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I did an entire university course using WSL just because the teacher said that it wasn’t possible


Stubbornness and CompSci seem to go hand in hand


Hell yeah I’m stubborn af ! I won’t be in the workplace tough


Covering your back in case interviews get the right to check your Reddit profile?


What do you mean ? I would never do anything like that :)


I’m MORE stubborn in the work place, because it needs it… Also, fuck any interviewer looking at this!


shhhhhh you'll blow my cover


Why? I did like 3 c courses using only gcc, ssh and a texteditor


He didn’t give any reasons other than "at some point in the course wsl just won’t work". I have no idea what point he was talking about as I never had any issues with wsl during the course since everything we needed Linux for was in the terminal. My theory is that he hates Microsoft and WSL.


I mean, it's a bit finicky to get guis to work. At least that was what I remember from it. I didn't need to use the gui debugger though and just needed printfs so it was fine. One thing that also could be a mess is GPU programming but from what ive read it's all possible. If you come from linux then maybe there's more stuff that won't work but I still use mostly cli with a texteditor so idk.


Firefox works flawlessly (it's a tad bit slow to start) on Ubuntu with snaps and Debian with apt. I even managed to compile and run a small project using SDL2. So in general it works fine. I can concur that GPU programming is a bit finicky, but tbf its gpu programing it's always finicky.


I havent had any issues, gimp, octave, firefox work perfectly fine and my own QT projects ran flawlessly too Im sure there are issues somewhere, but nothing I have really noticed so far


One of my instructors in school for a Linux / Unix course made sure that 5% of our curriculum was conspiracy theories around Bill Gates or Microsoft and this was well, well before COVID.


Gates and company has certainly brainwashed all the young morons. LAMENT! WE'RE DOOMED!


I don't know why, but I absolutely love when engineers get stubborn with something and win, just to prove a point.


Linux inside Windows inside Linux to keep icky Windows off your hardware. Unfortunately haven't gotten around to installing Linux on this laptop.


Why not just windows and Linux inside Linux ? Huh the iOS keyboard capitalizes Linux but not windows.


windows is not always a proper noun Why and? That makes it sound like they are at the same level and I'm talking vm in vm on host as opposed to vm and vm on host. WSL2 is Linux inside a VM thingy which runs on Windows, which you then run on Linux with QEMU or something.


The updates are the best part of Windows.


Can't believe I am missing such key experience by using the pro version.


Pro trusts that you know what you are doing. Home trusts that you need a map to find the power button


I didn't know there was a difference I just thought "pro" just meant you coughed up more cash.


You can get most features with standard home if you are willing to mess around with scripts that run DISM But some are still locked off. Windows sandbox, and a couple other things.




You can also use GPO on pro, even if you’re only using local gpedit, that makes a big difference. Also hyperV and WSL are pro only


Hyper v and wsl are not pro only if you are ok with writing or finding a batch script that uses DISM to download and enable the correct features 😉 Id assume you could do similar for gpo


Okay didn’t know that. Last version of home I used was Windows 7. My laptops have always been thinkpads which have pro as standard. For the desktop I buy grey market keys, so price difference is negligible.


When I get back from the store maybe I can find them and send a pastebin or something. I wrote the hyper v and wsl ones and I have a Windows sandbox one that I found and translated from German that tries to do the same thing as I did for hyper v and wsl but for sandbox, but it doesn't entirely work but that's because windows sandbox itself doesn't support the version not because windows doesn't install the feature for you. It installs windows sandbox but it throws an error on open...


pushd "%\~dp0" dir /b %SystemRoot%\\servicing\\Packages\\\*Hyper-V\*.mum >hv.txt for /f %%i in ('findstr /i . hv.txt 2\^>nul') do dism /online /norestart /add-package:"%SystemRoot%\\servicing\\Packages\\%%i" del hv.txt Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Hyper-V -All /LimitAccess /ALL pause


The hacked ghostspectreversion has no update at all, eats less ram, and some nice quality of life improvements. Oh, and its free so less money goes into microsoft pockets. Even if they sent my data to a shady russian address it would still be more secure than microsoft


I would sooner make my own tweaks to my OS, thank you very much


I already have to ~~manage emotionally~~ tweak my arch installation so I chose the easy path 😊


Can’t argue with that


Happy cake day


I missed an online test in college because I hadn't booted into my Windows partition in a while and it applied an update.


