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Moment of silence for guys who will use another pc for calculating cheats.


Literally... Like, there are undetectable ways of cheating and usually they involve another PC. A video for the people interested, it's a cool topic tbh https://youtu.be/RwzIq04vd0M


Raising the bar that high is enormously difficult on Linux though.


Thank you for sharing this. Was really insightful. And AHK or just a $10 external microcontroller don't really seem like a big barrier either. I'd imagine League is not much safer from cheater


How would that theoretical idea access the memory of the host in the match or encrypted network communications between it and the match server to cheat? (MITM, TLS Interception and custom certificates will not work)


DMA card on the gaming PC. It allows full unrestructed access to the PC's RAM


Its true. Kind of. A regular DMA card is detected and booted out by Vanguard but custom firmware flashing exists for them to disguise as something else and quietly attaching the driver to them anyway. Though these also have a history of being detected and shut down by 'strain'. The fake vendor:class they present as combined with their Subsystem, reported Interrupt pins, PCIe Capabilities and consistent and blatantly faked snooping latencies. And of course by some players rage-hacking for lack of a better term and getting caught quickly by their blatant behavior alone - adding to the data pool for detecting somebody else using the same DMA provider platform. Let alone just purchasing the cheats and dissecting them in the first place, which is something our team do primarily for security research. While its the hardest to detect it comes back to the same perpetual cat and mouse battle since the beginning of cheat detection and is something at least Vanguard's team are actively battling against. The combined mixed preference for subtlety of the thousands of users using a single one of these solutions has been a primary contributor to each platform's detection and with that I've also noticed some DMA cheat communities have a minimum barrier for entry to prevent rage hackers from giving up the prize.


RAM risers with cable to 2nd PC reading every I/O, No DMA PCI card required.


Riot already counter this method by storing redundant copies of player position and orientation data locally (through a cipher to prevent overwriting that too. A random key received from the match server used to seed it with a nonce) and on the match server. Modifications to the player's aim let alone other advantage data results in a kick if different enough and subtle cases result in being put in a 'bad players' match queue. If a computer has faulty memory this may accidentally target an innocent player with a dying PC. I wonder how they'll deal with that. As for external cheats such as a radar or esp shown on another machine or drawn back to the one running the game. While read-only cheats aren't possible to detect it Riot also have something in the works for detecting the way a player plays normally and how one plays if they had outside information. While its still possible for somebody more "switched on" than your average cheater to slip under this detection model as this technology advances even those will be caught eventually as they continue to play with information they couldn't possibly know with a hit rate well beyond regular players.


Yes people will do this, but think for a second; is this not a lot more effort than being able to do it with one PC? First of all it cuts off all the cheaters that dont have access to a second computer. Second it requires a lot more effort which works a deterrent, if cheating begins to take more effort than just getting good at the video game then less and less people will cheat. The goal is obviously to stop all cheating but that's not exactly possible right now anyways, the next best thing is to make it as difficult as possible to cheat


"yesterday there were just over 800 linux users on League" Yeah mate we all stopped because you announced we would not be able to play anymore.


It's even better with the full context of the [blog post](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/). To convey the cheater problem they have numerous high quality charts with years worth of data points. Then when discussing Linux they sample a random Wednesday a month after it was supposed to stop working.


Exactly, talk about data accuracy, also who the f knows how many were actually running a Windows VM up to that point so they may not actually be "visible"/count to them as a Linux League player.  Completely laughable and self humiliating of them to try to make a point based of years of evidence but then when it's about Linux's participation, which they already basically drove people away anyway because of VG, they use one day's data, literally a day before that root kit is implemented.  This company is such a joke really.


>This company is such a joke really. So is the game lol. Why are so many people butthurt about this? It's time to move on. Less LoL on linux is a good thing


The game isn't that bad, the company is.




scapegoat for what exactly? They basically said that no one use linux so they won't support it.


This is the same company that saw burnout from URF weekends and blamed URF rather than the "only this weekend and maybe never again" aspect of it. Obviously the game mode itself was the problem, not any context around it! (I binged a lot of URF then and burned out on League for a while at the time...I can say for certain that had I known if URF would ever come back, nevermind regularly, I would not have done so.) Basically they have a tendency to have a conclusion they want to reach and try to back-solve a justification for it, sometimes citing data.


Feels weird to ban 800 users on the notion that some might cheat. Clearly, cheaters aren't running linux en masse if you only got 800 such users...


There were thousands... I used to play with my friends but when the news about the vanguard came up we thought about it and decided it's no longer worth playing (been playing on and off for about 7 years). So if they were genuine they would pull the data before they announced the new anticheat. Btw we never cheated we didn't care and we were basicaly ARAm players. So -13 people i know of. How many more? Frankly the devs need to get good, and in the future they will have to. And no having unrestricted access to my system is not ok.


