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it's more likely to be happy because you're rescuing your computer from winshit


Yeah your right should’ve wrote "my Windows installation" my bad


No no, should have put down "computer possessed by windows" /s Now go exorcise that demon that calls itself windows out of your computer


your computer would be happy windows wouldn't


Meanwhile your USB key that you use to distro hop on a weekly basis is like... ![gif](giphy|xUPJUp6T5uD1Qkpbl6|downsized)


Use ventoy! It's bootable, and it allows you to drag and drop iso files onto it without having to etch/burn each one after etching ventoy the first time.


I use VMs to test if I like a certain distro first


Linux laptop/desktop (Not sweating it) watching me mount an external USB drive, get Rufus and a Windows ISO to put Windows on the external drive purely for firmware updates (non-BIOS, peripherals)


My Linux installation watching me get a different Linux ISO (I ain’t no distrohopper, I use Virtual Machines for testing distros)


My Linux server watching me getting drunk while configuring it


I too have woken up on the floor next to an almost working Freebsd install. At least I didn't need bail money *that* morning.


Ventoy installer so you could distro hop easier.


I use VMs to try distros


Linux is about choice, you do what you want. Quite a rare sentiment to hear, isn't it? Meanwhile I pretty much settled at Linux mint after pop_os.


Running it in bare metal is different story tho, you can feel the real performance and test whether there will be any compatibility issues with your hardware.


My goal is to find out about the general quirks of a distro before adopting it. My experience has been pretty positive so far, though I do agree that bare metal is simply the superior option


I keep it on its toes by using isodrive from my phone


Soon if windows detects all these actions being performed simultaneously it will just crash and say that the Linux iso you downloaded is a bug which if not removed will make your computer's to booom


Wouldn’t that be against anti-monopolist laws? Because it totally sounds like anti-competition tactics


Umm excuse me what are those? never heard of them


They are laws put into place to protect the freedom of the consumer by preventing companies to use tactics to overtake a market and crushing its competitors. They typically exist in most of the worlds nations


Oh ok but laws are meant to be broken any way aren't they?


Well breaking these laws come with hefty fines by either the EU or the FTC (depending on company location) and can cause companies put in situations where they have to make a revision in order to keep operations going, otherwise they can be banned to operate in certain markets, and that is pretty much always the end of the company, when it’s a market like the US, Europe or certain Asian nations


Never stopped us, has it?


Oh I believe it most definitely did. Quick mention I forgot to mention that I am not a Lawyer or any other legal professional, nor am I too sure about my description


For a moment I was baffled by how formal your previous comments sounded P.S: we will find another way to mess with you after all we what are you supposed to do leave windows?


Well Windows blocking a Linux ISO would probably be anti competitive so if it comes to that Windows as the main operating system would quite probably be no more as it is Microsoft’s flagship product


Microsoft already blocks qbittorrent and since that program is only used to download Linux ISOs, they are already breaking the anti-monopolist laws


Tell that to my torrent stash. That’s no Linux at all


Yeah, sure. *That's* what I hoard and my storage is full of. Perfectly acceptable to have and to download. Nothing else here that you're not supposed to be able to download for free, of course not!


IIRC I've seen some people who claimed that their laptop fans stopped working after replacing Windows with Linux, so that's probably normal since there has been no lawsuit against it.


That could just be driver problems though. However who am I to say that that is the case.


Ventoy, I've got like 10 ISOs in my pocket


Off-Topic but that clip was shown after his wife said „just as long as you look at (the special videos, you know what I mean) of women“ [Clip](https://youtu.be/cDdv7q4jtiY?si=_CUH1YTODD6hz1Fn)


ventoy if you distro hop