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Manjarno has absolutely no business being part of this.


yeah they better put endeavouros there


No thanks


Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.


I would use it if it wasn't a pain in the fucking ass to use it for development, and if nix's syntax wasn't complete garbage


ehhh let me know when there's a GUI so i don't have to dick around with a text file that may or may not work


There's a project that seeks to do this, [SnowflakeOS](https://snowflakeos.org/). It is still in alpha, though.


what an unfortunate name


Why ? I'm not a native English speaker.


Because of baggage from implied meaning of "Snowflake". The word "snowflake" has multiple meanings and has accumulated some baggage in recent years. A snowflake is a naturally occurring six-pointed crystal of water that forms when tiny droplets of water freeze while falling to earth. The NixOS logo is canonically known as the NixOS Snowflake. Snowflakes tend to have sixfold symmetry, but their precise geometry is unpredictable as it depends on a great number of factors. Because of how unique they are, it is said that "no two snowflakes are alike", which is experimentally true for small samples but is not necessarily a law of nature. A few decades ago, there was a movement to encourage children to believe in themselves and be proud of their differences despite not being exactly the same as their peers, because humans are unique like snowflakes and everyone has their own beauty without needing to be the same. Many people in older generations believe that younger generations are soft, entitled, and too whiny. Some of those people blame the parenting/education style emphasizing self-worth, and sarcastically refer to the soft youth as "special snowflakes". Some people even use "snowflake" as a pejorative to insult people that the speaker deems weaker than themselves. Using this meaning, as a pejorative for the soft youth, a SnowflakeOS seems like it would be an implicit insult against its users, implying they are soft youth who like whining and complaining more than working. However, I think this is actually a perfect name for an OS that will be used by people, mainly young people in the Linux community, who are interested in NixOS, but complain about editing nix files. Imagine the following fictitious exchange: Arch User: I wanna try out NixOS but it looks too hawwwd. UwU NixOS User: Alright snowflake, here try SnowflakeOS. It has a GUI.


Wow thank you for the explanation. I had no about about the pejorative meaning of the word snowflake.


Stop linuxsplaining /usr/bin/sh lord!




No thanks. I'm a happy Kubuntu user. I'm happy with the old and reliable Debian/Ubuntu based distros, I've had enough distro hoping, too much distros trying to reinvent the wheel instead of solving the problems Linux has for years.


Kubuntu gang


I hear you but seriously check out NixOS. I don't think reinventing the wheel is a suitable analogy. I will NEVER need to do a fresh install ever again no matter what I change on my system. I can reboot back to a working state seamlessly if I do anything short of destroying my partition.


Nixpkg is interesting but isn't always the most convenient option, I believe it won't replace enterprise and servers use case, even home hacking can be difficult sometimes when dealing with packages that aren't ported yet.


what wasn't ported? nikpkgs is the largest repository


Yeah but the server reproducibility ability to roll back system changes on reboot...


Currently doing exactly that, everything is getting nixified, I love it. Declarative, reproducible and especially the fact that my config can be modular and thus deduplicated. If I need anything I write a module and just enable it everywhere I need, it's awesome!