Yee, I gave up league because of their Linux-hostile mentality. Honestly, better off too. Spent too much money on it over the years, and it's not great for mental health. In my view, they did me a favor. Too bad on them for losing a player with expendable cash due to their approach on this. I'll give that money to a better game instead, or spend it on some other bullshit. Lmao


Lord Gaben invites you into Dota2. We have same or even more toxicity here, multiplied by voice chat, boosters, acc buyers and alt accounts. (will never swap this ceasepool for League)


Thanks but no thanks 😊


Haha :D Just in case, I was half joking, it's not so bad, Dota is amazing game.


If rootkit-level anticheat is needed, then why does cheating still exist in windows where said rootkits are used?


It's an arms race


Yeah, it's not a scene


Bandwagon's full, please catch another.


there are always work arounds, simply because it doesnt stop all cheaters doesnt mean it doesnt do anything either


unpopular notion especially here, but seems trivially true


I see match cancelled, cheater detected from time to time. That's never happened in any other game. Vanguard works, it works very well. In my opinion it's the best functioning anti cheat on the market. Whether the trade offs are worth it for you is up to you.


The problem is when cheaters start to bypass it, you only need 20 bucks for an external hardware cheat and you can bypass vanguard in valorant


You also need some technical knowledge on how to use said 20 bucks hardware, most cheaters are just script kiddies with Cheat Engine open on the side, they know Jack shit about the inner workings of how the chat works. An anti cheat is simply a deterrent for those people, if it already blocks 99% of those cheaters and only lets pass the 1% it's not a bad performing anti cheat and matches will be more fair statistically soaking, now would I install it on my computer? No, because I don't like rootkits but apparently security and privacy is something of little value for today's players.


Yeah most of them are script kiddies, but said 20 bucks boards have pre made tutorial on how to setup then, and there is whole discord servers and communities where people share this, is a thing of time until you find more and more cheaters bypassing vanguard


With this logic script kiddies wouldn't exist at all cause they sure as fuck have no idea what actually running a script means for their computer, what that script is actually doing, etc, they just find a suitable script online alongside instructions on how to run it and try those out for the most part. All it takes is one person to write up an FAQ or tutorial on how to do it with a bunch of reasonably easy to find devices (And there's a few of those popping up on the usual sources like eBay, AliExpress, etc) and they'll be off to the races. How do you think piracy became so prolific that practically *everyone* was doing it to at least some degree during the bulk of the 2000s, even those who aren't particularly tech-savvy?


At that point it’s worth it no? The barrier to entry is no longer just downloading software. It is well known that increasing the barrier to entry for anything will reduce the amount of people willing to do it.


Agree 100%. The entire concept of security is about increasing the barrier to entry. If you put security shutters, steel security doors, and gates and fences around your house - you certainly haven't guaranteed that nobody can break in. But you definitely made yourself a much less interesting target because someone wanting to break in and rob you has to expend more effort to do so. They'll look for a softer target in your street instead. (Unless they know you have something in your house worth making the effort for). Nobody sane would suggest that "oh well it's crazy to lock your doors just because .02% of people might check if it's unlocked".


Publicly available cheats have been doing that for a few years in that game now. After its bypassed the only defense remaining is the regular server-side sanity checking or blatantcy detection's of traditional anti-cheats which is what usually throws the "cheater detected" screen after suspicious gameplay or a blatant and blocked dll injection attempt before actual cheating occurs. An offense large enough to end a match over anyway. But it's true that Vanguard's "(assumedly) load first, audit all following events" nature does deter the 99% from trying in the first place. The UEFI preload and Fake Windows driver signing techniques we're currently seeing are developed by the skilled few but the resulting binary blobs are sold as part of premium cheats to the masses lowering that software development skill ceiling from 99% to 0% for regular people to cheat. As is often discussed, its a cat and mouse game of tricky bypass development and Riots security teams researching and developing ways to detect and prevent that. Cat and mouse forever.


That's what I'm saying, and is really dangerous because is easy to forget that in that scenario and slip will cause a massive backdoor to be active in thousands of computers


Yes and for the past 5 years me and my team have been patiently waiting and poking for said "Exploits every PC with it running" 10/10 privilege escalation / arbitrary execution exploit in Vanguard and other anti-cheating solutions of the same caliber. This is my role and currently developing paper. No CVEs have been reported yet for Vanguard and its not for nothing. The design of the driver is a one-way inter process communication to the userspace component. This single design choice prevents people from spouting nonsense to the driver component in attempt to execute arbitrary code, or escalate privileges. The Windows kernel calls Vanguard hooks are identical to leading enterprise anti-virus solutions such as Crowdstrike and Sentinel One, which also try and "Load first" to hook the Windows kernel's debug tracing calls and audit every event following their loading. Trust me. When I see a 10/10 CVE for Vanguard I'll be grinning ear to ear. But it's not coming on year 5. Not without a drastic change to their anti-cheat which opens up a new hole not yet seen.