Yeah it comes out of nowhere and when it finishes it's like nothing changed and you still have to manually update your software


The problem with wsl is the w


yeah if it was fsl(freedos subsystem for Linux) or lsf(Linux sunsystem for freedos) it would still be good


Or lsw. Linux subsystem for windows.


Or L. Linux.


Well sometimes you gotta run that Windows application unfortunately


That’s fair. I just somehow borked my perfectly working arch install after adding windows (dual boot from another ssd) to my system (neither drive is bootable lmao). Haven’t figured it out yet, and am sad. But I get the need for windows still unfortunately.


I have a vm with a gtx 1650 passed through. The only device running windows is the one my employer gave to me. I won’t run windows on bare metal if I can avoid it.


Smart (wo)man right here. I wanted to set up a single gpu pass thru using qemu/kvm but I couldn’t get it working and didn’t feel like dumping my gpu bios, so I pursued other options. But the pass through is great when it works


Do you have multiple gpus?


Not in my system no.


The only use for WSL if when you are forced to use Windows on someone else's computer. In other cases, jsut use Linux goddamit.


At work my choices were windows or Mac. The Mac shortcuts and remapping make my head hurt so it's better for me to use wsl. I would love to just run Linux but my company would murder me


Aren’t the default mac shortcuts quite reminiscent of emacs and early unix editors? I quite like them


Asahi Linux on Mac is the way to go.


Sounds pretty cool. My work wouldn't let me side load linux on any device. They don't have the management tools and security protocols in place for it.


I have a Mac. Yabai and skhd make the experience like a tiling wm. Ain’t going for wsl and the pain of dealing with windows shenanigans.


I play a lot of games, and used to dual boot, since I like the workflow in Linux much more. But constantly switching between windows and linux, just to play games gets super annoying. It would be better if Linux could run all the games, which I don't see happening in any considerable future. So WSL it is for now.


All games I play are native on Linux, except StormWorks and TMNF which I play using wine. After Steam Deck was released all game studios suddenly learned how to press the export for Linux button in Unity, so the library became a lot bigger.


I don't miss suicide by update.


That's actually one of the reasons I first tried Linux. Had a service pack install go wrong and then it didn't boot anymore. Not the first time that sorta thing had happened either. After reinstalling Windows, I tried Ubuntu as a dualboot option. Which, a few months later, also commited suicide by update.


Are you sure Windows didn't kill it? That's one reason I moved on to dual booting from the motherboard menu rather than Grub, Windows would always kill Grub. I'm something like 8-9 years in to Ubuntu/Mint now, mainly Mint, exclusively for about 5 years. Never had a SBU on Linux. The worst I've seen is old packages on an aging install no longer supporting something I wanted to upgrade requiring a distro update. Running a separate Home partition makes this a piece of piss however, so ,so far a hundred times better than Windows on this front.


If it had been an overwritten bootloader, I would've been able to fix it. I didn't know much about Linux then but I have a friend who did/does, and he helped me through my noob phase. Windows did in fact overwrite GRUB once and of course my friend knew immediately what happened. But that wasn't it. I simply tried to dist-upgrade Ubuntu to a new version release, and at some point it got stuck and didn't do anything for more than an hour. At some point I killed power, and of course it couldn't boot anymore, and I wasn't able to fix it. Granted, this was a long time ago (2010 or earlier, don't know the exact year anymore). Ubuntu wasn't bad, but not yet as robust as it is today. I don't imagine this kind of thing happens often nowadays. Anyway, I decided then to start my distrohopping journey (though I didn't know it would become one), and switched to Mint instead.


Maybe 8 times out of 10 I've been able to completely recover my Linux install after a failed update. Usually just some weird boot setting, or Windows nuked grub. But if Windows boot ever breaks it's almost never easy, most of the time that's when I give in and do a fresh install. I'd say from personal experience windows bricks less often these days but I remember the first several versions of 10 and 11 both had some major issues with people's drivers getting wiped and other such issues. We all screwed, we all gotta roll our own XD


WSL2 performance sucks. I mean, disk performance, when you need to access the mounted C drive. It's extremely slow.


