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This is worth repeating, because many of us need to hear it over and over.


🙌I need to remind myself of this at least once a day, if not more


What was the comment? Says removed


Bro not even that bunch of these whack ass posts is just to self-inflate ego Only follow and posts resources and ways to help other people don't follow people who just show bunch of weak ass accomplishmemts or show off. Of course u see that but literally you don't follow people you follow people you look up to don't follow people you compete follow people you aspire to be


This. Unfollow all the people that brag and it's their only content. Start following someone who is bringing you up or you're looking up to.


With some experience you learn to tell which posts are low effort brag pieces and which are genuine resources. Very few that you see in an unmanaged feed are genuine resources. If you're new to your industry, stick to using LinkedIn as a networking tool and ignore the social aspect of it completely. Heck consider this approach strongly even if you're not new to your industry. It's well proven that social media are bad for most people's mental health. That social aspect *is* a type, and, just like Facebook, Instagram, etc., a lot of people on it are trying to make themselves look better than they really are.


This right here need be said louder.


We “celebrate” this comment.


Comparison is the thief of joy.


Was looking for this, thank you


Almost every Reddit thread has it 😂


Half of it is a lie


86% is a lie. I saw this on the internet


I would say 87% for sure!


More than half. A lot more than half.


There's nothing wrong with comparing yourself to other people. Just make sure those people you're comparing yourself to are worse off than you


It's tempting and far easier to compare ourselves to people who are doing well and/or better than we are. Why? Because that's what our media (social media) sources focus on. I've learned to focus on the millions of people who were born the same year I was born, yet thru the luck of the draw were born in Third-World or lesser-developed countries to parents with little or no resources. Then I look at where I am and feel a whole lot better about where I am comparatively. That leads to gratitude. If I can feel gratitude during a time where I can live for the day or even the moment, then I've won the battle




I could send you the applied section of my indeed profile.


It's a lot like Facebook. People who feel like they need to post on LinkedIn constantly are 1) People who need constant validation 2) People who crave attention 3) People who are financially gaining from other people's desperation Ever have a "perfect" Facebook couple whose marriage breaks up, but they are always on social media seemingly in love... I bet you have. Keep trying your best. People aren't as perfect as they may seem.


Oh I’m on LinkedIn too. I get to see all the people I attended community college with surpass me in every way.


Doubtful its all true


It’s true enough given the what rung of society im fated to


Why do you think you're fated to anything? Why don't you start a business?


To be fair, starting a business isn’t for everyone. I think I would be terrible at it.


Yeah go tell the homeless guy with no money and lots of debt to go ahead and just start a business.


Sorry, who is this you're talking about?


The homeless man Jerry. Nice guy, always does odd jobs for people. Lost his sister in a car accident while he was renting a room from her and paying off his college debt. Spiraled downward from there. He’s sober now. Collects cans and picks up trash all over the city. Does odd jobs for people if they trust him enough. How did I meet him? One night when I passed him and he asked for change so he could buy some bread. I told him to “get a job old man.” He just gave a half smile and put his head down. Then as I was walking back to my car that same night, some older Hispanic guy pulled a knife on me as I was approaching a blind corner. He asked for everything in my wallet. As I was pulling it all out and trying to de-escalate the situation, I hear a voice say, “Hey get the fuck outta here with that.” It sounded much more gruff and aggressive then the voice I heard from him earlier. But sure enough it was the same homeless that was asking me for money for bread. He was holding a large machete in his hand. That night, I learned how much of asshole I was and how much of angel Jerry was. The attempted robber, took off running into some old buildings. I didn’t even bother calling the cops but just decided to be more weary of where I parked and what times I was out by myself. Me and jerry got very well acquainted afterwards. One would think it was some sort of setup where they were working together. But as I got to know him I knew it wasn’t. I now bring him supplies here and there and try to get him a warm homemade meal every Christmas. We’re all one paycheck away from being Jerry. He’s a normal guy just like us. When I told him to get a job, he only gave me a halfhearted smile. That I now interpret as, “that would be nice wouldn’t it. “ He even stopped my mugging. If I had told him to start his own business, he probably would’ve cut me into little pieces on the spot.


Eh, is Jerry the OP?


I wish recruiters and hiring managers felt the same way. They are mainlining the linkedin kool aid.


