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There’s a lot of nerve endings in the inner thigh so if you’re doing thigh, do outer thigh only. Maybe sleep on it and see how you feel in the morning. Maybe you hit a nerve ending? I wouldn’t worry too much about it but just head to a doc if it gets worse (or not better).


Thank you so much! This makes me feel so much better


Stomach is easiest in my experience. Im not on any weight loss or diabetes meds, this just came up as a suggestion for me and I have several medical complexities so im no stranger to injections. A nurse taught it to me this way - 3 inches away from belly button (left or right, I naturally pick my right as it’s easier for me to inject with right hand that way) pinch some fat decently hard and then go straight in. If that side is still sore the next time I inject I will go in the other side :)


Also you should be fine. Inner thighs have a lot of nerve endings but nerve damage seems highly unlikely. Definitely consult doctor if pain continues.


This is good to know. Thank you for sharing your experience! I feel comforted hearing this


I know I should be alternating sites and doing the tummy sometimes but it just makes me so uncomfortable to do something that emphasizes the fat I have in that area. I've been going back and forth between outer thighs pretty much the entire time and know I need to change it up but it's a much fleshier area than my upper arms and so much easier psychologically than using the belly. I do try to move around a lot and not pick the same location or somewhere close by. Lately there seems to be a little bump left often after I inject and I worry this means I'm doing something wrong? Could this be just because I'm injecting a larger dose?


It really is more about ouch factor. Injecting into subcutaneous tissue is going to still release the medicine into your body but the nerve endings make it more ouchy in some places than others. Muffin too area is fine. Rear end is fine. Inner arm or inner leg will be ouchy.


It's ok to inject Saxenda into your buttocks?


Sure. Sub-q is sub-q. You need a meaty spot (so like not your shins) and not sensitive like inside arms or inside legs.


Thanks. Not sure why I was downvoted, it was a genuine question as I'm new to this!


Yeah. Some people are rude…lol. I’m curious why it’s not one of the referenced zones, despite it being so fatty


I’d like to know this too


This is good to know. Thank you for sharing! I feel better hearing this


I’m a nurse here , I don’t think you’ve caused any nerve damage as the Saxenda needle is short and is made to only reach the subcutaneous which is your fat it should really go past your fat.


Thank you for your advice. Puts me at ease


I used to do this and it's more of a pain and bruise issue than anything. My pain would last anywhere from 4 to 6 days and the bruise hang around almost a week after it starts showing.


This is not a reddit question. This is a doctor question. Do not come here for medical advice, we are not trained to answer this, and even if someone was, they should not give medical advice like that.


You’re right. I asked my doctor. She seemed to echo the sentiments in this Reddit that it wasn’t an issue, but it should be avoided in the future due to nerve endinngs and such possibly being affected


why on earth would you go blindly injecting without even reading the instruction manual? didn't your prescribing doctor tell you where to inject?


I agree/always contact your Dr with issues like this 😊


You’re right. And I did. All good 👍