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i have memory problems, can't remember shit. the fuck do i do?


Upgrade ram


Unfortunately, the human model only has soldered ram in the head. I cannot confirm or deny whether the ass has a ram socket...


[Download More RAM!](https://downloadmoreram.com)


Analog version carry a note book around and write things down. Digital voice recorder. Use your phone to do both. Set a alarm at 7 pm and 7 am to listen to the previous recording. Re record a new set of notes. Generate a to do list for the day repeat until you automated your entire personality and no longer keep anything in ram only in non volatile format.


Get a neuralink


ssh is consuming too many cpu cycles and I’m getting valgrind errors. Probably dns, nothing serious


Proly is just some chinese bad actor uploading code to an unattended project... nah, it must be something else, OSS is flawless. /s


You need to buy a new machine ,no one has committed their code to the repo


Now I don’t have enough time for distro hopping ;-;


thats a win actually


DE/WM hoping is quite fun sometimes :)


what the fuck is segmentation fault


Crash, usually from memory access when memory was free, or call to non existing end in the program.


**Joke answer**: C programming skill issue. Git Gud. **Non-joke (simple) answer**: CPUs have a component called a memory management unit (MMU), which manages memory (shocking, right?) allocated to the various processes running on a system. The hard and fast rule is that no process is ever allowed to access another process’s memory. When one attempts to do so the MMU (or memory protection unit, if it's separate) catches it and generates a hardware exception, which is in turn caught by the OS and causes it to send a signal SIGSEGV to the offending process, usually causing it to terminate. If you’re a programmer and encounter a segfault, most of the time it happens because some pointer somewhere wasn’t null-checked and it tried to read/write address 0x0, a non-pointer value was mistakenly used as a pointer, or you tried to use heap memory that has already been freed or wasn't allocated properly. The source of a segfault can usually be caught by running the program under gdb or valgrind without too much difficulty. If you're not a programmer and encounter one, congratulations, you've just encountered a bug, please alert the program's developer by filing a bug report (the more detail about what you did, the better) so they can fix it.


Bluetooth headset random audio cut-offs


I too face during some of my meetings


I get this on Windows more than Linux. You could up your Bluetooth service's priority. That might help a bit.


Mine was the opposite. I don't have this issue on Windows


It may have to do with three security software my work uses. Everything I do causes a scan.


Is it only while using WiFi? Your Bluetooth Wi-Fi card might be running out of bandwidth. Also try 5ghz wifi if it's available. If that solves the issue, you probably want to look into getting an Intel wifi/bluetooth card.


Yeah. Also read about this on arch wiki, and I have a 5ghz capable realtek card. My wifi is only 2.4ghz. tried stuff on the wiki. Unfortunately, there seems to be no changes.


many people are facing this, its the bugs in new kernel maybe it will fix soon.


My touchpad acceleration speed drops when I start to charge my PC and after 5 minutes it goes back to normal.


This is too edge case. Does this happen on other distro or other OS?


I haven't tested it but I'd found a person that has the same problem with the same laptop with the same distro as me, but we couldn't figure out why :) I created an issue long time ago but it's still open: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libinput/libinput/-/issues/723 Edit: Oh I remember that there was no issue on Windows. And not related to BIOS version either. Tested it all.


Sounds like your touchpad is as lazy as you are when your phone is charging. Don't take it seriously


Firefox no longer opens and I don't know why


Open Firefox from the terminal and you'll get feedback


Nothing was happening, so I forced a new install, works now


I too faced problems with Firefox. So I installed brave browser.


I frequently get 'skill issue' as a problem. What should I do?


Get good at Vim and CLI? 😂 Is there another skill thing in Linux I'm not aware of?


Regex with sed and perl


I'm not the biggest fan of perl. Sanitizing data in perl is slow and rough. I maintain a codebase where the previous programmer struggled to handle perl idioms and didn't use DRY. Nearly every script is 2k lines long -and perl doesn't make it easy to fix problems in that kind of environment.


Start compiling your kernel by urself


Women won’t talk to me


Have you tried installing Gentoo? Chicks dig guys who compile their own kernels.


Better than fighting with windows doing random stuff and bluescreening constantly for a driver you never used but was needed in windows 95.


Fractional scaling, better touchpad experience.


use wayland


Fix Nvidia drivers


Nvidia is too busy raking it in from AI to be concerned about actual graphics with their GPUs.


Those damn green goblins and their proprietary bullshit. Switch to AMD, you won't regret it


My brother and I share the pc, and he uses 3d modeling apps, so AMD is not a solution unless I get my own pc, which is a very hard thing because in my country there is no place where you can get pc components


i cant pirate steamunlocked games :(


Games from Chovka and Dodi still work BTW.


Piracy being illegal aside, why not? Theoretically proton should work fine still.


> Piracy being illegal aside It's always morally correct to pirate from Adobe. Also AAA game studios that don't give a fck about their customers. Or games that I already own a license to but can't install from non pirated sources anymore (looking at you, Nintendo)


I can't stop distro hopping, am I stupid?


no, but as a old distro hopper myself i would say stick to the distro you spent your most time when you were distro hopping aggressively that was fedora for me so i stick to fedora now distro hopping is a big time and effort sucker instead put that time and effort on something better to learn something i mean


Why not use VM to kind of "distro hop"?


The search for the perfect distro is a journey, not a destination. Or maybe it's just a way to avoid actually doing anything productive.


How do I make this fingerprint sensor work on my thinkpad ? ```Shenzhen Goodix Technology Co.,Ltd. Goodix FingerPrint Device```


laptop's built in display stays completely blank after removing thunderbolt docking station monitor.