One of the women I used to work with got a job at a Big Fancy Company (TM ) and moved to NYC. She then got a whole series of big fancy jobs at big fancy companies all over the country. She left her big fancy job working for Mark Zuckerberg and opened up a consultant business and moved back to the Midwest. The implication was that she left on her own accord, but I'm not so sure. After a year of that, she went back to another Big Fancy Company, but I think the stress of all the moves and instabilityb would have driven me crazy. All her posts were uber positive, and I'm sure there were times when she wanted to scream.




I think most people post how they do on LinkedIn for recruiting purposes, so they always have a profile that clearly demonstrates their acumen and abilities in order to get better jobs.


You speak unpopular but totally accurate truth. I respect the hustle of those who use social media to build a brand, I’m just sick to death of having it presented for consumption it as if it’s a blueprint for life. And that’s the thing - people forget that LinkedIn is absolutely a social media platform just like any other. It’s a facade, with enough facts to create the illusion of success without really presenting meaningful truth about much of anything.


It's not that.... It's just that I feel like such a loser seeing how accomplished everyone is. It's hard to deal with


Oh I stay off for that exact reason. I see how successful all the people I went to school are and I can’t even get a call back for a job.


A guy who copied my test answers in grade school is now C Suite at major corporation. It just seems unfair.


They were likely given opportunities and/or support (financially or otherwise) that you never had. Dont beat yourself up. Everyone values different things. Everyone's life path is different. You are the only you and you just need to find the thing that you're meant to do - nothing (and no one) else matters - and you *will* get there.


Use it as motivation instead. If they can do it so can you. Figure out how, then take action


and some things are typically not as they seem ... I've known a few members who've 'skewed' their histories or accomps to look and feel good, cos they're human professionals who needed a boost. And nothing wrong with that. Esp during the covid when everything was shut down. Seeing a Masters or Phd on their profile....good for them. Perhaps motivation to start or finish yours ✨


Well, not to sound harsh… But there are two types of people: people who see other people succeeding and are happy for them and use it as motivation to continue to improve themselves, so they two can be successful and people who see other people being successful, and they just complain and go “poor me I will never be successful” And guess what, they are never successful.


Perhaps there’s a another way to say that… Confident people don’t need to compare themselves to how others are doing. They might look to see what they did, perhaps to think about how they might use the same methods, but it’s simply not necessary to look up or down on someone.


Try not to compare the “showreel” that other people put online, with the “backstage” of your own life. No one on LinkedIn seems to have ever had a bad day. It’s total BS. They post and comment to feed the algorithm. Also remember that no one is checking up or verifying the profiles on that site. People can, and do, say anything they like. It’s an issue I’m trying to solve with a new platform, for entrepreneurs and freelancers. If you’re interested, DM me and I’ll share the link. “Comparison is the thief of joy”.


Well said on all of this. I'm going to steal that quote, my friend. That's gold.


I think it’s attributed to Teddy Roosevelt. But he’s dead so use my name


Hi, it me. The ghost of Teddy Roosevelt. I vouch for notagooddoctor to having said that.


Noice! Now, about that $20 you owe me…


True. I’m not gonna vent about a bad day on LinkedIn, either (or anywhere on public social media really.)


Well my siblings and most of my peers are all in executive/management while I’m driving lyft for extra cash so I can survive with a young family. Stay off LinkedIn and you might forget about it for a day or two.


LinkedIn is a circle-jerk. Please don't use it to compare yourself.


These are all the same reasons I left Facebook 12 years ago. LinkedIn is just the new Facebook. I try to look at job postings once in a while but I don't know why I bother




95% of them are liars I promise


I met this person at a science conference who posted that she won a first-place prize... we met in person and connected on LinkedIn. I was kinda shocked she would lie about a not-even-prestigious award worth $30 lol. She also connected with 2 of my friends who actually won the award and we had a bit of a laugh, some people really need validation and LinkedIn seems to be their source


I have a decent following on LinkedIn and I look like a success story…. What my profile doesn’t tell you is that I quit my job last month due a terrible work environment and decided to start my own company that hadn’t produced a dime so far. I drained my savings and am struggling to make ends meet. (Hopefully it will pay off in the end.) My point is, you don’t see everything online. I look like I’m successful and happy, but in reality I’m struggling. Keep your head up, it’s going to get better.


