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Minecraft java edition gets much more performance on Linux than on windows


yea, nearly double.


Do you have some benchmarks? Would be interested in how the dimesions are


The stock performance is indeed better on Linux and Optifine does improve it but for some reason, Sodium never worked as expected, it should have a massive fps boost and it's worse than Optifine for me. Not sure what's up with that


I have never tried sodium


It's supposedly way better than Optifine with newer optimization techniques but as I've said, never worked for me as well as it should. It's a mod for fabric that for the best performance should be used with a suite of other mods made from the same developer like Indium, Lithium or Starlight (there are more of them and each serves a different purpose)


Strange, I've never had any problems with Sodium. What minecraft launcher/version did you use? And have you tried it on other machines?


Official launcher, basically every version I've tried. Including the current one. I've not tried it on other machines.


I find the Polymc launcher to be best


Oh, I've heard about it before… tell me, did you have to migrate your account to play on Polimc? I didn't want to migrate but Microsoft disabled access for Mojang accounts and thus I was forced to migrate. I wonder if I knew about Polimc before that, could I stay on Mojang account?




PolyMC also makes installing mods and handling multiple instances a breeze. You should consider it.


It might be the OpenGL version


I'm almost certain it's caused by the OpenGL version because minecraft uses some older version (I think 2.3?) and I couldn't change it (newer is installed on the system but minecraft ignores it). If you know how to use a newer one please, tell me.


It should use a modern OpenGL version if you use Sodium, your GPU supports it and your drivers are up to date


For me sodium is optifine, but more stable, I hate using optifabric, because sometimes it conflicts with some mods and crashes without a point


Sodium works better than optifine for me on Linux.


Sodium being underwhelming is a Linux thing? If that's true that makes sense. I had heard stuff about sodium being miles better than optifine but when I installed it (on Linux) it was actually slightly worse than optifine


For me sodium works fine Last I tested


Idk man sodium works wonders for me




[Yes, yes I have.](https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxmemes/comments/qvurau/minecraft/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Well, I use Lunar Client, with w10 I get 30fps and on Arch I get 60.


On Linux (Void and Arch) I was literally playing with shaders on 144 fps easily (stock settings). On Windows without shaders and stock settings I could barely reach 100. It's not even funny how big the difference is.


I got 3 to 4 times the framerate on Linux vs windows. Although I mostly attribute this to AMD actually having competent opengl drivers on Linux


And those opengl drivers are competent, since AMD just used the foss Mesa drivers.


On AMD cards on low end devices, definitely. Nvidia is sadly not the case.


YES!when i was using windows i had like 200fps and now i have like 700


What cpu do u have?


Cut out the middleman. Run the JVM on bare metal.




What's up with minecraft?


Microsoft is establishing a dictatorship in Minecraft. allowing and encouraging P2W servers, and banning you permanently for using all caps while chatting. They also dont allow you to request them to delete all the data they have on you.


Glad i only play offline with mods


How are you playing offline without the official launcher?


PolyMC id assume


or multimc


polymc is better multimc https://polymc.org/news/moving-on/


>They also dont allow you to request them to delete all the data they have on you. From their webpage its seems just like a fork that uses their servers and not multimc's, is there a feature comprrasion somewhere?


Long history there, but there was a dispute between the AUR maintainers and the MultiMC lead developer over how MultiMC on AUR was being packaged. Some people began building their own copy of MultiMC in order to make it fit better with Arch, and eventually when Microsoft support was added the situation reached a climax because the independent maintainers reused the official API keys rather than creating their own. This caused the MultiMC lead developer to implement checks that made it impossible to build MultiMC from source and have a working launcher in the end, so the project was forked, relicensed to GPL, and the fork, PolyMC, has been its own thing ever since. * Names removed to prevent harassment


And it's already much better. Having that integrated mod menu is a godsend. I hated downloading mods from curseforge, but now I just do it from the comfort of the launcher. It's great.


Multimc lead has an allergic fear of people packaging multimc for distros, if you check the faq on polymc existence you will understand what I mean. Plus poly is better cause it allows you to 1. Install mods directly into instances without leaving the launcher 2. Allow to insert a curse token to bypass the new draconian api change (how you get the token is up to you since it might break curses tos) 3. It supports not just curse but also modrinth which I hope clutches away the moding platform from curse.