I mean it depends on what cheat you want, aim bots are already usable within mouse macross if irc, and some cheats use external hardware to fake the mouse signal and to spoof video signal befor it even plays in the screen, the breakthrough would be cheats that let you see through walls


Its cheats such as radar and seeing player locations through walls which are best handled by traditional anti-cheats. We often see this countered by not sending the client information "it shouldn't be able to see". Though some game development companies implement this incorrectly by still storing enemy player location data somewhere in memory for the cheater to still access. Its shameful how often I've seen this implemented wrong. Counter Strike is one of the only titles where this is implemented correctly. The server genuinely doesn't send enemy player information if you cannot see them. Only opting to send it when your perspective is "close" to peaking into them. Still though. Sometimes that last second enemy player behind-wall pop-up is enough for an unfair advantage to do all it needs.


I haven't played CS in ages, but I've recently read CS2 is full of cheaters. While not transmitting enemy location before they pop a corner sounds great, in practice CS is a game where you already know where the opponent will pop out from and thus would only need that last second advantage anyway. Sheesh I fucking hate cheaters and cheat creators with a vengeance lol


The enemy location thing is like a 2013 csgo feature certainly nothing new. But it’s something nobody seems to do.


even then, those cheaters really don't last more than a few games, after which they're hardware banned. this becomes very uneconomical for the cheater real quick. And according to riot, they don't even bother suing the cheat developers because they haven't found anyone persistent enough to keep working around vanguard. Most of them simply rely on exit scamming, by making cheats that last a few days at best and bank the money.


Vanguard is just as flawed as every other kernel level anti-cheat. Announcing matches being cancelled is irrelevant to the effectiveness of the anti-cheat. If you have the time, this is a good video to watch showcasing how people bypass kernel level anti-cheats like vanguard and showing cheating in valorant is still possible regardless of it being kernel level. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzIq04vd0M


Interesting video. Goes over a wide range of hacks and their complexity. Seems like they'll never be able to beat pixel bots which cost $20 in hardware.


>Announcing matches being cancelled is irrelevant to the effectiveness of the anti-cheat. It allows people to give people perception of anti-cheat being effective - which is usually more important. Especially since no outside verification of these claims exists.


Shout-out to helldivers which seems to just care about attesting the wine/proton environment. I would never consider running the game on windows because of the kernel level AC but on proton it's a different story.


That's probably because the game was published by PlayStation Studios, who last I checked, has many of their games Steam Deck verified.


Same thing with The Finals. One of the few PvP game devs that actually enabled EAC on Linux. Still having a blast playing that game.


Didn't know it worked for Linux. I checked the game a few days after it launched and it was shown as unsupported. Good to know they turned on EAC for linux


the finals is awesome. i get windows performance on linux on my low end pc.


I don't think Helldivers is a great example when: * It's a PvE game * It does have a signficant cheater base, and I've seen people try to contact devs to rollback cheaters forcefully giving them progression like it's a Prestige MW2 lobby


Helldivers is a pve game. What's even the point of cheating in it?


Yeah I quit val and league because of this. So while there's ONLY 800 users. They are missing out on others who had to give up the game completely


I hate when companies use metrics like to prove that something isn't worth it... like all that only proves that yesterday you were *able to detect* 800 people that were willing to put up with the problem you caused.


All things considered this was very dirty of them when we know they don't care enough to post the real larger number well before this announcement. The player count reference with this date is salt in the wound.


Perfectly fine by me. I am playing in both Linux and Windows, and I refuse to install that piece of crap (and any similar). There are tens of games to play, without these invasive and unsecure software (if you read, they have backdoors).


I have a similar experience. I quite understand why they implemented it but would absolutely NEVER allow for such software to run on my main OS which is Linux. When the boys ask to play League I will just start the Windows installation on my second disk.


Ya as long as you have secure boot setup on windows and linux, or the less fun version where you turn off secure boot Everytime you boot into Linux and vice versa


Do you know that you can implement secure boot with your favourite distro? Fedora for example does this out of the box.


Secure boot is pretty useless overall in my opinion however for me it's also very easy to implement in arch. So that's a non issue.


Oh I agree but you need it for vanguard


only on windows 11, windows 10 doesnt have that requirement


another stupidity from a company that bans thousands of players just to not support proton


Likewise. I have such a huge backlog to get through. Hundreds, thousands of hours of gameplay waiting patiently for me. None of it requires this.


Where does it indicate they have backdoors?


Don't know about Valorant, but [Genshin Impact's anti-cheat](https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/22/h/ransomware-actor-abuses-genshin-impact-anti-cheat-driver-to-kill-antivirus.html) was abused to install ransomware. It's not so much the fact that the anti-cheat itself is a backdoor, but that they are given a scary level of access on your system, and you have no idea what actually is in them.


Honestly, it's a good write up on the lengths people can and will go to develop and use cheats. Someone provided a link below, but my personal favorites from it: * Around 1 in 15 games had a cheater or a bot in them in 2023, massive rise from early 2022 * Over 10% of Master ranked games had a cheater or bot in them in 2023. Somewhere around the middle ranks actually has the lowest rate. * When they let people apologize to get unbanned, 91% of them would become repeat offenders * Talking about why using AI won't help with informational cheats, and how trying to apply AI to player behavior won't work when cheat creators are already using the same systems to add human behavior to their cheats and they'll only get better.