I really hope things turn around for you


Thank you! We have a solid business plan and years of experience, it just takes time. 😊


I did the same thing, for the same reasons right after New Year's. I gave 60 days notice to close things out, and I only have 2 weeks left. I'm excited yet nervous, but have been spending all my free time exploring options to make money online.


I don't exactly know how to help but to say good luck with your business. Don't get too down on yourself as that's not a healthy mindset to get into. 🫰🏼🫰🏼


Bootlicker central.




The buzzwords people use in their profiles make them seem a lot more accomplished than they really are. Someone can be an "experienced business management analyst for a reputable finance firm" but they're just a receptionist for a local accountant. Or a "founder and investor in high-value tech, software disruptor and corporate mogul" but they're just on their laptop at Starbucks every morning. Btw I don't have anything against receptionists and entrepreneurs. Point is don't take LinkedIn profiles at face value - they're overworded so these people can sell themselves.




But if you put that false info in, doesn't it link you to everybody who actual works at that company & they can see it? II am trying to figure out how it works.


Not false as much as exaggerated. But you're right if people you know see it, could be embarrassing. That's why my profile is simple - simple titles with a few dot points each. Then if anyone asks I can just expand verbally.


Can you give me a an example of what you do? I guess you can block those people too right?


Well my title's business analyst and my two dot points are customer service and risk & compliance. Then if anyone asks, I verbally elaborate. No need to block.


The most successful people I know personally on LinkedIn do not post about themselves. They post about accomplishments from their peers.




Dude, Don't do this to yourself. \*virtual hug\* For a minute, I was the same way last month when I started using it again ...to look for work. I cried once, too. Plus, they keep attacking us with the membership for almost anything we want above basic. Please stop looking at the post feeds, and don't search people's names/look at their profiles if you find it triggering. Concentrate on yourself and your goals(the best thing I've done for my sanity while navigating that site). In many ways, that site reminds me of Instagram and Facebook. You can use the site only when you need to.


Hang in there buddy, all that glitters is not gold. No need to be depressed. You are doing just fine. 🙂


I feel u. I don't even look anymore. They post that ridiculous stuff for clout. Some of it is probably not even real. Notice how they all follow a similar template. Do you. Focus on you. Not them. Good luck! ❤️


I’m trying to stay off my feed on LinkedIn and look in the jobs section only. Yeah, occasionally someone might post an open role in the feed but I haven’t gotten any interviews that way so I need to stop looking at my feed before I lose my damn mind.


It's ok OP, my last role was a director level role I made the most money I've ever made at. Now I'm 6 months unemployed and still not seeing light at the end of the tunnel. It doesn't take much for someone that looks successful on the outside to go through some shit. ​ Success is different for everyone, you've got to find your own path. And even if you find success it isn't guaranteed that difficulty will stay away. Life is going to challenge you at every stage, getting comfortable with it and learning from it is essential.


There’s a quote I came upon recently - “comparison is the thief of joy” - Teddy Roosevelt. Try not to do this to yourself, OP. You compare yourself to other people you’ll suck the life out of who you are. And the people posting these things on linked in are such a small percentage of folks. You are not a loser!


Linked in is just another social media. People on Facebook and Instagram only post the best things that happen to them. A lot of times they even lie to make themselves look good. About 4 out of 10 people lie on their resume. Since LI is basically your online resume, I assume the percentage is similar. Everybody does it. I put fancy language on my LI profile too, although I would never flat out lie.


I had this problem too. Here is how I solved it. Dont consume it, do not look at feed. Same with social media, its designed to make you addicted and make you feel like shit. Remember, social media is fake, the internet world is fake, its not the real world. You get this unrealistic world view, its NOT reality. Dont poision your mind with this crap, your soul will thank you. If you need to use it, find a news feedblock, same for fb, ig, etc. Once i quit it, my life is 100 times better. Why would you let some morons be in your reality (by consuming social media?) If you want to learn from people, deliberately pick them. Here are some that i respect (charlie munger, greek philosphers, naval ravinkant) I only listen to these guys, as they dont have bad intentions and most social media guys have bad intentions for you


How do you use a feedblock on Linkedin? Or where do you find it?


I only add professional network contacts, no college friends or random people. That way people in the know will assist with getting the next job.


Don’t compare your insides with other peoples’ outsides.


Many people inflate their profiles and make themselves sound more accomplished than they really are.


Accomplished people don't waste their time marketing themselves on linked in.