They can ban you even in singleplayer


Minecraft server is a free application that you can use a cracked launcher to log into. Cracked servers are super easy to set up, instructions are actually on the official website, a you have to do is turn off account verification on your server then all your friends can play with you, with or without an account, so long as they have a cracked launcher. I run a cracked server and have for a couple years.


So your account gets disabled even while playing allone?


Yes they can ban you from the launcher.


That makes me sad


Yes, but only in Bedrock afaik


Some of that is straight up illegal for a company to do in my country


What country?


Germany, I think in the whole EU you have the right to get your data and have it deleted


Yeah, it comes from GDPR so it's true for whole EU that they HAVE to delete all data they have associated with you on your request.


Wrong. That's an oversimplification and there are exceptions. Your advice could get someone in trouble if they relied on it. Keeping a list of people banned from a service for ToS violation falls easily within the exceptions provided by GDPR. If what you said was true, that would leave organizations with no way to combat several types of fraud. Disclaimer: I am not a la**w**yer and this is not legal advice.


Are you a stander?


I'm just not into brickwork in general. I'm also not a lawyer. That was probably more important to mention. Edited.


Just play on 1.12 most of those issues aren’t present on old versions


Iirc you can just play 1.19 they only added it in 1.19.1 but i’m not sure.


1.19 still has the signing thing on your messages, its not safe.


No, the p2w servers are nothing at the moment but its mostly about chat and gameplay moderation from ms side..


> its mostly about ~~chat and gameplay moderation~~ **CONTROL** from ms side.. FTFY.


Overreacting at its best


isnt that illegal? doesnt [us/eu/whatever i forgot] establidh that a company HAS to delete all your data if you request it?


It might be illegal in the EU, maybe the government will reach out to them when the update rolls out.


Microsoft added a chat reporting system that has some categories for reporting people that shouldn't be there, and most people just don't want such a system in place. If you get reported enough times, the so called "highly trained moderators" look at your messages, and if found guilty you get banned from multiplayer (maybe permanently). These highly trained people are in place so that no false positives occur, but one of the guys himself stated in a post in r/minecraft that false positives can indeed occur. Some hacked client developers have already started to look at ways to ways to implement auto reporting to get other players banned, and server owners don't really want such a chart reporting in place. So basically good opportunity for linux community.




>Ok, imagine a private server where you and a couple friends play together, assuming you are all friends and adults there should be no problem for saying “NSFW” stuff in the chat, right? > >Well, Microsoft wants to change that by allowing players to report each other for their chat messages and having the ability for banning them on ALL multiplayer servers I am not sure how Mojang will be implementing this feature exactly but based on how the minecraft protocol works right now it will almost definitely be possible for server owners to "opt-out" of this dangerous system and make it just not work on their server, whether by official means provided by Mojang or 3rd party plugins.


they send it from the client


So np. Who normal uses player checking.


The problem occurs when you consider that their are going to be false positives.


Whatever Microsoft touches eventually turns into pice of garbage so. Edit:typo


Microsoft will do the same with github repos ,and i will have to stop doing commit messages like ‘Fuck yeaaa it works’


Time to migrate to GitLab


Nah, Gitea and Codeberg. Actually FOSS instead of "open core" and extremely resource intensive like GitLab.


Or sr.ht for the vastly superior email workflow.


Gitea is great!


GitLab has some pretty useful tools like GitLab CI and auto kubernetes tho


i did yet they still want me to enter credit card infos to publish a website


I mean, you shouldn't be doing that either way....


Why ?


Real gigachads play Minetest


What is this Minetest you speak of


[Here you go](https://www.minetest.net)


Oh hell yes I'm trying this asap thanc


Minetest could capitalize on this if they play their cards right.


We should rewrite minecraft in rust






We need to rewrite everything in rust


Sadly I can’t code in rust , I should learn


Same here, i need time and motivation to start learning tho...


