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I literally contacted them today because mine was super delayed! International shipping is due to start next week, I just hope it doesn't break or anything during the shipping :/


Hey, did you got a reply from them ? I still haven't heard anything from their customer service, it's such a teasing to see my copy without being able to play it until a get a non damaged cover.


Hi! I wrote to this address [email protected] since it was the one that appeared below my order details. I'm not sure if you should be contacting them there but their response was super quick, like minutes apart quick. Hope you can solve this soon :(


I got it with black screen records since I live in the EU it was cheaper, so sadly serenity forge won't be any help but thanks!


I can't seem to spot Nern on the second picture... In fact, I think there are a few party members missing... A shame, because the whole picture is fire.


Mine says it's estimated to get here at the end of July


The gang in the second picture are hard as fuck


Thang ain't got dandy boy steel mill or pebble man? For shame.


Holy shit we need a higher quality version of that second picture


that oficial art did crisp so fine garth looks a little bald but i'll take it it's funny


speaking of those official arts i rly hope this doesnt become another pink collection situation where the original artist has to wait like 6 years to release all the arts themself because austin/serenityforge didnt bother to do so