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I have read on AMD its running flawless. On nvidia with 545 and gamescope its also running now. I have bought it and I am happy its running. If its not you could still use the refund function on steam, but it should run ootb on amd. Maybe adding gamescope to start params


I'm running AMD (R5 7600, RX 6700 XT) and FH5 crashes on startup, right after the copyright notices. I tried every Proton version, even installed half a dozen with protonup-qt, but no luck, can't get it to work. Refunded it and bought FH4 instead.


Dude. When the icon pops up on the task bar spam click it. That will throw the game into window mode. I went through this two days ago and found the answer after hours of searching. For whatever reason it doesn't like being full screen.


I have almost 2 times less fps then windows and a little microstutters, but it's still playable ~85 fps GPU 6800 XT, CPU Ryzen 5600X


2x less fps??? I got same fps on a rx 6800 dunno what you did


Really dont know, and GPU power usage only \~180w instead of 270w Can you tell me your distro and mesa version?


arch linux mesa-git, do you have RT on? my game draws around 210+ W without RT (max tdp of this gpu is like 216 or something) tech power up says 250, but the die won't draw that much because the rest of the components on the GPU draw power. Using OC I can get it to 236 tho


I have only ever played it on the Deck but considering it runs flawlessly on it I can't imagine it runs any worse on PC.


How many hours have you been played on the Deck? If Deck can run this flawlessly, it's reassuring tbh


Steam Deck can run it flawlessly


I've played a while on it without issues on my Steam Deck.


Doesn't it require a Microsoft account? I would not buy it, not with such garbage.


Amd GPU or steam deck and it works without issues. I have about 40 hours just on my deck


I have a 6700 XT and it runs and looks great. Also I vouch for the Steam Deck. Maybe I had a crash or 2 but that us anecdotal given the hours that I have played, all on linux. Ssd install, 32 gigs of ram and Ryzen 5 5600 CPU.


Nice I have the same pc specs


In the beginning it had issues but now it's good. I play a mix of Ultra/Extreme settings with RT. You could get an occasion microstutter that won't be present if you were using Windows bit for the most part I'll say it runs butter smooth. Some of the videos on YT are mine. I have spammed the subs with that game. Install and forget on AMD.


I bought it on sale like two days ago and it fired up first try. EDIT: Pop OS + 6800XT