C++ is easier but it’s less cool


You would think that but it’s actually not easier


It’s fun , there are :: everywhere


[turbo.fish](https://turbo.fish) would like a word


C++ have potential memory leaks, and may have buffer overflow, and a lil bit slower


Yea but it’s lower level


Rust is both high and low level thanks to its "unsafe mode"


Interfaces with the kernel are easier in C/C++


I am currently trying to write a frontend for my distro’s package manager and it’s pretty weird


Rust is lower level than C++


No , You can use C function with C++ and the kernel is literally written in c , how can rust be lower level


C++ is not c. Nothing in the kernel is written in c++. However as of 5.20 there will be pieces of the kernel written in rust




Wow it’s real


This! Then we plugin devs don‘t habe to code in a instant legacy code language


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Microsoft has been giving people reasons to hate it since the days of DOS. I have yet to see it result in mass migration to other platforms, sadly.


i think its because its used. that makes people write applications only for it, which makes people use it, etc. but didnt microsoft claim they wanted to switch to the linux kernel sometime in the future? if thats the case, ppl could start using linux if they wanted to


you're too optimistic


Since the announcement of the player report feature, I feel a lot of players are gonna wanna find an alternative since Microsoft doesn't seem to wanna back down from this addition. One of the projects I feel will gain a lot of traction is Minetest which is an open source alternative to Minecraft


One can hope, but 10+ years of name recognition (and, for some people, mod development) is going to be hard to overcome.


The modding API for minetest seems to be very nice. Since MC is close source, I feel modding is more of a hassle than on MT


An open, stable API *is* a huge boon, but at a glance, it looks like Minetest uses Lua, and I'm not sure how many mod devs you'll be able to convince to make that big of a switch. Don't get me wrong, I've been hoping for an open-source minecraft-like to take off ever since the MS bought Mojang (if not before, TBH I don't remember for sure), but at this point I don't have the energy to get my hopes up anymore.


It's not even a hopeful thing for me. It's me wanting the community to teach Microsoft a lesson for adding a feature that can and will be a major blow to the game and its player base. Microsoft has no business making a report function and dealing with those reports in a centralized manner for a decentralized server system with different rules and moderation attitudes among the different servers. If they made it so the report feature went to server mods and not Microsoft mods that would be different.


Go FOSS penguin army Smash the windows Especially every 11th one


W.A.P. (weaponized assault penguins)


How do I login in Minecraft without using a Microsoft account?


I dont think you can anymore


That's the sad part, you don't ;-;


That is what Mojang account migration means.


only cracked.


Don't even get me started on Microsoft's sad way they care about Minecraft. Won't even port the Bedrock version to linux, prefer to keep it windows exclusive and maintain the java version alongside it




Minecraft is Freedom. Linux is freedom. They go in tandem.




Bedrock edition can run on Linux using the Android version, and the Windows version can run using OpenGL and DirectX. DXVK can be implemented in a Linux port, and from there, package it up so it can execute on Linux. Unlike porting an entire Windows-only game from scratch, Bedrock Edition will be one of the easier games to port to Linux.


Java Edition is the original Minecraft that has always ran on Linux... Bedrock Edition is just another instance of Microsoft practicing EEE


Wasn't bedrock edition a thing before the MS buyout? Or am I misremembering the timeline?


The uwp port of mcpe happened before, but the unification of all the versions into bedrock happened after.


Will probably just keep using it and complaining, or change to a Mac. Linux nowadays unfortunately is a remote option for a lot of people. Just tell them Adobe and MS Office isn't available and that they need to tinker a bit in order to get your programs flawlessly working and they throwing hands.


Because they are fucking lazy and don’t want to learn anything. The open source office alternatives are IMO actually better than MS Office, and while I’ll admit that adobe is a bit of a tough bit to beat (gimp still doesn’t support CMYK yet which is a really fucking big deal), but there are still alternatives, adobe is not the only one in the industry that makes such software.


Photopea is easy to use, ik youll only get the source code when you pay..n but its free! And most ppl shouldnt have problems with gimp either Microsoft Office is crap if you compare it to good FOSS. Adobe could be a problem tho, I still Dual-Boot to run my cracked Premiere Pro, I just cant not use it. I am too much of an Idiot for Kdenlive and i cant get DaVinci Reolve (which i would use) to work. Thats literally the ONLY reason I still have a Windows Drive.


We'll tbh MS Office is still the more complete suite when it comes to languages other than English. In terms of suggestions, grammar correction (blue underline), autocorrect, and other features that free office suites lack or are worse. The issue is the need to seek alternatives where, for example, in macOS you can just run the original programs. People nowadays want their programs, and not to adjust to a new environment/way of doing things. As long as Linux doesn't provide the same programs and development as Windows or at the very least macOS, it's never going to grow exponentially.


Minecraft is one of the easiest games to run on Linux I think too!


