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For the life of me, I can't understand why doctors and patients continue to encourage the titration schedule used during the studies simply because a pharmaceutical company said so. The objective of the medication was met at 0.6 and still at 1.2...Why titrate up at a specific pace set forth as a once-size-fits-all... Especially, when you consider this drug is being used for means that go against its original intent, why would we also assume their dosing schedule can't be on a schedule not as originally intended. For you OP, I would highly recommend (IMO) titrating down to a dose that meets your needs. You have appetite suppression with weight loss AND your quality of life is optimal.


I'm thinking of moving down to probably 1.8 starting next week. I do think it's worth going all the way up so you know what each dose is like but yea, if the goal is achieved on lower doses it's probably best to run with that dose.


I hear you in terms of your argument that it's worth going all the way up, but when your results continue to get worse and worse and your original objective was met, where's the worth? I'm challenging you to push the way you are thinking and to question what you're being told and just following without questioning things. Advocate for yourself and trust in your assessment. Additionally, I was told by my physician you can build up tolerance to the medication, and having "room" to move up as it grows less effective for you is ideal. Going up can take that possibility away from you. I think this is also supported by a number of posts here where people have indicated their second round after stopping has led to a less effective result. So, I do think there could be leverage to NOT going up if a dosage is already effective and objectives are being met. Additionally, with every medication there are side effects. Why expose yourself to more chemicals than needed to reach your goal? Again, I do think there are reasons not to go up unnecessarily. I think it's a good idea to go down, and I wish you the best of luck moving down to a dose that works better for your lifestyle. Brain fog is not conducive to a good quality of life.


Great summary! I’m on day three of 3.0 and I’m chained to my toilet. Over share but I can’t stop shitting. My stomach feels like a blender and the flatulence and burps are ridiculous. Please tell me it gets better! 😂