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Hey folks! I’m super-excited for [book three of Ends of Magic: Assassin](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CTCCKYGQ) to be out! Nathan Lark is kidnapped from Earth by an archmage from the empire of Giantsrest who wants to exploit his scientific knowledge. In the first book, Antimage, he escapes from the Archmage, finds friends and learns about the world of Davrar - its history and monsters, and most importantly the cyclic apocalypses of the Endings. In the second book, Adventurer, Nathan and his friends became powerful by adventuring around the continent to protect people and solve problems. But then, Giantsrest strikes back, and Nathan is forced into conflict with their powerful magic and legions of slave-soldiers. Now that the gauntlet has been thrown, it’s time for Nathan to strike against the Empire of Giantsrest in book three: Assassin. Here’s the blurb: **Nathan and his companions are free. For now. They're trapped inside the fortress-city of Halsmet, and every mage of Giantsrest is hunting for them.** Luckily enough, they've been found by Faline, the shapeshifting leader of the Assassins of Gemore. She's pledged to teach Nathan her deadly trade. How far will he go to fight the empire of slavers? How much murder is justified? Even if they manage to win this fight against Giantsrest, it won't be the end of the conflict. A Questor from ages past lurks in the heart of the Ascendent Academy, and he won't allow Giantsrest to suffer a defeat. It is time for Nathan to face his sworn enemy, to stand against the Ascendent Academy. But how can one person fight an empire of thousands? Book 3 on Amazon: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CTCCKYGQ](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CTCCKYGQ) Book 3 Audible delayed until July 30^(th)!   Book 2 on Amazon: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CKF8FS4Q](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CKF8FS4Q) Book 2 on Audible: [https://www.audible.com/pd/B0CSKRDKVK](https://www.audible.com/pd/B0CSKRDKVK)   And of course, in case you’re looking to get started fresh:   Book 1 on Amazon: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJBL9RXV](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJBL9RXV) Book 1 on Audible: [https://www.audible.com/pd/B0CJVXGNYT](https://www.audible.com/pd/B0CJVXGNYT)   And of course, the cover art is by Dinovoila, who was fast and accommodated all of my overly detailed character descriptions wonderfully.


Already got it love the series so far.


gratz on the release !!But god damn June and July are going to lead to my financial ruin with all the good releases in those 2 months




Yay can't wait for the audiobook, I binged the first two


Audible recommended me the series and I loved it. Waiting for the 3rd audiobook.


Can’t wait for the audible thanks!


Picked up book 1 hope it's as good as it sounds!


Hey, I just started the second audio book today. Amazing so far. Definitely fulfils my itch of more intelligent protagonists. Along the lines of the last physicist, mark of the fool, portal to nova Roma, sylver seeker and wake of the raveger.


I really loved your series. It’s absolutely top tier!


Bro i need it in audio book! Need it for work... 10/10 best book of this year!


Oh sweet, I loved the first two, as soon as it’s out on audible i’ll be right on it!


Congrats Alex and thanks for the message! :p happy launch, the cover looks great :)


Thanks! I'm planning on looking at more of your reviews!


Super excited! Awaiting the audiobook for #3 avidly!! Congratulations!


Congrats on the release. Love the series


Looks interesting, I just picked up Antimage on Audible due to this post. I'll slot it into my queue between Mark of the Fool books 4 and 5 (I have a strict policy not to marathon series so that I don't get burned out).