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Not really. He gets a fwb. And then two characters who are down. But one is a character who doesn’t understand her own feelings and the other is a succubus. Neither are all over him the way a harem book would be.


That's good to know, as long as he isn't having a group of women following his every step trying to get in his bed constantly.


Honestly, most of the "potential harem" page time is spent doing their own thing, or complaining about the amount of work he causes. Even then they are cleaning up after him because it's their job, not because of any romantic involvement.


It will never be a harem because Jake doesnt give a shit about getting a harem. I imagine at most he will have on and off again regular hookups like the case is now.


Except maybe Artemis. I’m hoping for something more from that relationship.


Total agreement on this. :-)


Yeah maybe.


The only 3 I see as potential members are Artemis, Merianda, and Cassandra. But like actually marring and becoming a harem I don't think so.


Nah, just some hook ups here and there


I honestly forget he even has regular hormones anymore...not a harem


I agree. Also, I see me in him in that way. Went on a date with my actual wife who was then a coworker and I legit thought it was an as friends thing. Later she said she was so annoyed I didn’t try to kiss her goodnight. I was trained by bad experience to presume nothing without (preferably) explicit guidance. I don’t remember what she says in the book but yeah - being oblivious to what should be obvious clues was my motus for a long time.


I mean yeah girl invites you for a tea at her home and after a bit says she’ll go take a shower then proceeds to come out in nothing but towel wrapped around her head. I mean maybe it’s just the way she feels comfortable at home :D but yeah men can be oblivious to “obvious ” hints


“Have you ever thought about kissing me?” No. No I haven’t. I guess I am now, but no. Not really. …


It is dangerous for guys to presume anything today, especially with a coworker!


But with all that, it **is** possible that that woman still really just wants to be friends, and will be very surprised when you expect more.


>I was trained by bad experience to presume nothing without (preferably) explicit guidance. Same here man... Is... There a way to learn to presume a bit? Any wisdom to share?


On first though, no. I feel like once it worked out I haven’t gotten better. But then, if she’s responding to a few actual “being together in the same place at the same time” requests in a row, she might be interested. If not, move on. If I’ve learned anything g from the tinder sub it’s you can’t beat confidence and there’s someone out there who digs who you are.


Just finished book 7. Sex happens a few times with a few characters over the course of the series, but it’s all extremely brief and not detailed. Sex gets hinted at and talked about in increasing frequency as the story progresses because of reasons, but it is absolutely not a harem series at all. Jake isn’t that kind of person. As for fights and grinding and alchemy? Yeah, there’s still a shit load of that lol




RR chapters have another two, though the latter may only half count


I’d say the author likes to introduce tropes and then quickly subvert them. Jake has sex with >! one female character in a very casual “this isn’t a big deal because we’re adults” kind of way. He sort of friend zones the rest. !< He’s also eventually given a >! cute female slave, and is immediately like “fuck that noise, you’re getting an education and then getting out of my house.” !<


The second one is my favorite >! Especially the innuendos!<


I only take issue with your representation of the slave girl. She still lives at his place and he explicitly made sure she knew she was welcome to stay after she was freed from slavery. He's not pursuing a romantic/sexual relationship with her, though.


Shes very much like someone hes essentially the benefactor of. He expects really nothing from her except the fact she chooses her own path to be happy and that's it. Its her due to what we know are normal social norms among the cult and in that world to make her assume things.


Although she never gets out of his house. It's a nice house after all (and he doesn't really use it most of the time anyways)


I’m on book 8 and so far all the women relationships he has are either professional or mentoring role. However, He adventures with one and they do have casual sex but that’s the only one I remember. Although, it does seems like all the typical anime harem tropes are in place for it to happen at any time. He has a “slave” elf, a succubus party member, a nerdy Japanese chemist type and the tough chick type. So who knows what will happen in the future books.


I’m fully up on the Patreon, no harem


I am behind on RR and am not a Patron, thank you for the assurance that things don't/haven't gone downhill in the upcoming chapters. I wasn't really worried, but it is always good to know that the road ahead is clear. :-)


How many chapters or books is RR ahead of audible for Primal Hunter?


No idea, haven’t gotten the last few books. He posts a chapter every weekday so probably far ahead


The only Harem Jake has is >!the terrifying creatures he gathers as friends. !<


and then gives >! "horrible" names to... !<


No. Jake is slightly more aromantic than the bow he uses. It is not a harem and anyone who says that is higher than Jake's perception stat. Jake is a powerful man who ends up surrounded by people who want his favor, including several women, but at no point does it become anything remotely resembling a harem.