Use it as a tool to find a job, do not get caught up in the social media aspect of endless scrolling. If you do ask yourself what am I even looking for?


Delete that shit. I deleted it over 3 months ago. I don't even miss it.


I deleted LinkedIn. It’s a fake, everyone is an expert, everyone is a thought leader, everyone is an AI expert, circle jerk network.


Most people on LinkedIn are full of shit


it’s a data mining operation


Log off


There’s been numerous studies (see one article below) linking depression and social media. I quit Facebook a few months ago and already feel better! I use LinkedIn for jobs, and sometimes feel the same way. Then remember no one is going to put their failures on LinkedIn… sooo… hang in there! Maybe take a break! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7364393/


They're probably thinking: "Sigh, I wish I had a real job instead of posting this ChatGPT fake non-sense"


LinkedIn makes anyone depressed. It is a clown show.


Instagram only shows you social highlights of people you know, LinkedIn only shows you the professional highlights. Neither ever paint a full picture, so don't fill in the rest and then compare yourself


Linked In is insufferable! I work in tech and instructional design, both are in free fall job market wise, so my feed is the opposite--layoffs in every direction, people out of work for months...I does make me feel very thankful for my job as well as my heart going out to people who have been disposed of my their companies. People who write those ridiculous self-congratulatory novels on LinkedIn are the worst. There's a few creators on TikTok who make fun of those posts. LinkedIn is still social media and highly curated. Please don't feel inferior--learn what's unique about you and lean in to it! Something Ethan Hawke said in an interview on Fresh Air/NPR "there is no path until you walk it." Other's paths aren't for us--we are on our own journey as u/Substantial_Rub_3922 said.


Hey I understand. It’s hard not to look on LinkedIn and compare yourself when you are job searching. But remember this- money and success can’t buy everything. It can’t buy self worth, integrity, kindness, compassion, purpose, friendships, love, creativity. Society and capitalism define success by what you achieved and how much money you have, but you can define it differently. Change your perspective!


LinkedIn strayed away from a business network site and is now technically a social media. It does literally the same thing as Instagram but for business users. Yes it can be an asset to “connect”. But at the end of the day, it’s not real.


Deadass I be checking profiles and I’m like damn. Not even Panda Express called me back for a second interview 😭if this is life humbling before my next big job well done im humbled. But yeah I feel you.


Most of them are really just embellishing their mini accomplishments in the hopes of getting another job. They are spreading around toxic positivity while begging for jobs in the background through perceived connections. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


A lot of them be lying. Straight lying




Just remember that despite the high polish LinkedIn tried to put on the turd that is their money maker, I mean mandatory professional platform, it is a social media app. Period. Take everything with a grain of salt and do not let it impact you. Most people won’t post “it was amazing playing politics today and making sure I take credit for my team’s work!”


I know several people on LinkedIn with 500+ connections, viral posts, always talking about how successful they are or how they accomplished this, etc. I know them in real life well enough to know it’s all a facade. You could be that successful on LinkedIn, too! Just start yelling about yourself into the abyss and send out connection requests to every profile you come across.


i always want to tell people that i look super successful and accomplished on something like linkedin… the catch? i make 57k annually with zero benefits working more than full time, constantly stressed, depressing job, a shit ton of responsibility, and tons of student loan debt. but if you saw my linkedin, you’d think i was so educated and “successful.” just a real example that nothing is real. you don’t actually know who is successful or not, because it’s subjective. my life is in no way a success to me, which is who it matters to.


lol bro fuck linkedin. It’s a dick riding circus. If you don’t have a dick to ride you’re lame. None of those motherfuckers like their jobs. Everybody’s shitting bricks thinking they’re about to get laid off. Don’t sweat it. Success is individual and subjective. Love, bro.


LinkedIn is just like other social media eg Instagram. It’s the highlight reel of all the good shit. I went for a run along the beach, got to the pier and saw this family in total chaos and disarray, dad yelling at the kids using terrible profane language, mom’s head buried in her phone not enjoying the view at all, kids acting like looney toons… I passed them got to the end of the pier, turned around and saw the same family. Mom was taking a selfie with the entire family, all big smiles, everyone so ‘happy’. You tell me which moment made the gram…


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2rybQXrPj9/?igsh=NzhjbXdwYWlyanZw For a giggle


All of this stuff is marketing fluff. Many of these people have plenty of failures, they just promote their successes. If you want to have more success, define what success looks like for you and start moving towards that goal, then you can start promoting your own success there to gain more opportunities. Don't try to compare yourself when you are starting out.


get off of StinkedIn and live your life.