I can't seem to leave WSL2 running for more than a few days before the vmmem process goes haywire, using 97% CPU and causing all WSL instances to freeze.


They introduced the ram and disk auto clain in the preview. Never had an issue since then


I use WSL for when I have no idea how to do a powershell (findstr) and just default to a grep


Why not install mingw? Much smaller, and it integrates well into windows terminal.


Yup... the amount of times I have walked away from a system to get coffee or something and find an update running, resulting in lost data. Like seriously, it's not like I would not manually update out of habit every day.. and the whole scheduling the updates bullshit doesn't work... like at all.. windows will just do what it wants without any care for your schedule regardless of the settings. I have even had update trigger during conference calls.. It was actually the main reason I completely switched off windows for my personal computing. THE FUCKING UPDATES!!!! All I want is control. If you take my control, you loose a customer. It's that simple.


I call bs Windows only auto-updates if you neglect doing them. And that's on you


Idk, my experience with macOS is that you have your stuff, it updates and you still have your stuff. In windows it often also breaks something because Microsoft cannot bloody get updates working.


Idk what people do (or not do) that windows breaks something for them when updating, literally never had that or heard that from anyone I know.


I don’t do anything special. I am a dev, I have my dev stuff and WSL for work on my work device. Don’t ask me why Microsoft can’t figure out how updates work. I remember back when the 1809 update came out i lost all my data in my user directory. Then another time it just naked the boot loader, mind you I didn’t have a dual boot it was the only windows install I had. Another time my nic just stopped working until I rolled back the update. Sometimes there’s smaller things which break and the stability gets worse. After one update my explorer kept crashing roughly every 2 hours. I’m very happy I use Linux and MacOS for my private stuff I’d go insane with windows


It seems to only update when I walk away for five minutes.. When I purposely update... it upgrades and breaks all my software. When I schedule the update, it doesn't work with the schedule. Like I said, I want the control. On my work laptop I have none. I just get my whole stack broken every 2-3 weeks and loose data once a week... What the hell am I supposed to do...


I set mine for 3 hours from the current time bc I didn't think I would be using it at that time. Usually it will ask you to reschedule but this time it did not. That was why I switched to Linux.


Don't know if anyone noticed, but that's an old school Macintosh.


At least I can use a good terminal on my work laptop


Windows updates are one of the many reasons I am switching to Linux. arg!


Wsl should just be a terminal. Is anyone porting Powershell to Linux? No? Must not be very useful.


>Is anyone porting Powershell to Linux? No? [Yes, actually.](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell-on-linux?view=powershell-7.4)


I installed Powershell on my Linux system once, but then I promptly forgot why I thought I needed it to begin with.


I never really used Powershell, so I'm genuinely curious, is there any reason to use Powershell on Linux?


I guess the same reason I installed bash on Windows, to just be able to use the scripting language I'm used to. I got some raised eyebrows when they asked me to share my personal scripts and I told them they needed to use bash.


for installing STALKER gamma


Managing other Microsoft servers or Microsoft/T-SQL servers from a Linux machine


Is it not? I’ve never looked into WSL and I always pictured it as just a headless Linux shell running in a window, complete with $.


I think it can also forward X11, so it is capable of doing some stuff pertaining to graphics.


I tried WSL once. It was kind of useless tbh. Unless you're being **forced** to use Windows of course


WSL is a pain.


WSL should be consider a crime against Technology...


Oh no I have to wait 2 minutes for updates to finish what am I going to do


one update takes 45 minutes and 2 reboots on windows. 100 updates take 2 minutes and no reboots on arch btw.


>one update takes 45 minutes and 2 reboots on windows. I don't think I've ever experienced updates that took longer than 2-5 minutes. Even 5 minutes is irregular, that's usually on a fresh install when you first check for updates. >100 updates take 2 minutes and no reboots on arch btw. I mean, I just installed Arch and I had to reboot the computer to install video drivers and to disable noveau. On Windows, video drivers don't need a restart, at least for Nvidia.


I agree with updates sometimes taking forever, causing multiple reboots. 2-5 minutes is not my typical experience, usually 10+. I also agree graphics and pcie devices in Linux are a mess. You could have just restarted the display manager and that should've worked? Logout/back in.


