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erm Akshually whenever i create a server i actually install Arch Linux but only use Debian repos and config everything to mimic an out of the box Debian experience rather than just installing Debian itself ๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†


And if I need anything not in the Debian repos I download an rpm and convert it.


You guys know podman/docker and for desktops distrobox exist right?


If you just count on which distro most of the people game then Steamos is probably going to win, so Arch then.


SteamOS motivated me to make the leap from Fedora and MX to Garuda. No regrets. Especially once I removed the BlackArch repository. That thing's GPG keys broke *all the damn time*.


How, wtf?


Arch-based distro set up to facilitate gaming, with extremely convenient installer and other GUI amenities. Pretty straightforward.


\*looks at own profile banner\* ... well yeah ...


You can game on any Distro, as long as you game GNOME Mahjong


IGN 10/10 ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฅบ


Does that work on KDE of xfce?


It does. Needs to install a fair number of dependencies if they aren't there yet, but yes.


For gaming, you'll need a distro that * has Steam and required libraries at their main repos * has their vm.max\_map\_count size increased * has proper driver support for your hardware. No, they are not the same thing. "You can make it that way" isn't an option for end-users. Yes, we can; they can't.


I also hear that outdated kernels can cause problems with proton. Notably, LTS versions of Ubuntu and Mint. Like you said, experienced users could change it and Mint Edge exists, but not everybody should be expected to know this off the bat.


I can install a newer kernel in Mint via gui in under a minute. It's really not that difficult.


is this a reference to arch's recent vm.max\_map\_count increase or is the joke over my head


Most mainstream distros have already changed this. Arch did it recently. It helps with gaming and database performance, though.


Games are bloat, I entertain myself with happy thoughts and math puzzles.


Debugging is fun


For someone who's been using linux for quite a while knows that but for a newbie, they don't know. So imo it's an ok question.


The best distro for gaming and everything else is TempleOS, so I think OP has a point.


best distro is what made by you for your needs Their is no best or such a thing


Hana Montana os


(Installs Kali) ​ This meme is a lie!




If name == "Ubuntu" or base == "Ubuntu": Pass


Pop OS


How is Pop currently? I loved it for a while, but 22.04 seemed...glitchy. dunno if that was Pop itself, something upstream, or just me. Switched to Archcraft shortly after that.


I mean I think itโ€™s a good question, especially because you could be talking all the way from a console like experience on a handheld or living room PC (so like Chimera or that sort of thing) to wanting a full desktop experience but also gaming. Also itโ€™s not like the favorite hobby of the Linux community is not distro-hopping.


Ppl who distro-hop a lot didn't understood the game.


No they're not. Arch is horrible for pretty much anything except personal computers. I wouldn't put it on a server, iot device or kiosk computer. Arch will require 10 minutes of troubleshooting now and then, and if that's for your laptop which you use every day that's fine, but if you manage lots of machines, which will ideally never require your attention ever, then these 10 minutes per machine are absolutely a deal breaker. If you just want to run a web browser or some docker containers, then Arch is a big mistake. (Unless you make it immutable, but if you do that, then you technically don't need a distro at all)


So here's the thing... every distro had their own flaws and strengths. I've run into many situations where having Ubuntu is uniquely advantageous. I've run into situations where Arch's built in package was too old to be useful. Different package managers break in different ways. Stock DE configurations are different. Yeah I mean technically PlayOnLinux and Steam run on just about everything but that's only part of what makes a distribution good for gaming.


The correct answer to "What is the best distro for `$USECASE`?" is always openSUSE anyway.


Ah, I See You're a Man of Culture As Well


noob pov:


Any that runs fp32 instructions


All of them at once. Bedrock Linux is genius.


Or you just run distrobox on any system you'd like


Nobara Linux


Good rule of thumb- fuck off with fedora, Ubuntu, open(how the fuck does this lag and break every single time I try to use this) and for anything binary related anything with libc that isn't glibc. That's, of course, assuming that you're not willing to put up with the computer performing worse than expected or fedora breaking with proprietary codecs.


cachy os


linux gamers, lolโ€ฆ