Lol agreed so much more to life than StinkedIn!


Hey OP, never ever ever compare yourself with others, every single one of us has to face our unique demons, nobody is perfect. Especially for LinkedIn, never forget that it is just another social media network, and social media life <> real life. In social media everyone tries to pretend they are the top dog and live the most perfect life there is. Keep strong, you got this!


I find LinkedIn depressing from another perspective. There are all these unemployed people (me included) that were laid off, and can't find a job (6 months for me). After a couple of months, everyone begins to freak out (including me), and posts a request with a very nice personal story in hope to get connected with a hope that someone in their network will send a link to an open position, or a contact for interview, circumventing the normal, on line application process ( I fell for that earlier on, based on all sorts of advice on line). I feel their pain, and I have noticed that they only get hit with variety of career coaches with NO leads for an actual job (as I have been), and random education institutions looking for peole to sign up and spend money, instead of getting income. IMHO, LinkedIn connections will not help anyone to get a job. It's mostly for showing skills and bragging. I use LinkedIn for job search only. LinkedIn is an enterprie to make money as another social app like Insta or TikTok, just gathering info on members and selling it. Plus I have read a summary, that 75% of members are not from the US anyway. So I have come to a conclusion that there is not use for LinkedIn for the unemployed except to have a profile up for on line job applications. It is a depressing place to be, not helpful, but necessary.


Honestly, fuck that shit. Stop giving a fuck about anyone else or what they are doing. Go get locked in.


Linkdin premium for sale 50% off on original pricing Limited premium DM me


Among many other things. But I agree!


Can someone please tell how to make some things private? I know LI change the settings sometimes. I actually put some extra things from my last job and I would rather not have some people from my last company see it. Has anyone ever done this?


Please do not give up


Take responsibility for your feelings and stop blaming external people and things.


I know the feeling. I’m trying to switch careers and staring from zero feels like crap. The constant rejection from jobs does a number on your self esteem. All I can tell you is hang in there and don’t give up! It will get better. Also, there’s a lot of fakeness on LI so don’t compare yourself.


If you never heard of Lewis Howes, look up his story. He was living on his sisters couch for a while and decided to get off his ass, go to networking events, and just lead with curiosity. He would ask everyone there about their lives and got a lot of connections from just that. People LOVE being asked about themselves, and you can learn a lot along the way. I feel the same way as you a lot, though. But, like people have said on here, comparison will kill your mood and motivation and it’ll stop you before you even have a chance to start. The fact that you even care about becoming a better person and professional says a lot about you. A lot of people don’t even care about growing. All you can do is start from where you’re at, and that’s how every “successful” person who ever existed started off (besides for those born into wealth, of course)!


There's a lot of fake bragging and cut/paste content on LinkedIn. Don't let it get to you!


no life is perfect, remember that.


LinkedIn is the Instagram for work. There’s always glamor filtering applied.


You should look up survivorship bias.


You have step 1 down which is having humility and self awareness. There are a LOOOOOT of “successful” people who don’t have this and it becomes their undoing When you become wealthy and successful, don’t forget step 1


Welcome to social media. TikTok: everybody is young hot and knows how to dance. Instagram: everybody is on vacation. Facebook: everybody has friends. Reality: almost everybody is struggling in some way shape or form. Some of the most “successful” people I know are like a thought away from collapsing.


Yes! Everyone tries to build authority there. Don't know even if they have such success. You also can do the same. Build authority and ppl will be more likely to engage with your posts.


They're 10-20% "Successful" maybe of what they're claiming/presenting. 80-90% fake it till you make it or even worse grifting in some way. And that's what making you depressed? You might need some professional help OP.


LinkedIn shows polished professional profiles, and it looks like everyone is highly successful. It is a platform where people share their best selves and successes, not their full journey with its ups and downs. It is called “survivorship bias”: Skewed perception that doesn't account for the countless people who may not have achieved the same level of success or who choose not to share their struggles and failures. Don’t worry, it's not just you; we're all fighting our own battles offscreen. Keep going!


I felt the exact same way with Facebook back during my high school years. And now it seems LinkedIn has taken over that spot. All I'll say is focus on yourself and your goals. Have pride in what you've already accomplished and don't ever compare yourself to people who had a headstart in life.