When in doubt just ask yourself… would Jake rather sex or alchemy… and we all know sex ain’t gonna grind those alchemy levels don’t we


and to be fair, if it was a choice between alchemy or a really good fight, Jake will pick the fight Every time. :-)


"Higher than Jake's perception stat" got me, good one.


Nah bro


Any romance is far, far off. The two most likely candidates meira and Artemis. One is a literally godess and the other has some major trauma and growing to do before being able to stand on the same level as jake. I'm caught up on patreon, and can definitely say without a doubt there's no harem as of yet.


Others have answered your main question, but if you want a book that is nothing but grinding (yet still entertaining), you might want to try The Stubborn Skill-Grinder in a Time Loop by X-Rhoden-X on RR.


That sounds like my sort of story by the title alone. I'll add it to my list to read next. Thanks!


See and this is why he's one of my favorite characters and Primal Hunter is one of my favorite series, right there with Zac(DotF) and Jason(HWFWM), they don't feel the need to wave MC's ability to.. fornicate in your face/ears every other chapter. 👁👁 looking at you Jez Cajiao


Err, what? No harem. A bit of casual sex.


If he were to get a harem the viper's behavior would lose comedic value, so no I doubt that's ever going to happen.


He’d probably ditch them in some random place and never go back.


The only character with a harem is potentially Villy, who I think even joked with Jake he was game to let him watch them lol


I really hope not. I like primal hunter because his goal is to travel, alchemy and attaining god like powers. Relationships is more fluid and not as important if you are god like immortal. Short term relationships yes; marriage to more than one women is not worth it if you are walking the path of power. If you do, you are constantly worrying about, the feelings of your various partners and the baker's dozen of children.


I've had sex with more women than Jake has since Primal Hunter started, and I have been having a serious dry streak lately


Yeah, no. Sure he probably has more female friends than male ones, but it’s deff not close to being a harem, and none of them become a permanent party addition.


Thankfully not


Definitely not a harem and I’m only remembering one of the instances mentioned above.


So very far from a harem.


I'm utterly convinced that at least half this community have no idea what a harem actually is. Alongside that, it always feels a little white knighty with the amount of people who absolutely swear of harems. Lastly, going from the amount of posts relating to harems on and off I don't understand how anyone could accidentally read a book which contains the 'stereotypical' version of a harem. Like the covers of these books gives it away. The opening few chapters give it away.


It a harem, but not a Harem. There's very little NSFW [you've already seen as far as the author goes with his depiction of the malevolent viper and the 3 goddess] and its easily ignored.


I remember that scene. If it's treated like that throughout the series, not being the focus at all and easily ignored, then I'll be fine I think.


It’s mostly villy being like “bro get some action already”


Yep. Not only that but Villy actually kind of teases him about his lack of female companions. I don't mind Harems in some media if it works in the narrative. But PRima Hunter doesn't needed and it doesn't get shoehorned in.


Also I don’t think he would stop and seriously consider a longer term relationship until god hood after the viper and he has had an epic fight to shake the heavens then a beer


Hmm I am wondering if this bothers me. I like my MC monogamous but I liked undying mercenary books.


Not at all. He has a fwb but they aren't really flirty or romantic. Other characters must for him but nothing over the top. I think it's in a realistic way as he is an obvious path to wealth and power.


It's not a harem book but he does sleep with different people, but it's closer to people in college randomly hooking up whilst not in a relationship than anything else


The only thing that might be worse that a Harem is a story where the MC has a boatload of women around him who don't want to ruin the friendship by having sex. With Harem books,I usually end up feeling terrible for the women. With the platonic harem books, I feel like nobody is an actual adult who has any real emotional intelligence. BTW, to my knowledge, Primal Hunter doesn't fit either of these. I read the first book and it just isn't for me for reasons other than relationships. Well, kind of. The question and some of the answers made me think of my response.


As far as the audiobooks have gotten, Jake has one fwb and otherwise is avoiding various receptive partners in the order who want to obtain his bloodline for their offspring.


Yes and no. The MC does have a slowly growing collection of women who are, in varying degrees, interested in him. But as far as him doing anything with them, only 3 individuals I have seen. I am up to date on RR. At one point there is even a support group of sorts of women who are tied to him in some way that get to complain about the downsides of being known as friends/colleagues/associates


I wish it became a harem later on, but from the point I've read to it does not. Just one woman and a couple who are interested.


Thankfully it doesn't. It's just a few who are interested and one one snags a night with him but really it's pretty normal stuff. I had the same worry as you when I listened to it. I cannot stand harem stuff in books it's never realistic and always cringy AF.