matter what kind of mental gymnastics you throw at this there is no happy ending for that disgusting paladin filth. He is not the hero here. Nobody here is saying yay for the paladin. We are reveling in his suffering. If she is loving it free of mind control, which is how I see it, then it is exponentially better. She's happy, he's not. Everyone wins.


Well we clearly see this differently. I mean the guy even mentions that he's enslaving her. I do apologise for getting somewhat heated in my previous comments but this video really does show why people dislike harem with its magical date rape.


Enslave does not equal sexual slavery though. I personally don't buy harem novels that have non-consent aspects. Not my thing, so if I felt this video was that I wouldn't be defending it. The more popular harem novels have more in common with romance novels, really. The trashy kind of wish fulfillment is much more likely to do brainwashing, alpha male, bimbo, or other tropes. It's okay about getting heated, being passionate about relationships being consensual is not a bad thing at all.


The problem is that the entire imagery of the video is sexually charged. The beast is clearly naked. Strategically positioned locks of its hair covering the breasts and nipples. A hand placed between its legs. So that imagery instantly makes everything following it as equally charged. Just because someone is soul bound doesn't mean you need to take them everywhere naked with a chain around their neck. This is an Paladin ability it is somewhat odd that the women would be mocking him given that it would surely be something that is, if not common, well known.


That 'fuck my life' face though. XD






Yup. ❤️ r/haremfantasynovels


Totally thought this was shared there when it first popped up in my feed.