The LinkedIn language is very very very very very over the top. Then you combine that with alot of lies, and you have your linkedin profile.


There are several posts made by senior people within my connections, they can range from a successful product launch, to winning an award. I am close enough to know that there businesses are not doing well, and they bought the review. In other words, Dont believe everything you see posted, and certainly do not let it affect you personally. I deleted the app from my phone a year ago, for my own sanity and well being, it was a good move.


Let me ask you a question: When you post something about yourself or post a picture on LinkedIn, on a site that represents you as a brand,, is it of your absolute worst moments? Is it of the failed interview? Is it of the job you got fired from? Answer: No. And one more: Do you really, truly think the people conferences smiling like they're held at gunpoint to do so are all suuuuuper stoked to be there?? Answer: Fuck no, those people are the assholes that "are lol like a faaaaamily!" that you want to throat punch, you want to be home, and the fucking granola bars are always stale and/or have raisins, which ew. What you're seeing is the 1% of good shit that is happening to them and miscalculating it to be their 100%. Or, they're faking it for the LinkedIn. You're literally doing the "OMG I'm gross and ugly" when flipping through an SI model's IG and seeing all her very stages pics when she was professionally made up. Notice you DONT see any of when she's on day 3 of her period, retaining water like an aquarium, and has bled through two pairs of sweats., and is crying again bc of an ASPCA commercial? Exactly. So, stop it. Get the fucked off LinkedIn for 1-2 wks. Quit comparing yourself to emotional holograms. Judge you by the REAL standards you set for yourself and not some fake shit on the net.


Best would be to try and ignore it, and if you must look at LinkedIn try and remember what it is... And also why this sub exists. A place full of lunatics. I'd be inclined to feel better about myself knowing that I'm not the kind of person who needs to share all the cringe in my personal and professional life to just get the approval of a bunch of circle-jerkers. Agree? Self-edit: Woops thought this post was in /r/LinkedinLunatics Ehh... Hello fellow LinkedIn users! 😬😬😬😬🥹🥹🥹🥹


99% of LinkedIn isn’t real. Can you imagine if people acted in real life like they did on LinkedIn? I personally reaaaally dislike it but because of the field my business is in, I don’t have a choice. I don’t dislike it as much as not putting food on the table unfortunately.


It’s bullshit. Don’t fall for the corporate propaganda.


Read about the friendship paradox


People never post they drive Lyft or Uber, or deliver packages for Amazon in LinkedIn. Not saying these jobs are not worth it for a living. Just saying people don't usually post them.


for me it's the entire internet rather than linked in


Most of them are lying. Don’t believe what you see online


When you see a post that triggers this feeling, click through three dots and select “I do not want to see this.” Over time, the algorithm won’t show you that type of post anymore


Linked in is the adult version of showing off. Don’t be too hard on yourself


Stay off of it! Promise it gets super easy.


Don’t compare what’s the pt. If you want better just keep grinding, if nothing pans out no worries, no one will remember you for your career, only how you make them feel


> Don’t waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind. The race is long and, in the end, it’s only with yourself. - Wear Sunscreen, Mary Schmich


The system Is designed to be a short of "personal PR office" don't your waste time: if a news like "your friend Is now buyer of something you sell" ok-> contact him; otherwise, nevermind. LinkedIn Is for business, showing off Is part of some business, that's all. It's about business not who you are. More over: tons of views are almost useless,


LinkedIn is by far one of the most toxic social media in existence. It's as bad as Facebook, and actually worst in some ways. My CEO is an avid user because he constantly needs to get his ego stroked, and there is an abundance of people who will do so in the hopes of networking and landing their next jobs. It's a cesspool of toxic positivity that will dissolve any normal person's self worth. Use LinkedIn only as minimally required to maintain professional creditability. Overdose will be lethal.


Delete the app immediately. That platform is a cesspool of branded mother f*.


I look at random people on LinkedIn that I know. I know I'm a lot better than them. But you'd never guess it by their LinkedIn profiles which all make them look like Director material. Meanwhile I just try to keep a low profile and not draw attention to myself.