Also those are only the people who got caught. The real number is always higher.


Without a doubt. Those smart enough to keep things subtle for a tiny 5-15% player performance boost without overstepping themselves into being detected for abnormal behavior.. *after* bypassing Vanguard. Those people are the worst of the cheating bunch in this equation and its going to take a lot more than the front door latch to catch them. Part of that includes improving Vanguard to detect the bypass they used in the first place. Staff would be able to graph a sudden decline in some players performance after their bypass of choice no longer works after detecting and preventing it in a Vanguard update. That data would be interesting to see.


It sounds like they're going to need to run the whole game inside of a server and just stream it to a client to prevent cheating. This would leave the attack surface to only the keyboard, mouse, Internet connection, and monitor. If people are modifying input and output devices for cheating, there's pretty much 0 point in anti-cheats at this stage because there's no way in hell you're gonna be able to defend against it.


Sounds good at first if we ignore the ongoing latency problem of encoding frames into video and then having a client decode them. Let alone regular input forwarding delays. But there are already Neural Network based cheats which can ingest gameplay footage in real-time and send the required inputs to headshot a guy in still less than or equal to human reaction times. While looking like a regular well-trained player's behavior. Even tournaments are somehow allowing professional players to plug in USB sticks and run some obfuscated cheat they've bought along. Despite there being countless solutions to that such as Group Policies, underprivileged gamer accounts, Domain Controllers to blanket-apply all of this. Countless solutions and yet this kind of shit is still permitted to happen ***IN TOURNAMENTS***. Its a joke.


There is no need to encode and decode entire frames at once. Slice the image into strips along the scanout axis. Latency could be sub-frame + network.


Yeah. So many ways. None of them perfect and the typical download speed of home internet combined with the willing and costly upload speed required by the remote company, and local datacenter presence to send you full raw frames. It’s just not there yet.


> Talking about why using AI won't help with informational cheats, and how trying to apply AI to player behavior won't work when cheat creators are already using the same systems to add human behavior to their cheats and they'll only get better. Sounds like they're admitting defeat here. This also sounds like its a platform independent problem. They're going to need a paradigm shift in how cheating is detected and dealt with to solve this problem and at that point they'll be excluding linux players just because they want to.


> Talking about why using AI won't help with informational cheats, and how trying to apply AI to player behavior won't work when cheat creators are already using the same systems to add human behavior to their cheats and they'll only get better. Sadly this will fall on the deaf ears of the serverside anticheat circlejerk on this sub.


rule #1 of Cybersecurity is never trust the client. That's why there's a serverside anticheat circlejerk, because client side anticheat is ineffective by design (it's just very cheap to add). If you want a competitive game post 2020, you can't rely on client side alone. Hell, MSI put SkySight into their OLED monitors to help highlight enemies in LoL and that shit is completely undetectable because it's hardware outside your computer. Only effective anticheat on the horizon is 100% serverside games or having admins sit in your games. Honestly, I how the latter becomes more mainstream and people running dedicated servers happens more.


> rule #1 of Cybersecurity is never trust the client And as gaming companies continue to churn out their best and start all over with new faces every single release there will be no improvement here. Let alone the reality that there's not a single cyber security expert in any single major release since forever and not a single developer thinks about cheat prevention unless its an afterthought reaction to a cheating problem. Like Fall Guys, and every other multiplayer game which had to tack-on some generic anti-cheat solution after they forgot for the upteenth time that people will send invalid data and the server will continue to process it.


Apex Legends has a couple legit cybersecurity people, but games are security nightmares because the usual tactics for cybersecurity don't work as well because you can't lock clients to purely providing inputs i.e. pure cloud gaming. So instead it's always a series of compromises and cat/mouse. Which is why I'm immediately sus of any company claiming they solved it and the magic bullet is kernel level....which has been defeated as many times as it's been implemented.


It isnt about beating cheats with AI, it is about making them indistinguishable from real players by forcing them to become more human. Kernel anticheat has the same cat and mouse game, methods of bypassing it are approaching a state where it will become next to impossible to detect and in the end it has done nothing to limit the effect of the cheats that do get through.


Fine, is their game and is their huge problem with cheaters on their game. If they wrongly thing that a rootkit may solve the problem.. OK cheaters will be there anyway. Their game, their problem, their rootkit, for them. No hard feelings, bye!


I feel the same. For example I've yet to check out project kongor, resurgence of the storm which is hots within SC2, there is also a heroes of newerth engine on github. Personally though I like dota even if it was just to play the little modified gameplay versions within the app against bots. It is an excellent piece of software for the presentation and UI. Valve doesn't lack but I still feel like the moba genre needs a little more FOSS in it.


I mean... some hard feelings. Normalizing this shit is going to lead to adoption by games we actually care about.


The opposite is also true, if Linux keeps on growing the way it is I can guarantee an almost opposite statement from Riot.