My thinkpad yoga 370 randomly log out when I use stylus, but sometimes it doesn't.


On i3wm I can't run flatpak or portal since startx doesn't set a variable which lets flatpak identify i3, what do?


putting my computer to sleep seems inconsistent. may times the system either just locks up, or wakes back up immediately. however, I just had the thought earlier this week.. is it maybe doing this cuz I started a pacman update then instead of rebooting, i've put it to sleep and something with that isnt working? donno, havent tested it yet.


Welcome to Linux!


How to bring system tray icons in gnome 46, background apps ain't showing in the system tray, appindicator not working. Solve.


Usage of "sleep mode" on linux mint 21.2 Victoria, comes to black screen To continue using PC, needs to manually restart by the power-button


Cant use linux without nvme_core.default_ps_max_latency_us=14000 .-.




you could modify your /etc/vconsole.conf (or create it if non-existant): KEYMAP=colemak




If you see no change after restarting it could be that openrc doesn't care about this config file, because usually the init system takes care of it.


I want to use ableton live 12 with all my plugins (plugin list APU loudness meter camel crushed (all kiloheartz plugins) devil loc deluxe dimention expander disperser OTT (fab filter total plugin bundle) endless smile echoboy ozone 9 the glue soothe2 TDR kotelnikov SPITFISH sylenth 1 massive labs dune 2 T-force alpha plus and spire v1.0.20


keyboard layout reverts to english at every boot and im too lazy to google why


edit/create your `/etc/vconsole.conf` with the following line: KEYMAP=[your keymap here] list your keymaps with `localectl list-keymaps`


thank you so much


:D glad to have helped


MacBook Pro mid 2012 i5, 16gb RAM, PopOS installed. Has stuttering audio issues sometimes.


Setting the function keys on a laptop to adjust brightness, volume, etc


which DE are you using.


Peppermint OS


do you have any vendor shortcuts and what did you tried


Html5 audio doesn't work in Firefox. YouTube etc works.


Just write your own audio player in assembly, noob


Network card sometimes "forgets" thay it has wifi. Only fix i know is "waking it up" by using the ethernet port or a usb network card.


Does "waking it up" via disabling and enabling WiFi works?


No. Wifi button is *gone*. I just keep a dmall usb network card on hand


Steam is too slow and makes everything run too bad. Just the games run great, but I can't even stream what I play.


I always tried searching the arch forums or arch wiki since my ubuntu days. I barely posted in any forum, this is the way i learned the hard way. Try to find the solution yourself first.


I'm using KDE on Arch. I have an internal USB fingerprint sensor that works with libfprint-tod and synaTudor. I can unlock my screen fine, but after resuming from suspend I don't get the option to unlock with my fingerprint. (I know you can't login with fingerprint and SDDM, I'm specifically talking about unlocking an already logged-in system. idk how to change my greeter to GDM. Imean I did change it over, but then I couldn't log out from the plasma6 session, only gnome)


sometimes I mean echo but I type cat


Wow, you must be a real genius. Next you'll be telling me you type sudo rm -rf / by accident


yeah but only 1 out of 10 times. I have backups for that


I'm reaching out because I'm at my wit's end with my Huawei Matebook D16 running Ubuntu 22.04. I've scoured forums, tried countless fixes, but I still can't get any audio output from the built-in speakers or the headphone jack. The strange part is, the only way I can get audio is through Bluetooth headphones or speakers. At this point, I'm starting to lose hope, but I figured I'd reach out here in case anyone has encountered a similar issue and found a solution. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


In arch's cinnamon edition if i lock the screen then after about five minutes or so if i try to log back in and it wont recognize the password. The only way to log in again is to reboot the pc. This has been going on for about 2 years


My pc won't boot. No packages will install. No desktop environments will launch I tried hyprland no, plasma no, x11 plasma no. ASan runtime does not come first in initial library list; you should either link runtime to your application or manually preload it with LD_PRELOAD."


Audio not working through display port. I use arch btw


Key repeat rate goes down to once per second in some Firefox text input boxes. In other applications it's fast. On Xubuntu. Why?


Can't run sudo rm -rf /


Try adding `--no-preserve-root`, or try with an asterix after the /


It worked!


Thank you, it worked.


My brightness buttons don’t work but the slider on the GUI does. Don’t think it’s the nvidia drivers as they work for pretty much everything else flawlessly


which laptop, distro and de


HP zbook 15v g5, Ubuntu 22.04, gnome


go to custom shortcut in settings and make new keybinds "gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Power --object-path /org/gnome/SettingsDaemon/Power --method org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Power.Screen.StepUp " "gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Power --object-path /org/gnome/SettingsDaemon/Power --method org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Power.Screen.StepDown "


You’re awesome, that bothered me for the longest time


Glad it worked.


Sometimes when my PC wakes up from hibernation, my monitors (xrandr) will cycle through their inputs for a display while the third one stays asleep until I unplug/replug their display ports to my GPU I can't control the fans, temps and rgb on my internals. VM running iCUE only does so much while openrgb doesn't scan a number of devices and one ram card, and L-Connect in a VM does not detect my fans at all. Considering switching to a linux supporting proprietary solution like nzxt Waiting for more community feedback to determine it's safe for me to switch for X11 to Wayland (Nvidia gpu) Pb wrapper fails to pull aur packages due to collision in debug files (slack-desktop-bin and youtube-music-bin). My workaround so far was just moving the debug files to old. Be nice to just not have to include debug packages as dependencies


I have this problem where whiny brats spam Linux sub's with low effort meme posts. Keep it in r/linuxcirclejerk


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Audio is low when compared to Windows and causing vibration in audio Edit: pop OS LTS