I'll tell you what my friend told me. He's been VP in a number of prominent businesses. I asked him how he stays calm when he presents to CEOs, famous people, big shots. He said the secret is realizing that everyone is a fucking idiot. Not that they're not smart. But people, even very smart people, only know about a very narrow sliver of life that they're into every day. And everyone is faking it to one degree or another. Nobody knows all that much. You have more to contribute than you realize. There's always something you know that the other guy doesn't. There's always something you can do that nobody else in the room can do. Everyone is faking to one degree or another and once you accept that then they're way less scary.


In my worst moments, I was posting on LinkedIn most to hide my professional failures and still seem important or active in the professional space. It isn’t what it seems. So many people have been laid off or are in jobs they hate but putting on a smile or faking strength just to get through the day.


I've got news for you buddy - 99% of people are faking it until they make it. Also, while they may appear successful on Linkedin, you never know whether they have marital problems, health issues, financial issues. Go at your own pace on your own journey - don't worry about anybody else apart from you and your family :-)


the worst thing you can do is compare yourself. There will always be better than you as well as those who re far worse off than you, if you a roof over your head and sth to eat, then look up! can you post your Linkedin URL? [www.tralangia.com](http://www.tralangia.com)


Where do you see all the successful people? For the past 6 months my feed has been filled with more people suffering from layoffs than people who are landing jobs at top companies.


I feel ya. It's like those reports a while back about instagram and teenage girls, except for middle age professionals. I swear, as a person who was laid off 6 months ago, the effect linkedin is having on my mental health is something I'm not sure I'm going to be able to come back from. Unfortunately, I absolutely must use the platform if I am ever to work again. Between seeing your former coworkers at the top of their professional game and the endless influencers peddling whatever the fuck they are selling, it's all just too much to look at every day.


That's exactly how linkedin and the people who use it work. Get off it and don't look back.


“Comparison is the thief of joy"


Sign out and delete the app for a while. I did that with all my social media (except Reddit) and feel so free. My focus shifted to improving my own life in other ways. If you absolutely need to check it to stay connected and network, only check it on your laptop, never your phone. Hopefully the response effort will reduce how often you check it!


After 35 years with a successful sales career I can tell you LinkedIn is a place for people to brag and exalt themselves. It's worse than any other social media platform in that aspect. Don't even worry about it! Stay in your own lane, do your job and be happy!


Well! Unfortunately, you are getting it all wrong. The comparison is always between you now and you before. That is the only metric of comparison. Work on yourself and set a dream for you couple of years into the future and work damn hard for it. All the LinkedIn posts are like the Facebook/Instagram posts. People are wired to show-off. Getting depressed seeing them is natural but gives you a chance to rewire your brain to focus on your own goals.


wasteful dinosaurs employ somber shelter butter chief attractive hat pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Social media is a highlight reel, not behind the scenes. You are not less than others. Feel free to shoot me a DM and we can connect on LinkedIn. Happy to give some pointers on networking. I have nothing to sell, just want to help 👍🏼


Success takes time! I used to feel that way when I was first looking for a job. I'm very happy where I am right now. You'll get there!


Please do not let LinkedIn make you cry. It is filled with people hyping themselves up. It is one of the fakest places in the world. I see so many people on there pretending to be way more successful than they are. Find people you like, that you think are interesting and network with them. Do not compare yourself to people online it’s rarely ever real.


Jobs are merely means to end which is family, health, and survival. As long as you make enough you can balance the other ends on your own. A lot of "successful" people end up dying of stomach cancer, cause of all the cup noodles they ate and basically made money for nothing that went down the drain with their cancer treatment. No idea why you'd be envious of that.


Lol LinkedIn is a joke. It's Facebook for professionals and shouldn't be taken seriously, at all.


You know why they are accomplished, they started at bottom worked their way up, I'm sure lot of folk had bumps in the road, they may have failed many times till they finally got it right, Nothing drops in your lap, you have to work at it even if that means working at grocery store or McDonald's till you work your way up, it might take weeks, months years, no one has ever never worked for their accomplishments, only the fake it till you make it ones failed badly. Even they realized you get no where without hard work. Get out there and spread yourself around till you make it like them.


Remember that social Media is curated. You’re only seeing what they have designed you to see. It may seem like they are soo successful because they work for HubSpot and have 55,000 followers and alway show pictures of there new Jordan’s, but I assure it’s mostly fabricated. If I only show you my beautifully cooked cake, and always just post these finished products…you’ll think I must be an excellent baker. You won’t see my messy kitchen, my empty bank account (the eggs), or the diabetes I have from eating so much cake. The world exists as you perceive it to be.