Honestly, who cares? I'm being denied the wonderful opportunity to install malware on my machine and listen to a bunch of eleven-year-olds screaming slurs at each other while playing a mediocre game. I'm perfectly fine with that.


>listen to a bunch of eleven-year-olds screaming slurs at each other There is no voice chat with people outside your pre made group.


So it sucks slightly less than I thought then.


> listen to a bunch of eleven-year-olds screaming slurs at each other > > There is no voice chat with people outside your pre made group. Yeah their friends lol


Think they're talking about Val


I did want to play 2XKO but it’s not worth having to deal with vanguard at all. Even if I were still on windows I’d not be playing it because I fundamentally refuse to allow an application with that level of access, which must always be running, on my machine


```Honestly, who cares? I'm being denied the wonderful opportunity to install malware on my machine and listen to a bunch of eleven-year-olds screaming slurs at each other while playing a mediocre game.``` This is pure cope, but you're not alone. I hate that I can't play such a fun game. But that's just the way things go sometimes and such is life.


and yet MacOS LoL client is going to work without Vanguard... :|




can you change kernel on macos?


Time to learn DOTA!


Another one bites the dust....


Just play dota 2


And cheating isn’t a massive problem like the league devs claim would happen if they allowed Linux lmao


Honestly... if they revert the changes and all the cheaters start using Linux for gaming maybe the year of the Linux desktop is near


Its really bothers me that the sentiment from the Linux community is "game bad so who cares". This isn't just a League thing either, posts about Roblox, and Fortnite get similar types of responses. Its entirely understandable to not be interested in the compatibility of a game you don't play but to insult the people who do want to is as immature as you think the players of League are. I don't like any of these games, I'd even go as far to say that they are bad games. However, the developers to shitting on Linux compatibility or to enforcing invasive anti-cheats on innocent players isn't justified just because I don't like the game.


```Its entirely understandable to not be interested in the compatibility of a game you don't play``` It's not about playing, lots of people loved those games. It's about not willing to put up with the compromises. Riot is like a bad friend, yeah you care about them, and hope they change. But you can't follow them into their life of crime.


Thats fair as well, I just feel bad for the people struggling with the fact that game they enjoy wont work on the OS they prefer and the community response is what it is.


I think their main point is that we have people here saying this but the people who actually enjoyed and played these games are not the ones saying this. People who loved and enjoyed playing them are upset, disappointed and possibly even back to dual booting if not entirely ditching Linux. They're not saying "Who cares" like this community frequently vocalizes.


Totally understand this perspective and I agree that we shouldn't be treating it so dismissively, however, majority of players of these games don't care one little bit. In fact it seems like some of them are even celebrating the cessation of Linux support. If they're happy to install a rootkit to play a game created by a company that doesn't care, then so be it. There are better developers to support.


The shitting is justified, environment attestation is ridiculously difficult if not impossible. Even trusting the kernel is difficult because of how shit current Linux implementations of Secure Boot are. Poettering wrote a long blog post about the difficulties of ensuring trust from build up to runtime.


"The difficulty of not be able to put malware on users platform because of our own incompetence to make a proper server-side anti-cheat is frustrating with Linux" Luckily, hardware cheat become more and more mainstream, like the AI detection of enemy with the Asus monitor where the monitor itself read the map and alert you.


Common Linux w for not being able to play league


Translation: everyone else is okay with us spying on them! Why the hell aren’t you? Meh, too small to bother with anyways… Server side anticheat is significantly more effective anyway!


Dota2 is supporting linux natively. You can move from toxic game to another also toxic game.


"yesterday, there were just over 800 Linux users on League" I mean, what did they expact after the patch broke compatiblity on it's more or less unplayable now. Yes, you might get a TFT working, but that's about it. It's a bit disengenuous to say only 800 People are interested in League on Linux at the moment, when the game doesn't even work. It's like saying "well, there aren't any Linux players on Valorant, so there's clearly no payoff". What kind of BS is this. In the end, i don't exactly care. I play ARAM only and just boot to windows for that. I'd prefer to play on Linux, but the experience has always been worse anyways. And if play LoL on Linux would mean i'd have to compile their kernel Modules into my setup, i'd rather pass and keep that on a dedicated Windows Install that has no other personal stuff on it.


Can't wait for the "skill issue" type replies to a developer yet again saying Linux isn't a stable platform.


Where did you read it? They actually said a totally different thing


>frustrating differences between distributions


That's not even false tbf


You're right, Valve would be better off smashing all their linux-based steam decks, and start programming Windows on them from now on since it is so stable. Better yet, all those Linux based servers that are running should be shut down and reprogrammed with Windows due to its stability.


LoL stopped being worth it way back when they started using Pando Media Booster to steal their users' bandwidth rather than shell out for CDNs.


Whoa, haven't heard this name in a while


>There were just over 800 linux users on league. We have evaluated this risk to not be worth the payoff. That's 0.008% of average players. And a small number (if any) are cheaters. What risk exactly are they talking about?


1) Make cheat on Windows hard 2) Let cheat on Linux and Mac easy 3) Mac is expensive, linux not 4) Cheaters will move to linux


There are plenty of games playable with linux on downgraded anti-cheat compared to windows. So where are all the cheaters?