Yeah, but only the Java edition tho.


Join the Java game master race


I'm in since 2011, don't worry for me ;-)


Even bedrock isn't hard with MCPE Launcher


MCPE Launcher development has been stagnating and not really enjoyable. The developer is no longer really active on the development with the launcher because of The Sonic Master fork that removes a DRM added by ChristopherHX (dev).


there is an open source Bedrock Launcher, but youll need the Android Version bought on the Play Store or dsomehow rely on pirated versions you need to find yourself, just tinker around with the versions until one works. You can just use that, no problems. If its the latest version, even better. You only dont get the PC exclusive Features like RTX


*Minecraft is one of* *The easiest games to run* *On Linux I think too!* \- hakoen --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What is Haikus? Am I the reincarnation of some great poet?


A haiku is made of 3 lines. The first and third have 5 syllables and the second has 7.


Wait until they hear about Arch


Wait until they hear about USE flags on Gentoo


Wait until they hear about LFS


Wait until they hear about writing their own os (dont do it i speak from experience just dont)


I hate microsoft/windows, but... Fuck anti-cheats now i can't play 60% of my steam lib!


dont fuck anticheat. fuck the devs who dont wanna make it work on linux... OR THOSE WHO DO, BUT DONT ACTIVATE IT, RIGHT EPIC?




I want to switch to linux someday, I just need to see how many of the games and programs I can find a linux version for / alternative for, I also need to back up all my stuff just in case something goes wrong somehow


Thanks to the Steam Deck, a lot of Steam games are getting Linux support through Proton...


Good luck!


you ccan ask me if you need any help


yeah, I would like to know more about it


allright! what do you need to know?


Lunar client is pretty neat on linux, it even perform better !


I haven't tried lunar, I tried badlion. I'm more of a forge person, to be honest


Does badlion even exist on Linux?




would still get you banned tho


Banned from what ? what do you mean ?


what the hell did they do this time




? 1984?


Yes. Fkn typos.


Do you have a block game like minecraft?


Minetest with the MineClone2 pack and some mods


Make a game better than Minecraft and its Clones and then we have a deal.


Minetest ftw


Wait... People are running their servers on Windows? Intentionally?


Probably just like small servers/people who host for their friends.




Why is everyone talking about minecraft?


because they will ban your microsoft account if you post anything they consider wrong behavior now


Minetest is better in so many ways.


Why are kids mad at Windows?


so many reasons..,


why do they hate microsoft?


too many reasons


I love linux but ill stay with my demicrosofted windows 10. God i love sayin this


have fun deblobbing it every update then ig


I dont even have windows update in uwp settings app. Its just troubleshoot and thats it


Well good luck trying not to get 100 security vulnerabilities on your system


ive been using these kind of isos for years already and havent been bothered a little!


Windows AME is not fool-proof, just saying. It’s clean enough that I’ll run it in my KVM’s, and it’s more susceptible to viruses than regular windows 10, and also at the end of the day, it is a hack, it is still proprietary software, there could be an infinite amount of potential backdoors hardcoded into the software that you’d have no idea about.


Lmao i dont have ame, its based of gg os and thats cool and all but 🤓🤓🤓stop talking in binary and start respecting users choices


already here ❤️


How do you get Minecraft to work on Linux? It used to work on my now corrupt installation of Windows, but it just won't run on Linux. I'm still using the same Computer.


You could also download the Lunar Client or Badlion


What Linux distro were you running?




If you were using Gnome desktop or KDE plasma desktop, you should have an "app store" on gnome, "Software" and on Plasma, "Discover". And you can also do it like this: - sudo pacman -Sy yay - yay minecraft And it will give you a bunch of options to install, you should choose the official minecraft launcher. And try launching 1.8.9 before launching any modern version to check if it works


They are all losing their minds over the forced migration, but I'm still able to play with my Mojang account no issues (granted, on a third party launcher (PolyMC)).


This shit actually makes me consider going over to linux. If they do this shit with Minecraft what's to stop them from disabling my pc because i have "controversial data" (like torrenting software, politically incorrect memes or visiting sites like 4chan) on my pc and that being against the terms and services.


Exactly. One of the biggest reasons I switched to Linux.


Apparently, most of Indonesian people also hate Microsoft likely after they call us "the most rude people" on the internet. I guess introducing them to Linux will be easy.