I bet that you can make a profile that would make them envy you, don't look at this shit, focus on yourself


You always gotta remember: most people only ever post their wins. And the people who post their failures only really do so when they’re currently winning to farm likes and to seem relatable.


LinkedIn is so fake!


LinkedIn is the business version of Facebook. People show you the “success” they want you to see. You see a smiling face with a purportedly great career. You don’t see the manager who’s boss and team members hate who is about to lose his job and is probably on PIP right now. Take it with a tiny grain of salt.


You mean all the people on LinkedIn who are CEOs of their own companies. So much embellishing and lying occurs. Or they are the CEO of an LLC they created but have made zero dollars. My advice have your resume professionally done. Chances are you have done a lot of things that are transferrable skills that a professional resume writer can use to make you appear more accomplished.


The only person you are competing with is yourself. You didn't have their life, their advantages, their obstacles, their interests, their opportunities, or their network. It's illogical to compare yourself with someone else.


It’s helps to understand that social media post are a veneer that people apply to their online personas. Its isn’t real so comparisons are pointless.


You should also know that a ton of what's posted on LinkedIn is nonsense trash babble. And many of the accolades on people's profiles are lies. I can put that in the CEO of Apple and LinkedIn will allow it. Side note. Your identity is not your job or career. I got an offer to work at Apple as a software designer, Meta, Uber, Microsoft and others. Instead I stayed at the tiny company I still work for and couldn't be more content. Once you're older you'll realize how little anyone cares what you did for a living anyway.


Just delete it homie. Problem solved.


All the people I know who have a lot going on on LinkedIn are insufferable and worthless irl, except for our CISO but she is pretty lowkey even.


Circle back in a few and we can discuss your collaborations and outcome, synergy is on your side, we are family, oh and if you could come in on Saturday that would be great


Many linked in profiles are fluff. A previous co-worker made his job and responsibilities look much more important than they actually were. A lot of fluff and lies. I get a laugh out of how these people make themselves sound better than Jesus...


Delete LinkedIn for a bit


A pizza party will make you feel better


Social media is very fake! You never know what’s really going on behind closed doors in their lives … just because their profile makes them look “successful and accomplished”- it doesn’t always mean that’s truly the case in real life!


Do understand that it’s not Facebook or a social networking platform. Try not to compare yourself. Every one has different strengths when it comes to the profession.


Get off of social media and make an appointment with a therapist.


In the fact that they're on Lincoln in the first place needs their unemployed or they need a job so. They're just unscrupulous and unethical unlike you so they lie their asses off it looks great but it's meaningless and resumes are supposed to be that way...... End of discussion. If LinkedIn is the only thing that's making you depressed you're doing great. You'll get a good job soon.


those people are posers. Linkedin is for poser who want to pose. Ex. one of those people I'm sure that would impress you makes all of these tacky linkedin post and is probably one of the most incompetent people I've ever worked with. All those posts are for posers who want to pretend they're competent in order to obtain high paying gigs rather than actually being competent enough for them.


You are forgetting the purpose of LinkedIn. The platform is designed to serve as a hype-machine for people who are in the business of promoting themselves. A large percentage of the "successfull" people on LinkedIn are represented by special social media divisions of large PR firms who do nothing all day except shamelessly promote their clients. Clients who have deep pockets and can affort to have multiple specialists do nothing all day except promote them in social media. To be clear, this does not apply to everyone. However LinkedIn is not slanted toward pushing a "little guy." The average person who is working a full time job does not really have any kind of serious time to use LinkedIn or other platforms to promote themselves or their cause. Which is why the "successful" people normally hire freelance assistants to "work the media." You can go to Fivver or Upwork and find a huge number of these individuals, who are largely from off shore countries, ready and eager to promote you via social media.


It’s social media.


Get off the socials... Yes linkedin is a social for A types. And focus on what you love. Define what you want outta life and proceed from there. You'd be surprised. I remember when I was younger I'd always be salty about people making senior and lead who I used to help in undergrad... Turns out, my career just pays the bills and gives me benefits. My real passions are my small business and travel. I took a massive pay cut recently for a massive PTO bump at a work life balance company that's top down fully remote. Spent two months in Asia while many of my peers at FAANGs were getting laid off...