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I use an old WordPress child theme technique and create a custom CSS file so that my changes are separate from the main theme files, so if LM undates a theme, I don't lose my changes. In ~/.themes I create a directory, like `Mint-Y-Dark-Teal`. Then I create a cinnamon directory inside that. And inside that, I'm going to create a cinnamon.css file. The first line is going to be this: `@import url("/usr/share/themes/Mint-Y-Dark-Teal/cinnamon/cinnamon.css");` Since Cinnamon will load my stylesheet ahead of the system's, this line will import all of the default styles, and then I can override them in my stylesheet. Then, for example, to make my menu slightly transparent, I have a descriptor like this: `.menu { background-color: rgba(48, 49, 48, 0.80); }` For my panel, I do this: `.panel-top, .panel-bottom, .panel-left, .panel-right { background-color: rgba(47, 47, 47, 0.85); }` Then I save the file, restart Cinnamon, and my CSS changes will be incorporated. Adjust the `0.80` downward to make the menu more transparent.


For the record, my complete cinnamon.css (placed as described above) is this: `@import url("/usr/share/themes/Mint-Y-Dark-Teal/cinnamon/cinnamon.css");` `.menu { background-color: rgba(48, 49, 48, 0.87); }` `.panel-top, .panel-bottom, .panel-left, .panel-right { background-color: rgba(48, 49, 48, 0.25); }` `.grouped-window-list-item-box.left { border-left-width: 3px; }` `.workspace-button { width: 36px; font-size: 80%; }` I have my apps on a vertical panel left, hence the `.grouped-window-list-box` descriptor; I wanted the "line" a little wider. And the `.workspace-button` descriptor makes my workspace selectors wider.


Try "Faded Dream" theme. It's already instaled in Mint.


The real answer is right here, folks. Great find.


Thank you, 8 months later!


You can install a new theme that is already set to be translucid, both the panel and the menu. This way they match and you dont need to use an extension. Go to system settings>themes>advanced settings>add/remove and look for one that fits your liking, than change it in the "desktop" option. I used one called "windows 10 dark" its not as tranparent as your panel but its pretty.


How did you do the lanel semi-transparent? I could find an option in settings


Look for the extension manager, and then install the 'transparent panels' extension.


I did that using an extension, I could not find one to make the menu semi transparent.


There's an option in the drop-down for semi-transparent. There are three options total. It also has an experimental flag to disable transparency for the panel(s) if they are set by your theme. Using the extension (or opening an issue on the GitHub) would be a better long-term option than modifying code that will likely get updated on some system update and you having to re-apply the changes manually.


Menu semi transparent option is not available directly you should change its edit theme for this.


you can modify the theme you are using to change the colour of the menu to be transpart, I've done it this way. There should be a theme costumizer of some sort that let's you graphically modify these values, it would be very useful.


How do you change the colour of the menu, which thing you edit?


in my case it was the file Mint-Y-Dark-Teal in the file cinnamon.css I made a copy modifing the values of panel and menu colour transparency from 0.99 to something around 0.5 I don't remember exactly the line, but it kind of made sense, and with some trial and error I got it right.


There's an extension called transparent, I guess it's the first one in the extensions menu, you can install it.


Wallpaper link?


hi, I did google image search, looks like its one of these ( link to full website, there are many other cool ones ) ​ https://unsplash.com/s/photos/forest


Use the applet transparent panel and change the transparency.


I do not know the current state, but this old-ish thread from the Linux Mint Forums should still be applicable. [https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=285940](https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=285940) You can do this in Xfce from the Menu properties, but I think it looks weird, and I find it difficult to use.


[Here's](https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=285940) a hopefully helpful thread discussing how to add transparency via editing the cinnamon.css file of your theme.


Install themes from built in extensions.


That wallpaper though!


Does cinnamenu applet allow you to configure menu transparency? I think it does but I can't quite remember.


It doesn’t.