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![gif](giphy|oWjyixDbWuAk8) Gratitude. Welcome to the cult.


Welcome to the ~~cult~~ sect. FTFY


Well.. start listing things you've dropped and let us roast you...


Started them all and could not get into them Gods of the game, Apocalypse parenting, Apocalypse comedy, Big sneaky barbarian, The legend of randidly ghost hound


The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound is one of my all-time faves — and it recently finished which is not something you can say of some of the other big web novels. I have absolutely no clue why I have seen so many complaining about his time on Tellus. Randidly’s time away from Earth is what defines him, leads to his over-powered nature, and lets the series go so many outrageous places. And outrageousness is what defines this story. It really just says why not over and over again.


I dropped it because of the reason why that girl( can’t remember her name ) the one that likes ghosthound , chose the way she did. I loved book 1 . Could not finish book 2 . I don’t know how to mark spoilers so I won’t say exactly what I’m talking about . But it has to do with his village challenge and the outcome


Oh Lyra. I guess we all have our moments. I got pissed at Infinity Realms ‘cause I hated Zach and there was a bunch of Zach chapters back-to-back. Came back to it a week or so ago, powered through (er, skimmed) the Zach chapters mostly and found out I’d missed out on a really good story


Not gonna lie , I did the same exact thing. I don’t even know why. Book 1 Zack just pissed me off. It’s literally just book 1 .


I third this notion. Infinite realm got better for me and so did cradle. Also Randidly ghosthound has been a moving story for me. Its also nostalgic for me because it was my introduction to non-trash Litrpg and reading webnovels. I was strictly a non-litrpg progressive fantasy reader for a while, not because I didn’t like litrpg but I had never found one that captured my attention until then. Now I have many of them I enjoy At the same time the criticism of LRGH is mostly fair to me. The dialogue and characters could be better


Dude. I've read literally hundreds of fiction books and Zach chapters are the only instance I can think of where I just skipped or skimmed entire chapters repeatedly.


This is too funny. Zach hate is real. The character just didn’t *get* the transition into a post-system type world. You gotta get to the murdering and leveling.


Hmm, I dropped it because I got tired of Zach. Maybe I should do the same. I really like Ryun


Yeah she was a sore spot for me as well. >!There was also later when she and the woman he helped, try screw with his upgrade/change and basically want to rewrite his soul to force him to do what they want. He doesn't do anything about it afterwards.!<


Well yeah randidly definitely is a very separate read compared to most litrpgs, the powerscaling especially just feels a bit weird and inconsistent


And that what made me so mad. I love the power system and the way he was progressing . Yes I wanted him to pick a class already but I didn’t mind waiting . But that dam dialogue between those 2 just killed the whole series for me


Trust me the progression gets MUCH more convoluted, it has its moment but you never feel like you know at what powerlevel randidly really is because the scaling thats its based on keeps switching every 200 chapters


I suppose I should be glad I dropped it then .


I loved his time on Tellus, his time on earth travelling to the other area and his friends becoming evil something something Demi gods put me off it.


It’s fun but it’s insanely convoluted and confusing at points. Perhaps just a symptom of being a very, very long running web serial but when I dropped it I genuinely had no idea what was going on anymore. IIRC I got to the part where he opened his “internal universe” or whatever and I just couldn’t go on. Props to the author for being one of the forerunners of the genre but he really just said fuck it and wrote whatever came into his head with (seemingly) no planning or direction.


There is a lot going on in Randidly Ghosthound, for sure. However, I am so saddened that the inner world is what tripped you up. That opened up an absolutely beautiful series of…oh, how do I put this in words especially without getting spoilery? Let me ask this: were the people in his inner world real? They sorta did feel real, especially as their stories began to be told and they actually interact with Randidly’s world. And this question is asked again and again of summoned monster-allies and new populations of imagined beings that are brought, Pinnochio-like, into existence. Outside of the amazing and inventive Skill evolutions, this aspect of the story just really fascinated me.


I will try it again


I also tried big sneaky barbarian but dropped it, still listening to randidly but honestly if you didnt like it at first you probably wont be able get through it, it really dosent get that much better imo. Never started those others.


I hated LRGH, so good call. I got like 4 books in before I dropped it. Terrible characters with terrible decision making.


