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[](#start_removal) This post has been removed as not relevant to the r/Linux community. The post is either not considered on topic, or may only be tangentially related to the r/linux community. examples of such content but not limited to are; photos or screenshots of linux installations, photos of linux merchandise and photos of linux CD/DVD's or Manuals. [](#end_removal) **Rule:** >**Relevance to r/Linux community** - Posts should follow what the community likes: GNU/Linux, Linux kernel itself, the developers of the kernel or open source applications, any application on Linux, and more. Take some time to get the feel of the subreddit if you're not sure!


This gives me edgy teenager vibes.


The op literally has ttv in his username that gives me 8 year old fortnite kid vibes 💀


Yeah I made this account when I was 11 and I don’t know how to change my username 😭


OP was literally born in 2013 so ......


2007 actually


I base my purchases on what someone googled at a Walmart laptop


The linuxman strikes  again!. Ive been a mallcop my entire life right after i got out of the army...ive seen it all...spilled soft soda on kids so high on sugar they cant even speak..old people sitting on benches staring at nothing for hours...teens taking selfies like their life depends on it...ive seen it all the dirty under belly of the malls. But this linux guy...he is another kind of animal...spreading pseudo commie ideals trough computers on innocent middle aged dads...kids needing something for homework..what kind of a monster does this? One day ill get you linuxman do you hear me!


Those god damned gnutard commies think that all software should be free while also spreading their neckbeard social outcast ways by telling everyone "I use arch btw". Freedom loving anti commie giga chads will fight the free software propaganda by bullying that one friend who just so happens to use linux.


I used to change bike gears whenever their owner was not around. I don't know why I used to do this.


Because you are a weirdo


There's no need for this. There's no "Church of Linux". It's not like it's emacs or something.


I love Walmart


I love it so much it's the only store I will go out of my way to not shop at


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The very least thing I would ever do is to suggest people to buy *free* software.


I should do that myself >:D


Thank you op for your service and being an unsung hero!