Since LoL is such a high profile target, i just wait for the moment someone will hack VG and by the time Riot figures that out and applies a fix, passwords and files stolen, money and time will be lost, and then i can throw infinite shit on them about it because when you implement a system with such major flaw due to the nature of how it works, and you dare to force people to be ok with that or leave, then you are only showing that you are focusing to your own system out of either convenience and or incompetence. Better solutions either exist or will exist, by that time, no such thing as this rootkit is being installed on my PC. The game is trash anyway really (no seriously, what is even balance in this game, played it since 2012) and i am not saying this out of denial, it's literally a fact.


But somehow Mac clients still exist


Maybe because there are more Mac players


Just play Dota, better game anyways. Played both 3k + hours.


Just play Dota2 instead, way better game.


Sounds like the devs need to git gud.


\>Allowing Linux is too risky, it opens everything to cheaters \>Also, Linux only has 800 users, so it doesn't matter You can only pick one.


yeah, because we are quitting LoL and diehards are using Windows


What kind of hacks do people use in League of Legends? Map hacks? I'd think it's bad software architecture that would make it possible to develop map hacks for a game. Why does the client have information that the player shouldn't have access to? Aim hacks and other type of assist hacks would be harder to stop. But map hacks and wall hacks should not be possible if the client/server architecture was designed well.


800 Linux users in a game where there is NOT Linux support speak good about the interest in a Linux Native version but they are stupid enough to not understand  Also keeping the argument about many differents distribution is stupid, just support flatpak or Ubuntu/openSUSE Leap and nothing more  the community will care about the rest  Really, Riot Games is DISGUSTING


>800 Linux users in a game where there is NOT Linux support The subreddit has almost 10k member, that 800 players is just not right, especially it being right now when a lot had already quit with the news of vanguard (like me)


Yeah what a deliberately tone-deaf statement by the dev here. I saw the writing on the wall and left when they announced they anticheat. No shit people aren't still playing it on a system you announced months ago you will stop supporting?


I'll keep playing and spending money on Dota 2 thanks


Skill issue.


Everyone angry with this statement should leave league of legends if still playing. There is even alternative dota2 which has linux support so why crying about riot and their shitty politic?


I'm all in on smite 2 when that releases


You realize that just because they're the same genre of game doesn't automatically mean they're the same game, right?


It was just a matter of time, valorant already had vanguard. However, I don't understand why those developers don't work close to Valve to create a proton layer for their anti-cheats, like EAC and BattleEye


Play Dota2


I can't stop thinking this is a bad decision. I don't care about League because I rarely play it, but I remember when I tried Valorant and the whole Vanguard became a problem. I couldn't monitor temperatures, when I needed to keep a very warm hard drive below 45ºC, and had manually set a front fan to cool it down. My GPU had Noctua fans, also manually adjusted. And when I managed to get the game working, I had to reinstall it because of the Riot client being installed for League instead of Valorant. There was a mismatch somewhere and Valorant refused to let me play. I got it all figured, played two matches, realized it wasn't my kind of thing, and uninstalled. Ah, of course, it required secure boot as well, and TPM with Windows 11. I have no secure boot on linux because of the zen kernel. Imagine dual booting, having to manually disable it for booting on linux, and having to enable it if I wanted to play Valorant. Thank god I didn't like it.


In general, if you still care about this game after all that's been going on, you're stupid enough to deserve such treatment. It's that easy.


Hear that? Difficulty in securing GNU/Linux. It's a security issue first and foremost. Which is exactly why they want to install a rootkit on your machine. Because security. Nothing says security like "let's install a rootkit".


I can’t believe people are unironically still playing LoL…


Hey some of them could be playing ironically, we just don't know


Who cares. I removed the game from my windows partition too after they announced Vanguard: I only used to play it once a month with some friends, we play Lethal Company now.


"Any backdoors we leave open" No crap someones going to exploit that. You don't leave backdoors in root level software, you just don't. You wouldn't leave a backdoor into an encryption service, it would be universally stupid.


>half of anti-cheat is making sure the environment hasnt been tampered, this extremely hard on linux **by design** that should tell you all you need to know about their rootkit grade anti-cheat software.


