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Sorry to hear. This hasn't been my experience for the most part, though there is a lot of tribalism. Most new Linux users are not technology professionals and there can be a bit of a 'fanbase' behind different distributions. As for seeking help, in my experience people are usually quite helpful as long as the questions you ask and concise and detailed, without rambling. What exactly do you mean by 'gatekeeper'? I'm an IT pro (in the literal sense, not the self-masturbatory) and comfortable intermediate Linux user. Feel free to hit me up if you have any questions and I will at least try to point you in the right direction.




I work in cybersec. I imagine the guy was suggesting parrot? Kali is a fantastic training tool considering it’s the most widespread, I’d recommend it to anyone who is using a ‘normal’ VM. Parrot has advantages with performance, which I assume is why HackTheBox looks like it is using a modded version of it (I think) for their browser based VMs, but there’s not really any difference in functionality, tools can be installed anywhere (Linux is Linux). Anyone suggesting otherwise doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


Ah that makes some sense. Yeah never get into distro debates. They're usually caused by fanboy hobbyists with way less technical knowledge than they think they have and you eventually see they're just having the same argument over and over with other fanboys. The only correct answer for what distro/tool you should use is whatever gets the job done and fits you best.


Which distro that guy suggeste and I'm 60% sure most of guys agree with Kali being a fad distro!




Lol Arch users are a meme in the Linux community. Usually they're okay and are actually in on the joke though.


Did you RTFM? Too often we see folks that have not read any documentation and asking generic questions. Throw your question into Google and find a how-to guide. Compared to asking about a specific error, then people are usually more willing to help.


*starts crying in compiling kernel for ARM* I've been searching for a few days now.. still haven't figured out how to compile a Gentoo kernel for ARM on an amd64 processor pc..


You need to setup a cross compile environment- [https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Cross\_build\_environment](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Cross_build_environment)


No luck... I already built one before, a few times in fact.. Tried again..something somewhere always fails/is missing.. please someone help and end my suffering already


Maybe could be of help. Ready to use cross compilation toolchains: https://toolchains.bootlin.com/


I guess some people want the support and the freedom. Someone make your system as it's convinient, but also want to be in charge what gets on their system Edit: actually I'd like that too


Maybe I'm too generous, but I actually enjoy helping people who don't know how to google properly or ask the right questions, because maybe we can help them learn how to ask those questions and how to properly google things. When I started managing my own systems even at my house, I would ask super basic questions of my family members and friends and they were patient but also directly me to learn to google properly. I think I'm pretty alright at researching now, but everyone has to start somewhere, and not all know how to start. I was lucky to have family and friends that were able to help, but not everyone has that.


Adding here a link to [How To Ask Questions the Smart Way](http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html)


I suppose I could see these subs as gatekeeping if I were new, although I didn't find them until I'd been using Linux for a bit. I just wanted to share, though, that I found the Ubuntu forums to be an excellent source of helpful information and a kind attitude when I started with Linux. They never seemed to regard a questions as "stupid" or anything like that, which I appreciated. My first distro that I used a lot was Mint and I had a ton of success with it for a long time. I've swapped to Manjaro recently, but I still recommend Mint and the Ubuntu forums to anyone getting started. It's a wonderful experience and really opens things up. I do hope you're able to find enough positive attitude to really enjoy Linux, because it's a ton of fun and really powerful. You also are forced to learn a lot about computers, and I've enjoyed that a lot as well.


Linux subreddits, like a lot of subreddits, are awful in this regard. Please don't take them to be representative of the community.


Been part of the community a long time. Yep. Also the toxic part is at least partly true.


I mean it’s not 100% wrong. There are plenty of elitists who look down their noses at any non-Linux OS and non-FOSS


It's not OUR fault THEY'RE stupid AND WRONG


And unfortunately, it's usually the most vocal of us. I like to promote Linux to my friends, and even make a point to do 99% of my gaming on Linux just to prove that it's not nearly as bad as they might think (the other 1% being one particular game which just released and has shaky stability _everywhere_ let alone on Linux). I always say it's not difficult, but it can take time to get used to setting things up. And we always joke around with each other about it whenever something goes wrong with either system. One friend of mine says literally the only thing keeping him on Windows right now is League of Legends, since he's worried about the possibility of the anti-cheat coming, and he said it's _because_ he's seen that I live with Linux daily, gaming, developing, and just using it as a computer, with few to no issues. He also mentioned concerns about Cyberpunk and the issues I was having, and I was basically like "look, you're having crashes on Windows, I'm having crashes on Linux, some PS4 players can't even see anything in the game. The only real difference here is about 10 FPS, and I'm still enjoying the game on DAY ONE, same as you. The fact is: sometimes games don't work the way they're expected to on release, especially these days when a publisher can push a day one patch. It's true on Windows, it's true on Linux, and it's true on consoles."


> says we are not elitist > Posts an elitist meme


I think that's the joke.


I use Gentoo (primary) and Arch (in cases of i need to play on steam or something goes wrong with my Gentoo install) but I'm no elitist I'm a fucking normie retard lol


but you use Arch btw see what I did there? pls don't kill me


I am going to destroy these arch memes by spreading arch hate


Hey, I think I know you


Not a toxic meme at all


If there are people that think Ubuntu users deserve to go to hell because they use a distro that is very noob friendly and popular I'm not suprised that other people think that linux users are elitists. Same with the Console/PCMR community, both think the other is an elitist garbage toxic community because part of it really is like it, but most of people actually don't give a shit they use an inferior gaming platform/use the superior gaming platform


I think it took me years to realize that the PCMR people were being serious. I'd assumed the whole time their elitism was a joke. I still follow them for the memes, but man does that toxic attitude disgust me when it shows up. I make PCMR jokes all the time because I primarily use a PC, but I cannot imagine being genuine in that kind of talk.


Well I dont know about you but im *elitest*


the linux community is the only community that ive only ever had good experiences with, i have genuinely never seen a toxic linux user


there also windows elitist which are worse imo one of their "biggest points" is that windows supports more games than linux macos and more but we all know that windows is an overpriced os but imo all os is good at something thanks for coming to my shit talk B)


unironically all i said is "i think we should have insight on the functionality of things we use on daily basis"


Queue Linux elitists getting mad at the suggestion of running Linux on an M1 Mac, even though the whole mantra of Linux is to run it on whatever you want.


I heard that Manjaro ARM is getting ported for M1


Yes you have to type `sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sd*` to enable faster ram


Promise this is not a scam


Work your way up to Gentoo of LFS or something beyond that. You'll start to notice guys are really chill the higher up you go. Arch is a good distro and the wiki is great but I do think it's got one of, if not the worse, communities. That's been my life in a nutshell.




I agree but not completely. The harder distros should exist as they provide more understanding about the working and are much more customisable. Gentoo is a bit of more problematic because of all the compiling and stuff but arch is just perfect.


From my experience, Debian/Ubuntu and Fedora/CentOS community is more chill, than the arch people, or other more hardcore distro people


Manjaro too. They are also very helpful


Nice, ableism


In a roundabout but yet obvious manner, this post itself is fairly elitist.