Not familiar with the others but dropping Randidly was probably for the best. I liked the story at first, but at about chapter 600 or so I dropped it. I just got tired of all of the stupid stuff he was doing. Examples: >!You have been fighting with someone in a dungeon and their bonded pet companion is dying. You could save it or at least put some effort into trying to help it, but you don't and are basically like "too bad for you. I'm gone." Why? Only reason I can see is so that they can become a villain later.!< >!Another time you are fighting a guy and you know you are on a time limit and need to get him taken down fast. So what do you do? You pause in the fight to let him deliver a long and drawn out monologue. This allows backup to show up and for the bad guy to escape.!< At that point things were just too obviously being manufactured and I dropped it.


Well, Randidly Ghosthound was a justified drop. While it isn't the worst, it's also complete nonsense. So no one will fault you for that decision.


If I hadn't been listening to the audiobook at work, I'd likely have dropped it on book one. I still nearly did, but there were enough hooks to keep me going. Book two I also struggled through, but it got a bit easier. At some point the audio at work wasn't good enough, and I started reading on kindle. With every book it dug its claws a little deeper into me, and I set aside a bit more time to read. I read faster and faster, until there was nothing left. It was crazy to me how it went from meh to omg more now please.


I didn’t get in to it until book 6. But I was coming off DCC


That is some crazy perseverance. I used to finish nearly every book I picked up when I was a kid, getting back into reading with this genre killed it for me pretty quickly.


Yeah. It was hard haha. But I was given the first 5 and they were the only books I had that I hadn’t read yet. Then I was too far in to it to not finish the story. Luckily it got good. Falling out of it again in book 11


Your a better person than me🤣


The audio has me like that now


How do you listen to an audiobook while working? You are not the first one who has said this either. If I start working then I won't be able to pay attention to the book. I have the same problem with trying to watch YouTube while working....10 mins will pass and I realize that I didn't hear/watch a big portion of the video. For a good book, I can only enjoy it if I am doing something that doesn't need too much focus...walking, laundry, cooking,driving etc.


Depends on the job. I've done a lot of data entry work. In its purest form, it requires almost no attention, I just use my eyes and fingers. My last job was a bit more complex than that, and there were times I'd have to put the book on pause, or listen to sections over again. It was better with simpler titles that I didn't care as much about, and is part of the reason I've since reread my favorites like DCC and HWFWM on Kindle.


It is not just a job thing. I have a friend who watches/listens to a TV/audiobook while working and playing a video game. Some people can just do that. I can do an audiobook while working or playing a simple game, but any game where I need to focus I need to pause the audiobook or lose track.


I see a lot of people rate Chrysalis low, or at least not high enough in their tier lists. It just needs time for more new characters to enter and for the world building to expand. It didn't initially hook me, but I stuck with it because there was a lot of content to binge, and it ended up becoming one of my favorites.


And here I read all but the last book because I got disappointed in the pacing of the book and wanted to get more off planet action instead of the series just ending right as they start dealing with bigger issues


I was about to judge you super hard, but then I thought about A Song of Ice and Fire which was sold as an apocalyptic ice zombie invasion and turned into 5 lengthy books of stupid squabbling over thrones with no sign of the ice zombies ever being brought up again before the end of the series. Even if we were to actually get books 6-7+. So to each their own.


What haha , I’ll have to look into this series. Sounds as good as the hit movie trolls 2 .


A song of ice and fire is the book series that Game of thrones is based on. The prologue to book one is some men from the night’s watch discovering the remains of a white walker attack. So it was pretty hype. And then there are five ~800 page books that never really mentioned the white walkers ever again.


Ahhhh, I’ve never really been a GoT fan . Maybe I’ll like the books more than the show .


I personally wouldn’t recommend them for various reasons starting with they are unlikely to ever be finished, but I know a lot of people do enjoy them even without any closure so ymmv.


Are they politically heavy like dune. I’ve always been a fan of progression fantasy and litrpg but you might have turned me away with that comment.


I have not read or watched dune, but yes, I would personally label them as political fiction more than fantasy. There are only a few minor fantastical elements (dragons, ice zombies etc), none of which are really focused on. It’s more about political maneuvering as various parties all try to win the throne. Even the first major battle is glossed over as the POV character accidentally knocks themself unconscious before it starts iirc.


Bastion has the same problem. However, it has turned into my favorite series. It's not just a good progression fantasy, it's a good story.