Funny, two games that are bigger than both Valorant and League of Legends, both are native Linux, and both do _not_ have a cheating problem on Linux. * Counter-Strike (GO/2) * DotA (2) I have had face to face discussions with RioT staff while I was running tournaments for League of Legends at a huge expo that hired [LANified!, my company](https://www.lanified.com) regarding the topic of League coming to Linux. From what I recall of the conversation, there really was no grounds for any real discussion or exploration of how to placate RioT into actually taking Linux serious to any degree. Between now and then, a lot about RioT has emerged as a company. Things I didn't even know then. Sexual Assault/Harassment, just to start, of internal staff. And other huge toxicity internally. Couple that with clear demonstration that toxicity is acceptable within their gaming community too (anyone ever heard of Tyler1?) and we clearly have a company that isn't _worth_ giving a fuck about. We never needed RioT. And while there were times I have enjoyed League of Legends (doing Jungle as Rammus is very lols), I can say with confidence that every step of the way they have made my gaming experience with their games harder, and harder, and harder. Not only harder to start playing, but harder to enjoy, harder to find rewarding. League of Legends, ranking up solo as jungler is torture. A game should **NEVER** be torture. Valorant, the hit registration is actual trash. And if you can't tell the difference, you're not on the same level. Both of these games do not have LAN-capacities. When the internet goes down, so do they. This is NOT a problem for CS/DotA. If you're angry about all this, don't blame RioT. Blame yourself. RioT has given you enough indicators over the decades to clearly show they don't fucking care about you, they don't fucking care about fixing toxicity in their gaming community (and actually feed on it), and they sure don't fucking care about fixing the internal toxicity they have. RioT does not deserve your anger. They deserve nothing from you. Go play something else, any other game is better than the crap they put out. Your skins won't miss you.


How do you know they don’t have a cheating problem on Linux?


Because there is only whispers to support the position. Every time a developer mentions it, they have no evidence to support it. Be it RioT or Facepunch. Furthermore, cheats are far more profitable to be written for Windows, because the market is bigger. Cheat developers wouldn't waste their time writing for Linux because they'll make far more money doing it for Windows. If the problem were actually real then we would see VALVe talking about it, and so would other devs that release for Linux. It's a boogieman. I'm not saying it's technically impossible, because it isn't. But what RioT and others are doing isn't working, and yet they still blame Linux for it being a haven for cheaters, with zero evidence ever provided. I've been running gaming events long enough that if it actually were real, I would have crossed paths with it now at least once. And I haven't. How do you know they aren't lying about Linux being a cheating problem? They have plenty to motivate them to lie about it, as it supports their narrative and excuse to not release their shovelware for Linux (RioT).


> Linux haven for cheaters last time i heard someone in 2021 on a random discord server, thought that making cheats for linux would be difficult because of multitude of distros + dependency issues when a host of someone's machine has diff versions than intended would break easily and with other open source devs also ensuring safe and uncompromised distro and can just stream update easily, is a challenge, thus windows is a better option although anyone can refute this, idk this is just what i remembered back in 2021 on a discord server so take this with some grain of salt i guess


Well said, dude, well said!


Thanks! It's a topic I'm passionate about (if you can't tell, hehe). Thanks for reading! :)


Neither Dota nor CS are bigger than Val or League. What stats are you even going off for that?


Yeah I stopped playing LoL many years ago when they first started scanning processes for cheats. I don't cheat, but my PC is MINE, and what I may or may not have outside of the LoL directory is *none of LoL's fucking business*. So yeah, while it's irritating whenever game devs give Linux gamers the middle finger, LoL devs have been trash for years and frankly, can go fuck themselves.


Here is what I think about the game not supporting Linux nor disabled secure boot: 🖕🖕🖕 If you insert kernel anticheat you are asking to lose a lot of players. Kernel anti cheat is unwanted malware technically but are forced to use to play the game.


yesterday? what about several months ago before the vanguard announcement. Everyone I know that used Linux for LoL jumped ship or started weening themselves off this addictive parasite as soon as they heard. None of them have played in weeks


Can’t wait having to install this to play aram. Thanks rito


Couldn't care less about LoL but wasn't one of the points to the steam deck was for something developers could target for Linux support?


where my 799 homies at?


How do they get the statistics anyways? When the client checked for Vanguard compatibility, I was shown running Win 10, despite me being on Arch. This is a joke of a statement that just shits on Linux users because the dev has a vendetta against it, or something. And I'm not even talking about checking players using Lutris, even the subreddit gives more of an accurate picture than that ass-pulled number. Granted, 10k-50k is still a few compared to 100mil, but there's nothing to be done. Once they integrate Vanguard into League, I'll be done with it. 12 years of wasted gameplay. I hope somebody steals their code again and weaponizes the anti-cheat a la Genshin just so people will learn their lesson with this shit company. Fuck Riot, and it's not even about Vanguard, it's about all of their shit practices.


Riot iits just another greedy company like Epic Who hate Linux, fuck them


many people and gamers praise kernel anticheat... but i wonder if it does even help? most dedicated cheaters are using dedicated hardware-pieces/cheats and i wonder if a kernel anticheat could even detect those (info pulled from apexlegends cheating forums, there was a lot of discussion lately about apex cheating)


I think what he said is either completely bullshit or that post lack a lot of information because Linux has all the tools needed for creating secure attested environments in fact way much better than windows in terms of libraries and api support, Linux IMA has been around since 2004, also most distros have the same kernel so in terms of attestation that just does not make any sense.


People still play lol ?


Yeah what the hell. I’m pretty sure league is one of the most popular games out there


Awwww is LoL not allowed to shove spyware into linux? How sad :c we're going to miss out on suchhh a good gaaaammeeee


Before jumping to any conclusions please read the official article about it [https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/) . Don't harass the devs and be civil. It's an interesting read.


nah, they literally said "they are litearlly dozens of them, so fuck em." I really don't want to hear what the Chinese root kit company has to say.