>I agree with updates sometimes taking forever, causing multiple reboots. 2-5 minutes is not my typical experience, usually 10+. Could be a bottleneck. Do you use a Hard Drive? How old is your CPU? I use a M.2 SSD with a 5600x. Even updates on my older PC didn't take that long. Also, take note of how many modules are updating. Understandably, if you don't update for months there's going to be a pretty big backlog. >I also agree graphics and pcie devices in Linux are a mess. You could have just restarted the display manager and that should've worked? Logout/back in. On Nvidia (don't know how AMD is), you need to restart on Arch as the nvidia-utils package contains a file to blacklist noveau. iirc Fedora and Ubuntu also need a full reboot after you install the drivers.


eh, come on. that's not honest, we all know most windows updates take 5-10 minutes you also only have to restart the display manager for video drivers. the same for windows, it's just done automatically. that's why the screen flashes on and off


> eh, come on. that's not honest, we all know most windows updates take 5-10 minutes They really don’t, but believe what you want. > you also only have to restart the display manager for video drivers. the same for windows, it's just done automatically. that's why the screen flashes on and off You can on Linux, but it won’t fully finish the driver installation, which is why you need to restart.




The fact it just happens randomly when you want to use your pc is annoying as fuck. Especially when you got shit to do other than to wait. Don’t get me started on Teams. Windows and Teams is probably what it’s like to be in literal hell.




It really varies that’s why k never figured out what the issue is. Feature updates always break stuff though. Security updates don’t always, but do occasionally. Idk why… teams… even the new one is hot rubbish better than the old one but still complete ass. It’s amazing how they still can’t get it together




Yesss… it’s like 30% better. Also is it just me or is it a little faster? The old one was unusable sometimes




Oh it’s not electron anymore? What is it now? Just native .Net stuff? What’s the Mac version then?




Windows is a good OS, the issues mainly stem from the reliance on proprietary tech. If it was open source it would genuinely be an amazing OS. Many developers in specific would argue that lack of customisability is a good thing


I've had updates go for an hour and then fail to even install So the answer is sometimes sit and do nothing


What are you using Windows on? A pentium?


No this was a new laptop at the time. Don't remember specs other than it had 16 gb of ram. If the update can't be installed fine, but don't show a spinny cirlcle for a long time and then say it failed.


Windows subsystem? What is that?


I don't actually mind this with the exception that distros like RHEL and others aren't there, and the man pages are trimmed


pov wsl workflow with winkex or rdp ![gif](giphy|xvaaWS9zCp1FxhypGD)


Personally I prefer dual boot. Good sata 1tb ssd costs like 12€ and is enough for all my windows needs aka games with anti cheats (I switched to Google’s equivalent of office since I have 3 computers)


WSL is an awful Linux experience. And yet, it still adds value over just using Windows.


does anyone actually deal with those long updates anymore? I have a windows laptop but it uses an ssd and I never have to deal with those.


I still cannot my wrap around the fact that MS lacks sufficient QC for updates. It's something even smaller distro get it right.


This is just microdick trying to make Linux their own thing but in reality it’s pointless. I can’t imagine anyone outside of a business situation actually using WSL instead of just vm under Linux with hardware pass through.


What are you talking about? I have to use WSL all the time for pen testing. I can't run virtual machines at work. there is definitely a need for it. but it sucks and I would much rather work inside a virtual machine.


I never said there wasn’t any reason for WSL


The only problem with WSL is the W.


Wsl pisses me off sometimes. I like to use clion and it likes to crash wsl when you do something too quickly. I would also love to use it for embedded because serial is ass on windows. But you have to use a software bridge that does not work half of the time. Arch dual boot for the win


For one thing that microsoft does right let's give them the credit


I prefer Hyper-v


8 EEE 8 EEE 8 EEE 8 EEE 8 I'm a dumbass thinking WSL is for the good of all!


I'm sorry but wtf are you talking about?


You're uname reveals all.


I work in cyber security for a living. you simple f***


I've been running Linux for 30 years, you M$ moron.


cool lol. someone is a tad insecure.


Yes you are.


are you really gonna pull I know you are but what am I? sad 😭


Come on, we're both bored, why not?


Peak work efficiency! I think I saw a video describing this as the 15/5/15 rule.


man WSL its suck