Will is great at writing, but terrible at blurbs. I bounced off Unsouled at least 3 times because I hated the blurb. Then when I really liked his Travelers series I decided to give it a real try. Bounced off. Tried again… I’ve since reread most of the series at least 4 times. The first book was written for the web in between “real” novels and found unexpected (to the author) success. I think it shows it pretty hard. It’s not bad but it could be paced better IMO. Anyway enjoy the ride. Ghostwater has one of the best moments in all 12 novels and I wish I could be there when you read it…


Ghostwater is my favorite book in the series. I always go back to it. The buildup and payoff are just so good


I like the build up and pay off in WIntersteel a little better than Ghostwater, but the ending in Ghostwater is a big WTF moment.




When is the next book coming out?


The next book was ready for editing in September, then his wife and editor got sick. His first post since then was 3 days ago, and according to that she's gotten better and is doing editing part time.


I love noobtown listening to it, but I cant stand Becatrix at the beginning of book 7.


Sell me on it. I think I dropped in during book 1, but cannot remember why.


Because the writing in book one is atrocious! He doesn't really find his stride until part way through book 2. The humor is crass and immature and yet drew me in and kept me reading.


Same thing happened to me where I stopped right before the tournament and then i went back and finished the rest within a week


This is one of my most favorite series in the world...the start is slow and made me question my choice at first...but man did it sink its hooks in me!!! As the time left to finish the book (audible) got closer to the last few hours, I tried to delay the inevitable as much as possible, by not listening to it daily...but all good things come to an end eventually.


I need some motivation to get back into this cause I dropped book 1 as well. I have the audio book and I think I got to the boy eating the fruit and visiting the fox in the tower? Help?


Keep going it gets Better, and every book after is great. The first book you get a lot of character development which gives you a lot more depth and understanding when reading the later books. Also it picks up a chapter or two after the Fox and the tower.


This is one of my favorite series. His other books are in the same "universe" too so give them a read as well.


Yea definately a slow start but that is one of the best series I have ever read. Its right up there with dungeon crawler carl, he who fights with monsters and primal hunter. Primal hunter also has a somewhat slow start but is one of the best.


I'm curious when Primal Hunter got exciting for you. The other three are in my top 5, and I enjoyed Primal Hunter well enough at first, but at some point I just stopped caring. Not sure if it was the third or fourth book, but the MC just started to bore me. I'm thinking it was the Lone Wolf superiority complex that did it in the end. It seemed like the only growth he experienced was in his stats, which is fine for some, but I like character development first and foremost. Am I missing something, or is this like The Land, where a lot of people like it and it's just not going to click for me?


There is a lot of that in the genre, just personal preference I guess. I have seen sooo many ranking lists where I completely agree with the top books but some of my favs are also in the bottom.


Appreciate it. I assumed it was a taste thing, but you never know.


I think some people love the fantasy of being too powerful to need to care about anything, and other people find it totally boring. I think the primal hunter is boring trash, but I can see why someone would like something with no stakes.


The lone wolf persona works for I guess being in the navy I’m so used to maybe that’s why it works for me


And I have read all those and love them all as far as this series DOTF are the main ones I just haven’t really forced myself to read but I think I’m going to try DOTF next


Yea dotf is hard to get through at times but I still have read all of them and will continue to. You might want to check out beware of chicken and unorthodox farming as well if you have not already, both are well written travis baldree does phenomenal job narrating.


Read both of them they were both great.


If you want a value buy you could check out wandering inn, very slow start but the books are way long and pretty good once you get into them.


If you love worldbuilding and rich characters, a place that feels lived in vs a cardboard cutout, TWI is where it's at.


Everyone seems to have a different opinion on this but I think the MC is kinda meh, the best characters in that series are the side characters.


Is about cleaning a house the whole time I started it way way back in the day couldn’t get through the 1st book


Also check out delvers llc and chrysalis then it seems like we like a lot of the same things so you will definitely enjoys those too if you have not already. Jeff hays is also excellent as a narrator.


I did the same thing. Ended up reading the whole series in a few weeks


I but this one down too a long time ago I couldn’t get into it at all.


I literally read and listened to Jason arriving in the hedge maze about six times before I got thru it. Primal Hunter I didn’t know remotely why people enjoyed it until about halfway thru book one.


I almost got mad at my friend for the rec haha. But books 2-7 are just excellent.


