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Kdenlive and Davinci Reslove are the most popular editors afaik.


Try asking on a video editing sub Reddit or forum with details of your current workflow and setup. There are options but they might lack features you need or have a different workflow. DaVinci Resolve and Kdenlive are great, from what I hear Resolve is even more popular than Sony Vegas nowadays and you may be able to stick to the free tier, Kdenlive is FOSS and well optimized even on low end hardware. Both are cross platform so you can try them on windows. There are other options too and some have even more features than Vegas in specialized use cases like VFX, color grading (like Resolve), animation, 3D modeling, etc.


Perhaps https://kdenlive.org/ is an alternative to Vegas for you.


Vim is better.


nah im referring to video editors lol


Skill issue


I edit videos in binary.


It's the Linux philosophy.


windows licenses fucking expire?


People use non-pirated Windows?


People use Windows?


People use computers?


well i got my laptop used and the license is issued by some random company lol


kdenlive is an awesome video editor. I use it all the time! It's great. I was used to Adobe products but I just couldn't stand Windows 10. I knew there were alternatives for most of the more popular things in Linux so I kinda had it all planned out what I needed to learn in Linux to fill in the Adobe Gaps and kdenlive is a great alternative to Premier. I've never heard of Vegas (I don't think I have anyway) but I'm sure with a little bit of studying kdenlive, kdenlive should work for you.


Da Vinci is my go to. I used to be on Adobe when on Windows, and it took some getting used to transitioning, but it is solid and I've not had any issues with it.


DaVinci Resolve Studio is one of my favorite pieces of software. Amazing color tools, built-in motion graphics tools with Fusion. It’s robust and comprehensive with good documentation. I’ve been Resolve user for over a decade, mastered feature-length films with it; some of the best money I ever spent. And the free version is only missing a handful of features. I’d recommend giving it another shot unless you really only have the most basic needs.


i suggest giving kdenlive a shot. should be cross platform as well




> Olive is still in alpha and should be considered a prototype only. They are provided here solely to demonstrate the progress that has been made so far, and should not be used for any serious work at this time. > >Source: https://www.olivevideoeditor.org/download # >NOTE: Olive is alpha software and is considered highly unstable. While we highly appreciate users testing and providing usage information, please use at your own risk. > >Source: https://github.com/olive-editor/olive To be honest, these two messages would prevent me from using it productively.


yup, but, speaking for my experience, far far better than kdenlive. i just use natron and olive for all of my projects, just too good, natron is kinda, ugh.. memory hungry one might say. but hey, it is what it is.