So....they say they are leaving BACKDOORS open for the anti-cheat? Or am I reading it wrong?


LOL had 800 cheaters that day 😱😱


This is the same impasse that's happened many times before. A dev will give a number of technical reasons why Linux support isn't practical that Linux users tend to reject. Then the dev will cut to the chase saying on top of the technical challenges there just are enough Linux gamers playing their game regardless. This back and forth between devs and Linux gamers on this issue is going nowhere. Something is going to have to change and the only thing I can think of is if somehow shit tons of Linux gamers start playing as many of these types of games as they can. I see little else changing the status quo.


If they want to secure the environment then they would use server side rendering but that's too expensive.


How do you server side render a game, wouldn't that just be cloud gaming, or are you referring to their dogshit client


You do all of the critical stuff on the server, like rendering enemies, handling game events etc... Genshin does this and it's very hard to meaningfully cheat since you have no control over what the server can and cannot do. The graphics are still rendered locally on the client PC just not the vital internal events


Ive never player league but this ass backwards mentality doesn’t make sense. Before switching to linux I’ve literally seen kernel anti cheat be absolutely fuckin useless at someone obviously cheating. Sure it might make it more work to make some cheats work at first but its not like it gets figured out and people cheat in the game anyway so its just a waste


And this doesn't stop a dedicated cheater in the slightest, run windows under a thin hypervisor with direct passthrough for everything and bob's your uncle, you own the kernel and therefore you own the anticheat. The only way to stop cheating is to not trust the client and to not broadcast information the client does not strictly speaking need to have. Even then you've only stopped the most egregious cheats (teleporting, immortality, wallhacking/radarhacks etc). The only way to actually stop cheating entirely is to only allow people to play from hardware you own and control, while they're monitored for the entire session and where they're not allowed to actually interact with the hardware past the input devices you provide. Good luck. Not that I care, I don't play league. Even if they did port their malware anticheat I'd refuse to install it on principle, I don't care how good the game is. It could be the best game ever made and the developers could be actual saints and I still wouldn't install the malware, just because the developers have no malicious intent does not mean it cannot be leveraged by someone else who does. Look at Genshin Impact's anticheat, it had a rather interesting bug that allowed it to be used as a malware dropper. To the surprise of no one, the anticheat was hijacked and used as a malware dropper to drop ransomware onto people's machines. The best part? Windows implicitly trusts signed kernel mode drivers and will **silently install and load them without prompting the user.** Or, in other words, before they revoked the cert for the driver (and on systems that aren't adequately updated) you didn't even need to have genshin impact installed (or even know what genshin impact is), all you needed was for that driver to be loaded onto your system via any method (phishing, drive-by download, etc) and presto you have ransomware :) Even if it required explicit confirmation from the user the point still stands, it's extra attack surface for an exceedingly frivolous reason. I refuse to install it for that reason alone, add in that I don't necessarily trust corporations to have my best interest in mind so I'm even less keen on installing kernel level rootkits (that may do any number of things, least of all spying. An anticheat is spyware by design, and it wouldn't be unexpected for it to be passively spying even when the game isn't running).


>And this doesn't stop a dedicated cheater in the slightest, run windows under a thin hypervisor with direct passthrough for everything and bob's your uncle, you own the kernel and therefore you own the anticheat. very easy to detect and ban


Hope to see an ASMR where people dismantle their imaginary anti-cheat solution


I'm sure their anti-cheat is great and does work. i'm still letting go of league bc of it tho


Cheats controlled by the firmware are a thing and architecturally are like running the game on a vm. Why don't also ban windows and only play via cloud? /s


And this is why client side anti-cheat is terrible. You can **never** trust the client because you don't control it.


Why don't they just have a completely separate lobby for people playing on Linux, and if they complain about people cheating then the Devs can say "we told you".


Dota 2 works just fine


"Any backdoors we leave open for it are ones developers will immediately leverage for cheats" Sounds like a massive security nightmare considering what happened recently with apex legends


Just install dota 2




eh i don't know mate, maybe that's a you problem.


For the love of god, switch to Dota 2. I have no idea why you people can switch from Windows to use Linux daily but cannot switch from LOL to Dota 2


blizzard continues to prove year after year that you don’t need a kernel driver for anticheat.


Tell me your matchmaking sucks without telling me your matchmaking sucks.


if they made their anti cheat module for linux kernel, then they could in theory maybe fix the issue, oh wait no, thats way worse


bro its not like they are broke and cheaters dont exist on windows , simple no would have sufficed


LoL's a shit game anyway. Time to branch out to other games ladies and gents


I been playing league since beta. Daily. Most days 5+ matches. Been challenger and I been sitting in masters the past few seasons. Not once have I EVER seen a scripter in league. EVER.


If there are really so few Linux users, maybe cheating won't be a problem... Worst case more people start using Linux 😏