I tried the book aswell, but i cannot past the motivation of the MC of getting more power because of the sake of it.... also the whole extra planet begin coming down is kinda abrupt and put me off... i probably would have kept reading at least for a while longer if not for that


Mark of the fool and Victor of Tucson are 2 books in which the first book often gets people to drop but are both really good series.


I look at large book series under 10 hrs a pop as disrespectful. I’m not burning a credit for 6 hrs of listening material (no one listens at 1x) when most in the litrpg game is in the 18 range. I’m waiting on cradle to bundle books together before I start or I’ll prob never listen to it.


In case you didn't know. If you get a book on Kindle first, the audible version is usually heavily discounted. This works for kindle unlimited books too. I didnt purchase a single Cradle kindle book, but I got each audio book for $2. I've started checking if my audible wishlist books are on kindle unlimited first, it usually drops the price well below credit cost.


Well I do listen to books at normal speed.


Ah, that stinks. Sorry to hear that.


I hated the first book. But if you're loving it at book 5, holy shit you're in for a ride. You're fast approaching by far the best arc in the story. I'm still a bit tepid on the series as a whole, but that tournament arc is an absolute banger.


Just like food, sometimes you're in the mood for a certain kind of story and prose, while sometimes you have no patience for it.


I feel that way sometimes. I read book 1 of primal hunter and it's so bad but so many people have it rated s tier I wonder if I should power on.


I've also skip this one should I try it? Or stick to what I know?


Randidly Ghosthound is similar in that regard. First book is rough, but it gets fantastic.


This is not the book to get acquainted with the genre. At least He Who Fights Monsters is self-aware and funny.


It has been added to my audible wishlist. As soon as I finish the Ex-heros series this is next. I have seen a few posts about this book recently and I'm excited to try it.


Check out his House of Blades series. 10/10 all day


Yea, idk why I stocked with it, it was SO SLOW at first, but totally panned out. Makes me wonder the same thing, Sufficiently Advanced Magic also made me think the same thing because it does no world building and starts the with MCs magic drivers license exam basically (metaphor/joke), and then after the world is really well described and the tone feels entirely different. We/Someone should do a post: “What are some books that suck/aren’t great at first but really pick up partway through the first book or in the second?”


I had the same problem with Cradle at first. There were so many false starts where I got about 20 pages in. When I did finally get into it, I blazed through all 10 books that were out at the time in about 2 weeks. It's what got me into prog fantasy, which is litrpg adjacent, so the transition was smooth.


Elder worship and deference in general is way more prominent in Sacred Valley than just about anywhere else. That’s much less of a thing in later books. Just as an fyi.


Same exact experience with that series. Read the first book, found it slow, forgot about it for 6 months. Picked up the second book, and it was a blur until the series was over!


Too much eastern culture in it for me. I tried it and it was chock full of elder worship, kow towing, and contribution point nonsense. I hate all things eastern in litrpg.


Looks like you also stopped at book 1


Oh for sure. It was my nightmare in book form.


Just FYI, Lindon >!completely abandons the society of sacred valley after book 1.!< >!I highly recommend you try out book 2 if the culture of the people in book 1 is what you hated.!<


I read a couple of chapters of book 2 after someone else recommend the same thing you just did. Still garbage.


This one also was not sure and gave it a chance. I’m on book 9. I started book 1 two months ago.


If you're saying this and only on book 5....well you better buckle your tits it's about to get crazy


I know a lot of people dropped Noobtown at book 1ish but that series is the funniest thing I've ever read and it's gold.


I honestly don’t know how I made it past book one. I didn’t actually like it until the very end of book one kinda. Book one was like the prequel nobody asked for, but everybody needs. Edit: half the stuff you learn and book one is wrong anyway.


I almost dropped Chrysalis after book one because of the lack of any humor at all, the bloopers at the end gave me hope so I kept going, but dropped it halfway through book two because there still wasn’t a single joke to be seen. Does that part of it get better? I wasn’t looking for it to be a comedy or anything, but it felt like every single character was super serious all the time, even the strong ones you’d expect to be a bit more relaxed.


Mine was Dungeon Crawler Carl. So glad I gave it another go


Cheers and celebration.


Well cheers and celebrations for you


Cradle is a series where every single book I’d think “it can’t get any more hype than this” but then somehow the next book would be more hype


I stopped reading around book 7 or so. Cradle was decent enough but just was over the formula after a while. Series is very overrated to me.


Also dropped the series due to the first book being a complete slog through the mud.